MAI Cohort 9 and 10 Data Submission Instructions - PEP-C

The data preparation and submission steps described in this document apply to all participant-level data collected by
MAI RTR and CBI grantees and not yet submitted to SAMHSA/CSAP. Any data that have already been entered or
uploaded using the online MAI data entry system (before it was closed) have already been received and processed by
The following instructions cover the entire process from data coding and database preparation through submission.
Grantees with completed survey or dosage forms not yet entered into a data file (or database) should start with Step 1.
Grantees with prepared data files ready for uploading should skip Steps 1 through 4 and start their submission process
at Step 5.
Step 1
Visit the PEP-C MAI Knowledge Base website and select
“Minority AIDS Initiative (MAI)” in the Contents screen. To access the appropriate codebooks and data upload
templates within the Knowledge Base, please select the “Adult and Youth Questionnaires” and/or the “Dosage Forms”
Step 2a
Identify and download the codebook corresponding to the type of data being prepared. Available codebooks are:
Adult Questionnaire
Youth Questionnaire
Individual Dosage Form
Group Dosage Form
Step 2b (Adult and Youth Questionnaires only)
Download the document named “MAI Intervention Codes.”
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Step 2c (Adult and Youth Questionnaires only)
In the codebook corresponding to the data being entered, select the column corresponding to the time point at which
the data were collected (baseline, exit, or follow-up). The variable names in this column will match the variable names
in the first row of the corresponding data upload template. Please keep in mind that variable names for baseline, exit,
and follow-up data end with “_1”, “_2”, and “_3”, respectively.
Step 3
Identify the data upload template corresponding to the type of data being prepared. Available templates are:
Adult Questionnaire Baseline
Adult Questionnaire Exit
Adult Questionnaire Follow-Up
Youth Questionnaire Baseline
Youth Questionnaire Exit
Youth Questionnaire Follow-Up
Individual Dosage Form
Group Dosage Form
The template will be an Excel spreadsheet with the first row populated with variable names identical to the variable
names in the corresponding codebook column.
Step 4
Enter the data into the template starting with the second row. Each row should be used to enter information from a
single data unit (i.e. a single completed questionnaire or a single dosage form).
Use the codebook to look up the standard numeric code corresponding to each response option and enter the numeric
code into the template.
When entering Adult or Youth Questionnaire data, locate and enter the numeric code assigned to the intervention(s)
that each participant received, using the document titled “MAI Intervention Codes.” If you cannot find the name of the
intervention in the alphabetized list of interventions, type in the name of the intervention into the cell.
Remember – the Participant ID code is extremely important for linking together the baseline, exit, follow-up, and dosage
data for each participant so please make sure these fields are completed correctly.
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Step 5a (Only if using the codebooks and templates downloaded from the PEP-C
Knowledge Base)
If you used the codebooks and upload templates you downloaded from the PEP-C Knowledge Base website to prepare
your data files, please save the completed data file using the following file naming convention:
GrantID should be your 5-digit SAMHSA award number preceded by the letters “SP.”
FormType should be one of the following:
Adult (Adult Questionnaire)
Youth (Youth Questionnaire)
IndivDosage (Individual Dosage Form)
GroupDosage (Group Dosage Form)
Timepoint should be inserted into the file name for Adult or Youth Questionnaire data only. It can be one of the
following three:
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File naming examples using PEP-C codebooks and templates:
Grantee SP00001’s youth baseline data file:
Grantee SP00001’s adult exit data file:
Grantee SP99999’s individual dosage data file: SP99999_IndivDosage
Grantee SP99999’s group dosage data file: SP99999_GroupDosage
Step 5b (Only if using codebooks and templates that pre-date the transition to PEP-C)
The codebooks and upload templates in the PEP-C Knowledge Base website are revised and streamlined versions of the
ones that the RTR and CBI grantees have been using. If you have already prepared your data files using the older
versions of these documents, your file names should start with the word “Legacy” to reflect that fact. Please save the
completed data file using the following file naming convention:
GrantID should be your 5-digit SAMHSA award number preceded by the letters “SP.”
FormType should be one of the following:
Adult (Adult Questionnaire)
AdultSingSess (Adult Single-Session Questionnaire)
AdultMultiSess (Adult Multiple-Session Questionnaire)
Youth (Youth Questionnaire)
YouthSingSess (Youth Single-Session Questionnaire)
YouthMultiSess (Youth Multiple-Session Questionnaire)
IndivDosage (Individual Dosage Form)
GroupDosage (Group Dosage Form)
Timepoint should be inserted into the file name for Adult or Youth Questionnaire data only. It can be one of the
following three:
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File naming examples using pre-PEP-C (i.e. “legacy”) codebooks and templates):
Grantee SP00001’s adult single-session baseline data file: Legacy_SP00001_AdultSingSess_Baseline
Grantee SP00001’s youth baseline data file:
Grantee SP00002’s youth multi-session follow-up data file:
Grantee SP99999’s individual dosage data file: Legacy_SP99999_IndivDosage
Grantee SP99999’s group dosage data file: Legacy_SP99999_GroupDosage
Step 6
Prepare the data submission cover sheet containing the following information:
Grantee Name
Grant ID
Names of the data files being submitted
Whether the codebooks and upload templates used are the revised (PEP-C) versions or the older (“legacy”)
The PEP-C team will use this information to correctly process the data being submitted.
Step 7
Submit the data file(s) by attaching them to an e-mail message with the subject line “MAI Closeout Data Submission”.
The data submission cover sheet should also be attached to this message. Please note that data submitted without a
cover sheet cannot be processed and added to the database.
The message with the attachments should be sent to
Please remember to keep a detailed record of all submitted materials, including copies of the e-mail message and all
of its attachments. If there are any transmission or documentation issues, you may be asked to re-submit the
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