Recommended Career Track Electives

BA in Information Systems (BAIS)
Administered by:
Department of Information Systems
College of Computing Sciences
New Jersey Institute of Technology
About Information Systems and the BAIS
Information Systems
Information systems (IS) are computer systems that support business operations, management, and
decision making in organizations. IS are an integral part of virtually every work environment and play a
critical role in running organizations. They are the heart of the internet-based economy. IS enable
people to access the information they need, to collaborate, make informed decisions, and perform their
jobs and personal activities effectively. IS and the Web are deeply intertwined.
The field of Information Systems bridges computing and business. IS professionals serve as the critical
link between the technical and business areas of an organization. They collaborate to solve problems,
and then design, analyze, implement, deploy and evaluate the computing systems that drive the modern
enterprise. IS professionals are thus among the most essential individuals in an organization, building
and managing the systems upon which the enterprise survives and thrives.
BA in Information Systems
The BA IS degree features a strong practical focus in designing, developing and evaluating IS, databases,
management information systems, and decision support systems. Students complete a specialization in
business or graphics, a career track in a specific area of interest, and a capstone project with a major
local company. The US Bureau of Labor Statistics notes that IS jobs are among the highest paying and
fastest growing in the nation. Jobs in this field include application systems analyst, information systems
auditor, database designer, and for those with a business minor, business systems analyst.
The program is available partially on-line.
BA Information Systems Curriculum as of Fall 2011
Revision as of Fall 2011
(129 credits)
The full-time 8-semester curriculum follows. For further details, please see
Semester 1 – 16 credits
Course #
CS 100
Roadmap to Computing
Math 138*
General Calculus I
HUM 101
English Composition: Writing, Speaking, Thinking I
(Science with a Lab)
IT 101+
Intro to IT
CS 107
Computing as a Career
+ Transfer students may substitute a free elective instead of IT 101.
Semester 2 – 16 credits
Course #
CS 113
Introduction to Computer Science I
HUM 102
English Composition: Writing, Speaking, Thinking II
EPS 202 or
Society, Technology, and the Environment or
ECON 201
IS 265
Introduction to Information Systems
Phys Ed
(Physical Education: GUR)
GUR = General University Elective
Semester 3 – 16 credits
Course #
IS 350
IS 247
Math 105
Hum 211 or
Hum 212 or
Hist 213
Phys Ed
Computers, Ethics and Society
Designing the User Experience
Elementary Probability and Statistics
(Cultural History: GUR)
Physical Education
BA Information Systems Curriculum as of Fall 2011
Semester 4 – 16 credits
Course #
IS 218 or
IT 310
IS 344
CS 207
Building Web Applications or
E-Commerce Technology
Career Track Elective***
Computing Applications in Business
Business or Graphics Specialization Elective**
Computing and Effective Communication
Semester 5 – 18 credits
Course #
IS 333
IS 390
IS 331
GUR Social
Eng 352 or
Eng 340
Social Networking: Application and Interface Design
Requirements Analysis and Systems Design
Database Design, Management and Applications
(Social Science Elective)
Technical Writing: OR
Oral Presentations
Business or Graphics Specialization Elective**
Semester 6 – 15 credits
Course #
IS 375
CS 356
Evaluating Information System Effectiveness
Introduction to Computer Networks
Business or Graphics Specialization Elective**
Career Track Elective***
Semester 7 – 16 credits
Course #
IS 465
Advanced Information Systems
IE 492++
Engineering (Project) Management
Business or Graphics Specialization Elective**
Career Track Elective***
(HSS Capstone Seminar: GUR)
CS 407
Professional Development in Computing
++ Off-campus, e-learning only students may substitute HRM 301 or
Mgmt 390 instead of IE 492
BA Information Systems Curriculum as of Fall 2011
Semester 8 – 15 credits
Course #
IS 491
IS 455
Senior Project
Information Systems Management
(Lit/Hist/Phil/STS: GUR)
Business or Graphics Specialization Elective**
* Math: Math 111 and Math 333 are highly recommended to replace Math 138 and Math 105,
particularly for students contemplating advanced or graduate work in computing. These students
also are encouraged to take Math 112 (Calculus II) and one or more advanced statistics courses as
free electives, such as Math 341 (Statistics), Math 344 (Regression Analysis), Math 334 (Operations
Research) and Math 443 (Statistical Methods), all of which require Math 333 as a prerequisite.
** Business and Graphic Specialization Electives: Students must complete an entire set of either 5
approved business electives or 5 approved graphics electives.
Recommended Business Specialization Electives
BA IS students who take the following 5 courses qualify for a formal minor in Business. A more
extensive list of other approved business electives is available at
Acct 117
Principles of Financial Accounting
Mgmt 190
Fin 315
Mrkt 330
Introduction to Business
Fundamentals of Corporate Finance
Principles of Marketing
+ Choose 1 of the following courses:
Mrkt 360
HRM 301
Mgmt 492
Internet Marketing
Organizational Behavior
Business Policy
BA Information Systems Curriculum as of Fall 2011
Recommended Graphics Specialization Electives
The graphics electives include several English courses which utilize graphics in communications. A
more extensive list of approved graphics electives is available at
Com 266
Com 335
Com 345
Com 350
Com 376
Com 390
Eng 200
Eng 333
Eng 352
Eng 353
Eng 354
Foundations of Game Production
3-D Modeling and Animation
Character Modeling and Animation
Digital Video Production
Game Design Studio
Electronic Writing Workshop
Communicating in Organizations
Technical Writing
Composing Documents for Print
Composing Documents for the Web
*** Career Track Electives. Students are strongly encouraged (but not required) to take 3-4 courses
from one of the following Career Tracks, which focus on a particular specialty within the field of
Information Systems.
