Giraffe Lesson Plan Name: Rachel Ison Subject: Science Lesson Plan Title: Giraffe Grade Level: K Date: 4/5/12 Length of Session: 40 min. Content Standard: Life Science: Standard 3- Flow of Matter and Energy- Matter and energy flow through the biosphere Standard 4-Heredity- Plants and animals reproduce and transmit hereditary information between generations. Standard 5- Biodiversity and Change- A rich variety of complex organisms have developed in response to a continually changing environment. Agriscience: a laboratory science course that prepares students for biology with content areas include ecology. Standard 3- Determine the importance of wildlife populations and environmental conditions in our natural habitats. Materials & Resources: Dedan Saves The Day by Thea Feldman Giraffe Lapbook Giraffe placemat worksheet “What do Giraffes Eat” video Shoebox Leaves, grass, and twigs from home 10 tablespoons cornstarch 3 tablespoons water yellow food coloring leaves and twigs a bowl/ Wet naps PLANNING Unit Goal(s): GLE 0007.3.1 Recognize that living things require water, food, and air. GLE 0007.4.1 Observe how plants and animals change as they grow. GLE 0007.4.2 Observe that offspring resemble their parents. GLE 0007.5.1 Compare the basic features of plants and animals. 3.7 Determine how the carrying capacity of an ecosystem is affected by interactions among species and organisms. Learning Objectives: 0007.3.1 Observe plants and animals and make records of their similarities and differences. 0007.5.1 Use a variety of representations to describe similarities and differences among plants and animals. 0007.5.2 Create a mural of an ecosystem and compare the characteristics of animals and plants within that environment. 0007.5.3 Match pictures of animal and plant characteristics needed for survival to appropriate environments. Enduring Understandings: CONCEPT(S): Giraffes have unique physical characteristics that allow them to adapt to their ecosystem. Giraffes are mammals with a family structure. Giraffes are great runners and protective. ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS: Why is giraffes’ saliva thick? How does the giraffe adapt to their ecosystem? What characteristics are unique to giraffes? INSTRUCTION INTRODUCTION or Anticipatory Set Time: 5 min. Start the lesson by asking the students if they have ever seen what color a giraffes tongue is? Then ask what would you do if you were really tall? BODY (Activities & Practice) Activities Time: 30 min. 1. Read Dedan Saves The Day to the students. 2. Discuss with the students the physical characteristics that make giraffes so unique. 3. Present Giraffe lap book to whole group. 4. Students create and read the giraffe placemat worksheet. 5. Watch video about what giraffes eat. 6. Create miniature habitat for giraffe using shoeboxes and twigs and leaves kids brought from home. 7. Create science activity of creating Giraffe spit by mixing cornstarch, water, and food coloring in a bowl. Students will be able to physical touch a physical aspect that allows giraffes to survive. CLOSURE: Time: 5 min. Talk to the students about what interesting facts did they learn about the giraffe while cleaning up. Transition: Animal giraffe limbo where students make a line and play limbo while acting like the giraffe with a long neck. ASSESSMENT Evaluation: Observe students making their miniature habitats for giraffes. Direct toward plants and plant life that would be in the African savanna. Observe the students answers on the giraffe placemat activity. References: www.