Machine characterisation Period 9 (December 2009) Period 10 (January - October 2010) v.01 (23/12/10) Content Buncher zero-crossing procedure On image analysis BC1/2 cresting BC2 crest as a function of BC1 phase Dispersion measurements FC bunch charge measurements Steering Beam energy measurement RF phase shifters AP practice 2 3 4 6 6 6 7 7 8 8 1 Buncher zero-crossing procedure Variation of the TOF procedure for zero-crossing of the buncher was introduced and successfully tested. Below – two plots when the scope trace (1.3GHz) reading were taken at peak (old method) and at zerocross. The latter allows to find the buncher zero-cross phase more accurately and faster. Dt - Dt0 Dt - Dt0 40 30 y = 3.5727x - 522.05 30 20 20 10 10 0 0 -10 130 140 150 -10 125 160 130 135 140 145 150 155 -20 -20 -30 -30 -40 -40 -50 -50 Zero-cross measurement (#1549) Peak measurements (#1549) Buncher zero-crossing with analogue LLRF (#2166). TOF difference between 1.3GHZ clock and the BPM-02 signal was measured at Pb=100W and 1000W. Procedure: 1) measure TOF at 100W and 1000W 2) vary buncher phase until TOF at 1000W is equal to TOF at 100W. 3) re-measure TOF at 100W 4) repeat steps (2) and (3) until TOF is equal at 100W and 1000W within 1-2ps. TOF difference v buncher phase (#2166) 100 initial TOF difference, ps 80 60 40 Step 1 20 Step 2 Step 3 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Phase off zero-cross, deg 2 40 Image analysis The RMS beam size increases with the image intensity when the beam size is small, e.g. when the slit image is observed on YAG, see below. YAG feature or what ? The error in RMS size evaluation is greatly diminished when the beam size is larger. However, some increase in measured beam size is still noticeable and consistent with the increase of the “small” beam sizes. RMS beam size v train length #1589 (INJ-3 image of INJ-2 slit) 0.35 INJ-3 : Xrms v image intensity # 1587 2.5 0.3 2 Xrms, mm Xrms, mm 0.25 0.2 1.5 0.15 1 0.1 0.5 0.05 0 0 1 2 3 4 T, us 5 6 7 8 0 0 3 100 200 300 400 T, us 500 600 700 800 BC1 and BC2 cresting #1768 Clear BC1 crest seen only using low energy edge of beam. Done at 40 pC and BC2 = OFF. 2.4 2.3 2.2 2.1 2 High Energy [A] INJ-DIP-01 [A] 1.9 Centre [A] 1.8 Low Energy [A] 1.7 1.6 1.5 250 260 270 280 290 300 310 BC1 phase [degrees] Below : ASTRA simulations at #1768 conditions : the energies are given at the exit from the booster; curves relate to high, low, mid energies of the energy spectra as functions of BC1 phase. Note: except for low energy part of the spectrum, there is no expected COSINE dependence ( at 30ophase , the beam energy would be ~ 0.6MeV lower compared to peak energy). After March 2010, we changed our cresting procedure to the so called “ temporal procedure” as found in the wiki at: 29 4 The main differences are that we crest at as low bunch charge as possible (LA=0.01) and instead of looking for the maximum deviation of the beam on INJ-YAG-05, we keep the INJ-DIP-01 current the same, mark the position of the beam at eg/ -20 and scan the beam through in phase until the beam returns to the same position. The crest is then the midpoint of the two phases which steer the beam to the same position on INJ-YAG-05. This thus assumes a symmetrical curve of BC1 phase versus energy. As seen in Figures 1 and 2, at 40 pC, this is not the case. However, Figure 3 below, is ASTRA simulations carried out at 1 pC bunch charge. Figure 1: ASTRA simulations at 1 pC As can now be seen, the middle energy of the bunch now has a symmetric distribution. Assuming this is what people use when noting the position of the beam on the screen, the crest is now correct between ASTRA simulations and practice on the real machine. Furthermore, the phase marked 0 in Figures 1 and 3 in ASTRA is the crest of the reference particle, which remains unchanged with bunch charge