Spelling Contract Name___________________________________#_________Date____________ 5 Point Activities 1. Write rhyming words for all the spelling words. 2. Write words in ABC order. 3. Write each word in syllables. (dic-tion-ar-y) 4. Write each word as many times as there are letters in the word. 5. Write each word and circle the vowels. 6. Make a set of flashcards for studying your words (same size and in a bag) 7. In a dark room, use a flashlight to write your spelling words in the air. Parent Signature_________________________ 8. Write your words in order from the shortest to the longest. 9. Write your spelling words in dots. Then connect the dots with a colored pencil. 10. Solve a friends word scramble, secret code or word find, Name of friend___________________________________ 11. Write the entire list end-to-end as one long word, using different colors of crayon or ink for different words. 10 Point Activities 12. Make a word scramble of all the words. Then trade with a friend to solve. Friend’s name__________________________________ 13. Write an antonym for as many words as you can. 14. Write a synonym for as many words as you can. 15. Draw a picture of the words and write the word by the picture. 16. Use a computer to type each word three times. 17. Use chalk to write your words on the sidewalk. Parent Signature_________________________________________ 18. Type your words on the computer and send them in an e-mail to your teacher. (mlamb@interact,ccsd,net) 19. Write your word with the hand you do not usually write with. 15 Point Activities 20. Write each spelling word. Then write two additional words (with at least four letters) using letters in the spelling word. 21. Create a secret code by assigning a number to each letter of the alphabet. Write your spelling words in code. Challenge a friend to use the code to decode the word. 22. Create a word find with your words hidden in it. Trade with a friend to solve. Friend’s name_______________________________ 23. Use play dough or clay to sculpt your spelling words. Parent Signature_________________________________________ 20 Point Activities 24. Use old magazines, cut out letters (with permission) to create your spelling words then glue them on paper. 25. Write a song that includes your spelling words. 26. Write a T.V. commercial using all of your spelling words. 27. Write a letter to a friend using all the spelling words. 28. Look each work up in the dictionary and write the definition. 29. Write some riddles using the spelling words. 30. Use your spelling words to write a short story. 31. Write a mnemonic sentence for each of your spelling words. Each letter of the word should start a word in the sentence. For example, for the word THROW might be Ted Has Rented One Wheelbarrow. 32. Use each spelling word in a sentence. 33. Use the spelling words to write silly sentences. Total Points earned__________________________________________________