S-12/13-51 - Saint Mary`s College of California

Beth Dobkin, Provost
Claude Malary, Chair
Academic Senate
April 29, 2013
Senate Action S-12/13-51
Resolution in Appreciation
Of Brother Ronald Gallagher
At the April 25, 2013 meeting of the Academic Senate, the attached Resolution in Appreciation of
Brother Ronald Gallagher, FSC, Ph.D. in Celebratory Farewell was unanimously approved. This action
was assigned Senate Action #S-12/13-51.
The Academic Senate
Saint Mary’s College of California
In appreciation of
Brother Ronald Gallagher, FSC, Ph.D.
on behalf of the Faculty of
Saint Mary’s College of California,
in Celebratory Farewell assembled,
the eighth day of May, 2013.
Whereas Brother Ron presided over Saint Mary’s College of California from January 2,
2005 to June 30, 2013; and
Whereas Brother Ron’s tenure coincided with a national and local economic recession
bordering on depression; and
Whereas with Catholic dignity, equity, grace, probity, and respect Brother Ron
navigated the Saint Mary’s ship through said rough seas unto safer shores; and
Whereas Brother Ron’s attachment to the Gaels elevated athletics to the standing in
academe that harkens back to classical antiquity when the Latin phrase mens sana in
corpore sano prescribed balance between mind and body; and
Whereas Brother Ron, polyglot and scholar of literature par excellence, honored the
academic realm of the college by practicing the ideals of shared governance;
We, therefore, the Members of the Academic Senate of Saint Mary’s College,
herewith unanimously attest: Brother Ron deserves our sincerest thanks.
In testament thereto, we inscribe our signatures this day, Thursday, the twenty-fifth of
April, at Saint Mary’s College in Moraga, California, in the year of Our Lord, 2013.
Claude-Rhéal Malary
Berna Aksu
Jeannine King
Keith Ogawa
Jyoti Bachani
Jessica Kintner
David Bird
Peter J. Freund
Helga Lénárt-Cheng
Laura Heid
Marty Rokeach