April 20, 2013 - The Episcopal Diocese of Lexington

April 20, 2013
Cathedral Domain
The Executive Council of the Episcopal Diocese of Lexington met at 9:28am
on April 20, 2013 at the Cathedral Domain in Lee County, Kentucky.
Elected members present were: The Rev. Chris Brannock, Bruce Cory, The
Rev. Amy Dafler-Meaux, The Rev. Cindy Duffus, Frank Kebbell, J. Marshall,
Joe O’Brochta, The Rev. Paula Ott, Thomas Pope, The Rev. Carol Ruthven,
Dave Sevigny, Sidney Vignes, and The Rev. Sister Judy Yunker.
Elected members not present were: Whitty Bohmer, Lizeth Fowler, Sandra
Plant, and The Rev. Matthew Young.
Members present by virtue of their office or otherwise were: The Right Rev.
Douglas Hahn, Bishop; The Venerable Bryant Kibler, Archdeacon and
Bishop’s Deputy for Administration; Mary T. Yeiser, Chancellor; Ann Davis
McClain, Treasurer; Jane Lee Courtney, Secretary; Kay Collier McLaughlin,
Bishop’s Deputy for Leadership and Transition; Holli Powell, Bishop’s
Deputy for Finance; Katherine Harper, Ex-officio, President of the Diocesan
Jane Fitzpatrick, Vice Chancellor, was absent.
The Rev. Peter Doddema, Priest-in-Charge, St. Philip’s Church, Harrodsburg,
was present as a guest.
Some time was spent in community building exercises.
Kay Collier McLaughlin elaborated upon the Culture of Courtesy Covenant. The
members present read the Covenant aloud. There was discussion regarding
the final directive of the Covenant, “I will be sure that cell phones are turned off
during the course of the meeting and that computers are used for purpose of the meeting
only.” The consensus of the group was to change the reading of that directive
to, “I will be sure that my cell phone is not disruptive (on silent and not vibrating)
during the course of the meeting and that computers are used for purpose of the meeting
only.” In the 2nd directive of the covenant, “A detailed agenda and all documents
pertaining to agenda items will be mailed to members…” it was suggested that
“mailed” be changed to “transmitted”.
Mary T. Yeiser, Chancellor, distributed copies of Canon 2 (copy attached) to
the members present. She led an instructional time regarding duties of the
Executive Council. Ann Davis McClain, Treasurer, highlighted her duties
and those of the financial committees on which she serves. Mrs. Yeiser
reviewed committees that presently exist.
Mary T. Yeiser, Chancellor, told the Council about her duties.
Holli Powell, the Bishop’s Deputy for Finance, addressed the group regarding
her duties and reviewed various financial statements.
Discussion took place regarding the traits desired for potential members of
the Blue Ribbon Committee.
Minutes of the January 26, 2013 meeting were placed before the Council for
approval. In paragraph 1 “The Rev.” should be added to Jeff Howe’s and
Matt Young’s names. In the third paragraph the Bishop’s name should read
“The Right Rev. Douglas Hahn”. Motion made and seconded to approve with
amendments. Motion passed.
The Council was asked to formally accept Mary T. Yeiser’s resignation (letter
attached) as Executive Council member due to her new role as Chancellor.
Motion made to accept her resignation, seconded and passed.
The Bishop stated that the lay person who ran for a seat at the 2013 Diocesan
Convention and had the greatest number of votes of those not elected should
fulfill Mrs. Yeiser’s term on the Council. Motion made to ask Steve
Obermann to serve until the end of the term vacated, seconded, passed.
The Bishop stated that with Mary T. Yeiser moving to a new position, there
was now a vacancy in the office of Vice President of the Executive Council.
The Bishop stated that he had asked Frank Kebbell to fulfill the position.
Motion made to elect Mr. Kebbell to the office, seconded, passed.
Some discussion was held in regard to Fair Share Assessments as requested
from Resolution R-2 passed by the 2013 Diocesan Convention.
Written reports were received from the following:
Archdeacon’s Report to Executive Council
Bishop’s Deputy for Financial Affairs
Bishop’s Deputy for Leadership and Transition
Youth Missioner
Camp & Conference Board
Reading Camp
St. Agnes House
Next meeting of the Executive Council will be held Saturday, June 22, 2013 at
10am at Mission House.
With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 2:30pm with prayer.
Respectfully submitted,
Jane Lee Courtney