WMO Regional Workshop on Climate Monitoring and Watches

Expert Meeting on Biometeorological and
Bioclimatic Forecasts, Havana, Cuba.
30 November to 2 December 2015
Third Announcement
Expert Meeting for the implementation of
bioclimatic and biometeorological forecasts in
Latin America and the Caribbean
November 30 to December 2, 2015
Organized by the International Society of Biometeorology and
the Cuban Meteorological Society
With the participation of:
Havana, 13 July of 2015
Dear Colleagues,
The Cuban Meteorological Society and the International Society of Biometeorology have been working
in the organization of an international expert meeting for the implementation of biometeorological and
bioclimatic forecasts in Latin America and the Caribbean, to be held in the city of Havana, Cuba, among
30 November to 2 December of 2015. The meeting will be part to the celebration of the VIII Cuban
Congress of Meteorology and the same travel and accommodation facilities during the congress will be
available for the participants in the expert meeting.
The presentations in the meeting should express the characteristics and observed impacts of actual
bioclimatic and biometeorological forecasts services, considering the needs, priorities and projections of
international organizations related with the broad spectrum of biometeorology, in the fields of humans,
animal health and agrometeorology (phenology), as well as the feasibility for development a regional
project oriented to offer bioclimatic advisories and biometeorological alerts to the health authorities of
selected case study countries in the region of Latin America and the Caribbean.
The meeting also will promote the interdisciplinary interaction between experts from the different areas
of biometeorology (humans, animals, plants), trying to make easier a common methodological approach
for the application of biometeorological and bioclimatic services, to assure the validation within the
user´s community of the service outputs and to implement known best practices in managing efficiently
and seamlessly the interaction among the international and national partners involved, the
meteorological services, the mass media and the general public.
The specific objectives of the meeting are:
 To review the recent results of monthly and seasonal bioclimatic advisories, short-range
biometeorological forecasts and the monitoring of meteor-tropic effects at regional and national
 Address the need for development and validation of bioclimatic advisories and biometeorological
forecasts services in the region of Latin America and the Caribbean through some national case
 To recommend best practices and best strategies for the adequate application and interpretation of
bioclimatic and biometeorological forecasts within the different user´s areas and the general public.
 To prepare the scientific fundament for a cooperated interdisciplinary project oriented to make easier
the implementation of bioclimatic advisories and biometeorological forecasts at national and regional
level into the region, and
 To recommend a follow-up mechanism for the continuous implementation, upgrade and improvement
of bioclimatic advisories, biometeorological forecasts and the monitoring of meteor-tropic effects at
regional scale.
The General Program is still under development. Special focus will be given to improve communication
between specialist from the different areas of biometeorology and the user´s community. The sessions
will be conducted in English or Spanish with simultaneous translation to both languages. Morning and
afternoon coffee/tea breaks during the meeting sessions will be provided. The congress staff will
guarantee all the necessary conditions for the meeting success and fruitful discussions, and the city of
Havana will offer to the participants his cultural diversity, beautiful places and squares, open spaces
near the sea and the warm hospitality and the friendship tradition of the Cuban people.
The Organizing Committee
Local Organizing Committee
Andrés H. Planas Lavié
Cuban Meteorological Society (Sometcuba)
President Pro Tempore
Latin American and Iberian Federation of Meteorological Societies (Flismet)
Phone: (537) 867-0711 and 868-6689
Cel: (537) 5306-0167
Mail: andres.planas@insmet.cu
Luis B. Lecha Estela
Counselor for Latin America and the Caribbean
International Society of Biometeorology
Phone: (53) 4222-8686 / 4227-1165
Mail: luis.lecha@gmail.com, lecha@cesam.vcl.cu
Date and Place
The Workshop will be held from 30 November to 2 December 2015 as part of the activities of the VIII
Cuban Congress of Meteorology. The Venue will be the Tryp Habana Libre Hotel in Havana, Cuba,
located at 23 Ave. and L Street, Vedado County, Havana.
