Table of Contents Acknowledgements Foreword by Carl R. Trueman Introduction to the Reader The Purpose and Structure of the Reader Two Interpretive Tools The Nature of Analogical Predication: Analogy, Metaphor, and Proper vs. Improper Predication The Relation of God’s Affections to His Will Difficulties in Definitions and Diction First Difficulty: Overlapping Definitions Second Difficulty: Scripture Attributes Affections and Passions to God Third Difficulty: Varying Angles of Approach Chapter 1: The Reformation (1523-1565) 1. 2. 3. 4. Heinrich Bullinger John Calvin Wolfgang Musculus Peter Martyr Vermigli Chapter 2: Early Orthodoxy (1565-1640) 1. Thomas Adams 2. Henry Ainsworth 3. William Ames 4. John Ball 5. Theodore Beza 6. William Bucanus 7. John Cameron 8. Thomas Cartwright 9. Henry Church 10. Thomas Jackson 11. John Mayer 12. William Perkins 13. Amandus Polanus 14. John Preston 15. Thomas Taylor (Recommended by several Westminster Divines) 16. Lucas Trelcatius 17. James Ussher 18. John Weemes 19. John Wollebius 20. Girolamo Zanchius Chapter 3: High Orthodoxy (1640-1700) 1. Anonymous 2. John Arrowsmith (Westminster Divine) 3. Richard Bernard 4. Hugh Binning 5. Samuel Bolton (Westminster Divine) 6. William Bridge (Westminster Divine) 7. John Brinsley 8. Anthony Burgess (Westminster Divine) 9. Stephen Charnock 10. Francis Cheynell (Westminster Divine) 11. John Ellis 12. William Fenner 13. John Flavel 14. Thomas Hodges (Westminster Divine) 15. Edward Leigh 16. William Lyford 17. William Nicholson (Westminster Divine) 18. John Norton 19. John Owen 20. Benedict Pictet 21. Edward Polhill 22. John Reading 23. Edward Reynolds (Westminster Divine) 24. John Tillotson 25. William Twisse (Westminster Divine) 26. George Walker (Westminster Divine) Chapter 4: Particular Baptists 1. Christopher Blackwood 2. Hercules Collins 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Nehemiah Coxe Edward Drapes Thomas Hardcastle Benjamin Keach Robert Prudom Chapter 5: Philosophical Works 1. Nicholas Mosley 2. Nemesius, Bishop of Emesa 3. Seth Ward Chapter 6: Confessional Documents 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. The 42/39 Articles of the Church of England (1552, 1563) The French Confession (1559) The Belgic Confession (1566) Irish Articles (1615) The First London Baptist Confession of Faith (1644) The Westminster Confession of Faith (1648) The Savoy Declaration (1658) The Second London Baptist Confession of Faith (1677) Appendix: Definitions of Affections and Passions