Barry Murphy Scholarships Rules - The Faculty of Engineering

Barry Murphy Scholarships in Nuclear Energy
(The scholarship was established in 2015 by an annual gift from UQ alumnus Barry Murphy)
The purpose of the scholarships is to encourage and support meritorious engineering students to undertake a semester of international
exchange to further their interests and studies in nuclear engineering.
In these rulesApproved undergraduate Engineering program includes the Bachelor of Engineering or Bachelor of Engineering Honours) program
or integrated Bachelor of Engineering / Master of Engineering or Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) / Master of Engineering or a
dual program that includes the Bachelor of Engineering or Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) program.
Approved overseas exchange means an overseas exchange program approved by Study Abroad, at The University of Queensland
Approved overseas placement means placement undertaken as part of the integrated Bachelor of Engineering/Masters of Engineering
or Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)/Master of Engineering approved by the Director, of the Bachelor of Engineering / Master of
Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
Associate Dean means the Associate Dean (Academic), Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
relevant field for the Bachelor of Engineering or Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) means any field associated with chemical
engineering or civil engineering or electrical engineering or mechanical engineering or mining engineering disciplines.
relevant field for the Bachelor of Engineering / Master of Engineering or Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) / Master of
Engineering means any field associated with chemical engineering or electrical engineering or mechanical engineering disciplines.
scholarship means the Barry Murphy Scholarship in Nuclear Energy
Value and award of scholarship
The value of the scholarship is $11,000.
Senate may award up to two scholarships annually on the recommendation of the Associate Dean (Academic).
Eligibility for award
An applicant is eligible for the scholarship, if the applicant (a)
submits an application to the Associate Dean (Academic), by the closing date for applications; and
is a domestic student within the meaning of the Fee Rules; and
has completed at least 16 units of an approved undergraduate Engineering program in a relevant field; and
has approval from the university to undertake an approved overseas exchange or approved overseas placement for 1 semester
of study; and
achieved a cumulative GPA of at least 5.5 for courses undertaken in an approved undergraduate Engineering program; and
intends to undertake their exchange at an institution that offers nuclear engineering, focusing their exchange study on nuclear
Selection of award
For the selection process, the Associate Dean must establish a selection committee, comprising (a)
the Associate Dean (Academic), or nominee, as chair of the committee; and
Barry Murphy or nominee; and
at least one member of the university's academic staff who is currently teaching in a relevant field.
The scholarship is awarded to the applicant showing greatest merit as demonstrated by(a)
academic achievement in courses undertaken in an approved undergraduate Engineering program; and
strength of the proposed overseas study program with a focus on nuclear engineering; and
personal qualities, including leadership potential; and
any other matter that the selection committee considers to be relevant to the applicant's future success in the engineering
A preference may be given to students in any field associated with the chemical engineering discipline.
Conditions for scholarship
The recipient's may hold the scholarship for one semester subject to the recipient being enrolled full-time in an approved
undergraduate Engineering program in a relevant field;
Payment will be made in two equal instalments.
the first payment will be made when the recipient has provided evidence of airline receipt and is enrolled in exchange codes
in SI-net (for a recipient completing an approved overseas exchange) or can provide evidence of acceptance for their
approved overseas placement from their host university (for a recipient completing an approved overseas placement); and
the second payment will be made after census date in the semester that the student is undertaking their approved overseas
exchange or approved overseas placement.
If a recipient fails to satisfy rule 6(2) the student must show cause to the Associate Dean (Academic) why the scholarship should not
be cancelled.
Upon the student's return from the approved study program or approved overseas placement, the student must submit to the Associate
Dean (Academic) a report of no more than 1,000 words on their study experience, and be available for other reasonable publicity
opportunities relating to the Scholarship. The report may be reproduced in school or faculty publications.