NAVFAC Applied Biology Newsletter Summer 2010 NAVFAC Applied Biology Website News and information about upcoming events: (Requires CAC-enabled login, or request a SSO account). AFPMB page: AFPMB NAVFAC Applied Biology Upcoming Events and Courses DoD Pesticide Applicator and QAE/PAR/IPMC Recertification Courses: 1-4 February 2011. San Diego, CA. Contact: Mike Medina 8-11 February 2011. Virginia Beach, VA. Contact: Sabra Scheffel Initial training course for PAR/QAE/IPMCs: 16-19 November 2010. San Diego, CA. Contact: Mike Medina 16-20 May 2011, Virginia Beach, VA, Contact: Sabra Scheffel Registration: (use pull-down menu to access Courses > E-Registration > Environmental Compliance) Initial DoD pesticide applicator certification 13 Sept – 06 Oct 2010. Jacksonville, FL. Contact: David Wolfert 904542-2424 Information on DoD Pest Management Courses is available at NAVFAC Applied Biology Newsletter August 2010 Page 1 of 7 The Clean Water Act and upcoming requirements for pesticide use As of April 9, 2011 discharges of pesticides into, over, or near waters of the U.S. will require coverage under an National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit, unless the ruling is overturned, which seems very unlikely at this point. This includes both biological pesticides, such as B.t., and chemical pesticides. Pesticide uses covered under the NPDES permit include mosquito and other flying insect control, aquatic weed and algae control, aquatic nuisance animal control, forest canopy pest control, and any pesticide use near water where it is unavoidable that a portion of the pesticide will be deposited to water (e.g., vegetation control along ditches or stream banks). Enforcement of this statute, in most cases, has been delegated to the states, and most states are working on producing a general permit for pesticide discharges based on a draft the EPA has provided. For those few states without permitting authority, the EPA will issue their permit. The EPA plans to have their final permit ready In December, 2010. The states will need to have permits in place by April 9, 2011. Q: Can you tell me in plain English what activities may require a permit? Any applications directly to or over water will require a permit if applications exceed the annual threshold. Applications along a bank, ditch, or water’s edge will also be covered. Terrestrial applications and unintentional spray drift over water will not require a permit. ULV spraying for mosquitoes will be covered in most cases, because even when applied terrestrially the spray is intended to drift over large areas including bodies of water. Aerial applications to forest canopy with waters below will be covered, while terrestrial applications to the forest canopy that avoid aquatic areas are not. Q: What additional requirements will be placed on activities that apply pesticides in the covered categories? A: If activities know or can reasonably expect to apply pesticides above a set annual threshold, they will be required to file a Notice of Intent (NOI) and submit annual reports. They will also need to minimize pesticide applications where possible, meet water quality limits, develop a plan, monitor and report adverse incidents, and maintain pesticide application records. Most of our Navy & Marine Corps installations are already doing these things, but we may need to update our NAVFAC Applied Biology Newsletter August 2010 Page 2 of 7 integrated pest management plans to meet NPDES requirements. The plan will need to identify the pest problem, assess alternatives to pesticide use, and list appropriate procedures that will be followed for pesticide use. It will also document how discharges will be minimized and effluent limits will be met. We plan to come up with a template that can be used by the installations to fill in their information to include as an annex to their Integrated Pest Management Plans. Q: What are the thresholds that determine if I need to file a NOI or get covered under an existing permit? Annual treatment totals Mosquitoes and Other Flying Insect Pest control: 640 acres of treatment. Aquatic Weed and Algae Control: 20 acres of water treatment area, or 20 linear miles at water’s edge. Aquatic Nuisance Animal Control: 20 acres of water treatment area, or 20 linear miles at water’s edge. Forest Canopy Pest Control: 640 acres of forest canopy. Each pesticide application counts toward the annual total. For example, an activity that applies twice a year to a ten acre site should be counted as twenty acres. Q: What do I have to do if I apply pesticides in those categories, but stay below the threshold annual treatment totals? A: Under the Clean Water Act, you are only required to minimize pesticide use where possible, meet water quality limits, and monitor for and report adverse incidents. Q: Where can I find more information? A: Visit the EPA website at NAVFAC Applied Biology Newsletter August 2010 Page 3 of 7 EPA Announces New Restrictions on Phosphine Fumigants The EPA is requiring new restrictions