(MYP). - East Irondequoit Central School District

Middle Year’s Program
East Irondequoit Middle School is a candidate school for the Middle Years
Program (MYP).This school is pursuing authorization as an IB World School.
These are schools that share a common philosophy-a commitment to high
quality, challenging, international education that East Irondequoit Middle
School believes is important for our students.
MYP Parent
East Irondequoit Middle
Table of Contents
Why the MYP?
Curriculum Model
Learner Profile
Transitioning from the MYP to the IB Diploma
Assessment Principles
Subject Area Overviews
Individuals and Societies/Social Studies
Language Acquisition/LOTE
Language and Literature/ELA
Physical Education
Language Policy
Academic Honesty
Parent-Teacher-Student-School Communication
How are MYP and AVID related?
What can you do at home to support MYP?
MYP Coordinator Information
Why the MYP?
In our continuing efforts to provide the highest quality of education, the East Irondequoit School
District is expanding the International Baccalaureate Program (IB) and the Primary Years Program
(PYP). East Irondequoit Middle School is a candidate school for the Middle Years Program
(MYP). This school is pursuing authorization as an IB World School. These are schools that
share a common philosophy—a commitment to high quality, challenging, international
education that East Irondequoit Middle School believes is important for our students.
East Irondequoit Middle School follows the Middle Years Program (grades 6-8). This program is
based on the premise that for students to become fully-informed and contributive citizens of an
increasingly globalized world, schools must teach them to be excellent communicators, to be aware
of multiple cultures, including their own, and to make connections between their learning and their
East Irondequoit Middle School believes that the MYP is the best system of education to ensure that
our students will develop a broad knowledge base, strong academic and intellectual skills, and the
ability to apply their knowledge and skills to the world beyond school. This program is designed to
motivate students to achieve higher academic standards. All middle school students will receive a
holistic curriculum, taught from a global perspective.
What are the benefits of the MYP?
Students are challenged in all areas of the curriculum
The curriculum is academically rigorous and challenging
It encourages critical thinking in the student as well as personal academic reflection
It develops strong research and investigative skills in the student
It fosters in students a positive attitude to learning through its focus on problem solving,
creativity, and ingenuity
It promotes a well-balanced education
It promotes international and intercultural awareness
It provides a strong foundation for success in the Diploma Program
MYP Program Model
The MYP program model includes eight subject areas, the Areas of
Interaction (AOI), the Personal Project, and the student. The MYP
strives to develop students’ capabilities through carefully considered
learning experiences in each of the listed subjects. The MYP is
intended to be an inclusive program that can cater for all students. Our
culturally rich and diversified student body allows our school to fulfil
the IB principle of international education and we are proud to be
supporting and cultivating students who exemplify the attributes
expressed in the IB Learner Profile. We believe the MYP program is ideally suited to provide our
students with learning opportunities that will enable them to develop and challenge their own personal
values and help them acquire sound judgment.
Learner Profile
All three of the IB programs utilize the same document to describe the qualities the
school works to develop in each student. This document is called the Learner Profile,
and includes ten elements which students should strive to become:
Open Minded
Students will encounter these ideas in their classes and throughout the school.
Students will also reflect upon personal growth and development throughout their time
at EIMS.
At the beginning of each month, students will vote on the Learner Profile Trait they
would like to focus on. Student of the month nominations will be based on this trait.
Ask your child each month what has been chosen and encourage them to exhibit this
How does the MYP prepare students for the IB Diploma
The MYP develops skills and knowledge necessary for success in the IBDP. By the
end of the MYP, students should be able to plan, organize and complete their own
learning activities with limited support. They should have strong communication skills
using a variety of styles of communication, such as different languages and the specific
styles of mathematics, sciences, humanities, arts, etc. Students should be able to
identify and build on their strengths, as well as identify and accommodate their weaker
areas. In addition to these academic skills, over the course of the MYP, students will
develop a strong knowledge and skills base in the different subject areas. These
knowledge and skills help to prepare students for the greater challenges of the
Diploma Program.
Visual Representation of the IB Progression, from PYP to IBDP
Assessment Principles
Why do we assess?
 Teachers use assessment to help students meet goals and to support student
learning. Teachers also use assessment to guide students and help them be
responsible for their learning.
 Students use assessment to learn about their progress – how they’re doing, what
they’re doing well, and what might need more attention.
 Parents use assessment to find out how their children are doing.
How does MYP assessment work?
 Teachers use various types of assessments (tests, projects, oral presentations,
written paragraphs, essays, labs, etc.).
 Student achievement is an ongoing goal throughout the year.
 Teachers assess what students turn in. If students don’t turn in work, teachers
can’t give an accurate assessment.
 Teachers give frequent feedback to help students reach their goals.
What should students do with the assessment information given to them by
 Students should self-assess while planning and preparing for an assessment
task, and ask: How am I doing?
 Students should carefully review all comments made by teachers, and use that
information to improve in future tasks.
 Students should talk to their teachers about their progress. Teachers are very
willing to provide assistance. (Please note that questions about individual
progress may need to take place during a students’ free time, as there is not
enough time to do this during class for every student.)
Subject Area Overviews
Art: (Adapted from MYP Arts Guide)
The arts are a universal form of human expression and a unique way of knowing that
engage us in affective, imaginative and productive activity. Learning through the arts
helps us to explore, shape and communicate our sense of identity and understanding
of the world, while providing opportunities to develop self-confidence, resilience and
adaptability. At EIMS, students have options such as Art, Studio Art, Band, and
Individuals and Societies/Social Studies: (Adapted from MYP Humanities Guide)
Individuals and Societies encourages learners to respect and understand the world
around them and equips them with a skills base appropriate for a learner in the 21st
century. Individuals and Societies involves inquiring into historical, contemporary,
geographical, political, social, economic, religious, technological and cultural contexts
that influence and have an impact on individuals, societies and environments. At EIMS,
students will attend their Individuals and Societies class daily at all grade levels.
Language Acquisition/LOTE: (Adapted from MYP Language B Guide)
The ability to communicate in a variety of modes in more than one language is
essential to the concept of an international education that promotes intercultural
understanding. In all IB programs, the role of language is valued as central to
developing critical thinking, which is essential for the cultivation of intercultural
awareness, international-mindedness and global citizenship. Language is integral to
exploring and sustaining personal development and cultural identity, and provides an
intellectual framework to support conceptual development. The IB acknowledges that
learning additional languages greatly contributes to the holistic development of
students and to the strengthening of lifelong learning skills. Language is central to
learning, as well as to literacy. Learning a second language in the MYP equips
students with the necessary multiliteracy skills and attitudes to be interculturally
competent, enabling them to communicate successfully in the global contexts of the
21st century. The purpose of Language Acquisition is to enable students to become
competent in a language other than their mother tongue, and is based around
proficiency in speaking, reading and writing. Students are encouraged to communicate
as far as possible in the target language and to learn about the parts of the world in
which their language of choice is spoken. This knowledge should in turn develop
understanding of and nurture respect for cultures other than their own.
At EIMS, students may choose between Spanish, French and Italian. They are
expected to follow the same language throughout their middle school career in order to
continue their study of language in the Diploma Program.
Language and Literature/ELA: (Adapted from MYP Language A Guide)
Language is fundamental to learning, thinking and communicating, therefore it
permeates the whole curriculum. The power of language is best experienced through
quality literature. The study of language and literature enables students to become
highly proficient in their understanding and use of their language. Students need to
develop an appreciation of language and literature, of the nature of language and
literature, of the many influences on language and literature, and of the power and
beauty of language and literature. They will be encouraged to recognize that
proficiency in language is a valuable life skill, a powerful tool both in societal
communication and as a means of personal reflection. Learning that language and
literature are creative processes encourages the development of imagination and
creativity through self-expression. At EIMS, students will attend their Language and
Literature class daily at all grade levels.
MYP Language and Literature is academically rigorous, and equips students with
linguistic, analytical and communicative skills that can also be used in an
interdisciplinary manner across all other subject groups. There are six skill areas:
listening, speaking, reading, writing, viewing and presenting, which develop as both
independent and interdependent skills. Students develop these skills through the study
of both language and literature. The choice of texts also provides opportunities for and
influences students in further developing the attributes of the IB learner profile.
Mathematics: (Adapted from MYP Math Guide)
Mathematics plays an essential role both within the school and in society. It promotes a
powerful universal language, analytical reasoning and problem-solving skills that
contribute to the development of logical, abstract and critical thinking. Moreover,
understanding and being able to use mathematics with confidence is not only an
advantage in school but also a skill for problem-solving and decision-making in
everyday life. Therefore, mathematics should be accessible to and studied by all
students. Mathematics is well known as a foundation for the study of sciences,
engineering and technology. However, it is also increasingly important in other areas of
knowledge such as economics and other social sciences. MYP mathematics aims to
equip all students with the knowledge, understanding and intellectual capabilities to
address further courses in mathematics, as well as to prepare those students who will
use mathematics in their workplace and life in general.
At EIMS, students will attend their mathematics class daily at all grade levels. For
students enrolled in accelerated mathematics, the Algebra Regents exam will be taken
at the end of 8th grade with an expectation of passing with an 80% or higher. Passing
the Regents exam in June will earn them high school credit.
Physical Education: (Adapted from MYP Physical Education Guide)
Physical education in the MYP is concerned with more than just participating in sports
and games. Its primary aims are to encourage the development of “intelligent
performers” and to encourage students to understand the importance of a balanced,
healthy lifestyle. Throughout the five years of the MYP, students should develop
knowledge, critical thinking and reflection skills, and a sense of responsibility, as well
as interpersonal and self-motivational skills. This in turn should encourage choices that
will contribute to long-term healthy living. At EIMS, students will attend Physical
Education regularly and Health in grades 6 and 7.
