Name: Research Paper Rubric

DUE: Friday, 4/15 NOTE: You must attach your edited 1st draft w/ your TWO Peer Editing Sheets to your final draft.
Research Paper Rubric
The paper takes a clear, specific and novel position. The thesis is welldeveloped and is the best written sentence(s) in your paper:
Ideas in the introduction are clear and focused; moves from general to
specific. The historical event is introduced and thematically conjoined with
the current event:
Each paragraph starts with a topic sentence and ends with a concluding
sentence. The paper is clearly organized and formatted into introduction,
body paragraphs, and conclusion:
The paper flows well, demonstrating effective use of transitions both within
and between paragraphs:
Conclusion restates thesis and main points, and explains the significance of
the topic. Leaves the reader with insights gained. Brings closure:
The paper introduces and contains appropriate MLA formatted
Quotations/citations are well connected and effectively applied to the thesis
statement and argument. Discussion/ analysis includes insightful and logical
support for the thesis statement and argument. Nothing is included in the
paper which doesn’t relate to or prove your thesis. The paper provides
synthesis of the information, not merely a summary of the research:
Evidence present of revision from first draft:
Syntax and diction are appropriate, interesting and provocative. Sentence
structure is varied; no use of the personal “I” or passive voice:
Evidence of proof-reading; spelling, grammar and punctuation are correct:
Proper MLA formatting is utilized (12 pt, Times New Roman, doublespaced, one inch margins); proper use of parenthetical documentation or
footnoting; 4-6 pages in length:
Bibliography appears in proper MLA format, contains at least 10 sources,
includes primary sources:
TOTAL _________/100
DUE: Friday, 4/15 NOTE: You must attach your edited 1st draft w/ your TWO Peer Editing Sheets to your final draft.
Research Paper Rubric
The paper takes a clear, specific and novel position. The thesis is welldeveloped and is the best written sentence(s) in your paper:
Each paragraph starts with a topic sentence and ends with a concluding
sentence. The paper is clearly organized and formatted into introduction,
body paragraphs, and conclusion:
Ideas in the introduction are clear and focused; moves from general to
specific. The historical event is introduced and thematically conjoined with
the current event:
The paper flows well, demonstrating effective use of transitions both within
and between paragraphs:
Conclusion restates thesis and main points, and explains the significance of
the topic. Leaves the reader with insights gained. Brings closure:
The paper introduces and contains appropriate MLA formatted
Quotations/citations are well connected and effectively applied to the thesis
statement and argument. Discussion/ analysis includes insightful and logical
support for the thesis statement and argument. Nothing is included in the
paper which doesn’t relate to or prove your thesis. The paper provides
synthesis of the information, not merely a summary of the research:
Evidence present of revision from first draft:
Syntax and diction are appropriate, interesting and provocative. Sentence
structure is varied; no use of the personal “I” or passive voice:
Evidence of proof-reading; spelling, grammar and punctuation are correct:
Proper MLA formatting is utilized (12 pt, Times New Roman, doublespaced, one inch margins); proper use of parenthetical documentation or
footnoting; 4-6 pages in length:
Bibliography appears in proper MLA format, contains at least 10 sources,
includes primary sources:
TOTAL _________/100
Research Paper Advice
Be sure that your thesis/introduction contain all of the following:
1. Specific historical/current event
2. A stated/identified relationship between your historical/current event (ex: similarities, differences,
causation/correlation, complexity/contradictions)
3. An argument about WHY that observed relationship is the way it is. In order to develop a thesis with
novelty that addresses significance, you must posit an argument that ANSWERS the why. (This does
not mean, why did the past cause the present; this means, for example: why, if the motivations are the
same, did the rhetoric change?)
While there are many ways to format your paper, and your research/style may lend itself in a different direction,
general organization advice is as follows:
1-1½ pages of context/background for your historical event
1-1½ pages of context/background for your current event
2-3 pages of analysis that addresses the WHY as explained in #3 above. (This should be the majority of
your paper; if you need to cut, take out superfluous context/background information. Avoid writing a
paper that is simply a summary or book report on your research.)
 Conclusion
Research Paper Advice
Be sure that your thesis/introduction contain all of the following:
1. Specific historical/current event
2. A stated/identified relationship between your historical/current event (ex: similarities, differences,
causation/correlation, complexity/contradictions)
3. An argument about WHY that observed relationship is the way it is. In order to develop a thesis with
novelty that addresses significance, you must posit an argument that ANSWERS the why. (This does
not mean, why did the past cause the present; this means, for example: why, if the motivations are the
same, did the rhetoric change?)
While there are many ways to format your paper, and your research/style may lend itself in a different direction,
general organization advice is as follows:
1-1½ pages of context/background for your historical event
1-1½ pages of context/background for your current event
2-3 pages of analysis that addresses the WHY as explained in #3 above. (This should be the majority of
your paper; if you need to cut, take out superfluous context/background information. Avoid writing a
paper that is simply a summary or book report on your research.)
 Conclusion