WORKSHOP: HISTORICAL AND ETHICAL ISSUES IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF A CONSERVATION Venue: IUC , Inter-University Center Saturday , March 31st, 2012 10:00 Welcome Session 1: Chair: Tatjana Nedjeljković 10:10 Some basic issues in conservation of endangered and poorly preserved wall paintings, Blaž Seme, Academy of Fine Arts and Design, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia 10: 40 Development of the Conservation Concept for the 17th Century Polychromed Wooden Retables, Hans Portsteffen, Cologne Institute of Conservation Science CICS, Germany; Sagita Mirjam Sunara, Arts Academy of the University of Split, Croatia; Charles Indekeu, Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp, Belgium. 11: 10-11:30 Coffee break 11: 30 (Dis)continuity in modern conservation as a problem in professional and social context, Marko Špikić, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Zagreb, Croatia 12:00 -12.30 Discussion 13:00 -14: 30 Lunch break Session 2: Chair: Blaž Seme 14: 30 Definitions of “conservation” and “restoration”, Denis Vokić, Department of Arts and Restoration, University of Dubrovnik, Croatia 15 :00 The legal protection of the underwater cultural heritage, Marko Petrak, Faculty of Law; University of Zagreb, Croatia 15.30 The application of laws in preservation of monuments in Croatia between two world wars, Ivana Unković, Croatian Conservation Institute, Split, Croatia 16.00 -16. 30 Discussion 16:30 -17:00 Coffee break Session 3: Chair : Hans Porsteffen 17:00 -17.30 The Standards of Urban Design for the Historic Core of Split: Integration of Heritage Conservation and Urban Design Strategies, Ana Šverko, Institute for Art History, Center Cvito Fisković, Split, Croatia 17: 30 -18:00 Restoration pros and cons, Tatjana Nedjeljković; Central Institute for Conservation, Belgrade, Serbia 18:00 -18:30 Cultural heritage conservation – Old city of Dubrovnik, Sandra Uskoković, Department of Arts and Restoration, University of Dubrovnik, Croatia 18:30-19:00 Discussion 20:00 Dinner Sunday, April 1 st, 2012 Session 4: Chair: Charles Indekeu 10:00 Nuclear methods as a tool for cultural heritage research, Stjepko Fazinić, Ruđer Bošković Institute, Zagreb, Croatia 10: 30 The recent discovery of the Gothic wall paintings in the Dubrovnik Franciscan monastery and the subsequent presentation issues, Veronika Šulić, Croatian Conservation Institute, Dubrovnik, Croatia 11:00 Workshops as an alternative form of education in the field of conservation- international experience conservators of the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun, prof. Elzbieta Basiul, University Toruńiu, Poland 11:30-11:50 Coffee break 11:50 Presentation of the Department of Arts and Restoration, University od Dubrovnik 12:10 Presentation of the Inter-University Center Dubrovnik, Nada Bruer Ljubišić, IUC, Dubrovnik 12:30- 14:30 Round table Chair: Prof.Krunoslav Pisk Topics: - Graduate courses and/or conferences organised via IUC (Inter University Center) - Mutual interest and participation in the regional and EU projects. - Various. 14:30 -16:00 Lunch We are also inviting all of your colleagues who are interested in these topics to join us at this venue, whose attendance and discussion at the forum will be more than welcomed. Though the program is final, any possible changes regarding the time table that might occur will be announced to you on time. Accomodation : 1) Inter-University Center (IUC) dormitory which is in the vicinity of the Old City and of workshop' venue. The prices per night are: 34 Euros –single room, 50 Euros double room: 25 Euros per person (breakfast is not included). Breakfast is served at the IUC coffee shop (cca 4 Euros per person). 2) Additionally, you can book your accomodation at hotel „Ivka „located in Lapad, and these are the prices during the workshop' period: 36 Euros single room (breakfast included) ; 31 Euros per person- double room (breakfast included). You can book your reservation at the following adresses: -for IUC dormitory : -for hotel Ivka : We recommend you to book your rooms in advance, i.e. as soon as possible due to the restricted number of rooms during the above mentioned period. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Best regards Sandra Uskokovic, PhD., Assistant professor –Workshop' Coordinator Prof.Krunoslav Pisk, Head of the Department University of Dubrovnik Arts and Restoration Department C.Carica 4 20000 Dubrovnik phone: 385 20 445775 fax: 385 20 436 410 Email: