B2 Module 4
Worksheet 7, Week 7
16 May 2013
a. BEFORE LISTENING - VOCABULARY PRACTICE: Match the words with their
___1. ignite
___2. secular
___3. shudder
___4. explosion
___5. shard
___6. assault
___7. capture
___8. train
___9. ally
___10. sentiment
___11. outrage
a) chip, sliver
b) nonreligious
c) attack
d) opinion, attitude
e) instruct, teach, discipline
f) burn
g) burst, blast, boom
h) barbarity, atrocity, anger
i) seize, take hold of
j) shake, tremble, quake
l) unite, connect
b. Fill in the blanks with the given words.
pressure- secular - shards of – ripped through- ally- seized - assassination -assaults
shuddered - blast- vulnerable
1.We live in an increasingly___________ society, in which religion has less and less
influence on our daily lives.
2.Tourists are more_______________ to attack, because they do not know which areas of the
city to avoid.
3.The fuel spontaneously ignites because of the high temperature and _________________.
4.I heard a massive explosion and the ground _________________ beneath me.
5.Three people were injured in the_________________.
6.___________ glass have been cemented into the top of the wall to stop people climbing
7.The explosion _________________the hotel.
8.Customs officers at Heathrow have_________________60 kilos of heroin.
9.The number of _____________on police officers has increased alarmingly over the past
10. The _________________of John F. Kennedy shocked the nation.
11. During World War One, Turkey was an _________________ of Germany.
Go over the questions for two/three minutes before listening to the text twice. Try to
answer the questions while listening.
1. What were the targets of terrorist attacks in Istanbul?
2. How did suicide bombers attack their targets?
3. What was the reaction of Ms. Morekli to terrorist attacks?
4. How many casualties were there after the attacks?
5. What are the differences between terrorist attacks carried out by the PKK and suicide
6. Why did al-Qaida select Turkey as a target of terrorism?
7. What lies beneath terrorist attacks according to Sabri Sayari?
Thomas, Barbara, and Amanda Thomas. Complete First Certificate. Cambridge : Cambridge
UP, 2008. Print. p. 62.
Thomas, Barbara, and Amanda Thomas. Complete First Certificate. Cambridge : Cambridge
2008. Print. p. 54-55.
Learning a language is not for everyone. Some people find it very difficult and stressful;
others actually enjoy the mental challenge and still others (although these are rare people) find
it easy to learn a foreign language.
Recently, there has been a lot of interest in trying to define the characteristics of a ‘good'
language learner.
Here are four examples - can you select the person who is likely to make the best language
learner from these descriptions of their needs and personalities?
Perhaps it is best to take a typical example at the outset. Fred Brown had to retire last year
because of a bad heart. He went to Spain for a holiday and decided he liked the country and
the people so much he would like to learn the language. He already speaks good French and a
little Italian and he thinks these will give him a head start in learning another Latin language.
He sees language learning as a detective game: he hunts for clues and likes to find the answers
himself. He knows that language learning is hard work, but he gives himself a little to learn
each day. He listens to himself and usually knows when he has made a mistake. He knows
exactly what sort of Spanish he wants to learn and is only interested in that.
Mary Green has friends in Athens and she has been to Greece several times. Through her
friends she met a Greek working in London and now they are engaged to be married. They
plan to live in London but she feels she must learn Greek to talk to her future in-laws. She is
going to Greek cookery classes as well. She says she is ‘hopeless at languages' and she hated
the French teacher at school. She thinks language is all about talking and she tries to
experiment with the language she knows: she takes risks. She is rather lazy about reading
Greek and ‘switches off' when she sees it written down. She finds the classes a bit boring
because she is not learning the things she wants to learn but she has not spoken to the teacher
about this.
In total contrast to someone who has the need to integrate into a family situation, however, is
John Freeman. John's company is starting to sell sportswear in France next May and John will
have to visit Marseilles four times a year. There will be a local agent so he will not have to
negotiate in French. He has been to France on holiday three times and knows a few words
already. He enjoyed the sunshine but doesn't really like foreigners: "They're all a funny lot."
He is a very precise person who always likes to be accurate and doesn't like to make a fool of
himself. He does not speak any other languages and is motivated to learn French because of
his work. He knows that language can be described as a series of rules and he tries hard to
learn the system. He likes the teacher to translate so that he can be sure he has understood
exactly what every word means. He is not interested in wasting his time guessing. He has not
thought about what kind of French he needs to learn.
Jane Smith, on the other hand, hasn't even started work so she won't have the strong
motivation that working in a language gives people who are trying to sell their products.
However, she doesn't think that foreigners are strange people and she isn't frightened of
making mistakes because ‘it's all a bit of fun'. She has now finished her first school
examinations and, although she is going on to study science in the 6th Form, she doesn't want
to forget the German she has studied. She can't bear writing, though, and is impatient with
herself when she makes grammatical mistakes. She doesn't really know why she is continuing
to learn and she has already said that if her German studies take up too much of her time, she
will drop them and focus on ‘real' work.
All of these learners have their own reasons and they are all different in how they approach
the task and what they think learning is all about. The experts' view is that people who have a
clear idea of the reasons for learning will do well and, on that basis, Fred Brown, John
Freeman and Mary Green are clearly advantaged. However, it is also true that those who take
risks and experiment do well and here John doesn't do too well. Additionally, those who have
high motivation and regular exposure to the language do well and here, of course, John and
Mary may have the edge over people like Jane. There's also a case to be made that for those
who enjoy learning and don't care too much about making mistakes, success can come easily.
1. The person with the lowest motivation is probably
a. Jane
b. Mary
c. John
d. Fred
2. John Freeman is learning French
a. to integrate into the French business community.
b. because he needs to go to Marseilles.
c. only for professional reasons.
d. to be able to make business deals in French.
3. Mary Green is learning Greek because
a. she wants to be able to talk to her family.
b. she wants to live in Greece.
c. she needs it for professional reasons.
d. she is going to cookery classes in Greek.
4. Fred Brown's approach to learning is best described as
a. making full use of the Spanish he already knows.
b. working hard every day.
c. problem solving.
d. talking to and learning from Spanish speakers.
5. Jane
a. has taken examinations in German.
b. thinks that learning German will help her 6th Form studies.
c. isn't bothered about any mistakes she makes.
d. makes a lot of written mistakes.
6. Fred, John and Mary have an advantage because
a. they know what they want to learn.
b. they know why they are learning the language.
c. they understand the structure of language.
d. they aren't afraid to experiment.
7. Contact with native speakers helps you to learn, so
a. Jane will have an advantage.
b. John and Mary will have an advantage.
c. Jane and John will be at a disadvantage.
d. Fred will be at a definite disadvantage.
8. Learning a language is not for everyone because
a. it's difficult to define a ‘good' learner.
b. people react differently to the challenge.
c. very few people find it easy.
d. it's very stressful.
A. Match the definitions with the words.
average, not special
regularly, often
real, not imaginary
showing a careful sense of judgment
a. sensible
b. frequently
c. nevertheless
d. actual
e. ordinary
B. Complete the sentences with the words or phrases in the box. Use the correct forms of
the verbs. You will not use all words/phrases.
involve ordinary
take into account
1. ____________ values in Istanbul have increased since last year.
2. I was late for the meeting because I didn’t ____________ the traffic at the bridge.
3. The dollar to lira ____________ rate is at 1.79 right now.
4. A university education is very expensive in the US. A lot of people go into
____________ in order to get their degrees.
5. Getting fluent in English ____________ a lot of time and effort on the student’s part.
6. It was an ____________ day at the office until the electricity went out.
7. The ____________ of finishing school makes me very happy!
8. She is so popular. She is always ____________ by friends.
9. It’s midnight, so I ____________ the kids are asleep.
10. He ____________ to committing the crime.
B. Match the words with their synonyms.
a. publicize
b. accomplish
c. ability
d. goods
e. rivalry
f. client
g. possible
h. purpose
i. earnings
j. hazard
D. Complete the sentences with the words below.
the economy
1. Building a house requires much ______________.
2. I think studying _____________ is very boring.
3. Learning a second language ________________ a lot of work.
4. ________________ of Turkey is growing.
5. How can we have a good system if it is based on _______________.
6. My shoes are too small so I must _______________ them with another pair.
7. One day they would like to own their own ________________.
8. It may be __________________ to bring an umbrella today.
9. Every school has its own __________________ to teaching.
10. If you get the ____________________ to travel then you should take it.
A)Write the verbs from the box in the correct form to make first conditional sentences.
Use will or might (not) in the result clause.
Be able to/not have
not have/not be
not cover/see
tell/not return
Credit card fraud-the facts
If a credit card thief ……..gets…. the chance, he ….will steal… your card or your money.
How can you prevent this? There are several ways:
1 Always cover your PIN number when you use it. If you ………………. It, someone
…………… it.
2 Don’t talk to people at the cash machine- a thief ……………………. You by talking to you
if you ……………………….. him to.
3 You need good security on your computer- the thieves ………………………….. get into
your accounts if you…………………………………….. proper security.
4 When you buy something on the Internet, make sure the website has ‘locked’ symbol. If
it…………………………………… one, it …………………………….. secure enough.
5 Don’t forget, if you ………………………………. You PIN number to another person and
your money is stolen, your credit card company ………………………………….. your
B) Choose the correct item and underline it:
1. If I move / I’ll move to Boston, I live / I’ll live on Main Street.
2. If you call / you’ll call your mother, she’ll be very happy.
3. If the mechanic fixes our car on time, we drive / we’ll drive to Center ville.
4. If it rains / it’ll rain today, we won’t go to the park.
5. If I’m not in a hurry tonight, I write / I’ll write to her.
6. If she isn’t / won’t be sick, she’ll go to school.
7. If they’re / they’ll be tired tomorrow, they don’t go / won’t go to work.
8. If John doesn’t buy a new car, he buys / he’ll buy a motorcycle.
C) Rewrite the sentences using UNLESS:
1. If you don’t go to Venice, you will never ride in a gondola.
2. If it doesn’t rain, we will go to the cinema.
3. If you don’t go to a Chinese restaurant, you’ll never taste a Peking Duck.
4. If you don’t go to Bursa, you’ll never climb Uludag.
5. If you don’t go to India, you’ll never see Taj Mahal.
D) Complete the following sentences in column A using the correct choice from column
1. Everyone on board the plane would have died a) If I had not been to a doctor.
2. If the officials hadn’t stopped the poor man,
b) if you had taken him to the fun-fair.
3. If the climbers had found an easy way,
c) if the plane had crashed.
4. I would be in a hospital now
d) she could have bought some expensive
5. We would have got wet
e) so many people wouldn’t have been
6. If he had had enough time last summer,
f) he could have built his small house in
two days.
7. I might have come to your help
g) if we hadn’t taken our umbrellas.
8. If the driver had not slept,
h) they could have reached the top easily.
9. The young boy would have been very happy i) he would have gone on a holiday.
10. If her father had been rich,
j) if I had had time last Sunday.
E) Complete each sentence with the correct form of the verb in parantheses.
1. If you …………………………… (not / leave) immediately, I ……………………….
(call) the police.
2. If he …………………………….. (not / arrive) soon, we ………………………. (have
to) have dinner without him.
3. I …………………………………… (not / have to) borrow any money from you if I
…………………………… (get) my salary tomorrow.
4. If you …………………………… (invite) her to the dance, she …………………(be)
very pleased.
5. If you ………………………… (retire) soon, you …………………………….. (make)
yourself ill.
6. If you ………………………………. (write) him a letter, he ………………………..
(know) our address.
7. If the policeman had seen the thief, he ………………………………….. (arrest) him.
8. The buildings wouldn’t have burned to ashes if the firemen ………………………….
(come) in time.
9. People wouldn’t cross the Bosphorus, if they …………………………………………
(not / build) those bridges.
F) Complete the present and past unreal conditionals.
1. We have to stay home. The workers are coming this afternoon.
We ____________________ home if the workers ___________________this afternoon.
2. The hurricane damaged the radio station. They stopped all broadcasts.
If the hurricane _________________ the radio station, they __________________ all
3. Fire destroyed the old town hall. This beautiful new building was erected on the site.
If fire _______________________________ the old town hall, this beautiful new
building ____________________________on the site.
4. My sister doesn’t live near the volcano. I am not concerned about her safety.
If my sister _______________ near the volcano, I __________concerned about her safety.
G) Change the statements into conditional sentences.
1. Madeleine missed her flight, so she felt angry and frustrated.
2. I didn’t finish the report because my computer was broken.
3. We don’t have money, so we can’t buy this expensive house.
4. It is raining now, so we can’t have a picnic.
5.I can’t speak Japanese, so I won’t spend next year studying in Japan.
6.I didn’t know that Mr. Jung was in the hospital, so I couldn’t send him a note and some
7.I was very tired, so I couldn’t go to the party last night.
First Certificate in English. Oxford: Univeristy of Cambridge, ESOL Examinations, 2008.
Print.p.16-17, 38-39.