UJMT Fogarty Global Health Fellowship Program gram 2016-2017 Application for Medical S tudents and Doctoral Scholars Due November 1, 2015 DIRECTIONS: Applicants are required to submit a two-page research proposal, as well as supplemental materials around their experience and planned mentorship. Candidates are expected to have spent a significant amount of time preparing this application with the guidance of a U.S. and international mentor (U.S. based or LMIC) affiliated with the site. Note: Fogarty International Center has mandated that 80% of fellowship funding must go to HIV-related research activities so, where possible, applicants in high-prevalence settings should consider how HIV might relate to their work. A. Email your complete application as a single PDF file to Kathryn_Salisbury@med.unc.edu B. Your mentors/advisors will email their letters of recommendation to FGHFP@med.unc.edu Applicant Contact Information First Name: ________________________Middle Name: _______________________Last Name: _________________________ Email address: _________________________________ Cell phone#:______________________________ Current Address: City: _____________________________ State: Zip Code: Permanent Address: City: _ State: Zip Code: General details about proposal Doctoral scholars are invited to apply to work at established UJMT Consortium sites in one of the nine countries listed below. Africa: Ghana, Malawi, South Africa, Uganda, Zambia Asia: China, India Latin America: Argentina, Peru Please indicate where you would like to spend your fellowship year: _______________________________________ How did you learn about the UJMT Fogarty Global Health Fellows Program? Area of research interest Proposed LMIC training site (institution name): Proposed mentor at LMIC training site Letter of recommendation from mentor is included? Research project you intend to work on (attach the project methodology, IRB approval # and dates, PI biosketch, describe your role) Original research proposal title (attach a 2 page research proposal Yes____ No____ Foreign Language: D o you have a working knowledge of any language other than English? Language(s):__________________________________________ (specify: beginner, conversational, fluent) Required Letters of Recommendation Recommendations are to be provided separately, and emailed by the author to FGHFP@med.unc.edu 1. Prior/current research mentor: (or dean for academic/student affairs) Institution Title Email: 2. LMIC based UJMT FGHF mentor Institution Title Email: 3. Will you be requesting the submission of an additional letter of recommendation? Yes____ No____ Name Title Email: Award requested (check one) _____Full award (includes stipend, insurance, research and travel) _____Research and travel only _____Other: _______________________________________________________________________ Proposed appointment dates of 11-month traineeship:______________________________________ (Note: Fellows are required to work a minimum of 36 hours per week on their research for 11 months, and a minimum of 10 months must be spent overseas.) Title of the T32 or other training program (current or in the last 12-24 months): _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Program Director:___________________________________________________________________ Email address:______________________________________________________________________ Describe prior experience in resource-poor settings, domestic or international ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Demographics 1. U.S. Citizen _____U.S. non-national 2. Gender: Male Female Prefer not to answer 3. Ethnic Category: Hispanic or Latino Not Hispanic or Latino Prefer not to answer 4. Racial Category: Permanent resident, INS A#:___________ American Indian/Alaska Native Asian Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander Black or African American White More than One Race Prefer not to answer INSTRUCTIONS: PLEASE READ CAREFULLY All components should be single-spaced, with 0.5” margins, and in Arial 11 point font. The page limit for each section are specified below 1. Research Proposal (2 pages) It is expected that applicants review the proposed research design extensively with their primary mentor i. Specific Aims ii. Research Plan (overview) a. Significance b. Innovation c. Approach iii. Timeline for proposed scope of work iv. Human Subjects (describe the IRB process and timeline for approval) v. References should be included in the two page limit, if possible- font can be 9pt 2. Budget and budget justification, up to $7,000 (1 page) 3. Statement of career goals (1 page) Please state why you are interested in a mentored clinical research training experience abroad, what you expect to gain from this program. Describe how your career goals relate to international health. Specify the area of research you are interested in exploring 4. Plan for mentorship over the Fogarty year (1 page) 5. Current curriculum vitae (2 page limit) 6. Two to three letters of recommendation. Letters will be emailed directly to Kathryn Salisbury at fghfp@med.unc.edu. a. Prior/current research mentor letter: This should provide a candid assessment of the candidate’s research experiences, research potential and likelihood of a successful academic career. This can also come from the dean for academic and student affairs at your institution. b. Training site mentor: Your research mentor must indicate that you have been in communication with them, have shared your research idea and they are committed to working with you. This can be a U.S. based or LMIC based mentor. c. Additional letters of support are accepted from other mentors or relevant LMIC site affiliates. 7. Non-official transcripts of graduate school academic performance in courses taken to date. Do not include your undergraduate transcripts.