Institute of Education PGCE Secondary Programme EPGS615 & EPGS615SD - Professional Issues EPGS719 & EPGS719SD - Professional Studies 2015-16 1 PIoE Professional Studies 2015 -16 Contents Page Introduction 3 Weekly Programme 4 Assignments 7 This document is available on the relevant module site. Trainees or staff who require copies of this or other programme documents in a different format or medium should contact the Programme Leaders or Subject Pathway Leader. 2 PIoE Professional Studies 2015 -16 EPGS615/EPGS615SD and EPGS719/EPGS719SD – Professional Studies Introduction The aims of the modules are: to introduce you to general professional issues in education to introduce some of the fascination, complexity and need for personal beliefs in teaching and learning to develop your understanding of education as an academic discipline The modules are designed to provide a framework for based on theory and research for you to combine with your reading, writing, and thinking on and in practice. You are expected to reflect actively upon current issues in education and relate them to teaching and to your own subject area. Professional Studies (the modules and the assignments) focus on issues that are pupil centred as well as organisational and structural. Taught sessions will include investigative and structured activities through presentations, seminars and group work. Observations and mentor sessions in schools will extend, enrich and contextualise your understanding of the issues covered, as well as give you real opportunities for reflection on practice. Specifically you are encouraged to follow up your chosen assignment theme by investigating the theme in practice in your first placement school. A range of relevant reading is indicated on the Professional Studies Moodle site. Whilst this reading is not always explicitly used in sessions, it is implicit throughout and you should consult any appropriate resources available on the Professional Studies Moodle site prior to and after the weekly sessions. Teaching sessions for Professional Studies The structure of the weekly sessions is designed to introduce you to relevant professional issues by supporting your engagement with up to date literature and research and providing you with opportunities to explore the application of ideas. Each week will vary according to topic. The general structure is: 1000 - 1200 Professional Studies Seminar: the emphasis will be on developing critical reflection on theory and practice. 1300-1500 Professional Studies Seminars: you will be introduced to different professional issues in interactive sessions. Weeks 14, 27 and 30 Tutorials in small group will be arranged with your Professional Studies Group Tutor to support your assignments. See Moodle for room details. 3 PIoE Professional Studies 2015 -16 Weekly Programme Below is an outline programme for the sessions this year. Sessions are in the following rooms: Group A Rolle 114 Group B Rolle 212 Group C Rolle 214 PU week 9 Date Topic 21/9/15 1000-1200 Professional Studies Seminar Pre-reading: What is education? What is learning? Education debates: Do computers improve results? 1300-1500 Professional Studies Seminar • Module introduction, assignments and overview Teacher as professional - including standards, e safety (online identity) 10 28/9/15 Introduction to reflective writing; re-visit pre-course task/ Postcard to yourself 1000-1200 Professional Studies Seminar Open forum for discussion and reflection on practice: why “it” happened; what questions would you like to ask; what would you want others’ perspective on? Introduction to reflective writing; re-visit pre-course task/paragraph on OECD report 1300-1500 Professional Studies Seminar Perspectives on behaviour management – Below the Radar; Withitness Behaviour management scenarios Reading for next week: The future of education Ken Robinson: Blog that argues against Robinson’s ideas: 4 PIoE Professional Studies 2015 -16 wrong/ Khan Academy: 11 5/10/15 1000-1200 Professional Studies Seminar Open forum for discussion and reflection on first days in school Beginning to build an argument; presentation/activity based on reading on the future of education 1300-1500 Professional Studies Seminar The history of education activity 12 12/10/15 Education and the future: education for sustainable development Reading on SEND Code of Practice for next week. 1000-1200 Professional Studies Seminar Open forum for discussion and reflection SEN&D code of practice; implications for teachers. Discussion informed by weekly preparation reading, school policies and practice 1300-1500 Professional Studies Seminar The dyslexia debate Reading for next week: Black, P. and Wiliam, D (1998) “Inside the Black Box: Raising Standards Through classroom Assessment.” Phi Delta Kappa hroughclassroomassessment.pdf 13 19/10/15 1000-1200 Professional Studies Seminar Open forum for discussion and reflection Education for sustainable development in practice PT1 briefing inc PDP 1300-1500 Professional Studies Seminar Assessment: using assessment formatively and summatively 14 26/10/15 Prepare for tutorials for next week. Ensure you have planned two answers and drafted at least one. 1000-1200 Assignment tutorials in small groups for EPGS615 1300-1500 Assignment tutorials in small groups for EPGS615 15 2/11/15 Complete your action points from tutorials. 1000-1200 Professional Studies Seminar Open forum for discussion and reflection Paired presentations on critical reading: building an argument on 5 PIoE Professional Studies 2015 -16 assessment 1300-1500 Professional Studies Seminar 24 4/1/16 Theorising motivation: a critical consideration of the use of Dweck’s mind sets in schools Work on assignments. 