Psychopharmacology * Nuts and Bolts

Psychopharmacology – Nuts and Bolts
Medications and Things to Know:
- Always think DRUGS – in ANY DDx, could it be an adverse effect, side effect, drug-drug interaction, overdose or
- Pregnancy - there are basically no psychotropic drugs that are rated better than Class C
- Off label use of medications is very common in psychiatry
Overall, most of these medications have the same efficacy for treating depression, the main difference is side
- Most antidepressants take a minimum of 2-4 wks to have initial efficacy; a trial of 6-8 wks at a therapeutic dose
would be considered an adequate trial for most
- Any Antidepressant may induce a manic state in pts with a predisposition (they would not require a prior
diagnosis of Bipolar disorder as this may be the sentinel event)
- There may be an inc risk for suicidal ideation in any pts taking an antidepressant
Imipramine (used to treat enuresis)
MoA - inhibition of serotonin and NE uptake
Indications – Depression, dysthymia, OCD, panic d/o, PTSD, chronic pain (TCA>> SSRI)
Side Effects
- Anticholinergic (dry eye, mouth, constip, urinary retention, blurred vision, AMS (inc risk in elderly 2/2 muscarinic
- Histaminic – sedation, wt gain
- Alpha -1 adernergic blockade - orthostatic hypotension, falls
- Possilbe EKG changes, arrhythmias (prolonged QY and PR, AV block) * In OVERDOSE=widened QRS
- Cheap but dirty
- Require diet modification to avoid HTN crisis (avoid tyramine containing foods)
- Cannot be combined with other antidepressants (risk of serotonin syndrome) or sympathomimetic drugs; avoid
with cough syrup or Demerol
Flouxetine (Prozac)
20-80mg daily dosing range
Sertraline (Zoloft)
Paroxetine (Paxil)
Citalopram (Celexa)
Fluvoxamine (Luvox)
Escitalopram (Lexapro)
MoA – blocks reuptake of serotonin at the presynaptic nerve terminals
Indications – depression, panic d/o, OCD (typically dose upper limits), bulimia, pain d/o, GAD, social phobia, PTSD,
PMDD ; in elderely, pts with panic d/o and in children start at doses ½ the nl starting dose or less
Side Effects (SSRIs)
- GI upset, HA, insomnia, sexual dysfcn
- Hypernatremia in the elderly
- Prozac/Zoloft tend to be more activating
- Paxil tends to be more sedating
- Lovox tends to have more drug-drug interactions
- Typically fewer side effects and very safe
- Risk of serotonin syndrome when used with other serotonin meds (SSRIS, TCAs, MAOS, demerol, St. John’s Wart)
- Serotonin Syndrome – may present as a delirium (AMS, restless, shivering, VS abnl 2/2 autonomic instability (inc
HR,BP,temp), hyperreflexia – may lead to shock, coma, death – A MEDICAL EMERGENCY
- Discontinuation syndrome – common, particularly if taper too quickly, esp with shorter acting agents (does not
happen with Prozac 2/2 long ½ life) – presents as flu-like symptoms (GI upset, sleep disturbance, mood chngs,
dizziness, lethargy – resolve when restart med
Other Antidepressants
Venlafaxine (Effexor)
dosing range 75-375mg/day
- Blocks reuptake of Serotonin and Norepinephrine
- May elevate BP
Duloxetine (Cymbalta)
dosing range 60-120mg/day
- Blocks serotonin and NE transporters; metabolized through CYP2D6 pathway – sig drug interactions
- Indications include depression and chronic pain d/o (fibromyalgia as well)
- Newer and very expensive
Buproprion (Wellbutrin, Zyban)
dosing range 75-400mg/day
- Increased dopamine activity
- Indications include MDD, dysthymia, Bipolar depression, ADHD (at low doses), used for smoking cessation
- Contraindications for use include h/o sz d/o, head trauma or anorexia/bulimia
- No sig sexual side effects
- NOT effective for anxiety; can actually worsen anxiety/agitation
Mirtazipine (Remeron)
dosing range 7.5-45mg/day
- Alpha 2 adernergic antagonist, enhances noradnergic and serotenergic
- Sedation and wt gain are sig side effects; often used in depression for those with insomnia and poor appetite; no
sig sexual side effects
- Effective in combo with SSRI for augmenting treatment of depression
Desyrel (Trazodone)
dosing range 25-600mg
- MoA includes primary inhibition of presynaptic serotonin reuptake with possible mild postsynaptic sertonertic
antagonism. Does of AEs 2/2 to histaminic, anticholinergic and alpha-1 blockades
- Used most commonly as a sleep aid rather than as antidepressant
- Effective at low doses (25mg – 200mg) for sleep, requires higher dosing for antidepressant properties (200600mg)
- PRIAPRISM in 1/6000 pts
Nefazodone (Serzone)
- Is an analog of Trazodone
- Sedating, less sexual side effects
- Many drug-drug interactions 2/2 p450 inhibition by a metabolite
- Inc risk of hepatic failure
MoA – unclear; second messenger system effect – effect on circadian rhythms and augments serotonin fnc. Renally
cleared and can cause sig renal impairment (esp if dehydration, use of NSAIDS, thiazide diuretics and in elderly
Indications – BPAD, Schizoaffective d/o, augmentation for depression, mood lability
Side effects
- GI upset, fatigue, fine tremor, confusion
- Toxicity – AMS, N/V, slurred speech, course tremor, ataxia
- Cardiac conduction problems – 1st degree block, slowed sinus node, PVCs
- Renal impairment (DI, rare nephritic syndrome)
- Hypothyroidism in 5%
- Pregnancy Class D – EBSTEIN’s Anomely – ht defect at tricuspid valve; avoid in 1st Trimester
- Requires blood level monitoring, has narrow therapeutic window (0.8-1.2); dialysis rec for levels greater than 4.0
- Steady state takes 5 days
Valproic Acid (Depakote)
MoA – unknown; ? if changes metabolism of GABA
Indications – BPAD (esp for rapid cycling mania), Schizoaffective d/o, aggression, impulse control probs
Side effects
- N/V; sedation, tremor, wt gain
- Blood abnormalities (thrombocytopenia)
- Liver dysfcn (rare hepatotoxicity) and very rare Hemorrhagic pancreatitis
- Metabolized by liver, via P450 pathway – multitude of drug-drug interactions
- PREGNANCY CLASS D – 2/2 neural tube defects
- Requires blood level monitoring, but wide therapeutic window
- Steady state reached in 3 days
Carbamazapine (Tegretol)
- Less effective, not as widely used
- Serious side effects include blook abnl (aplastic anemia, agranulocytosis); severe rash
- Preg Class D
- Can be risky in OD, particularly 2/2 other drug-drug interactions
Lamotrigine (Lamictal)
- Used for Bipolar depression, not for manic state; commonly used for augmentation of antidepressant
- 10% incidence of rash, cases of Stevens-Johnson have occurred, particularly when dosed to high too fast
- Requires slow titration to get to effective dosing (start at 25mg and inc by 25mg every 2 wks; target range is
Other Mood Stabilizers include other anticonvulsants (Gabapentin, Topiramate) but overall less effective and poor
outcome data
Typical and Atypicals are equally effective (CATIE trial) for treatment of symptoms. Primary difference is side
effect profiles and new agents tend to be better tolerated
- Although some effect may seen within hours of dosing, real antipsychotic effects can take 3-6 wks to materialize
as meds reach a steady state
- Extrapyramidal Side Effects (EPS)
o Parkinsonism – shuffled gait, rigidity, masked facies, drooling, tremor
o Acute Dystonia – slow/sustained muscle contractions (neck, lock jaw, eyes); Rx with Cogentin or
Benadryl IM – scary but reversible
o Akathesia – inner restlessness, need to pace/rock; Rx with Inderal or BZDs
o Tardive Dyskinesia – often longterm, may be irreversible – abnl, invol mvmt of face, limbs, trunk. Rx but
stopping agent and changing to new antipsychotic med
- Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome (NMS) – potentially lethal reaction to antipsychotic meds, rapid onset.
Presentation may consist of elevated temp, muscle rigidity, VS instability, AMS. Medical emergency – requires
urgent intervention and possible ICU admission, Rx w/ d/c of antipsychotic, IVF, and possibly
Traditional Neuroleptics (Typicals, 1st Generation)
Haloperidol (Haldol)
5-20mg/day dosing range
High Potency
Trifluoperazine (Stelazine)
High Potency
Fluphenazine (Prolixin)
High Potency
Thiothixene (Navane)
High Potency
Pimozide (Orap)
High Potency
Molindone (Moban)
Loxapine (Loxitane)
Perphenizine (Trilafon)
Mid Potency
Mid Potency
Mid Potency
Mesoridazine (Serentil)
Chlopromazine (Thorazine)
Thioridizine (Mellaril)
Low Potency
Low Potency
Low Potency
MoA – Dopamine D2 receptor Antagonism (High, Mid, Low potencies depend on binding affinity)
Lower potency typically require higher dosing to elicit antipsychotic effect
Indications – Schizophrenia, psychosis 2/2 primary mood d/o/dementia/delirium, schizoaffective d/o, severe agitation,
Side Effects
- Lower potency agents have more troublesome side effects 2/2 greater antagonism of cholinergic, adrenergic
and histaminergic receptors
- High potency agents have more frequent EPS effects 2/2 potent antagonism of dopa receptors
- Wt gain, sexual dysfcn, orthostatic hypotension, decreased sz threshold
- Prolonged QTc – risk of Torsades
- Compliance is a HUGE issue and can be rare at times. Haldol and Prolixin come in injectable depot forms (req q
monthly dosing once at steady state)
Atypical Antipsychotics (new generation)
Clozapine (Clozaril)
Olanzapine (Zyprexa)
Risperidone (Risperdal)
Aripiprazole (Abilify)
Quetiapine (Seroquel)
Ziprasidone (Geodone)
Check blood levels
MoA – Prominent antagonism at Serotonin 2A receptor as well as Dopamine D2 blockade; less action on nigrostriatal
pathway (where EPS Symptoms are thought to originate)
Indications – same as above
Side Effects
- Clozapine – Agranulocytosis in 1-2%, requires CBCs weekly while starting, monthly forever; lowers sz threshold.
Myocarditis. Commonly causes tachycardia, hypotension, drooling
- Common SEs for all include metabolic syndrome (wt gain, hypercholesterol, DM); sedation, orthostatic
- EPS lower frequency; inc frequency in pts who are neuroleptic niave
- TD much less incidence, but may still occur
- Cardiac side effects, QTc prolongation; independent cardiovasc risk for all taking atyipcals (inc risk of ischemic
stroke) – despite length of time taking
- Risperdal has risk of elevated prolactin (amenorrhea, gynecomastia, galactorrhea and impotence)
- Risperdal comes in long acting injectable
- Abilify, Geodone, Zyprexa come in short acting injectable (often used in acute settings)
- Abilify, Risperdal, Zyprexa all come in dissolvable tablet formulation (helpful for noncompliance)
- Have benefit in treating particularly negative symptoms and most have mood stabilization properities (Seroquel,
Abilify and Geodone have FDA approval as primary agents for BPAD manic/mixed state)
- Clozaril is the go to agent for treatment refractory schizophrenia
Benztropine (Cogentin)
Trihexyphenidyl (Artane)
Biperiden (Akineton)
MoA – Anticholinergic effect, restores ACh/Dopa balance
Indications – treatment of EPS side effects assoc w/ antipsychotic drugs
Side Effects
- Dry mouth, blurred vision, constipation, confusion/AMS, delirium
- Artane has euphorigenic properties and is at risk of being abused
- Amantadine is an alternative treatment (mech is a dopa agonist)
SSRIs – see above
Benzodiazepines *these are controlled substances
Clonazepam (Klonopin)
18-50hr ½ life
Alprazolam (Xanax)
6-12hr ½ life
Lorazepam (Ativan)
10-20hr ½ life
Diazepam (Valium)
20-100hr ½ life
Chlordiazepoxide (Librium)
5/30hr ½ life
Clorazepate (Tranxene)
36-200hr ½ life
MoA (BZDS) – work at GABA receptor (like EtOH) to cause CNS depression
Indications – panic d/o, severe anxiety, agitation, agitated depression, social phobia, akathesia, insomnia, acute EtOH
withdrawal. Often used for initial treatment of anxiety until SSRI therapeutic
Side Effects
- Sedation, drowsiness, dizziness (Feelings of being intoxicated)
- Delirium, Respiratory suppression
- Dependence formation (physiological as well as psychological); AKA can develop tolerance
- Just as EtOH, physical dependence can lead to withdrawal syndrome upon abrupt cessation as well as risk of
seizure, coma and death
- Caution in gero population, metabolites can often build up excessively with significantly prolonged ½ lives and
dangerous blood levels – recommend minimal use to avoidance
- Can be lethal in OD
Buspirone (BuSpar) not a controlled substance
- Mild effect for GAD; may be used for augmentation of antidepressant treatment
- Common SEs HA, N/V, dizziness
- No risk of dependence or developing tolerance
- Safe in OD
Hydroxyzine (Vistaril, Atarax) not a controlled substance
- MoA – antihistaminic (used for treatment of anxiety as well as purities)
- Likely deliriogenic in elderly 2/2 anticholinergic properties
Disulfuram (Antabuse)
- Req pt to be strongly motivated, only by taking than causes severe rxn if EtOH ingested (N/V)
- Contraindicated if pt with liver dis
Naltrexone (Revia)
- Dec craving by targeting “pleasure pathway” in brain
- Often pts will dec but not completely abstain from use
Methadone – controlled substance
- Rx of heroin dependence
Buprenorphine (Suboxone) – controlled substance
- Tx opioid dependence
Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitors (used to treat mild-moderate dementia of Alzheimer’s type)
Donepezil (Aricept) – reversible, selective inhib
o Decreases breakdown of Acetylcholine in brain ( inhibits acetylcholinesterase)
o More specific and less GI side effects
Rivastigmine (Exelon) – reversible, selective inhib
o also available as a patch
Galantamine (Reminyl) – reversible, competitive inhib
NMDA Antagonist (used to treat moderate to severe dementia of Alzheimer’s type)
Memantine (Namenda)- noncompetitive NMDA antagonist, reduces glutamate
mediated excitotoxicity
Vitamin E – antioxidant, thought to prevent cell death
Zolpidem (Ambien)
Zaleplon (Sonata)
Eszopiclone (Lunseta)
Desyrel (Trazodone)
- All work equally well, but individuals may differ in response
- Quick onset of action and effect (same day is possible)
- May require multiple daily doses
- All stimulants are controlled substances
- FDA Approval – Adderall and Dexedrine for age 3 and up; all other stimulants for age 6 and up
o Short Acting forms (Ritalin, Methylin, Focalin)
o Long-Acting forms (Ritalin LA and SR, Metadate ER and CD, Methylin ER, Focalin XR, Concerta, Daytrana
o Short-Acting forms (Adderall, Dexedrine, Dextrostat, Desoxyn)
o Long-Acting forms (Adderall XR, Dexedrine Spansule, Vyvanse)
Atomoxetine (Strattera)
- MoA more like antidepressant than stimulant
- Gen considered 2nd line; recommendation would be to try 3 separate stimulant trials prior to starting
- Consider 1st line when h/o substance abuse, h/o anxiety or parents requesting non-controlled substance
- FDA approved from age 6 and above
- May take weeks to be effective, requires daily use and strict compliance
- Same black box warnings as antidepressants
Non-FDA Approved – 2nd to 3rd line agents
Modafanil (used for treatment of narcolepsy)
Clonidine (antihypertensive; also used in children for treatment of aggression/agitation)
Amantadine (treatment for influenza, MoA – dopamine agonist)