Glanbrook Veterinary Services

Binbrook Animal Hospital
This Edition’s Petspective
In order to maintain a well balanced perspective, the person who has a dog to
worship him should also have a cat to ignore him!
Author anonymous
If your furry friend is a bit chubby and lost
their waistline…we present the…
Do You Have Pet Health
Statistics show that 1 in 3 pets will
experience a t least 1 new illness or injury
requiring veterinary care this year and 1 in 6
pets will experience 2 or more. Investing in
Pet Health Insurance protects you and your
pet for the unexpected! Imagine your furry
friend was diagnosed with renal disease,
thyroid disease, cardiomyopathy, lower
urinary tract disease, cancer, or any other
illness or injury which can be treated or
medically managed.
With pet health insurance you can proceed
with the very best veterinary care for your
pet without the financial burden and worries
of cost!
To find out which plan or policy best suits the
needs of you and your pet – visit our website
@ and link to Pet
Health Insurance,,
Is Your Pet Fit?
Body condition scoring is a method to
determine if your pet’s size, weight, and
feeding schedule are appropriate for him/her.
Your pet. Our passion!
Top Ten Reasons for helping
your pet lose weight now!
Lower risk of heart and respiratory disease
Lower risk of diabetes
Lower risk of cancer
Lower risk of joint disease and arthritis
Lower anesthetic/ surgical risk
Lower risk of lower urinary tract disease (in
Lower risk of hepatic lipidosis (fatty liver)
Greater energy & vitality
Greater exercise tolerance
Happier disposition and enhanced longevity
Phone the clinic today to have your pet’s body
condition scored by our Technician at no
extra cost! We will give you the tools for a
successful get fit program for your pet. Make
it a group effort! You and your pet can get fit
Tech Tips…on Senior Pets
Pets are very important members of our
families and, like us, they develop different
needs as they age. Small changes to their
care will improve the quality of their life and
allow us to enjoy them for many more years!
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Binbrook Animal Hospital
physical exams twice a year will help prevent
closely! Blood testing allows us to see the
and diagnose diseases early
levels of the drug in our pets system and
regular wellness blood and urine tests will
therefore be sure the drug is at therapeutic
help detect problems and monitor any
levels and allows us to monitor any side
regular dental examinations will help
maintain healthy teeth and gums
1. Arthritis medicine, such as Meloxicam or
excellent nutrition will help your pet look and
Rimadyl (known as NSAIDS – non-steroidal
feel better
anti-inflammatory drugs) reduce
inflammation, fever, and pain. Liver and
kidney function blood tests should be taken
It is also important that you routinely
prior to administration, again 2-4 weeks after
monitor your pet (such as changes in
and then routinely 6-12 months to ensure
drinking, urination, appetite, weight, hair
coat, mobility breathing, digestion, senses,
2. Heart medications (i.e. Enacard or Lasix) are
behaviour, growths, etc.) and report any
used in congestive heart failure (mitral
changes to the staff for early detection and
insufficiency or pulmonary edema). Blood
prevention for happier, healthier pets!
tests should be taken prior to administration.
Kidney values and electrolytes are followed
In Memoriam
closely after the therapy has started.
3. Epilepsy anticonvulsant medications such as
The loss of a pet touches most of us and can
Phenobarbital and Bromide are used to
affect some of us even more than the death of
control seizuring. Blood tests are taken prior
a relative or friend. Our pets symbolize many
to administration to ensure that there are no
things to each of us ie. play mate, sibling,
underlying organ concerns. Blood levels of
child… always faithful and loving us
the drug will be monitored regularly to
unconditionally. Remember that you do not
ensure that a therapeutic dose is
need approval to mourn the loss of your pet,
achieved. Toxicity has been reported as a
nor must you justify your feelings to anyone.
complication of anticonvulsant therapy.
There are various pet grief support groups or
4. Thyroid medicines such as Eltroxin and
veterinary bereavement counselors available
Tapazole are used to treat hypothyroidism
to you. Check our web site for some
(underactive thyroid) or hyperthyroidism
suggestions and please feel free to call us at
(overactive thyroid). Blood levels are
the clinic anytime.
monitored to evaluate the success of therapy
and to ensure that secondary side effects
Long Term Medications and
are not experienced from the medication.
Approximately 10% of cats with
Drug Monitoring:
hyperthyroidism will experience side effects
What you should know about
secondary to tapazole. .
Routine monitoring becomes an important
your pet’s medications.
part of your pets’ continual health when they
are dealing with any chronic disease. We
Arthritis, heart, seizure and thyroid
hope that we will be able to keep them finely
medications all make our pets feel better as
long as the medications are monitored
Your pet. Our passion!
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Binbrook Animal Hospital
tuned through these simple blood tests/urine
p.s. never stop these medications suddenly.
Have a Safe and Happy
From the Doctors and Staff at
Binbrook Animal Hospital and a
Special Thank you to all of our
wonderful clients and patients!
.Let us know if there is anything you would like us to
write about. You can send us an email at
We hope to see you and your pet soon!
- The Binbrook Staff 
Your pet. Our passion!
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