Symposium on the Human Dimension of Biodiversity Conservation and Management Title: “Synergies and trade-offs between restoring biodiversity and ecosystem services in degraded African tropical rainforest” Authors: Aerin L. Jacob1,2, Martin J. Lechowicz1, Pete Parker2, and Colin A. Chapman1 1 McGill University, 2 Vancouver Island University Abstract: Logging, agriculture, and fire destroy or degrade extensive areas of tropical rainforest, threatening biodiversity and ecosystem services. Managers can use various methods to restore forest, but the consequences of land-use on complex tropical ecosystems remain unclear. Moreover, finding a win-win strategy to simultaneously conserve biodiversity and provide ecosystem services can be difficult as well as labour-intensive, expensive, or slow. We worked in a range of undisturbed and regenerating rainforest in Kibale National Park, Uganda, to assess how land-use affected tree diversity, carbon sequestration and the provision of primate and elephant foods and non-timber forest products. We identified, counted, and measured trees in 12 sites representing eight types of anthropogenic disturbance (i.e., logging, burning, farming, and planting native and non-native trees) and calculated diversity indices and biomass of animal foods and ecosystem services. Tree diversity was highest in lightly-logged and medium-aged unlogged forest, lower in heavily-logged and older unlogged forest, and lowest in forest recovering from farming, fire, and/or planting with native and non-native trees. The primary foods for elephants, chimpanzees, and folivorous and frugivorous monkeys, and most ecosystem services followed this general pattern. Taken together, our results show that managing to maximize tree diversity at broad scales can achieve a win-win situation for animal foods, carbon sequestration, and non-timber forest products across the landscape. We conclude by evaluating the financial costs, labour, and time of various restoration strategies to achieve these goals. (232 words)