6. Results 6.1. Petrographic analysis of magmatic rocks Magmatic rocks of evaporite melange in Dinarides have been divided in four main types according to ratio of the primary amphibole/pyroxene amount in the sample. Different ratios of these minerals vary likely from magma fractionation. Pyroxene crystallized prior to amphibole and thus the information of ratio between two minerals shows evolution of magma in the selected area. The texture of the samples is mostly hypiomorphic-granular. Samples are characterized by pseudomorphs of plagioclase, pyroxene and brown amphibole partially or completely substituting by hornblende or actinolite, while still maintaining the habit of primary minerals. This is shown on Figure 6.1.d. According to different grain sizes samples are in Table 1 divided on fine-grained with sizes of approximate range from 0.1x0.05 mm to 0.3x0.1 mm (Figure 6.1.a), medium-grained with size range from 0.45x0.2 to 0.7x0.3 (Figure 6.1.b) and coarse grained textures with size range from 0.9x0.5 to 1.2x0.6 mm (Figure 6.1.c). Based on primary mineral assemblage these rocks are classified as amphibole bearing gabbro/diorite according to IUGS classification. Figure 6.1. Display of different grain sizes of the magmatic rocks within the evaporite melange in Dinarides- ( a- sample CRO 47 D, Sinjsko polje, b- sample CRO 45, Vrličko polje c- sample CRO 40) and pseudomorph of plagioclase- (d- sample CRO 46, Vrličko polje). (N+) Aberrations: Plag- Plagioclase, Ser-Sericite Important mineralogical data on primary and secondary minerals of all magmatic rock samples are shown in Table 6.1. Along with their primary and secondary mineral association, the structure/texture and the type of alteration is used for classification. Different colours of rows show different ratios of primary amphibole and pyroxene, presented in the legend of the Table 6.1. Minerals will be described according to belonging mineral association. There are two different mineral associations detected during petrographic analysis: High-temperature primary mineral association and secondary mineral association, which is composed of medium grade alterations and low grade alterations. Primary magmatic association is composed predominantly of plagioclase, Cpx, brown amphibole, and minor amount of opaque minerals, zircon and titanite. It is overprinted by medium-grade secondary hornblende after Cpx or brown amphibole. Low-grade secondary mineral assemblage is predominantly composed of sericite, and chlorite, smaller amount of other amphiboles (actinolite, tremolite) and minor amount of prehnite, clinozoisite, secondary quartz, cristobalite, pumpellyite On figure 6.2 are shown most represented minerals of the high-temperature primary association: plagioclase, Cpx and brown amphibolesuppressed by secondary hornblende belonging to medium-grade assemblage. Figure 6.2. (CRO 42B, Kosovo polje) Display of primary minerals plagioclase, clinopyroxene and brown amphibole surrounded by hornblende. (N+) Aberrations:, Cpx- clinopyroxen, bAmp- brown amphibole, Hbl- hornblende, 6.1.1. Primary magmatic association Plagioclase minerals are most common minerals occupying 40-45 vol % to maximum 60 vol % of the sample. Although there are different sizes, plagioclase grains have mostly the same characteristics. Twining lamellas are mostly thick and there are no more than three of them throughout a single grain. Almost all plagioclase grains are weathered and altered to sericite, chlorite and kaolinite. Figure 6.1 d, shows pseudomorph of sericite after plagioclase. Pyroxene minerals are rare and mostly altered. They represent 5-10 vol % of the rock sample. Generally they are attacked by hornblende, chlorite or some other secondary mineral. The amount of pyroxene in the samples is variable. Usually Cpx predominates over Opx except within sample CRO 42, where is more Opx than Cpx. Since pyroxene grains suffer a lot of weathering and alteration, it is often possible to detect fragments of pyroxene grains which are characterized with extremely high interference colour. Figures 6.3 a, b, c, show Cpx supressed by hornblende. Figure 6.3. a), c) (CRO 49 A (N), CRO 48, Sinjsko polje) Two types of hornblende around Cpx, b) (CRO 42 B, Kosovo polje) growth of hornblende after Cpx ,d) (CRO 42b, Kosovo polje) Brown amphiboles. (N+) Brown amphibole, (shown on figure 6.3. d), is a titanium bearing amphibole, characterized with brownish colour and pleochroism. Approximately it represents 10 vol % of the rock. It has prismatic habit and very good cleavage on {110}. In some cases is possible to see double cleavage (Fig 6.3. d). It appears to be similar to hornblende and in most samples is partly replaced by hornblende along rims (Figure 6.3. a). Inclusions of titanite are often found randomly distributed throughout mineral. Opaque minerals, zircon and titanite represent important accessory minerals. Opaque minerals, represent 2-5 % of the rock samples, (Figure 6.4. c) are found in most of the samples and most likely contain iron oxides (hematite or magnetite) judging by their occasional slightly red colour. Hematite is shown on figure 10 b. Titanite (Figure 6.5. a) and zircon (Figure 6.4.d) are very scarce (< 2 vol % of the rock), and usually found as inclusions within amphibole or pyroxene. Figure 6.4 presents all accesory minerals mostly as inclusions within larger grains such as hornblende, pyroxene or plagioclase of the high-temperature association. Figure 6.4. a) (CRO 45, Kosovo polje), titanite in Cpx, b) (CRO 47 C, Sinjsko polje (N)), Feoxide and opaque minerals c) (CRO 45, Vrličko polje), opaque minerals in plagioclase and hornblende, d) (CRO 42, Kosovo polje), zircon in brown amphibole. (N+) Abberations: , Ttn- titanite, Hmt- Hematite, Opq- Opaque mineral, Zrc- Zircon, 6.1.2. Secondary mineral associations Medium-grade alterations Secondary hornblende is formed after pyroxenes and brown amphibole. They represent approximately 30 vol % of the rock. At some places, hornblende completely substitutes pyroxene or brown amphibole but mostly partial alteration can be observed. This is presented on figure 9 a), b), c) where cores contain remnants of the pyroxene or brown amphibole, whereas external sectors are completely supressed by hornblende. This core to rim change in amphibole crystal chemistry is presented much better on SEM figures (Figure 6.5 a-d). Opaque minerals are also present as inclusion within hornblende most probably inherited from pyroxene. Figure 6.5. (a-d) SEM figures of samples CRO 42 B (Kosovo polje) and CRO 49 A (Sinjsko polje). Aberrations: Chl-Chlorite, Pre-prehnite Low grade alterations Sericite represent approximately 30% of rock minerals. It is made due to hydrothermal alteration of plagioclases (40 to 60 vol %) and thus is abundant in the rock samples. It typically occurs as fine-grained aggregates with high interference colours within plagioclase grains. In most cases is visible core to rim suppression of plagioclase by sericite. Chlorite occupy 15 % of rock. Chlorite mostly occurs within fine-grained diorite samples as fine-grained aggregate growing over amphiboles and pyroxenes. Generally, chlorite is formed due to low-temperature hydrothermal alteration of iron-bearing minerals (e.g. Howie et al, 1992). Amphiboles are in some places suppressed by actinolite/tremolite, which represent 5-10 vol % of minerals in rock. Figure 6.6 b shows overgrown of tremolite over hornblende. The reaction provides good geothermometer parameters that will be described further in the text. Furthermore, another type of alteration and weathering of hornblende is prehnitization. Prehnite, shown on figure 6.6a, occupy 2-5vol % of the rock minerals. Mostly, is found after hornblende in the fibrous shape of radial grains. Each grain has different extinction angle which creates impression of undulose extinction. Prehnite mostly grows enveloping hornblendas rims. Clinozoisite represents 2-5 vol % of the rock. It usually occurs between the plagioclase grains, possibly as alteration product of plagioclase. (Fig 6.6 b). Secondary quartz and cristobalite, represent 2-5 vol % of the rock. Cristobalite is likely created as a result of surplus of SiO2 after previous hydrothermal alterations or as a result of stress deformations (e.g. Howie et al, 1992). Figure 6.6 d presents cristobalite with recognizable circular habit. Quartz is fresh and lacks undulose extinction. Figure 6.6 c shows pumpellyite with radial growth of mineral aggregates. Pumpellyite occupy < 2 vol % of the rock. Figure 6.6. a) (CRO 42, Kosovo polje) Prehnite between plagioclase