Chapter 15 Guided notes Cleaning up the Chattanooga Summarize

Chapter 15 Guided notes
Cleaning up the Chattanooga
Summarize the introduction of the Chattanooga:
A. Air pollutants are found throughout the entire global system (Fig 15.1)
1. Air pollution2. Major Air Pollutants (refer to table 15.1)
- Sulfur Dioxide
Nitrogen Oxides
Carbon Oxides
Particulate Matter (fig 15.2)
Volatiles Organic Compounds (VOCs)
2. Primary Pollutants (fig 15.3)
3. Secondary Pollutants (fig 15.3)
B. Air pollution comes from both natural and human sources (fig 15.4)
1. Natural emissions -
2. Anthropogenic Emissions (fig 15.5. fig 15.6)
C. Photochemical Smog is still an environmental problem in the U.S. (fig 15.7)
1. The chemistry of photochemical smog Formation
- The reactions, primary pollutants and secondary pollutants
2. Thermal Inversions (fig 15.8)
- Thermal inversion and inversion layer
D. Acid Deposition is much less of a problem than it used to be (fig 15.9)
Acid deposition-
These secondary pollutants
The effects of acid deposition (fig 15.10)
E. Pollution control includes prevention, technology, and innovation
1. Control of sulfur and nitrogen oxide emissions
- Removing sulfur dioxide from coal by fluidized bed combustion
(the Catalytic converter)
2. Control of particulate matter
- Baghouse filters (fig 15.11)
Electrostatic precipitators (fig 15.12)
Scrubbers on smoke stacks (fig 15.13)
F. The Stratospheric Ozone Layer Provides Protection
1. The Benefit of Stratoshpheric ozone
The stratospheric ozone layer exists ____________________________________ .
Ozone has the ability to absorb _____________________ ___________________.
2. Formation and Breakdown of Ozone
First, UV-C radiation breaks the bonds ________________________________ __ .
Sometimes the free oxygen atoms result in ozone ________________________ _.
Ozone is broken down into ____________________________________________ .
3. Anthropogenic contributions to ozone destruction
- Certain chemicals can break down ozone, particularly chlorine.
- The major source of chlorine in the stratosphere is a compound known as
___________________ .
____________ are used in refrigeration and_____________, as propellants in ___________
and as “blowing agents” to inject air into foam products like _____________.
3. Depletion of the Ozone layer
Global Ozone concentrations had decreased by more than ______ .
Depletion was greatest at the _____.
Decreased stratospheric ozone has increased the amount of _______radiation that reaches
the surface of Earth.
4. Efforts to Reduce Ozone Depletion
- In Montreal, a treaty was signed in 1986 to reduce the impacts of ozone depletion by
reducing the amount of ____ ____in products and slow the loss of ozone.
- Because of the reduction of chemicals in products, ______________ in the atmosphere has
reduced to __________ ppb and should fall to ______ ppb by 2100.
- The cases of ____________ cancer should be reduced as ____________ is reduced in the
ozone layer.
G. Indoor Air Pollution is a Significant Hazard Particularly in Developing Countries
In developing countries ___________ and __________ are burned indoors in open pit fires
producing __________ and _____________ from incomplete combustion.
2. In developed countries
- Asbestos
Carbon monoxide
VOCs in Home Products
Sick Building Syndrome
A New Cook Stove Design
Types of fuel used to cook that causes pollution:
Solution to the problem: