Scholarship List 2014-2015 Yellow= Local Scholarships Green= Minority Students Blue= Military Affiliated Students Gray = Scholarships Affiliated with military family members who were injured, disabled, or died while serving #Name Scout 1. of the Year Scholarship Omega 2. Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc Information Active member of Boy Scout Troop, Citizenship, Eagle Scout reward recipient , ages 15-18 Award: $1,000 - $5000 Website Senior with a need for financial assistance, resume of achievements and community p_Guidelines.pdf service Award: $ Varied Fleet 3. Reserve 9th – 12th grade, 350 word essay: What My scholarship-application-form.php Vote Will Mean to Me Pensacola Branch Award: $15,000 savings bond grand prize, 18 national awards, regional and local prizes Hispanic 4. Scholarship Program Must be a U.S. citizen or legal permanent resident, have a minimum 3.0 GPA, apply for FAFSA, be enrolled Full-Time in a degree seeking program at US accredited institution for in the fall. Award: $1000 - $15,000 U.S. 5.Air Force ROTC Senior, U.S. Air Force ROTC, apply on line, need Social Security Number, ACT and/or SAT scores, GPA, information on officer training programs (if applicable) To be eligible for scholarship consideration, you must achieve an SAT composite of 1180 (math and critical reading portions only) or ACT composite of 26 and attain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher. Award: College tuition and fees Henry 6. Morrison Flagler Scholarship years Florida Atlantic University Senior, must be eligible for Bright Futures and meet FAU Honors College requirements, on campus interview, essay, resume, transcript, recommendation, ACT/SAT scores Award: $57,000 over 4 Wal-Mart 7. Foundation Scholarships Seniors attending 2 and 4 year colleges, minimum GPA 2.5, must be dependent of employee Award: Varies John 8. C. Pace, Jr. Scholars Award Senior, University of West Florida, Outstanding Academic Record, community service, leadership activities Award: $20,000 Page 1 of 19 Application online: NFIB 9. Free Senior, NFIB member’s nomination, ACT Enterprise Scholars and/or SAT scores, essay, extracurricular Award activities, community service, work experience, entrepreneurial endeavors, Award: 1 national $10,000, 4 regional $5000, 400+ $1000 awards The10. Gene and Kelly Must be a high school senior enrolling in Tanabe Scholarship higher education. Award will be used for tuition, room and board, books or any educational expense Award: $1000 Elks11. National Foundation Must be a US Citizen, must have a need for financial assistance, and demonstrate leadership. Award: $1,00 - $5,000 AIA/AAF 12. Minority/ Disadvantaged Scholarship Senior, minority and/or financially disadvantaged background, intend to pursue a professional degree in architecture, plan to enter an NAAB accredited program of architecture, must be nominated Award: $500-$2500 Must Request Nomination Ronald 13. A. Hammond Scholarship Senior, University of Miami, underrepresented minority, first family member to graduate from college/university, reside in a single parent home, demonstrate achievement in personal challenges, ACT 28 or SAT 1250, B+ GPA Award: 20 full merit awards Harvard 14. Full Paid Tuition/Room & Board Florida 15. Association of Realtors Senior, free tuition for high achieving or 1-617students with family income below $60,000 384-8213 Senior, essay Award: 3 $5000 state 13 $1500 first place district 13 $500 second place district Navy 16.ROTC Scholarship Senior, four year active duty obligation, major in any field, min ACT 21 English 22 Math of SAT Verbal 530 Math 520 Award: Full tuition and other financial benefits Florida 17. Retired Educators Foundation Scholarship Seniors who want to be teachers, must maintain a 2.0 GPA in college to renew scholarship, recipients must teach in FL for 1 year for each year of scholarship Award $750 or more per year Gates 18. Millennium Scholars Senior, African American, American Indian/Alaska Native, Asian Pacific Islander, American/Hispanic American, unweighted Closes Jan 5th 3.3 GPA, leadership, community service, financial need based on Pell Grant Page 2 of 19 Award: Varied Simon 19. Youth Foundation Community Scholarship Senior, selection based on academic record, leadership, extracurricular activities, and financial need Award: 181 Awards up to $1400, Ron20. Brown Scholar African American Seniors Must excel Scholarship academically, must exhibit exceptional leadership potential, participate in community service activities and demonstrate financial need. Must be a US Citizen. Award: renewable Burger 21. King Scholars Program High School Senior. Nominated by High School and Employer. Min 2.5 GPA. Work part time an average of 15 hours per week. Maintain good conduct and attitude in school and on the job. Participation in community service or co-curricular activities. Financial Need. SAE 22. Engineering Scholarships Senior, plan to earn a degree in engineering or a related science, GPA and ACT and/or ng.htm SAT requirements, transcript, extracurricular activities, honors, employment record, essay Award: $1000 - $10,000 corporate sponsored, $400 to full tuition university sponsored Tom 23. Joyner Foundation Full Ride Scholarship Current high school senior, in US, GPA 3.5, min ACT 28, SAT 1300. Applicant must -full-ride-scholars/ have applied and have been accepted into an HBCU by July 1, Student must maintain a required 3.0 GPA and 15 credit hours per semester. Award: Full tuition waivers, stipends to cover housing(on campus only) and books. MPAS 24. Scholars Award Program Senior, planning to attend FL International University, 3.2+ GPA, leadership, recommendation Award: $8,000 Golden 25. Drum Senior, planning to attend FL International Scholarship University, 3.5+ GPA, Essay, Resume, letter Florida International of recommendation University Award: $10,000 AXA 26. Achievement Scholarship Senior, demonstrate ambition and self drive as evidenced by outstanding achievement in an activity in school, the community or workplace, recommended by an adult professional who can attest to student achievement. Award: $10,000 - $25,000 Joe27. Francomano Scholarship Senior, Junior Achievement program, min 3.0 GPA, personal essay, usa/scholarship-info Page 3 of 19 leadership, extracurricular and community activities, financial need, recommendation Hugh 28.B. Sweeny Senior, demonstrate extraordinary results in Achievement Award impacting the community through entrepreneurship and similar initiatives, min 3.0 GPA, transcript, ACT/SAT scores, extracurricular activities, community service, work experience, recommendations, financial need Award: $5000 Davidson 29. Fellow Outside the Box” Davidson Institute Senior, under the age 18 on or Oct 1. be able to demonstrate that the work is the applicant’s own creation. Be able to attend workshop in Wash, DC Award: $10,000 - $50,000 FL 30. PTA/PTSA Senor, 3.0 GPA, recommendations, essay, Scholarship ACT/SAT scores, transcript, financial info annual-scholarship-111_179155.aspx Award: $1000, renewable for 4 years FL 31. PTA/PTSA Senior, planning to attend community/junior college, 2.5 GPA, annual-scholarship-111_179155.aspx College Scholarship recommendations, essay, ACT/SAT scores, transcript, financial info Award: $1000 FL 32. PTA/PTSA Fine Arts Scholarship Senior, 3.0 GPA, recommendations, essay, scores, transcript, financial info annual-scholarship-111_179155.aspx Award: $1000 FL 33. PTA/PTSA Senior, planning to attend technical institution, 2.0 GPA, recommendations, annual-scholarship-111_179155.aspx al Scholarship essay, ACT/SAT scores, transcript, financial info Award: $1000 Tampa 34. Writing Scholars Senior, University of Tampa, 3.2 GPA , ACT 24 or SAT 1100, Entrants should have exceptional potential for achievement in English or writing and be applying as new students (fall entry only) at The University of Tampa Award: Up to $2,500 yearly National 35. Co-Op Scholarships Senior, pursue cooperative education in college, min 3.5 GPA, essay, must be accepted into academic year at one of the NCCE partner colleges listed online. Award: Varies DAR 36.National Society Daughters of American Revolution Public 37. Education and Citizenship Scholarship Senior, Several scholarships available, check website for specific criteria Essay Contest: A 1,000 word essay on “Why Education is Important.” ml Page 4 of 19 FFA38. Scholarships Senior, current FFA member unless otherwise stated, Award: Multiple scholarships available Scholarships 39. for Military Children Senior, parent in the military, GPA 3.0, Essay Award: $2000 Lowes 40. Scholarship High School Senior who maintains a minimum 3.25 GPA Demonstrate a history p.aspx#1 of commitment to their community through leadership activities, community service and/or work experience Award:$ 2,500 Florida 41. Engineering Senior, enroll in FL engineering program, Society 3.0 GPA, Recommendation: Can be considered for additional scholarships (see web site) American 42. Legion Department of Florida Scholarships Marine 43. Corps Scholarship Foundation, Inc. Graduating senior, eligibility varies with individual scholarships. Award: $500 - $18,000 Southern 44. Scholarship Foundation Housing Senior, FSU, UF, FAMU, FGCU, Tallahassee Community College or Santa Fe College; high academic performance, 3.0 GPA, financial need, essay, interview Award: Live rent-free in house Senior, son/daughter or grandchild of Marine/Navy Corpsman, maximum adjusted family income $80,000 or less, min 2.0 GPA Award: 1 year scholarships awarded annually American 45. Society of Senior, planned field of study directly related Military to financial/resource management (business Comptrollers Blue administration, economics, public Angel Chapter administration, computer science, operations research related to financial management, accounting, finance). Gulf46. Winds Federal Currently a full time senior, GPA of 3.0, Credit Union parent must be a member in good standing Scholarship at Gulf Winds FCU for at least one year prior to date of submittal of application. Letter of recommendation, Essay Barrineau 47. Park Historical Society Scholarship Must be a senior in Esc county who lives in See MFLC Leilani Mason Tate or Northview school district, Essay, recommendations, transcript. Pensacola 48. State College Scholarships High School Senior, must submit PSC Application, must show financial apps/scholarship/newsletter.pdf need, community service, must maintain 3.0 and full time enrollment. Award: Varied Awards Page 5 of 19 American 49. Chemical African American, Hispanic, and Native Society Scholarship American senior, pursuing chemical science degrees,3.0 GPA, demonstrate financial need, fill out FAFSA. Kohl’s 50. Kids Who Care K-12 Students Community Service with positive outcome, demonstrates initiative creativity, leadership, and generosity Award: $50 Gift Certificate to $1000 FAPSC 51. Scholarship Senior, Selected Institutions Transcript evaluated, 300 word essay required, 2.0 GPA Award: 1,000 and 5,000 Ayn52. Rand Anthem 9th/10th graders, write 600-1200 word essay on one of three topics from Anthem Essay Contest Award: $30 - $2000 Better 53. Business Bureau Seniors, Letters of recommendation, Leadership, Community Service and Academics considered, Essay required Award: 1,000 American 54. Institute of Architects High school senior entering an NAAB acredited professional program in architecture or Tech or community college. Letter of recommendation Pensacola 55. Interstate Fair, Educational Grant Must be High School senior who has had Interstate Fair participation. Resume including community service hours, campus activities etc. Award:25,000 Hulbert 56. Chief’s Group Scholarship Senior must be the son or daughter of active duty, retired or deceased enlisted members. Must be in Okaloosa, Santa Rosa, Walton, Escambia Johnson 57. Scholarship Foundation Senior, parent must be UPS employee or retiree residing in Florida. Or Senior with disabilities who attend/will attend one of the 11 State universities. Pensacola 58. Connection, 2.5 minimum GPA, Community/School involvement, transcript, connection/site/?/home/ 2 letters of recommendation Award: 1,000 Pensacola 59. Post of the Society of American Military Engineers Senior, planned major in engineering, math, or science, attend PJC or college of student’ s choice, extracurricular activities, awards, recommendations, essay Big60. Sun Scholarship High School Senior currently involved in any sport at the high school or in the community. Essay Required Page 6 of 19 Senior, Must maintain a 2.5 or higher GPA, olarshipFund=012317 outstanding academic achievement, community service hours, demonstrate leadership, residence from Escambia, Bay, University of Florida Calhoun, Gasden, Homes, Jackson, Okaloosa, Santa Rosa, Florida. Planning to attend the University of Florida Gainesville, Fl Gulf61. Power Foundation Scholarship National 62. Daughters Senior, descendant of American Revolution of the American participant Revolution Award: Up to $5,000 (some renewable) Porch 63. Band of Creek Indians Scholarship Fund Must be a Poarch Creek Tribal member, must submit transcript and maintain at least a 2.0 GPA Downtown 64. Rotary Club Scholarship Senior with demonstrated financial Need & Involvement in community Activities. FSPA 65. Scholarship Program Must be a dependent of an employee of a Florida Swimming Pool Association in ms_scholarship.html Florida , based on scholastic achievement and character GPA 3.0, Recommendations, transcript, test scores, research paper Florida 66. School Counselor Association Senior attending a public or private school in Florida. One page essay on the impact you school counselor has had on you. William 67. J. English Scholarship Senior, US citizen, Florida resident, with 2.5GPA, planning to attend an accredited Florida public or private college planning to major in computer science and/or information technology related field Florida 68. Minerals and Chemistry Council Senior planning to attend FL college/university, Several Scholarships available (see website) Financial 69. Service Centers of Florida Disadvantaged Scholarship Senior, admission to a FL college or university, min 2.5 GPA (calculated by college), financial need, transcript, college application, essay Phi70. Beta Sigma UWF Must be a high school senior, planning to attend UWF in Fall 2009. GPA 3.0, Must submit Essay and high school transcript. FAEDS 71. William J. Senior, planning to major in computer English Scholarship science/information technology, 2.5 GPA, & Teachers transcript, recommendations, essay Scholarship Award: $2,000 Escambia 72. Association of Administrators in Education Senior, plan to major in education, financial need, essay, recommendation Award: $1000 award to student’s college account Page 7 of 19 National 73. Naval Senior, minority, transcript, ACT/SAT Officers Association scores, recommendations, essay Pensacola Chapter Award: Application: Guidance Department when available National 74. Coalition of African American male or female senior, 100 Black Women cover letter, personal profile , transcript, 0Scholarship-1.pdf ACT and/or SAT scores, essay, references, financial need, work samples National 75. Council of African American senior, min 2.5 GPA, ACT Negro Women, Inc. and/or SAT scores, extracurricular activities, community service, enrichment programs, work experience, recommendations, essay ASMC 76. Blue Angel Chpt Scholarship Must be an outstanding graduating senior, field of study must be related to financial/resource management, Business Administration, etc. must submit a transcript. 250 word essay Cooperative 77. Living Must complete application, financial Organization need(complete FAFSA) Award: Collegiate Housing Students attending UF, Santa Fe College Dr. 78. Robert W. Sims Must have a 2.5 GPA, be a US citizen and Memorial resident of Florida, plan on attending an Scholarship accredited Florida public or private college and major in computer science/information technology related field The79. Mensa Must be resident of US and plan on Education & attending a US University. Applicants are Research not required to be members of Mensa. 550 Foundation word essay and general application. Scholarship Odenza 80. Vacations Must be between the ages 17 and 24. Must College Scholarship submit an answer to the essay question on the application page, must have a GPA of 2.5 or higher, Wings 81. Over America Scholarship Marine 82. Corps Scholarship Foundation Air 83. Force Aid Society General Henry H. Arnold Education Grant Program US Navy Dependant of active Duty or retired service member, Dependent of active duty or reserve US Marine; 2. 2.0 GPA; 3. 1. Dependent of Air Force member; 2. high school senior; 3. attending college; and 2.0 GPA Page 8 of 19 Navy 84.SEAL Foundation Scholarships 1. Dependent children of active duty SEALs, and other active duty Naval Special do/education-motivation/navy-seal-foundationWarfare personnel currently serving in NSW scholarships/ Commands; and 2. based on merit and academic potential(GPA, SAT/ACT scores, class ranking, extracurricular activities, volunteer community involvement, and leadership positions held.) Pensacola 85. Pledge Scholars 1. Resident of the city of Pensacola, 2. apply admission to UWF or PSC by March 1, aid/awards-scholarships/pensacola-pledgeand 3. graduate from an Escambia County scholarship-details/ public high school Tailhook 86. Educational Foundation Scholarship 1. high school graduate, 2. natural, step, or adopted child or grandchild of a current or ns/2013_ScholarshipApplicationHS.pdf former US Navy/US Marine/US Coastguard Naval Aviator, Naval Flight Officer, or Naval Air crewman OR who are serving onboard a US Navy Aircraft carrier. Southeastern 87. Credit 1. high school senior in Florida or Alabama, Foundation 2. minimum 2.5 unweighted GPA, 3. student School-Scholarship-Program High School or parent member of a Florida or Alabama Scholarship credit union Program AMVETS 88. National Scholarship Program 1. Must be a graduating high school senior entering at the college freshmen level in the upcoming2. Must have a minimum high school grade point average (GPA) of 3.0. (Or documentedextenuating circumstances that caused a lower GPA.)3. Must be the child or grandchild of a United States veteran.4. Must be a United States citizen.5. Must demonstrate academic promise and financial need. AMVETS 89. JROTC National Scholarship Program 1. Must be an active JROTC cadet and currently a high school senior.2. Must have a minimum high school grade point average (GPA) of 3.0. (Or documented evidence of extenuating circumstances that caused a lower GPA.)3. Must be the child or grandchild of a United States veteran.4. Must be a United States citizen.5. Must demonstrate academic promise and financial need. Pensacola 90. Connection, Inc. 1. senior graduating from Escambia County School, 2. 2.5 unweighted GPA, 3. connection/site/?/page/Scholarship_Application/ involved in church, school, and community activities, and 4. in financial need. The91. Retired 1. A dependent child, grandchild or great Enlisted Association grandchild of a TREA or TREA Auxiliary (TREA) Memorial member in good standing, or of a deceased Page 9 of 19 Foundation National person who was a member at time of Scholarship demise; and 2. will be attending college Veterans 92. United Foundation scholarship 1. military dependent; 2. 2.5 GPA; and 3. will be attending college ARMY 93. 1. dependent of Army soldier; 2. 2.0 GPA; 3. EMERGENCY attending college Children.aspx RELIEF2013-2014 MG James Ursano Scholarship Program forDependent Children of Active, Retired and Deceased Soldiers RADM 94. Courtney G Clegg (MC) & Mrs Margaret H Clegg Scholarship 1. Be the child of active duty or retired Sailor or Marine; 2. DEMONSTRATE FINANCIAL NEED; 3. Be enrolled as a full time student; 4. Maintain 3.0 or better Fisher 95. House Scholarship Program is open to sons and daughters of duty, reserve/guard, or retired military Scholarships-2012.pdf commissary customers. Recipient must be enrolled or planning to enroll full time in a four year undergraduate college or university, accredited in the U. S. They must have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0 on a 4.0 basis. Veteran’s 96. United Foundation A current active-duty service member Veteran of the United States Armed Forces Spouse of a service member or veteran Surviving spouse or child of a fallen service member Child of a service member or veteran. Wendy’s 97. High School Heisman Student Athletes that excel on and off the field. The98. Jan La Belle Scholarship Program Corpsmen 99. United, USN Individual with a disability, a Florida Resident, Academic or Vocational studies. Local scholarship based on financial need and grade point. See MFLC or Counseling Dept Fleet 100. Reserve Association (FRA) Scholarship Program for FRA non-members scholarship 1. You may apply for FRA Non-Member Scholarship if the applicant or sponsor is an FRA non-member, living, onactive duty. Reserve, retired, or honorably discharged veteran of the Navy, Marine Corps or Coast Guard. Theapplicant must be an FRA nonmember; spouse; dependent biological, step, or adoptive child; or biological, step, oradoptive grandchild of the FRA non- Page 10 of 19 member. 2. US citizen; and 3. attending college Hulburt 101. Field Chief's 1. Military dependent of enlisted, active duty, Group Scholarship retired, or deceased, 2. high school senior in Okaloosa, Santa Rosa, Walton, or Escambia County, and 3. 2.5 or higher GPA. Navy 102. League Scholarship 1. Be a United States citizen; 2. Be a dependent or direct descendant of an active, p.html reserve, retired or honorably discharged member of the U.S. Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, U.S.-flag Merchant Marine, or U.S. Naval Sea Cadet Corps; 3. Be a senior in High School; 4. Enter an accredited College/University in the fall of 2013; 5. 3.0 GPA; and 6. Demonstrate financial need The103. American Legion Legacy Scholarship Those eligible to apply for the scholarship shall be the child/children or legally adopted child/children or a child of a spouse by a prior marriage or dependent child as defined by the United States Armed Services of active duty United States military and National Guard, and military reservists who were federalized and die on active duty on or after September 11, 2001. Applicants must be: a high school senior or high school graduate to apply for the scholarship. Scholarship is for undergraduate study at an accredited institution of higher education within the United States. Application must be post marked no later than April 15. Award: Varies on income AFCEA 104. SCHOLARSHIPS (Emerald Coast Chapter) High school senior or undergraduate or graduate student enrolled either part time or full time majoring in a STEM career field. Scholarships will be awarded to students attending either a two-year or four-year accredited college or university in the United States. Application deadlines will be advertised from February 2014 to April 2014. The scholarship will be awarded in May 2014. Contact: Glenda Robinson, (850) 882-2986. Email: vpedandscholar@emeraldcoast.afce or Award: One Science Teacher STEM grant of $2,000 will also be awarded Thanks 105. USA 1. Be a dependent child, age 24 and under (as of application deadline) OR be a spouse of U.S. military service personnel AND 2. be current high school seniors or graduates who plan to enroll or students who are already enrolled in a fulltime undergraduate course of study at an accredited two-or four- Page 11 of 19 year college or university or vocationaltechnical school for the academic year. At least a 2.00 GPA. Applications are accepted each year from April 1st to May 15th Awards: Varies Freedom 106. Alliance Scholarship Fund The dependent son or daughter of a U.S. Soldier, Sailor, Airman, Guardsman or Marine who has become permanently disabled as a result of an operational mission or training accident. OR The dependent son or daughter of a U.S. Soldier, Sailor, Airman, Guardsman or Marine who has been killed in action. OR The dependent son or daughter of a U.S. Soldier, Sailor, Airman, Guardsman or Marine who has been classified as a Prisoner of War (POW) or Missing in Action (MIA). Currently in their senior year of high school, a high school graduate or a currently enrolled full time undergraduate student. Under the age of 26 at the time of application. Awards: Varies. in most cases it covers a significant portion of a student’s tuition Armed 107.Forces Crossroads Scholarships for Military Children Children of Active Duty personnel, Reserve/Guard and Retired commissary customers may apply for a Scholarship for Military Children. Eligibility, including survivors of deceased members, will be determined using the DoD ID Card Directive, i.e., age 21, or up to the 23rd birthday if still enrolled as a full time student. The applicant must be planning to attend or is attending an accredited college or university, starting in the fall term of the year following the application year, on a full-time basis. Defense Commissary Agency Scholars scholarship may be awarded to both high school seniors and those working toward a first undergraduate degree provided they are carrying a full-time course load and are in good academic standing at a college or university accredited in the United States. No scholarship will be awarded for those pursuing an associate, second undergraduate or graduate school degree. Students accepting a military academy appointment or a full scholarship are not eligible to receive funds from this program. Awards: $1,500 or more depending on response and availability of funds Army 108. Aviation Association of America "Families of the Fallen.“ scholarship established for surviving spouses and children of those killed in action and training accidents while serving in the Army Aviation Page 12 of 19 Scholarships (AAAA) community. Must be: 1. the spouse of an AAAA member or deceased member, OR the unmarried son or daughter of an AAAA member or deceased member, OR the unmarried brother or sister of an AAAA member or deceased member, OR the unmarried grandchild of an AAAA member or deceased member. In all instances, the member's effective date of AAAA membership must be on or before May 1 of the previous year in which the applicant is seeking aid unless the member is deceased. This requirement is waived for uniformed members of the Active Army, ARNG and USAR. The applicant must be attending an accredited college or university or selected for Fall entry as an undergraduate or graduate. No recipient can hold concurrent AAAA Scholarships. Award: Varies Army 109. Scholarship Funds Must be: be sons or daughters of regular active duty, active duty Reserve, or active l duty National Guard U.S. Army members in good standing, OR; be spouses of serving enlisted regular active duty, active duty Reserve, or active duty National Guard U.S. Army members in good standing; OR be sons or daughters of former U.S. Army members who received an honorable discharge or medical discharge, or who were killed while serving in the U.S. Army. Applicants need to be: 1. high school seniors, high school graduates, or registered as undergraduate students at an accredited college or post high school vocational/technical institution 2. have a 2.0 GPA 3. be U.S. citizens 3. not have reached their 24th birthday by the application deadline date in the year they apply if they are a child of an Army member, 4. not have previously earned a bachelor's degree from a college or university. The Foundation does not require a minimum score on the SAT, ACT, or other similar test. Award: annual scholarship awards average $1000 per student (range $500-2000) . Chief 110. Petty Officer Applicants Must: 1. be about to graduate or Scholarship Fund have graduated from an accredited high school , or equivalent educational institution or have successfully earned a General Equivalency Diploma (GED); 2. must intend to enter, or be currently enrolled in a community college, vocational college, college or university to complete the curriculum prescribed in or to be graduated with an AA, AS, BA or BS degree; and 3. must be the immediate family member of Page 13 of 19 either an active duty, retired, or reserve Chief Petty Officer (children may be natural, adopted or step-children). Your application should be received at the address on the last page of the application form, no later than 1 April of each year. Application online. Requires: 1. Three letters of recommendation (emailed letters will not be accepted), One letter must be from a nonacademic source; 2. a copy of the dependent's ID card; 3. A "Statement of Service" letter on command letterhead (a document that legal departments prepare all the time for Sailors. It should not be difficult for a sponsor to acquire.); 4. If you do not have a "Statement of Service" you may provide a DD-214 instead discussing significant experiences, community involvement, and qualities of character and leadership. Applications mailed to: Senior Enlisted Academy Alumni Association, c/o The CPO Scholarship Fund 1269 ElliotAvenue, Newport, RI 02841-1525 Award: Varies Children 111. of Fallen Patriots Foundation a/k/a U.S. DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS SURVIVORS’ AND DEPENDENTS’ EDUCATIONAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (DEA) To be eligible, you must be a spouse, son, or daughter (including stepchild or adopted child), of a: veteran who is permanently and totally disabled as the result of, or dies of, a service-connected disability. The disability must arise out of or be aggravated by active duty; OR veteran with a permanent and total service-connected disability who dies from any cause; OR service member who is missing in action or is captured in line of duty and is currently being held by a hostile force; OR service member who is currently being forcibly detained or interned in line of duty by a foreign government or power. Awards: offers up to 45 months of education benefits and the benefit is approximately $850 per month. Dolphin 112. Scholarship Dolphin Scholarship Foundation grants are Foundation available, on a competitive basis, to high school or college children/stepchildren (unmarried, under age 24 at time of deadline) of: 1. members or former members of the Submarine Force who have qualified in