grains, b) (CRO 42 B, Kosovo polje) tremolite on hornblende, c) (CRO 47 D, Sinjsko polje), pumpellyite, d) (CRO 46, Vrličko polje) cristobalite. (N+) Abberations: Tmt/Akt- Tremolite/actinolite, PmpPumpellyite, Cr-Cristobalite. Table 6.1. Petrography of the analyzed magmatic rocks of evaporite melange within Dinarides.. Magmatic rocks of evaporite melange within Dinarides Maximum Minimum Rock Magmatic Primary Secondary Sample Texture grain size grain size Alteration name fabric minerals minerals (mm) (mm) CRO 47 gabbro/ fine hypidiomorph- Plag, bAmp, sercitization, Chl, 0.3x0.1 0.1x 0.05 B diorite grained granular Opq chloritization CRO 47 gabbro/ C diorite fine grained hypidiomorph- Plag, bAmp, granular Cpx Ser, Q, Chl 0.3x0.1 0.15x0.02 chloritization CRO 47 gabbro/di D orite fine grained hypidiomorphgranular Ser, Chl, Q, Cr, Pre, 0.3x0.05 0.15x0.02 sericitization, chloritization CRO 47 gabbro/di E orite fine grained hypidiomorph- Plag, bAmp, granular Cpx Ser, Chl, Q, 0.3x 0.1 0.1x0.03 sericitization, chloritization CRO 46 gabbro/di orite coarse grained hypidiomorphgranular Hbl, Tml, Pre, Ser, Q, Cz, Cr 1.2x0.5 0.7x0.3 sericitization, prehnitization CRO 45 gabbro/di orite coarse grained hypidiomorphgranular Hbl, Ser, Q, Ep, Cz, Cr 0.6x0.3 0.45x0.2 sericitization CRO 42 gabbro/di B orite coarse grained Hbl, Act, Ser, Cz, Tml, Pmp 0.75x0.4 0.5x0.3 sericitization CRO 42 gabbro/di orite fine grained Hbl, Ser, Pre, Chl, 0.8x0.35 0.5x0.2 sericitization, chloritization, prehnitization CRO 48 gabbro/di orite coarse grained Plag, Cpx, bAmp, Ttn, Opq Plag, Opx, hypidiomorphCpx, Ttn, granular bAmp Opx, Plag, hypidiomorphbAmp,Opq, granular Zrc hypidiomorph- Cpx, Opx, granular Plag, bAmp Hbl, Ser, Cz, 1.2x0.5 0.8x0.35 sericitization CRO 49 gabbro/di orite coarse grained hypidiomorphgranular Cpx, Opx, Pl, bAmp Hbl, Ser, Act,Tml, Cz, 1x0.55 0.85x0.45 sericitization CRO 40 gabbro/di orite coarse grained hypidiomorphgranular Plag, Cpx Chl, Cz 1.2x0.5 0.85x0.4 chloritization Plag, Opq, bAmp Plag, Cpx,bAmp Act - actinolite;bAmp-brown Amphibole; Chl - chlorite; Cpx- clinopyroxen, Cz - clinozoicite; Cr-cristobalite; Hbl hornblende; Opx- orthopyroxen, Opq - opaque; Plag – plagiocase; Pmp- pumpeylite Pre - prehnite; Q - quartz; Ser Sericite; Tml - tremolite;Ttn - titanite; Zrc- zircon primary amphibole/pyroxen: 90/10 primary amphibole/ pyroxen: 70/30 primary amphibole/ pyroxen: 50/50 primary amphibole/ pyroxen: 10/90 6.2. Petrography of evaporite rocks Microanalysis of thin sections of the evaporite rocks from Knin area has shown that they are consist of three main components: anhydrite, gypsum and carbonate mineral (mostly dolomite). According to (Kulušić and Borojević Šoštarić, 2013), evaporites show basically two types of macro-faciese: 1) laminated evaporite-carbonate facies, composed of millimeter to centimeter gypsum/anhydrite laminas intercalated with dolomite/dolomicrite ± organic matter ± siltite, the dolostone member usually beeing several times thinner (Figs 5a,b); and 2) evaporite-carbonate breccia facies, composed of millimeter to decameter-sized fragments of laminated evaporites, carbonate and siltite cemented by massive gypsum and occasionally sulfur, most likely originated during the emplacement. Evaporite-carbonate breccia containing below 5 vol% of carbonate prevails at the uppermost levels of the evaporite succession, succeeding by the laminated facies downdeep. Here is given similar, but a bit more detailed classification of evaporite facies. The sections can be divided into several distinct groups on the basis of the mineralogical composition and fabric type: 1) Massive anhydrite 2) Nematoblastic anhydrite 3) Porphyroblastic gypsum 4) Granoblastic gypsum 5) Breccia facies Basic features like grain sizes, aspect ratio and other characteristics are presented in the Table 6.2. 6.2.1. Massive anhydrite Massive anhydrite is characterized with equidimensional subrounded grains of anhydrite that have average size of 0.6x0.5 mm (Figure 6.7. a). Most of the grains have serrated boundaries where some of the grains start to recrystallize (Figure 6.7. a). Around the larger grains there are few smaller recrystallized grains sizes of 0.04x0.03 mm, probably of the same composition as the larger grains. This appearance is especially represented in sample CRO 44 D. Also it can be seen that these sections were exposed to stresses, which is reflected as undulose extinction and twinning in some grains. 