KIGALI INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY INSTITUT DES SCIENCES ET TECHNOLOGIE Avenue de l'Armée, B.P. 3900 Kigali, Rwanda INSTITUTE EXAMINATIONS – ACADEMIC YEAR 2012-2013 SUPPLEMANTARY EXAMINATION FACULTY OF SCIENCE SCIENCE 3-BIOLOGY FOURTH YEAR SEMESTER II BIO 3426- Advanced Recombinant DNA Technology DATE:………./……../2013 TIME: 2 HOURS MAXIMUM MARKS = 60 INSTRUCTIONS 1. This paper consists of two sections A and B. 2. Answer all questions in section A, and any TWO out of THREE questions in Section B. 3. No written materials are allowed into the examination room. 4. Write all your answers in the answer booklet provided. 5. Do not forget to write your registration number. 6. Do not write any answers on this question paper. 7. Where appropriate draw large clearly labeled diagrams in your answers. Section A Compulsory Question 1 20 marks a) How are restriction enzymes such as EcoRI named? 4 marks b) How plasmids are named? 3 marks c) d) Give two types of plasmid with their functions. 2 marks What are the advantages and disadvantages of M13 vector in genetic engineering? 3 marks e) What are the differences between the lytic and lysogenic life cycles of typical bacterial viruses? 4 marks f) What are the differences between plasmid, cosmid and YAC? Under what circumstances are each useful? 4 marks Section B Answer any two questions from the following three questions Question 2 Discuss the different types of plasmids replication 40 marks 20 marks Question 3. You are studying an experimental plant known as Musa acuminata. You would like to create a genomic library of Musa acuminata so you can find the gene responsible for bitter taste called BT a) You create the genomic library (starting with an EcoRI digesting of the DNA), and identify one vector that contains BT gene. You decide to analyze this vector further. You cut the vector with EcoRI and purify the genomic insert. You then digest the insert with 2 different restriction enzymes SpaII and HindIII. You obtain the following results: Draw the map of insert genomic indicating the restriction sites for the all enzymes. Please, include the distance. 8marks b) You then decided to sequence by Sanger the small portion find of the BT gene found on your insert. Give all enzymes and reagents that you will need to perform a sequencing experiment. 6 marks c) You obtain the following results on the gel: What is the sequence represented on the gel? Be sure to indicate 5’ and 3’ end 3 marks d) After sequencing the BT obtained from your genomic library you find a 59 base pair insert in the middle of it that does not correspond to the mRNA for BT. what is that? 3 marks Question 4 20 marks a) What is PCR? And when is it used? 4 marks b) Discuss on different types of PCR and the processing of its products 16 marks End of question papers