Fun With Scatter Plots

Excel Regression Project
We will be comparing 2 different variables to see if they are correlated. You
are encouraged to pick 2 topics that you think are related. These topics can
be anything you want as long as you can come up with enough data points.
On the next page I have given you some examples of what could work but
feel free to substitute.
In the end you should have 4 Excel graphs with the equation and correlation
coefficient clearly label on your graphs. You will lose points for
handwriting your equation and correlation coefficients. Also you must
include correct labels and pictures. Add the team’s colors and logos and for
the States make sure to add pictures. Overall neatness will be graded.
Regression Rubric
Sports 1
Sports 2
Statemaster 1
Statemaster 2
Overall Neatness ____________/5
a) NBA/MLB/NFL/NHL- pick any two stats and compare them, you
must have at least 20 things in your data. Try to pick things that you
think are correlated such as minutes/points, salary/wins, QB
rating/wins, or homeruns/RBI’s.
Make a table of values using excel and then create a scatter plot. On
the graphing calculator find the correlation coefficient (round to the
nearest hundredth) and linear regression equation (round to the nearest
For the second graph you must pick a different sport.
b) You will need to pick two topics from and see
if they are correlated. You must include at least 20 states. Make sure
you match up the states data points. You are allowed to pick any two
topics but please try to pick two that you think may actually have a
correlation such as poverty vs. violent crime. Once you have your data
you must enter it into EXCEL to create a graph.
Make a table of values using excel and then create a scatter plot. Find
the correlation coefficient (round to the nearest hundredth) and linear
regression equation (round to the nearest thousandth) .
Statemaster Questions
Questions for the first Statemaster Graph 1
1) What did you compare?
2) Before you found the correlation coefficient did you think the stats
that you compared would be related?
3) What is your equation and correlation coefficient?
4) Explain why you think it is either different then what you were
expecting or why it makes sense with your prediction.
5) Do you think that using all 50 states would change your r value?
6) Did you have an outlier?
Statemaster Questions
Questions for the first Statemaster Graph 2
1) What did you compare?
1) Before you found the correlation coefficient did you think the stats
that you compared would be related?
2) What is your equation and correlation coefficient?
3) Explain why you think it is either different then what you were
expecting or why it makes sense with your prediction.
4) Do you think that using all 50 states would change your r value?
5) Did you have an outlier?
Questions for the first Sports Graph 1
1) What did you compare?
1) Before you found the correlation coefficient did you think the stats
that you compared would be related?
2) What is your equation and correlation coefficient?
3) Explain why you think it is either different then what you were
expecting or why it makes sense with your prediction.
4) Do you think that using more data would change your r value?
5) Did you have an outlier?
Questions for the first Sports Graph 2
1) What did you compare?
1) Before you found the correlation coefficient did you think the stats
that you compared would be related?
2) What is your equation and correlation coefficient?
3) Explain why you think it is either different then what you were
expecting or why it makes sense with your prediction.
4) Do you think that using more data would change your r value?
5) Did you have an outlier?