9 th October 2013 WEEK 1 TERM 4

9th October 2013
Phone: 02 60260514
Mob: 0407237773
Fax: 02 60260676
Email: gerogery-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au
Web Site: http://www.gerogery-p.schools.nsw.edu.au
Dear Parents /Guardians
1. Welcome Back – New Enrolments
Welcome back to all our students, both old and new. This term we have 3 new students; Seamus Nowell-Ash,
who is from Tumut and is in Year 6 and Jade Judd (Year 1) along with Tyler Judd (Year K), who are both
previously from Culcairn Public School. We are sure that all three students will settle into school routine with
ease. We welcome all children and their families to our community and look forward to working together in the
2. NSW English & Maths Syllabus
I will be attending a Professional Development Day in Albury next Monday. This is a day that has been
organised for small schools and involves several staff that have been involved in the development and
implementation of the new Syllabuses.
3. Jazz Trio
A Jazz Trio from the Murray Conservatorium will be performing for our children at the school tomorrow
between 9:30am and 10:10am. This is a free concert that the Conservatorium is funding as a regional
promotion. We look forward to the show tomorrow.
4. Culcairn Cricket 8’s
Tanna, Will, Carson and Elias will be competing in this year’s Culcairn Super 8’s
that will take place in Culcairn on Friday 11 th October. The boy’s will be travelling
with me by car. This carnival runs between 9:30am and 2:30pm and is limited to 7
overs per side. We will be combining with Mullengandra and Table Top Schools to
enter a team in both seniors and juniors. It is a round robin competition. We will
be leaving from school at 8:55am and returning to school in time for the bus trip
home. I will be taking the boys to and from school by car. There is a canteen
available on the day that is run by the Culcairn P&C. A price list is included for those students that will be
involved in the day.
6. Echuca Moama Excursion
We had a fantastic time in Echuca at the
end of last term. All children and parents
got to try out many new experiences, in
particular the giant air pillow that was
conveniently placed outside our cabins. Our
accommodation was excellent, it had
everything that a visiting school group would require. Some of our
highlights included, steering the paddle steamer up the Murray River, Travelling along the main street of
Echuca in a horse drawn wagon, seeing all the vintage cars that were part of a rally, and finding our way out of
a giant maze that was in the shape of Australia. My thanks to Tara, Cath, Tanja, Tracy and Garry for all their
help over the two days. Also to the staff, Miss Stephens, Mrs Knust and Miss Peachey for their assistance
during our excursion, I know you all had a great time, as did the bus driver. His job was made easier with all
the lollies that were placed in his jar. More photos can be viewed on the school website at
7. Around the World in 67 Days! – Well Parts of it Anyway
Singapore was our first stop and its highlight this time was ‘The Gardens in the Sky.’ It had been featured on
‘Better Homes and Gardens.’ Two huge domes covered all the gardens of the world. It was fabulous, worth the
money and had many other features.
London’s best day was at Kew Gardens followed by a clever musical of the movie ‘The Body Guard’. Other
highlights included Clarence House (where the Queen Mother used to live and Prince Charles now does),
Churchill’s War Rooms (all underground) and Westminster Abbey (where all coronations are performed and
where so many famous people are buried within the Abbey itself; Charles Darwin, Isaac Newton, Elizabeth I
etc.) The museums and art galleries are amazing. We went to the Victoria and Albert Museum, thank
goodness, as the queue for the Natural History Museum was over 3 blocks long! School holidays were on, and
museums and galleries are amazing. We went to the Victoria and Albert Museum, thank goodness, as the queue
for the Natural History Museum was over 3 blocks long! School holidays were on, and museums and galleries
were free. Luckily we’d been to the National History Museum previously.
We eventually managed to drive out of the centre of London, in heavy rain and with neither G.P.S. working at
the beginning! Many words were exchanged between the Gieses! Our three favourite towns this trip were
Chichester, Harrogate and Skipton. We visited historic properties
with the best two being Leeds Castle and Chartwell House, Winston
Churchill’s home.
We had a 10 day tour in Europe. Budapest, in Hungary was our
favourite. Our hotel was right on the Danube River. We also really
liked Vienna, capital of Austria, beautiful buildings and lovely
gardens. Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic, remains out of
our Top 20 cities. It was very crowded, very hot, cobblestones were
hard underfoot and you have to be careful of pickpockets. However,
it is scenic and historic and worth seeing.
A side tour to Bratislava, capital of Slovakia, was a delight.
A View from our room in Hawaii
8. P & C AFL Grand Final Breakfast
I wish to send out a huge thankyou to all the helpers who attended the P&C’s AFL Grand Final Breakfast. To
Rob, Ian, Tara, Tanja, Cath and anyone else who assisted on the morning, we really appreciate your help. Can I
also send out a big thank you to the people of the Gerogery Community who supported the BBQ through the
purchase of the cook’s scrumptious rolls.
9. Hats To Be Worn Outside
Now that the weather has begun to warm up and the sun is shining our ‘No Hat No Play’ policy comes into
effect. Children need their bucket hat to be worn when playing outside in the sun. If no hat is worn then you
must play under cover.
10. Years 3&4 Canberra Excursion
The Canberra excursion with Table Top School is rapidly approaching. It takes place in Week 3 of this term,
Tuesday 22nd, Wednesday 23rd and Thursday 24th October, that is less than 2 weeks away. We will be
departing school at 7:10am and travelling to Table Top to pick up the other minibus and place some of their
students on the larger bus. There will be a $40 per student levee that will be used for incidentals throughout
the 3 day excursion (full cost would be $290/student). This money needs to be sent to school by Monday 21st
October. Enclosed is a timetable for the excursion. Our accommodation this year will be at the Canberra
Motor Village in O’Connor. Their phone number is 0262475466. I will have the school mobile with me and I can
be contacted on 0407237773. Please return the permission note to the school ASAP. A packing list will be
sent home shortly. We hope to arrive back at school between 6:30 and 7pm on the Thursday 24th October.
11. P&C Meeting
Our next P&C meeting will take place on Monday 14th October which is the second week of Term 2.
Organisation for the upcoming GMTT athletics carnival and a need for a working bee will be a couple of the
topics for discussion. This carnival takes place at the school on Tuesday 29 th October.
12. School Photos
The school photos have returned to school and are being sent home today. If there is any problem with the
order please ring the photographers on 03 58813436.
Friday 11 October
Culcairn Super 8’s Year 4 boys.
Monday 14th October
P&C Meeting at 7pm.
Friday 18
Miss Peachey’s last day.
Monday 21st October
Fire Awareness 12:15 – 12:55pm.
Tuesday 22nd – Thursday 24th October
Canberra Excursion Years 3 & 4.
Friday 25th October
Canberra High School Band Performance at TTPS. 12 – 1pm
Monday 28th October
Miss Freischmidt’s first day.
Tuesday 29th October
GMTT Small School’s Athletics at Gerogery P.S
Wednesday 30 October
Literacy and Numeracy Continuum.
Monday 4th November – Friday 15th
Intensive Swimming 1:30pm – 2:30pm.
Monday 11th November
P&C Meeting at 7pm.
Friday 15th November
Miss Freischmidt’s last day.
Monday 9 December
P&C Meeting at 7pm.
Thursday 12th December
Gerogery Presentation Night 7pm.
Wednesday 18th December
Last Day students.