Note: Qualified students should consider the BA/MS or BA/PhD program, which allows undergraduates
to start on a graduate degree as part of their undergraduate requirements. See the Office of Graduate
Studies for more information. Consult your Academic Advisor for further details.
Recommended Career Track Electives
1. Database: IS392 (Web Mining and Information Retrieval), IS433 (Electronic Commerce
Requirements and Design) or IT310 (E-Commerce Technology), IS631 (Enterprise Database
Management), IS634 (Information Retrieval), IS687 (Transaction Mining and Fraud Detection), CS434
(Advanced Database Design), CS441 (Database Programming), or one advisor approved elective.
2. Networks: IS448 (Ubiquitous Computing), IS464 (Information Systems Auditing and Security),
CS357 (Technologies for Network Security), CS408 (Cryptography and Internet Security), CS451
(Network Technologies), CS456 (Open Systems Networking), CS458 (Open Systems Networking),
IT120 (Introduction to Network Technology), IT 202 (Internet & Applications), IT220 (Wireless
Networks), IT230 (Computer and Network Security), IT420 (Computer Systems & Networks).
3. Management of Information Systems: IS392 (Web Mining and Information Retrieval), IS413
(Requirements for Emergency Management Information Systems), IS433 (Electronic Commerce
Requirements and Design) or IT310 E-Commerce Technology), IS461 (Systems Simulation), IS464
(Information Systems Auditing and Security), IS677 (Information Systems Principles), IS678 (Business
BA Information Systems Curriculum as of Fall 2011
Systems Management), IS679 (Management of Computer & Information Systems), IS680
(Information Systems Auditing), IS681 (Computer Security Auditing), IS687 (Transaction Mining and
Fraud Detection), IT332 (Digital Crime), IT430 (Ethical Hacking for Administrators).
4. Medical Informatics (Healthcare Information Systems): For an IS Career Track in Medical
Informatics, the student must complete both CPT325 (Medical Informatics Technology) and CPT425
(Medical Informatics II), and complete any two of the following courses: IS392 (Web Mining and
Information Retrieval), IS448 (Ubiquitous Computing), IS686 (Pervasive Computing – An HCI
Perspective), IT220 (Wireless Networks), CS370 (Artificial Intelligence).
5. Systems Analysis & Design: IS373 (Web Standards), IS461 (Systems Simulation), IS663 (Advanced
Systems Analysis and Design), IS685 (Enterprise Architecture and Integration), CS280 (Programming
Language Concepts), CS288 (Intensive Programming Practicum), CS433 (Introduction to Linux Kernel
Programming), CS490 (Guided Design in Software Engineering), IT335 (Introduction to .NET
Framework), IT340 (Linux Systems Administration), IT490 (Systems Integration).
6. Intelligence & Decision Support:, IS392 (Web Mining and Information Retrieval), IS433 (Electronic
Commerce Requirements and Design) or IT310 E-Commerce Technology), IS461 (Systems Simulation),
CS370 (Introduction to Artificial Intelligence, CS434 (Advanced Database Systems), IT380 (Educational
Software Design) or one advisor approved elective.
7. Web Systems: IS 117 (Introduction to Website Development), IS 217 (Advanced Website
Development), IS218 (Web Application Development), IS322 (Mobile Applications: Design, Interface,
Implementation), IS373 (World Wide Web Standards), IS 392 (Web Mining and Information
Retrieval), IS433 (Electronic Commerce Requirements and Design) or IT310 (E-Commerce
Technology), IS448 (Ubiquitous Computing), IS683 (Open Source Web Development), IS688 (Web
Mining), IS690 (Web Services and Middleware), IT202 (Internet and Applications), IT302 (Advanced
Internet Applications).
8. Information Systems Security, Auditing and Crisis Response: IS413 (Requirements for Emergency
Management Information Systems) or IS613 (Design of Emergency Management Information
Systems), IS464 (Information Systems Auditing and Security), IS612 (Principles of Emergency
Management), IS614 (Command and Control Systems), IS616 (Learning Methodologies and Training
Technologies) , IS681 (Computer Security Auditing), IS687 (Transaction Mining and Fraud Detection),
CS357 (Technologies for Network Security), CS408 (Cryptography and Internet Security), CS458
(Technologies for Network Security), IT230 (Computer & Network Systems Security), IT330 (Computer
Forensics; prereqs IT230 & CS332), IT331 (Privacy and Information Technology), IT 332 (Digital
Crime), IT430 Ethical Hacking for Administrators; prereq IT420).
9. Human Computer Interaction: IS448 (Ubiquitous Computing), IS686 (Pervasive Computing – An
HCI Perspective), IS 764 - Research Methods for Human-Centered Computing and Design, IT201
(Information Design Techniques, prereq IT101), CS/IT265 (Game Architecture and Design), CS/IT266
(Game Modification Development).
BA Information Systems Curriculum as of Fall 2011
10. Build your Own Career Track: Students may construct a career track of 3-4 electives in
consultation with their advisor.
BA Information Systems Curriculum as of Fall 2011