Science: (Adapted from the MYP Science Guide)
The vision of MYP sciences is to contribute to the development of students as
inquirers, scientifically literate, caring and responsible individuals who will think
critically and creatively when solving problems and making decisions about aspects
affecting themselves, others and their social and natural environments. Science and its
methods of investigation offer a way of learning that contributes to the development of
an analytical and critical way of thinking. Inquiry is at the heart of MYP sciences and
aims to support students’ understanding of sciences by providing them with
opportunities to independently investigate relevant issues through both research and
experimentation. Learning science relies on understanding and using the language of
science, which involves more than simply learning technical scientific terminology.
MYP sciences aim for students to become competent and confident when accessing,
using and communicating scientific information. Students are expected to use scientific
language correctly and select appropriate communication formats for oral and written
communication. Science is taught in an investigative approach, providing students with
a way of knowing through inquiry that contributes to the development of analytical and
critical thinking. Science topics are designed to be relevant to the needs and interests
of students, providing them with opportunities to explore the role of science in everyday
life and the dynamic interactions between science and society.
At EIMS, students will attend their science class daily at all grade levels. Students
enrolled in Earth Science will take the Regents exam at the end of 8th grade. Passing
the Regents exam in June will earn them high school credit.
Technology: (Adapted from the MYP Technology Guide)
Technology and technological developments have given rise to profound changes in
society, transforming how we access and process information, how we communicate
with others and how we work and solve problems. The MYP holistic approach to
teaching and learning acknowledges that inquiry and problem solving contribute to
students’ development of thinking skills and strategies that will equip them to face the
rapidly changing demands of the 21st century.
MYP technology aims to provide the means and the context to help students become
skillful problem solvers, who can appreciate the role of technology in everyday life and
society and who can respond critically and resourcefully to real-life challenges.
At EIMS, students will attend their Technology class in grades 7 and 8 and Family and
Consumer Science (FACS) in grades 6 and 7.
Language Policy
East Irondequoit Middle School recognizes that language acquisition and proficiency is
instrumental to the success of our students, as scholars, community members, and
(eventually) independent adults. For this reason, and since language is vital across all
subject areas, all teachers, parents, and students at EIMS are language teachers, as
we all have a role to play in introducing students to language and inspiring them to
grow in their abilities, from birth to graduation. EIMS is committed to supporting
appropriate language development for all students, through language courses. EIMS
also supports language development for students’ mother tongues. The EIMS
Language Policy will be written 2013-2014 and available June 2013.
Academic Honesty
All students in the MYP are expected to demonstrate high standards of academic
honesty. This includes completing their own work, documenting sources carefully, and
not assisting or allowing others to be dishonest. Students are taught in class how to
demonstrate honesty, and teachers regularly revisit the topic to ensure all students
understand exactly what is acceptable or unacceptable. The EIMS Academic Honesty
Policy will be written 2013-2014 and available June 2013.
Parent-Teacher-Student-School Communication
Students at this level are learning to take responsibility for their own learning, and most
communication about their progress therefore happens directly between students and
teachers. Parents are always welcome to participate in the learning process, and
should be active at home. It is always good to ask students about what homework
they have, what assessments they are preparing for (or have just gotten back), what
they are learning, and whether they would like any assistance. Parents are welcome
to contact the school at any time during the school year. Appointments with individual
teachers can be easily arranged through team leaders.
Communication from the school to parents happens regularly. Please see below for all
of the possible opportunities for communication throughout the year, as well as a
general schedule which will be used annually to set the major assessment periods.
Electronic and Printed Communication:
 Each teacher has an email address and phone number and can be reached on a
regular basis
 Parent Portal and Student Portal are available to view student progress
 Any district news will be reported via East Irondequoit call system
Conferences, Meeting, and Reporting:
 December 5th and 6th : Parent teacher conferences will be set up through team
 Progress Reports: Progress reports are designed to give early warning if a
student is struggling or to give positive reinforcement to exemplary efforts.
Grade ranges and comments are included in progress reports.
 Quarter Grades: Every 10 weeks grades will be sent home along with
comments. Please look these over carefully and reflect with your child on their
How are MYP and AVID related?
MYP Approaches to Learning
Information Literacy
AVID and MYP both recognize that we teach students as a whole. Not only do we
teach them content but we also teach them lifelong skills to ensure their success in the
What can you do at home to support MYP?
Talk to your child! Encourage them to exhibit the learner profile traits and appreciate
other cultures. Students at this age are not yet adults, but are no longer young
children, so the program provides structure and support as students develop
independence, responsibility and intellectual curiosity.
We encourage you to keep an open line of communication with your child’s teachers
and welcome your involvement.
MYP Coordinator Information
If you have any questions about MYP, please contact Mrs. Ingel Schmidt.
(585)339-1400 ext. 6244