J. P. Bickell Foundation MEDICAL RESEARCH PROGRAM APPLICATION PROCEDURE Grants are made to assist biomedical scientists of various departments and faculties in Ontario universities, hospitals and scientific institutions concerned with medical research. These grants may be distributed among medical research institutions and universities in Ontario. One application may be submitted, by November 1 for the annual competition, from any medically oriented faculty. These may be within the health sciences department of a university, or any faculty of that university. Medical institutes within a university or hospital must be approved to apply independently; otherwise they must apply through the university or hospital research office. Independent research institutes may apply directly. CRITERIA The Foundation will use the following criteria in assessing applications: 1. Projects must have scientific merit and be primarily medical in nature. 2. New researchers seeking start up grants receive priority. 3. New, innovative projects receive priority. 4. Applications submitted should most suitably fit the institutions' requirements and the Foundation's criteria. 5. Supplemental grants may only be made for equipment essential to the described project where main source funding for equipment is unobtainable. For equipment costing more than $10,000 indicate the use, extent of use, availability of similar equipment and the current operating support (see item B{c} on application form). 6. Grants are usually within the $50,000 to $65,000 range. 7. Grants are not made to cover deficits, or to supplement a project grant from another granting agency (except for essential equipment). THE APPLICATION FORM 1. Application forms can be obtained from the Foundation; however, they will only be sent to the department which oversees research administration for the institution. 2. One application may be submitted from any one university, hospital or private research institute for the annual competition. The application must be accompanied by a supporting letter from the Director or Head of the Office of Research Administration, or the equivalent, at that institution (see item 4 {iv} below). 3. The applicant's/co-applicant(s’) curriculum vitae must be submitted with the application (see item G on the application). 4. The application form must be signed by: 5. i) the applicant / co-applicant(s) ii) the University: - Department Chairman and - Faculty Dean/Vice-Dean iii) the Hospital or independent Research Institute: - Director or Head iv) the University, Hospital or Research Institute Office of Research Administration: - Director or Head The duly completed application form and supporting documentation are to be submitted to the Foundation in triplicate (original and two copies), to the address on the application form, on or before November 1st of each year. The grant recipient will be notified within four months of the submission date, and full award amounts will be issued to the institution at that time. All correspondence with regard to the outcome of the competition will be between the Foundation and the office that submitted the application. Questions should be directed to the Foundation’s Program Officer: Susan Rowbottom, by phone (416) 933-2257, fax (416) 933-2226 or e-mail: susan.rowbottom@scotiaprivateclient.com 2 The J. P. Bickell Foundation c/o Scotiatrust 130 King St., W., 20th Floor PO Box 430 Stn First Canadian Place Toronto, Ontario M5X 1K1 APPLICATION FOR MEDICAL RESEARCH GRANT A. Applicant and Project Title Applicant: ……………………………………………………………………………… Telephone # (……) ……………………… (Surname) (First Name) (Initials) University/Hospital Department: ……………………………………….. or Institution Name …………………………………………………………. Mailing Address: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Project Title: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Proposed - starting date : …………………………… - duration of project ……………………… Where is the work to be done? ………….……………………………………….. B. Purpose of Funds and Budgets Please provide details of items to be funded, as indicated below. (Please use a separate page if necessary) a) Operating expenses (ie. salaries, rent, etc.) Subtotal $ ……………………… b) Other items (ie. expendable supplies, animals, etc.) Subtotal $ ……………………… c) Equipment (include quotations) Subtotal $ ……………………….. Total Requested $ _________________ C. Other Funding Sources Grants applied for, and received from, other granting agencies for the current year. Give names of agency, amounts requested and, if granted, the period of the grant and title of the project. (Please use a separate page if necessary.) D. Brief Outline of Proposed Research Project Indicate present state of knowledge, background and relevance of your proposed research objectives; and a brief description of the research to be done, and how you think it accomplishes your objectives. (Please limit to a maximum of 2 pages, one-sided and single-spaced, and attach as a schedule) E. Research Plan Indicate if the work is to be done by: a) the applicant or co-applicants b) a technical supervised assistant. (If the latter, please provide a full description of qualifications.) F. Supplementary Material A maximum of two relevant reprints, plus collaborative letter(s), if necessary. (These may be attached as a schedule.) 2 G. Personal Data Form Please complete one for each applicant/co-applicant and attach a current curriculum vitae for each. Note: Both may be substituted with the CIHR/c.v. module a) Surname and Given Names………………………………………………………………………………………………………... (in Full) b) Date of Birth ………………………………………………………………c) Citizenship …………………………………………. d) Education Degree University or Institution Field Year e) Research Training Dates From -To Institution Department Supervisor Department Supervisor f) Academic Positions Held (current & previous) Dates From -To Institution g) Publications Total number (excluding abstracts) ____________ List papers published during past 5 years and indicate abstracts (Please use a separate page if necessary.) 3 H. Authorization/Signatures Complete in full sections (a),(b),(d),(e),(f) OR (a),(c),(d),(e),(f) , as appropriate a) Applicant …………………………………………………..… ……………………………………………………………….. Full Name Signature Co-Applicant ………………………………………………… ……………………………………………..………………… Full Name Signature Co-Applicant ………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………….. Full Name b) Signature University: Department of __________________________ Chairman …………………………………………………… …………………………..…………………………………… Full Name Signature University: Faculty of ______________________________ Dean or Vice-Dean …………………………………………. ………………………………………………………..……… Full Name c) Signature Hospital or University/Hospital Research Institute: __________________________________________________ Director or Head ……………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………….. Full Name d) Signature Office of Research Administration: Director or Head ……………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………….. Full Name Signature Phone #………………… …………………….………. E-mail address:…………………………………………………… e) Institution’s Registered Charitable Business Number____________________________________ f) Date _______________________________ 4