6.2.2. Nematoblastic anhydrite Nematoblastic anhydrite is presented as aggregates of elongated subangular grains with subparallel orientation resulting in a shape-prefferred orientation and foliation, respectively figure 6.7. b. The orientation of the grains is perpendicular to the main stress axis. In samples CRO 44 F and CRO 44 G, boundaries between the grains are seriate with occasional recrystallization appearance, section CRO 40A has straight boundaries and CRO 40 B has interlobate. Samples CRO 40 B and CRO 44 F contain carbonatic laminae, which are locally thicker or thinner. In this type, recrystallisation on the boundaries of larger grains can be observed. In the Table 6.2. are presented sizes of recrystallized grains. All the recrystallized grains are of anhydrite composition. 6.2.3.Porphyroblastic gypsum Porphyroblastic gypsum has characteristic porhyroblastic structure with larger grains (porphyroblasts) surrounded with smaller grains (matrix). In this case both the larger and smaller grains are gypsum although belonging to different generations (Figure 6.7. c). Examining the sample can lead to conclusion that there are more than two generations of gypsum crystallization, most probably two. 6.2.4. Granoblastic gypsum Granoblastic gypsum is characterized with equidimensional grains of similar size. This type is also characterized by more generations of gypsum. As it can be seen on the figure 6.7. d, various gypsum generations are pointed with numbers (1 for the older generation and 2 for the younger generation). Boundaries between grains are mostly straight and recrystallization is often seen around larger grains. 6.2.5 Breccia facies The breccia facies can be divided into two types. One type of breccia is breccia consists of gypsum with carbonate minerals (Figure 6.7. e) and the other is gypsum with organic matter (Figure 6.7. f). ´The first type is characterized by growth of gypsum grains in veins between carbonate clasts. The second type has much larger and different shape of grains, which are developed between organic materials. a Figure 6.7. Evaporite facies: a) Massive anhydrite b) Nematoblastic anhydrite c) Porphyroblastic gypsum d) Granoblastic gypsum e) Breccia facies with carbonate f) Breccia facies with organic material. Table 6.2. Sample Mineralogy Fabric type Average grain size (mm) Aspect ratio Grain boundaries Recrystalized grain size Remarks CRO 40 a anhydrite nematoblastic 0.6x0.15 4:1 straight / shape preferred orientation of the grains not developed as good as in other samples nematoblastic 0.9x0.15 7:1 interlobate 0.05x0.04 shape preferred orientation nematoblastic 0.65x0.15 5:1 seriate 0.1x0.08 Shape preffered orientation, some grains show undulose extinction, twinning nematoblastic 0.6x0.08 6.5:1 seriate 0.02x0.03 massive 0.25x0.2 6:1, 1.5:1 straight / Shape preffered orientation of the grains, occasional twinning different shape of grains: some grains are enlogated ( 6:1 aspect ratio), some grains are rounded (aspect ratio 1.5:1) massive granoblastic 0.6x0.5 0.4x0.3 1.5:1 1:1 seriate straight 0.04x0.03 / deformed grains, undulose extinction porphyroblastic 0.4x0.3 1.5:1 straight 0.01x0.01 3 generatons of gypsum 0.3x0.2 1:1 straight / no orientation of the grains 0.25x0.2 1:1 straight / no orientation of the grains 0.4x0.35 1:1 straight / different grains sizes and shapes, hard to define average size and aspect ratio, probably more generations of gypsum 0.15x0.08 2:1 straight / Variation of grain sizes and shapes, hard to determine average shape an aspect ratio anhydrite, org matter, carbonate anhydrite, carbonatic CRO 44 f lamineas, quartz CRO 44 g anhydrite CRO 40 b 86-AK 3 CRO 44 d CRO 41 b CRO 44 a anhydrite, carbonate, org matter anhydrite, carbonate gypsum gypsum, org. matter, anhydrite inclusions, carbonate carbonate, gypsum in veins carbonate, gypsum in veins, org. matter carbonate breccia, vein type gypsum carbonate breccia, CRO 44 c vein type gypsum breccia facies with org. matter, gypsum in 86 AK- 1c org. matter and veins, gypsum breccia facies with gypsum, org matter, CRO 41 org. matter and qurtz, carbonate gypsum ?? CRO 44 b 3 generations of gypsum