on aluminum and magnesium phosphide products to better protect people from dangerous exposures, following the deaths of two girls whose front yard was treated with phosphine to control voles. DoD applicators are not certified to use fumigants, but you should be aware of the new restrictions if you have contractors doing fumigations. All uses are prohibited around residential areas. New Jersey Firm ordered to clean up homes after illegally applying harmful pesticides indoors The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection has determined that a Newark based company illegally applied pesticides inside residences and apartments for bedbug control. The firm sprayed carbaryl and malathion inside of homes, which is not permitted by the product labels. The DEP has ordered the firm to return to the residences and clean up pesticide residues. No determination has yet been made regarding fines or penalties that could be imposed on the company. The company may also face civil suits from affected residents. Another reminder that the label is the law, and that we must read and comply with labeled instructions on the pesticide products we use. Upcoming training on invasive species: A MID-ATLANTIC FOCUSED CONFERENCE Subject: Good Green, Bad Green: Invasive Plant Control for Habitat Restoration Event Website : detailed program, online registration, scholarships, sponsors, continuing education credits & more! To be held at the Northern Virginia 4-H Center and Smithsonian Conservation Biology Center Front Royal, Virginia Sept. 16 & 17, 2010 Who should attend: Natural Resource Professionals, DoD Pest Controllers dealing with vegetation management, Master Naturalists, Consulting Foresters, Landowners, Arborists & Horticulturalists, Master Gardeners. NAVFAC Applied Biology Newsletter August 2010 Page 4 of 7 Other News Rodent expert shines light on rats in NYC subways New biologically-based bird and pest repellants are available from PiGNX. Head and body lice now considered to be same species; body lice can emerge from populations of head lice. Dow AgroSciences introduces LockUp™ Herbicide, a new active ingredient (penoxsulam) herbicide labeled for broadleaf weed control in grasses. Useful Links NAVFAC Applied Biology Center – Our site on the NAVFAC Portal AFPMB – Armed Forces Pest Management Board homepage NPIC – National Pesticide Information Center CDMS – CDMS Label/MSDS searchable database NPIRS – National Pesticide Information Retrieval System PCT Online – Pest Control Technology Online magazine Army Pest Management Timely Topics National Pest Management Association Naval Safety Center Bulletins Live! Pesticide Use Limitations for endangered species protection NAVFAC Applied Biology Newsletter August 2010 Page 5 of 7 Applied Biology Team Members and regional POCs Atlantic Karen Wilson 757-322-4817 Acting Program Manager Sherrie Bartku 757-322-4796 Section Head Steven Holmes 757-322-8295 Midwest and Marine Corps Jack Markham 757-322-4882 MidLant Mike Medina 619-532-1157 Southwest and Northwest Kirk Williams 757-322-4254 Southeast Sabra Scheffel 757-322-4320 Denise Thomas 757-322-4459 Pacific Stephan Lee 808-472-1384 Cory Campora 808-472-1408 Akira Masui 011-81-46-816-7720 Japan and Okinawa NAVFAC Applied Biology Newsletter August 2010 Page 6 of 7 NAVFAC Applied Biology Products and Services Pest Management Provide technical assistance to troubleshoot and solve pest problems. Conduct required pest management program reviews to ensure effectiveness, efficiency and safety of the program. Provide guidance in structure and landscape design and construction to prevent pest infestations. Conduct extended on-site consults (reimbursable). Pesticide Compliance Prepare integrated pest management plans (reimbursable). Prepare pest control contracts (reimbursable). Review installation integrated pest management plan (IPMP). Review pest control and construction contract specifications, agriculture and PPV housing lease agreements, natural resources contracts, and other documents involving pest management. Approve pesticides for use on installations. Support pesticide compliance programs. Manage pest management record keeping and reporting. Training Provide pest management training to recertify pesticide applicators and train pest management coordinators and pest control contract Quality Assurance Evaluator (QAE) / Performance Assessment Representatives (PAR) and others involved in pest management. Provide non-FIFRA initial certification and FIFRA/non-FIFRA recertification for OCONUS activities (reimbursable). Other Support for Marine Corps and other services (reimbursable). The editorial content of this newsletter has been reviewed and approved by the Public Affairs Office. This internal newsletter is an authorized NAVFAC publication. Its contents do not necessarily reflect the official views of the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense or the U.S. Navy, and do not imply endorsement thereof. NAVFAC Applied Biology Newsletter August 2010 Page 7 of 7