A HALLOWEEN ROTARY WEEKEND! Dear Exchange student: You are invited to Minnedosa, Manitoba October 25-27, 2013 for our first ever Halloween weekend party! This is totally optional weekend but we would love for as many students to attend as possible as we are expecting it to be fantastic (and a little scary). For your information: 1.There is a $ 50.00 registration fee due when you arrive. 2. Students will be billeted at Rotary homes. 3.Travel arrangements and costs are the responsibility of the student or host club. If you are travelling by bus let Carla know ahead of time so we can arrange pick up. 4.We will be meeting at the Basswood hall in Basswood ,Manitoba which is just west of Minnedosa on highway 16. This is going to be the base for all of our activities. 5. All meals and snacks are taken care of. 6.Bring VERY warm clothes as October can be quite cold. 7. Of course bring your cameras! 8. Bring a Halloween costume for the dance Friday night. There is no smoking at the Basswood hall! All Rotary rules apply and all students will go home at night with their assigned billets. WEEKEND AGENDA FRIDAY OCTOBER 25TH (MANITOBA Time) 4:00 pm-6:00 pm register at Basswood Hall (west of Minnedosa of hwy 16) 6:30 – Supper 7-30 -9:00 Pumpkin carving 9:00 – A Halloween dance – so wear a costume! 12:00 – Billets to pick up students at hall. SATURDAY October 26th 10:00 am Billets bring students to Basswood Hall 10:30 – 12:00 noon Games 12:00 Lunch 1-3 pm a photo and game session 3:00 pm A Hayride followed by a wiener roast (weather permitting) 6:00 pm – Back to the Hall 7:00 pm to A Haunted farm (Rotarians will provide transportation) 10:00 pm back to the hall 11:00 pm Billets to pick up students SUNDAY OCTOBER 27TH 8:00 AM Billets bring students to Basswood hall for a pancake breakfast and Farewells. Students need to be picked up by 10:00 am by their home Rotary club for the trip home. Rotary student exchange weekend October 25-27th 2013 Register by October 1st 2013 Student’s Name________ Counsellor’s name: _________ Male____ Counsellor’s phone ________ Female___ Host Club_____________ Host families phone number_____________ Do you have any food allergies: _____________________________ Please pay $ 50.00 fee to Minnedosa Rotary Club upon arrival in Basswood Please e-mail Carla Collen at clcollen@mymts.net by October 1st to let us know attendance numbers. This is an optional event but we hope as many students can make it as possible.