1st TURKISH-GERMAN FRONTIERS OF SOCIAL SCIENCE SYMPOSIUM “Changing Climate – Changing Lives” 26 – 29 November 2015 İstanbul, Turkey »Final program« Thursday, 26 November during the day Individual arrival of German and Turkish participants until 8:00 p.m. Registration and check-in 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. Session Coordination Meeting (OC 2015 members and speakers only) tba 7:00 p.m. Welcome Reception and Opening Dinner tba NN, Koç University NN, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Daniel Grütjen, Stiftung Mercator Friday, 27 November from 6:30 a.m. Breakfast Restaurant 8:30 – 9:00 a.m. Opening Remarks tba NN, Koç University Kerstin Krellenberg, Organizing Committee 2015 9:00 – 10:30 a.m. SESSION I - CLIMATE CHANGE IMPACTS ON NATURAL SYSTEMS Organizers: Patricia Ramey-Balci & Annette Kolb tba The Impacts of Climate Change on Water Resources and Its Consequences for Human Well-being Barış Yılmaz, Celal Bayar University Will ocean acidification and warming affect European Societies? Felix C. Mark, Alfred Wegener Institute Bremerhaven 10:30 – 11:00 a.m. Coffee break tba 11:00 – 12:30 p.m. Continuation of SESSION I tba Changes in Freshwater Ecosystems Due To Climate Change And Potential Adaptations Arda Özen, Çankırı Karatekin University European pollinators suffer from climate change in many ways Oliver Schweiger, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research Halle 12:30 p.m. Group photograph of all participants tba 12:40 – 2:00 p.m. Lunch Restaurant 2:00 – 3:30 p.m. SESSION II - CLIMATE CHANGE AND SOCIAL PRESSURES Organizers: NN & Kerstin Krellenberg tba Transformative psychology? Psychological determinants of prevention behavior facing climate risks and the inaccuracy of the information deficit model Torsten Grothmann, University of Oldenburg Strengthening the resilience of cities in the light of climatic and societal change Jörn Birkmann, University of Stuttgart 3:30 – 4:00 p.m. Coffee break tba 4:00 – 5:30 p.m. Continuation of SESSION II tba Possible population mobility scenarios between Southeast Europe and Anatolia following the Last ice Age Onur Özbek, Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University The Late Early Bronze Age Regional Catastrophe in the Ancient Near East: Climatic Change and the Collapse of a Socio-Economic System Tevfik Emre Şerifoğlu, Bitlis Eren University 5:30 – 7:00 p.m Free time 7:00 – 09:30 p.m. Dinner Restaurant from 6:30 a.m. Breakfast (separate table for OC 2015 + 2016) Restaurant 9:00 – 10:30 a.m. SESSION III - ECONOMICS OF CLIMATE CHANGE Organizers: Baris Karapinar & Katrin Rehdanz tba Saturday, 28 November Developing Quantitative Measures for Fair Allocation of Emission Reduction Responsibilities and Capabilities across Countries İzzet Arı, Ministry of Development The Effect of Building Energy Retrofits on Daily Heating Time Martin Achtnicht, Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development Dresden 10:30 – 11:00 a.m. Coffee break tba 11:00 – 12:30 p.m. Continuation of SESSION III tba The impact of climate change on Costs of Food and people exposed to hunger at subnational scale Anne Biewald, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research Impacts of Climate Change on Turkish Agriculture and Adaptation Strategies Gökhan Özertan, Boğaziçi University 12:30 – 1:30 p.m. Presentation of Koç University and Alexander von Humboldt Foundation 1:30 – 2:30 p.m. Lunch 2:30 p.m. Cultural tour 7:00 p.m. Dinner at a local restaurant 9:00 p.m. Transfer to hotel Restaurant Sunday, 29 November until 12:00 p.m. Check-out from 6:30 a.m. Breakfast Restaurant 9:00 – 10:30 a.m. SESSION IV - GLOBAL GOVERNANCE OF CLIMATE CHANGE Organizers: Gonca Ongan & Markus Lederer tba The Politics of International Climate Treaty Negotiations Semra Cerit Mazlum, Marmara University Research Center for International Relations Power Constellations in the International Climate Regime Thomas Hickmann, Potsdam University 10:30 – 11:00 a.m. Coffee break tba 11:00 – 12:30 p.m. Continuation of SESSION IV tba “You can crush us, you can bruise us but you’ll have to answer too…”: Contentious politics of climate justice in a warmer world Ethemcan Turhan, Istanbul Policy Center, Sabancı University Righteous Climate Policies: Exploring Institutional Inter-linkages between the Human Rights and the Climate Regime Andrea Schapper, Technische Universität Darmstadt / University of Stirling 12:30 – 1:30 p.m. Concluding Discussion & Closing Remarks tba Bariş Karapinar, Organizing Committee 2015 NN, Stiftung Mercator Katja Hartmann, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Ahmet Icduygu, Koç University 1:30 p.m. Farewell lunch Restaurant The conference program for all participants ends here. 2:30 p.m. TUGFOSS 2016 Organizing Committee Meeting tba 6:30 p.m. Dinner for OC 2016 members Restaurant