submarines and have served in the Submarine Force for at least eight years; or of 2. Navy members who have served in submarine support activities (e.g., submarine bases, tenders, and rescue vessels) for a minimum of ten years. Students must be: 1. High school senior or college student AND 2. Child or stepchild of member or former member of the U.S. Navy Submarine Force; 3. Page 14 of 19 Unmarried on March 15; 4. Under age 24 on March 15; and 5. Scholar must attend a four year accredited college or university and intend to work toward a BS or BA degree. Awards: annual scholarship of $3,400 Florida 113.Federation of Garden Clubs Scholarship for High School Students Florida resident; US citizen; 3.0 GPA or higher; study agriculture, biology, botany, city planning, conservation, ecology, forestry, horticulture, landscape; design/ architecture, or related fields. Application forms online. Awards: $2,000-3,000 Folds 114. of Honor Foundation Eligible applicants must be the spouse or dependent of: 1. Any service member who has been killed or disabled with a service-connected disability from the VA (the disability rating must be at least 10%); OR A veteran who died from any cause while such service-connected disability was in existence; OR Any service member who is currently classified as a POW or MIA; OR A service member missing in action or captured in line of duty by a hostile force; OR A service member forcibly detained or interned in line of duty by a foreign government or power; OR A service member who has received a Purple Heart Medal (may be active duty). Award: $500 - $5,000 Huebner 115. High school seniors who are the children or Scholarship/Society grandchildren of soldiers who have served of the 1st Infantry in the First Infantry Division of the United Division States Army. The scholarship award will be based on the applicant's scholastic achievements, career objectives, and insight gained from the essay and letters of recommendation. Must submit: Application, Essay, transcripts, college acceptance letter, proof of family member service, and proof of registration with selective service (male only). Online application. Award: $10,000 payable to the school in four annual installments of not more than $2,500 per year. DePuy 116. Children of soldiers who are killed in combat Scholarship/Society or training accidents while serving in a unit of the 1st Infantry assigned or attached to the 1st Infantry Division Division and authorized to wear the 1st Infantry Division patch. Upon being notified of the death of the soldier, the Foundation Secretary will send a letter to the mother of the child(ren) explaining the scholarship program in detail and asking for basic information on the dependent children. Page 15 of 19 Award: a total of $10,000 in educational assistance ($2,500 per year) Chief 117. Warrant and 1. Senior high school students; 2. be the Warrant Officers dependent son/daughter of a member in Association good standing of the Chief Warrant and Warrant Officers Association or who was a member in good standing at the time of their death; and 3. maintain C average in past two semesters. Must submit: Application, transcripts, college letter of acceptance, support documentation, and photograph. Deadline: March 1 Award: Varies. Ladies 118.Auxiliary of High school, College Freshman, and the Fleet Reserve Graduate Students. Must be an IFA member EMPLATE=/CM/ContentDisplay.cfm&CONTENTID=10 Association or have IFA sponsor. Numerous 057 scholarships depending on status. Requires: Essay on what you want to go to college and major; community activities; transcripts; and recommendations. Deadline is April 15. Awards: Varies Marine 119.Corps League National Scholarship Must be: 1. Spouses, Children, Express&func=display&ceid=75 Grandchildren, Great Grandchildren and Step Children of a Marine Corps League or Auxiliary member in good standing; OR Children of Marines who have lost their lives in the line of duty; OR Members of the Marine Corps League or Auxiliary in good standing or honorably discharged Marines in need of rehabilitation training not provided by government programs. To grant Scholarships to qualified applicants who are pursuing full time undergraduate or technical training at a full time recognized institution. Scholarships may be awarded for a maximum of four (4) years. (Does not have to be consecutive years.). Requires: minimum ‘B’ average and official transcript. Award: Varies Military 120. Officers Association of America (MOAA) Scholarship Fund Students, under 24, who are children of former, active or retired officers or active or retired enlisted personnel from the seven uniformed services are eligible to apply. Students are selected on the basis of their scholastic ability, activities, and financial need. Awards: Varies. Military 121. Order of the Scholarships to Purple Heart recipients and Purple Heart their spouses, children, and grandchildren Scholarship each year. Must be: Senior, accepted/enrolled in full time undergraduate college, and maintain 2.74 cumulative GPA. Awards: Varies