Visa/Entry requirement
All visitors to Cuba are required to have valid passports and tourist visa. Participants are kindly
requested to inquire about visa requirements from the nearest Embassy/Consulate of Cuba in their
respective countries. If required, the host can provide a letter of invitation in support of the visa
application; participants are requested to directly contact the host for this purpose.
Registration of participants
Registration of participants will start on Monday 30 November 2015 from 8:00 AM to 9:30 AM at the
Venue. Participants will receive at the time of registration identification cards, some office supplies and
documents for the meeting sessions. The payment for the accreditation fee will be assumed by the
International Society of Biometeorology such as especial contribution to the meeting success.
The meeting will open on Monday 30 November 2015 at 9:30 AM. Next day at 19:00 hours, all
participants are invited to the general Congress Welcome Reception. The meeting will finish on
Wednesday 2 December 2015 at 17:00 hours.
Documents for the Expert Meeting
It is planned to distribute some documents to participants prior to the meeting by e-mail. Any late
documents will be available at the time of the expert meeting. The technical reports, papers and
presentations during the meeting must be written following the rules and format accepted for publication
by the International Journal of Biometeorology http://www.springer.com/environment/journal/ .
Accommodation at an agreed special rate of USD 70.00 (single room) or USD 90.00 (double room),
with breakfast included, has been arranged for all foreign participants at the Tryp Habana Libre hotel,
located in the known intersection of 23th Ave. and L street, Vedado County, Havana. Cheapest options
are often available in *** hotels and private guest houses. November is the beginning of the tourist
season in Cuba. It is recommended to assure the hotel reservation as early as possible. In order to take
advantage of the special rate, participants must confirm attendance by the end of October 2015 at the
latest (even if final travel itinerary is not available yet), so that the Local Organizing Committee can
send a required letter to the hotel. Each participant will pay his/her hotel room upon check out. The
hotel can provide internet connection and 24-hour free wireless access to the internet in each room and
common areas.
Transportation to Cuba and between Airport – Hotel
COPA AIRLINES is the official air carrier for the participants. A discount of 10 % in the air fares will be
in effect for the participants and the accompanying person. To make this Discount effective, the
passenger should present a document crediting his (her) participation emitted by the organizing
committee or the organizing institution of the event and the voucher of Copa Airlines. Also, tickets may
be purchased directly through the website www.copa.com applying the special discount code for the
congress (B6066). Taxis are available any time at the Havana´s airport. The taxi cost airport – venue
hotel is approximately 20.00 CUC.
The official currencies are the Cuban Convertible Peso (CUC) and the Cuban Peso (CUP). Foreign
currency can be exchanged at the airports (24-hours), local banks and exchange offices in downtown
Havana. However, these are available only from 8 AM to 6 PM. The usual rate is 1 USD = 0.91895 CUC
and 1 CUC = 24.00 CUP. Free money exchange in the streets is not recommended. For further
information on the conversion of currency CUC, visit the Web site of the Metropolitan Bank:
Local Weather and Clothing: Casual and light attire will be appropriate.
Climate conditions for late November in Havana:
Mean Maximum temperature
Mean temperature
Mean Minimum temperature
Mean Humidity
81 %
Mean monthly Precipitation
61.4 mm
Optional tours
Optional tours to beautiful places near Havana city will be available for the participants and their
companions, previous reservation in the Havana Tour office at the hotel.
GENERAL PROGRAM (under development up to 13 July 2015)
08:00 to 09:30
09:30 to 10:00
10:00 to 13:00
10:00 to 10:30
10:30 to 11:00
11:00 to 11:15
11:15 to 11:45
November 30
11:45 to 12:15
12:15 to 12:45
12:45 to 13:00
13:00 to 14:30
14:30 to 17:30
14:30 to 17:30
08:00 to 08:30
08:30 to 13:00
08:30 to 09:15
09:15 to 10:00
December 1
10:00 to 10:15
10:15 to 10:30
10:30 a 11:00
11:00 a 11:30
11:30 to 11:50
11:50 to 13:00
Expert Meeting Registration and coffee welcome
Opening of the Workshop
Session A: Biometeorological forecast services for human
Development of HWWS in big cities of the United States, Canada
and China.
Larry S. Kalkstein, Miami Univ., USA
The individual prevention of meteor-tropic effects and feedback
through “PronBiomet” cellular-phone application.
Pablo Fernández de Arróyabe Hernáez, ISB, Spain
The air quality regional forecast for South America
Saulo R. Freitas, CPTEC, Brazil
The Universal Thermal Index as fundament for biometeorological
forecasts. Not confirmed.
Gerd Jendritzky, Freiburg University, Germany
Monitoring and forecasting meteor-tropic effects in Latin America
and the Caribbean
Luis B. Lecha Estela, CESAM, Cuba
Session Discussion
Session B: Experiences from the medical side during the
application of biometeorological forecasts for human health.
Presentations, Round Table and discussions with specialists from
the National Institute of Hygiene, Epidemiology and Microbiology
on their user´s experiences applying biometeorological forecasts.
Coffee welcome
Session C: Development of bioclimatic forecast and climate
services for human health
Actual results and perspectives of the WMO World Climate
Services Program (preliminary tittle). Not confirmed.
Joy Shumake-Guillemot, WMO, Switzerland
Which kind of bio-forecasts and climate services are needed for
the epidemiological surveillance? Not confirmed.
Kim Knowlton, NRDC, USA
Discussion on previous presentations
A new approach for the monthly and seasonal forecast of complex
bioclimatic variables.
Paulo L. Ortíz Bultó, INSMET, Cuba
The offer of bioclimatic products and services from the National
Climate Center of Cuba.
Vladimir Guevara Moreno, INSMET, Cuba
Discussion on previous presentations
Presentations and Round Table with specialist from the Cuban
15:00 to 15:30
Institute of Meteorology on the prevention of air pollution and solar
radiation effects in the health of the Cuban´s population.
Session D: Impacts of bioclimatic forecasts in the Cuban
surveillance system of transmissible diseases.
Is it possible a regional epidemiological surveillance system for
Latin America and the Caribbean? Not confirmed.
WHO/PAHO Representative in Cuba
Presentations, Round Table and discussions with specialists from
the Institute of Tropical Medicine “Pedro Kourí” on the impact of
bioclimatic forecast services in the prevention of transmissible
Welcome Reception to the congress participants
Coffee welcome
Session E: Phenological researches and biometeorological
forecasts for animal health and agrometeorology.
The “state of the art” in phenological researches.
Mark D. Schwartz, Univ. of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA
New perspectives for products and services in agricultural
Simone Orlandini, Univ. of Florence, Italy
Lecture Title
John Gaughan, Univ. of Queensland, Australia
Impact of hot climate on health and productivity of dairy cows
Nicola Lacetera, Univ. of Viterbo, Italy
Discussion on previous presentations
Presentations, Round Table and discussion with specialists from
INSMET and MINAGRI on the impacts of agrometeorological
services in the food production and plant diseases prevention.
Session F: The role of adaptation facing the climate and
weather impacts on living organisms.
How to improve animal and plant adaptation to climate and
weather variability?
A speaker on this item is desirable.
Still free…
15:30 to 16:00
Still free…
16:00 to 16:30
16:30 to 17:00
Resume of the agreements and recommendations from previous
13:00 to 14:30
14:30 to 17:30
14:30 to 15:00
15:00 to 17:30
19:00 to 22:00
08:00 to 08:30
08:30 to 13:00
08:30 to 09:15
09:15 to 10:00
10:00 to 10:15
10:15 to 11:00
11:00 to 11:45
December 2
11:45 to 12:00
12:00 to 13:00
13:00 to 14:30
14:30 to 17:30
14:30 to 15:00
17:00 to 17:30
FINAL NOTE: The participation in the expert meeting is still open to all interested person with
field experiences or practical results in the application of biometeorological or bioclimatic
forecast services. You may contact directly with Luis B. Lecha Estela before 31 August 2015 at:
lecha@cesam.vcl.cu or luis.lecha@gmail.com.
We hope to see you in Havana!