at an internal ASTRA phase of -12.292. The conclusion is that the phase used in ASTRA is the same as the phase used on the actual ALICE machine, within experimental error. Figure 4 below show energy spectra of the 1 pC bunch at three different phases. This distribution should be approximately the intensity distribution we see on INJ-YAG-05. Figure 2: Energy spectra from ASTRA at 1 pC 5 BC2 crest as a function of BC1 phase. It has been known that the phase offset in BC1 affects the crest of BC2. Some measurements were taken in an attempt to characterise this affect. The raw data can be found in the spreadsheet linked below: \\dlfiles03\ALICE\Work\2010\09\26\Shift 3\ Booster phasing.xlsx The following procedure was carried out with the laser attenuation set to 0.01. First the BC1 crest was found. A given phase offset was then given to BC1 and the gradient of BC1 set to centre the beam on INJ-5 with the nominal value of INJ-DIP-01 at 2.4 A (to ensure no time of flight differences due to different beam energy). BC2 was then switched on to a “gradient” of 7 V and the crest of BC2 found using the “temporal procedure” as written in the wiki: 29 The crest of BC2 was then recorded as a function of BC1 phase offset from -20 to 0 in steps of 2 units on the BC1 station phase. The results are shown below. Simulations in ASTRA were carried out to find the BC2 crest with BC1 phases set at -20, -10 and 0 with an attempt made to keep the same energy gain from BC1. Measurement: Simulation (-20 -10) Simulation (-10 0 ) 0.74 0.85 0.96 Data was also taken of the BC1 grad set needed to recover the beam image on the centre of INJ-5 with a INJ-DIP-01 current of 2.4 A. If you ignore the first data point, it fits quite well to a quadratic: Dispersion measurements EMI-1: Dx = 1.42m (#2059) FC bunch charge measurements With burst generator, when the frequency is reduced compared to nominal 81MHz, it’s possible to resolve individual bunches on FC traces, see an example below. 6 INJ FC -1 : traces at 1/7 (black) and 1/4 (blue) of 81.25MHz frequencies (#2152). Note the FC signal oscillation frequency matches that of the beam. LC circuit oscillations or what ? Steering Steering through undulator Effect of vertical ST2 correctors on beam position on wedges VCOR-03 VCOR-05 UP Large Smaller CN Small Larger Effect of horizontal ST2 correctors on beam position on wedges DIP-04 HCOR-05 UP Large Large CN Large near zero Effect of HVCOR-05 is explainable by beam optics. Horizontal steering procedure (quite effective and quick) 1) centre beam on CNWG with DIP-04 2) centre beam on UPWG with HCOR-05 Vertical steering is not that straightforward. There is also an earlier procedure (Neil T.) in wiki. Beam energy measurement There was some confusion over ~10% difference in beam energy measurement on AR1-1 and EMI-1. A direct comparison made in #2055 has shown that the difference is ~1%, i.e. AR1-1: DIP-01 = 45.4A 27.5MeV EMI-1: DIP-04 = 8.48A 27.85MeV. Some analysis of the initial discrepancy is made in a note presented at ALICE physics meeting (see ALICE physics meetings at \\dlfiles03\apsv4\Astec\Projects\ALICE\ALICE_Physics_Meeting ). Partially, the problem is explained by mixing up total and kinetic beam energies in ALICE and EMMA Magnet Tables. The issue of correct steering into the energy spectrometers could also contribute. 7 RF phase shifters Beam based calibration of the buncher phase shifter was made in #2058. The results are summarised in the plot below. AP practice Bad practice : to tweak something well upstream to improve something well downstream (e.g. using BC2 GS to increase charge measured on EMI FC). This leads to many changes in longitudinal and transverse beam dynamics as clearly demonstrated by the beam images below when the BC2 GS was slightly changed from 7.2 to 7.5. BC2 GS=7.2 BC2 GS=7.5 8 EMI-6 (#2097)