1000-1200 Professional Studies Seminar Theorising learning: a critical consideration of learning styles Building an argument 1300-1500 Professional Studies Seminars Workshop discussion of the Professional Studies assignment EPGS719 25 11/1/16 Draft out ideas for assignment and start a reading list. 1000-1200 Professional Studies Seminar Open forum for discussion and reflection Reading research critically 1300-1500 Professional Studies Seminar 26 18/1/16 Approaches to the curriculum Reading for assignment. 1000-1200 Professional Studies Seminar Open forum for discussion and reflection Pair review of assignments: drafts and reading 1300-1500 Professional Studies Seminar Assessment in schools: life after levels 27 25/1/16 Prepare for sharing reading and tutorial. 1000-1200 Professional Studies Seminar Communities of practice and the trainee teacher 1300-1500 Professional Studies Seminar Evidence for qualification and PT2 Briefing 30 15/2/16 Shared reading/tutorials 1000-1200 Drop in tutorials 1300-1500 Drop in tutorials 6 PIoE Professional Studies 2015 -16 NB Deadline for EPGS719 Professional Studies Assignment is 22/2/16 at 3pm. ASSIGNMENTS EPGS615 & EPGS615SD Induction and Professional Issues Assignment Brief (this is one element of the module assignment) Submission: Tuesday 15th December 2015 For this assignment you are required to write responses of 750 words each to two of the following four questions. Your responses should refer to professional and policy documents as well as academic writing (please refer to the Professional Studies reading list found on Moodle) and your own professional practice. Credit is given for critical evaluation and reflection on issues and practice. 1. How could you plan to manage low-level disruption in a mixed ability Year 8 class? 2. How would you support a year 7 pupil in your tutor group who was struggling to settle in secondary school? 3. How do teachers measure pupils’ progress? 4. What is meant by, ‘a safe learning environment’ and what role does the classroom teacher have? You should make it clear as to which questions you have chosen and your responses should be structured in a logical way. It is important that you communicate your ideas effectively. Your work should also have a list of references at the end. Your referencing should follow the Harvard system and your responses should be free of grammatical and spelling errors. Submission deadline: 3pm Tuesday 15th December 2015 via Moodle. 7 PIoE Professional Studies 2015 -16 PGCE Secondary Programme EPGS615/EPGS615SD element - Induction Professional Issues Assessment Sheet Level 6 Trainee Name: Trainee Reference Number: Subject Pathway: First Marker: Date: First Marker’s Signature: Level 6 Module Outcome: [Provisional until confirmed at Assessment Board] PASS FAIL Identify and critically evaluate current professional issues and the legal and statutory requirements of a teacher First Marker’s Comments: Show evidence of relevant reading and reference this to own professional experience First Marker’s Comments: Ensure work is clearly expressed, coherent, well-structured and referenced consistently using appropriate academic conventions First Marker’s Comments: Second Marker’s Comments Signature: Date: 8 PIoE Professional Studies 2015 -16 EPGS719 – Professional Studies Assignment Submission date: 23/2/ 2015, 3pm The written assignment for this module is a 5000 word assignment to identify perspectives from literature and build an argument with a specific focus on one of the following themes: The complex opportunities and challenges of setting high expectations which inspire, motivate and challenge pupils. The complex opportunities and challenges of promoting good progress and outcomes by pupils. The complex opportunities and challenges of adapting teaching to respond to the strengths and needs of all pupils. The complex opportunities and challenges of making accurate and productive use of assessment. The complex opportunities and challenges of managing behaviour effectively to ensure a good and safe learning environment. You are advised to devise your own question from one of these themes, using your reading and practice to guide you in consultation with your Professional Studies tutor. Each week there will be opportunities for reflective discussion and writing in order to support your research of educational ideas and issues, which will be used to support your assignment writing. Your ideas will contribute to the construction of your written assignment. Your school experience will also will contribute to aspects of your assignment. Building an argument means you need to be critical and analytical in your dealing with a complex topic. You will consider views and perspectives and then support your own view based on your critical evaluation of literature and practice. It may be helpful to think of the assignment as a record of your own reasoning, as you balance views and test them against each other. The resultant work will be of value to you as a professional teacher. Try to ensure that your writing makes sense to the reader by outlining the topic and stating what you will and will not include. You will need to set out your own position on the topic and finally reach your conclusion. The following points, taken from the IMP handbook, will help you to successfully build an argument. Introduce the topic or research question and set out the position from which you intend to argue. 