Page 16 of 19 Navy-Marie 122. Corps Relief Society Must be: child, under 23, of an active duty, retired, or deceased Sailor or Marine; enrolled, or planning to enroll for initial undergraduate degree, cumulative 3.0 or better GPA, and demonstrate financial need. Awards: $500 - $3000 also offer student loans Tourism 123. Cares Academic Scholarship Program to benefit high school, undergraduate or graduate level students of main/opportunities-for-students/academic-scholarshipsprograms travel, tourism or hospitality related programs of study at accredited schools within the United States and Canada. Education must focus on travel, tourism or hospitality; minimum 3.0 GAP; and enrolled in university. Awards: $1,000 from $4,000 Paralyzed 124. Veterans Applicant must be: 1. a Paralyzed A1/Scholarship_Program.htm Veterans member OR the spouse of a of America scholarship Paralyzed Veterans member, 2. an unmarried child (under 24 years of age) who is dependent (as defined by the IRS) on the member for principal support; 3. Applicant must be a citizen of the United States; 4. Applicant must be accepted and enrolled as a full-time or part-time student in an accredited US college or university. Awards: Varies Ranger 125. Memorial Foundation Scholarship Fund High School Seniors. Maintained 3.0 GPA, accepted to college or technical institution. px Transcripts and two letters. Online application. Applications must be Rangers or as family members (such as spouse, children, and grandchildren). Awards: $1000. Women’s 126. Army Corps Veterans’ Association High School Senior. GPA 3.5 – 4.0, transcripts. Allow requires: Submit a biographical sketch and letter stating goals and how the scholarship will be used; Applicants must plan to enroll as a full-time student at an accredited college or university in the United States in pursuit of a degree course of study; Applicants must be a child, grandchild, niece or nephew of an Army Service Woman, and must submit documentation of sponsor's military service; Award: $1500. Annually CIA127. Scholarship Program (Undergraduate) Requirements: GPA 3.0, 1500 SAT or 21 ACT, available to work in Washington DC during employment, and two letter of recommendations. All applicants must successfully complete a thorough medical and psychological exam, a polygraph interview and an extensive background Page 17 of 19 investigation. We ask that you agree to continue employment with the Agency after college graduation for a period equal to 1.5 times the length of your college sponsorship. Awards: vary on financial need up to $70,000 Emerald 128. Coast Gator Club Requirements: high school transcript; official copy of your SAT and ACT scores if not included on official transcript; At least one, but no more than two, recommendations from your school; At least one, but no more than two, recommendations from someone outside your school; and a personal statement addressing why you selected the University of Florida, what you hope to accomplish through your education, why the Emerald Coast Gator Club should select you over the other applicants. Award: $500 per semester during the first year Coca 129. Cola Scholarship Program Requirements: high school (or homeschooled) seniors; Planning to pursue a degree at an accredited U.S. postsecondary institution; 3.00 GPA at the end of their junior year of high school. Awards: $1000 Go to (Program Key: RMHC) and create an account, or login to your existing account, with International Scholarship and Tuition Services, Inc. (ISTS). Each Scholarship has a different submission deadline Please review application thoroughly to ensure to comply with ALL scholarship requirements Ronald 130. McDonald House Charities Scholarships Must be under the age of 21 with at least a 2.7 GPA; high school senior; demonstrated financial need. Awards: Varies Other Scholarship search sites: Financial Aid - Gates Millennium Scholars Program Page 18 of 19 Other Useful College and Career Websites: - The official ACT website - The offical SAT (College Board) website - An "on-line or print form" - An "on-line or in print form" common applicatoin to be used with a specific listing of over 300 colleges and universities. - Florida's offical on-line student advising system (see brochure) that provides information on college and vocational technical training, on-line application for submission to multiple florida's public colleges and universities, bright futures scholarship program, talented 20 program, and financial aid. - College information website. - College information website. - Florida Virtual School (FLVS - a public midde and high school " credit-earning" curriculum designed to deliver courses via the internet (on-line); course are provided at no cost to Florida residents. - Clearinghouse eligiblity criteria for Division I, II, III athelitics, additionally the official student athlete registration website. - On-line test preparation; self-paced course which improves performance on STANDARDIZED TESTS (ACT/SAT) by improving your math, science, and English skills.,PEKMT:2 67732, Page 19 of 19