UUCD Board Minutes Tuesday, October 22nd, 2013 @ 7:00 p.m.

UUCD Board Minutes
Tuesday, October 22nd, 2013 @ 7:00 p.m.
Vision: We will be a beacon of progressive religion in our region, inspiring positive change in the
Mission: Caring for one another, growing spiritually, and working for justice.
Board of Trustees: Terri Ach, Jerry Challman, Sue Dailey, Cheryl Goldberg, Jan Magree, Charlie
Moore, Barb Montee, Gloria Walters, Geiger Yount. (Underlined indicates attendance.)
Others present: Rev. Bruce Johnson, Kathy Stinnett, C.A.
Brief Check-in: We all took a turn at updating each other on current activities.
Process Observer: Gloria: Meeting began at 7:00 pm.
Chalice Lighting and Reading: Terri Ach
Approval of Minutes: September Board Meeting minutes, with an addendum from a closed session
on 9/30, were unanimously approved with one correction.
Consent Agenda: Finance Council, Congregational Administrator, Music Director, Program Council:
Discussion centered around getting the best price for new teal hymnals. Karen Bauman and Diana
Moore need to work collaboratively. There is no cost to the budget since congregants will be invited to
purchase the needed hymnals.
Treasurer’s Report:
Cheryl explained the use of historical data, showing where we are year-to-date compared to what we
know will occur in the future. In this way we can project where we will be by the end of the fiscal year.
In response to an inquiry from Karen Bauman, Jim Seitz is writing a policy, with input from UUA
sources, to cover compensation for employees who are covered under a spouse or partner’s medical
Minister’s Report:
We discussed the use of Facebook in the context of the social media class that is under way. UUCD
has a page but it is not very active. Strategies will come out of the class; possibilities could include a
“Sharpening the Saw:”
Rev. Bruce talked about the Supervision workshop he recently attended. The workshop illustrated that
churches have much to learn from the corporate world. A lot depends on well-written job descriptions
that include essential functions, core competencies, and goals. The message came out loud and clear
that the minister should be the clearly identified supervisor in the sense of a cycle of supervision:
frequent check-ins and meetings, quarterly and annual evaluations growing out of the goals in the job
descriptions. Rev. Bruce will bring out other elements of the workshop as we go forward.
We also discussed staff and volunteer management, leadership development, and the importance of
collaborative relationships among professionals in staff positions.
RE Replacement Planning:
Nancy Deever has been hired, effective 10/15/13, as Acting DRE. She has already attended the
LREDA conference in the Twin Cities and is at work initiating a new program with the assistance of a
core group of parents.
A Youth Leader position has been offered and we expect a decision shortly.
4 UMD students have been hired to form a pool of nursery attendants as needs arise, and for Sunday
The OWL program has begun with the required parent meeting. 17 to 18 young people from our
congregation will be joined by 3 from Peace Church. The group is large enough that it may need
additional adult help; it will meet from 5:00 to 7:00 on Sunday evenings. Parents will bring snacks and
contributions for speakers will be solicited. We discussed the availability of expanded OWL
curriculum for different age groups and noted that there is a budget line of $1200 for training of
Personnel Committee Expansion:
The committee needs a job description. The need for members will be mentioned at the congregational
meeting on November 3rd.
Changes in UUA Retirement Plan Eligibility:
The Personnel Policy needs to be amended with the following resolution:
Employees qualify for enrollment in the Unitarian Universalist Organization’s Retirement Plan
(As Amended and Restated Effective January 1, 2014) at age 18 years or older and may opt to
make tax-deferred employee contributions upon employment. Employees who have fulfilled at
least 1000 hours of service during 12 months will become eligible for Employer contributions at
the end of the 12-month period. Employer contributions will be 10% of wages (salary + housing
for minister) paid into the employee’s retirement plan.
This means that new employees who are eligible for the UUA retirement plan can begin making
contributions that will be matched after 1,000 hours of employment. It does not affect the current
contract with Rev. Bruce.
We agreed to put the resolution on the Finance Council agenda. We agreed to authorize the president,
treasurer, and finance council to complete the UUA employer participation agreement forms upon the
Board’s approval of contributions. Forms must be completed by 12/30/13.
Committee on Ministries Update:
Rev. Bruce and Sue Dailey submitted names of 7 potential members to be contacted by Rev. Bruce for
serving on the Committee. The Board prioritized the call order.
Minister Emerita Update:
Sue submitted a resolution to be read at the congregational meeting on November 3rd. The Board
approved the resolution to award the status of Minister Emerita to Rev. Karen Johnson Gustafson.
Security and Safety:
Kathy informed the Board that an unknown person had been confronted by a UNS employee on 10/22,
in the narthex. Upon being asked if he could be helped, he turned and ran down the ramp. Additional
small thefts have been noted since the loss of the quilts.
After discussion, it was moved and seconded to establish a task force to review the concept of data
collection, by a security camera system, and how it would be handled. Further, to install security
cameras as soon as possible, as currently being scoped out by security personnel within Cheryl
Goldberg’s company. The motion was passed unanimously.
Guest Musician Compensation:
Discussion ensued after a request to compensate musicians who provide full service in Karen’s
absence. Do we approach a member of the community, or outside the community, with an offer of a
donation for services provided? A conversation is needed around where we draw the line on who is
paid. How do we provide a worship experience when the regular minister or music director is not
present? The conversation ties in with the “care and feeding” of volunteers.
Stewardship Workshop in October:
We confirmed the time and dates for the Finding our Future Workshop. A communication will be
sent to all who are registered so some directed thought can be given before we convene.
Items postponed:
Memorial Policy: Will be reviewed by Finance Council in November, in time for December
Board meeting review.
Conflict Resolution - Jerry
Board Agenda Setting Meeting: Monday, November 25th at 5:30 pm
Decisions by email between Meetings: See Addendum from October minutes
Items added to the Agenda: None
November BOT Welcomers:
11/3– Jan, 11/10 - Sue , 11/17 - Terri , 11/24 - Geiger
Board Thanks:
Ann and Nancy for the planning and production of the Stewardship Workshop.
Future Dates:
- Chalice Reading at December Board Meeting (Volunteer): Jerry
- Board Volunteers to facilitate Program Council November 12th: Barb and Jan
- Next Board Meeting: Tuesday, December 3rd @ 7:00 pm; possible potluck gathering later in
December at Terry Ach’s home.
- Adjournment and Closing Ritual – ended at 9:30 pm. Gloria kept us more or less on track, reminding
us of the time at appropriate points.
Minutes prepared by Jan Magree. Edited by