9 PIoE Professional Studies 2015 -16 An argument should contain supporting evidence for your point of view. This evidence may be critical reflection of authors' views or from reflection on practice. Include all the premises upon which you base your argument. Analyse the work of other authors to test the validity of your argument. Provide a balance between the differing points of view. The argument needs to continue and be referred to throughout your assignment. When there are a series of assertions, each being a reason for the next, the argument should move in a single direction, so that there is an order and a structure that takes us through the writer’s thinking and reasoning processes. Check your argument is logical, consistent and valid. Remember to continually analyse your argument and reason whether the assertions are sound. An argument should contain at least one statement that is reasoned for. This is known as the conclusion of the argument. As far as possible, reasons for the same conclusion should be kept together, to maintain the cohesion of the study. Make sure your argument reaches a conclusion ( Suggested reading, particularly chapters from the course reader Brooks, Abbott & Huddleston (2012), the General Teaching requirements in National Curriculum documents and the Programme Handbook, is listed. The reading list should provide opportunities for wider reading. Where appropriate other texts and web references will be indicated on the module site. In the event of failure at Level 7 you will be provided with the opportunity to undertake a referral regardless of whether the module is achieved at Level 6 (subject to the outcome of the Award Assessment Board). If a trainee’s Level 7 module subsequently fails at the second attempt, the original Level 6 mark will not be affected. Submission deadline: 3pm Monday 23rd February 2014 at the Student Counter in the Rolle building. We recommend that you hand in work before or at the start of the day and do not leave printing or last minute adjustments until the day of the deadline. 10 PIoE Professional Studies 2015 -16 PGCE Secondary Programme EPGS719 Professional Studies - Assessment Sheet Trainee Name: Trainee Reference Number: Subject Pathway: First Marker: Date: First Marker’s Signature: PASS FAIL Level 7 Module Outcome: [Provisional until confirmed at Assessment Board] Level 6 Module Outcome: [If you have failed the module at Level 7 but PASS FAIL achieved Level 6, the Award Assessment Board will provide you with an opportunity to undertake a referral in the module or accept the Level 6 outcome]. SECTION A – CRITICAL READING Shows knowledge and understanding of the key concepts in current literature on a suitable topic. Level 7 Pass Level 6 Pass Fail A clear and strong rationale for the There is a rationale for the Limited rationale offered for the choice of a sufficiently complex choice of a suitable topic. choice of topic. Knowledge and topic. Evidence of good knowledge Knowledge and understanding understanding of key concepts is of critical understanding of main of key concepts are sufficient not demonstrated. Literature concepts and issues in the area of to inquire into perspectives on base very limited; insufficiently study. The writing is contextualised the topic. Literature used is current and/or inappropriate. within a broad range of recent and relevant and sufficiently varied relevant research/professional to inform different literature. perspectives. First Marker’s Comments: SECTION B – ANALYSIS OF THE VIEWS Shows ability to dissect the views raised by the literature review in regard to the specific area of study. Level 7 Pass Level 6 Pass Fail Critical analysis of views arising from Identifies a number of views Offers few distinct ideas, or the literature raises a range of from the literature related to interpretations; few implications original ideas and insights. the chosen topic. drawn from the literature review. First Marker’s Comments: 11 PIoE Professional Studies 2015 -16 SECTION C – SYNTHESIS AND EVALUATION Shows ability to relate views identified in the literature to practice and make sound and balanced judgements to arrive at a conclusion. Level 7 Pass Level 6 Pass Fail The study coherently balances views The study clearly identifies The study fails to identify from the literature and the resulting different views from the different views from the analysis. There is a clear statement literature and the resulting literature review and the regarding the relevance, importance analysis. There are a number resulting analysis. There is and the potential impact of the of points made that are then insufficient attention to how this analysis upon teaching and learning. related to teaching and work may impact upon teaching A clear conclusion is reached learning. A clear conclusion is and learning. The conclusion is through a logical progression. reached. weak or absent. First Marker’s Comments: SECTION D – OVERALL COHERENCE AND CONFORMITY Shows ability to write with clarity, fluency and coherence. Assignment has structure and effective communication of intended meanings. Referencing is accurate and consistent. Level 7 Pass Level 6 Pass Fail Work well structured and presented The work is structured and Work weakly ordered/presented; to provide clear effective presented to communicate does not communicate ideas communication of intended ideas. Clear and coherent clearly and/or coherently; meaning. Clear, fluent and coherent throughout; references references throughout; references accurate and generally accurate/consistent. inaccurate/inconsistent. Weak consistent. Excellent use of ICT Good use of ICT skills. application of ICT skills. skills. First Marker’s Comments: 12 PIoE Professional Studies 2015 -16