Safe Food Handling Policy - Early Learning Centre

Blue Bay Early Learning Centre
Evidence of link to Regulations (ECSNR):
Safe Food Handling
Part 4.2 Div. 1
R77 – 1( a, b) 2(a,b)
R78- 1(a, b)2 (a, b)
R79- 1(a,b – i, ii) 2(a, b, i, ii) 3
R80 -1(a,b) 2(a,b) 3
Evidence of link to NQS::
Change Description
Safe Food Handling Policy
QA2, St2.2, E2.1.1, E2.1.3, E2.1.4
Blue Bay Early Learning Centre
Policy Objective
To ensure that food handling operations at the centre are conducted in a safe and hygienic
All food handled and prepared within the care environment must be carried out in a safe and
hygienic manner and comply with the Food Safety Standards, Food Standards Australia and New
Zealand (FSANZ)
Relevant Legislation:
Refer to the following reference materials:
 Food Standards Australia New Zealand Act 1991(Cwlth).
 Food Standards Australia New Zealand. (2001).
 Occupational Health & Safety Act.1
 Public Health Act 1991
Most staff will hold their Safe Food Handling Certificate and this will be maintained and renewed
as required.
Strategies and practices
All of the main preparation and cooking duties are only to be carried out by a person who
has completed the basic training in food safety and nutrition in accordance with the Food
Standards Australia and New Zealand (FSANZ) – food safety code.
Correct food handling techniques are to be followed at all times e.g. adherence to
maximum serving temperatures and minimum storage temperatures.
The centre kitchen will be used as the designated food preparation and storage area. This
is to be maintained in a hygienic and sanitary manner at all times.
A kitchen cleaning schedule is in place. Daily, weekly and monthly cleaning charts are to be
marked off when completed. These are displayed on the clipboards in the kitchen.
Staff will not use any chipped, broken or cracked eating or drinking utensils when
preparing or serving food.
Safe Food Handling Policy
Blue Bay Early Learning Centre
Staff will use separate colour-coded chopping boards for meal preparation.
Cooked and uncooked meats will be kept in separate compartments in the fridge.
A temperature control program will be implemented which will maintain food at a
temperature of 5C or below or above 60C. Regular temperature checks will be taken and
recorded. Temperature checks will also be conducted when reheating food.
Daily temperature readings are recorded for the fridge, freezer, dishwasher and oven. The
freezer will be kept below -18C, the fridge will be kept below 5C and the dishwasher will be
kept over 80C.
On delivery of milk or meat, the temperature must be checked using the food
thermometer probe and recorded.
All frozen and fresh foods must be immediately stored in the fridge or freezer. Foods are
stored to prevent contamination and are rotated according to date labels or by delivery
date (for fresh produce) – stock rotation. Damaged stock will not be accepted.
Fresh foods will be sanitized upon delivery and stored in appropriate sanitised containers.
Separate serving utensils are provided for each food.
Staff preparing meals will wear a clean apron, clean outer clothing and have their hair tied
Staff will wear blue gloves when handling or preparing food. Blue band aids only will be
worn by staff preparing food.
Staff will undertake appropriate food handling training as required and will be aware of the
‘2 hour / 4 hour rule’If potentially hazardous food is out of temperature control for less then 2
hours - refrigerate immediately, between 2 and 4 hours - use immediately or
more than 4 hours - throw out.
Staff will be aware of children’s allergies and food preferences when preparing and serving
food to minimise cross contamination.
Staff and children will wash their hands before handling food or eating.
Children will be discouraged from handling other children’s food or utensils.
Education and Care Services National Regulation, 2011
Public Health Act 1991
Managing OHS in Children’s Services, Tarrant, S 2002
Food Standards Australia New Zealand. (2001).
Staying Healthy in Childcare, NMHRC Fourth Edition 2006 - http:
Safe Food Handling Policy
Blue Bay Early Learning Centre
Policy Written by:
Approved by:
Approved Date:
Next review date:
Safe Food Handling Policy
Staff Sign: