Graduate Student Orientation Volunteer Application

Graduate Student Orientation Volunteer
Job Description
Graduate Student Orientation Volunteers (GSOV) welcome new graduate students to the UOIT
community and help them transition to life in graduate school. GSOVs serve as mentors throughout
orientation activities by providing new graduate students with advice, answering questions and sharing
personal experiences. The GSOV position is a great opportunity to give back to the UOIT community and
build upon transferrable skills.
Accountability and Responsibilities
GSOVs will assist with the administration of various components of the Graduate Student Orientation
and will ensure all activities run smoothly. Duties include, but are not limited to, preparing the campus
for orientation events, welcoming and engaging new students, assisting at check-in tables, networking
and conducting campus tours. GSOVs will also be responsible for answering questions, explaining
campus services available to graduate students and ensuring that all new students feel welcomed to
UOIT. As part of orientation programming, GSOVs may be asked to participate in student panels,
facilitate sessions for new students and/or aid with transition events.
The GSOV position works in partnership with the Office of Graduate Studies, the Student Experience
Centre, the Graduate Student Council and many other service areas across campus to deliver a
comprehensive orientation for all new graduate students. GSOVs will report to the Student
Development Specialist – Graduate and Mature Students and will be required to participate in a
mandatory training session prior to orientation.
We are looking for graduate students who possess the following:
 Good academic standing – minimum GPA of 2.7
 Have completed at least one full semester of study
 Excellent communication skills
 Enthusiasm and energy
 Problem solving abilities
 Integrity
 A desire to make a difference in the campus community
Benefits of being a GSOV
 Build relationships with peers and staff across campus
 Earn recognition on your Involvement Record
 Give back to the UOIT community
 Strengthen communication and interpersonal skills
How to apply:
Complete the attached application form and email to Selected applicants are
required to attend the mandatory training on September 1st.
Graduate Student Orientation Volunteer Application
First Name:
Last Name:
Faculty/ Program of Study:
Phone #:
Shirt size (please circle): S M L
Dietary requirements: Halal [ ]; Vegetarian [ ]; other, please specify ________________
Are you able to volunteer for (select all that apply):
Fall Graduate Orientation [ ] Winter Graduate Orientation [ ] Spring Graduate Orientation [ ]
Are you a member of the Graduate Student Council? Yes [ ] No [ ]
Please answer the following questions:
1. Are you involved in any activities on campus? If so, please list the activity and your involvement.
2. Did you attend the Graduate Student Orientation? Yes
If yes, what were your impressions of the day? If no, why did you not attend?
3. What interests you in being a Graduate Student Orientation Volunteer?
Disclaimer: Please note that all volunteers will be photographed and/or recorded at some point during orientation. If selected
as a GSOV, I grant permission to UOIT and its representatives to take videos and/or photographs of me and/or to make
recordings of my voice at orientation events. I also grant permission to UOIT and its representatives the right to reproduce, use,
exhibit, display, broadcast and distribute these images and recordings in all forms of media for administrative, educational or
research purposes and for promoting, publicizing or explaining UOIT and its activities. Photographs, video images and voice
recordings are the property of UOIT, and I hereby grant permission to UOIT to use my name with these images and recordings.
I agree [ ]
I do not agree [ ]