August 2015 is Butterflies and Bees Month

GUEST ARTICLE: July 23, 2015
CONTACT: Susan Strawbridge, (352) 628-5445, Ext. 1002
Guest article by
Susan Strawbridge, Park Services Specialist
As part of its series of themed exhibitions, Ellie Schiller Homosassa Springs Wildlife
State Park will be featuring Florida’s butterflies and bees during the month of August.
Come and explore these fascinating insects through displays and a special program on
honeybees in the Visitor Center. An exhibit on beekeeping will include a working
beehive, beekeeper’s head gear and tools used in caring for bees. Also included will be
photographs of dozens of species of native butterflies by park volunteer Ralph Bischoff
and information on how to plant a butterfly garden will be offered by The Homosassa
River Garden Club. Additional displays and activities regarding Florida’s butterflies and
bees will be featured in the Discovery Center inside the Park. There will also be two
special programs offered this month on “Creating a Butterfly Habitat,” and on “Florida’s
Honey Bees.”
Learn How to Create a Butterfly Habitat
Friday, August 7, 2015, starting at 1:30 pm
Jim Bruno, a Master Gardener Volunteer with the Citrus County Extension Service will
give a presentation on “Creating a Butterfly Habitat” on Friday, August 7, 2015, starting
at 1:30 pm in the Florida Room at the park’s main entrance and Visitor Center located
on US 19. His program includes suggestions on host and nectar plants to include in
your landscaping along with other activities that will attract butterflies. There is no
charge to attend this program and there will be hand-outs available.
Learn about Florida’s Honeybees
Friday, August 21, 2015, starting at 1:30 pm
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A special program on Florida’s honeybees will be presented by Melody Tayler in the
Florida Room at the Park’s main entrance and Visitor Center. There will be no charge to
attend this program. Tayler, a Homosassa resident and working beekeeper, began
keeping bees in 2008. She has given many presentations on honeybees over the past -seven years, including programs for the Citrus County’s library system, schools, clubs,
and Wildlife Ranger summer camps and Earth Day events at Ellie Schiller Homosassa
Springs Wildlife State Park. She is the secretary of Nature Coast Beekeepers' Club and
has achieved the level of "Master Beekeeper" through the University of Florida's "Bee
College." Her presentation will focus on the honeybee as a social insect and the
products produced by the hive. In addition she will suggest ways to help save bees.
There is no charge to attend this program.
About Florida’s Bees: Did you know…Florida is home to roughly 315 species of
native bees, of which 29 of those are found only in Florida. Honeybees have been
evolving for a very long time – the fossil record goes back at least 100 million years.
This busy insect is the only one that produces food which is eaten by man. It is also the
only bee that dies after stinging.
What you can do to help Florida’s Bees…If you would like to help Florida’s bees,
Tayler suggests that you stop using insecticides. You should also avoid seeds that are
coated with systemic insecticides. Plant bee-friendly flowers in your garden such as
Asters, Black-eyed Susans, Purple Coneflowers, and Woodland Sage.
About Florida’s Butterflies: Did you know…that there are 170 species of butterflies
that are native to Florida? Butterflies, along with moths, comprise the group
Lepidoptera, or scale-winged insects. Most butterflies’ lifespan is only a few days to
several weeks. Some exceptions include the Zebra butterfly that can live for several
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months and the Monarch which overwinters and can live up to 8 months or more. The
greatest abundance and diversity of butterflies occurs from August through midOctober. Resident species are at their peak numbers and are joined by many migrating
butterflies as they fly South by the millions.
What you can do to help Florida’s Butterflies…
If you wish to help butterflies you can plant a butterfly garden which includes host plants
for caterpillars and nectar plants for butterflies. Not all flowers attract butterflies and
caterpillars do not eat the leaves of all plants. So check with your county extension
office, local garden club or native plant society for suggestions on host and nectar
plants for the butterflies in your area. The following native plants are just a few
examples of the many plants that will attract butterflies: Milkweed, Porterweed, Tropical
Sage, Butterfly Bush, Black-eyed Susans, Wild Coffee, Tampa Verbena and
If you've read this far, you will know we have a lot planned for the month of August. You
are invited to visit Ellie Schiller Homosassa Springs Wildlife State Park to learn about
the importance of Florida’s wildlife including butterflies and bees. You won’t want to
miss either of this month’s special programs. For more information or to register, please
call Susan Strawbridge at (352) 628-5445, ext. 1002.