p. 1 GCOM 122 – Messersmith Informative Speech Writing Project Conference Days: _____, _____, _____, _____ 150 possible points Project objectives: Analyze an audience and use that information to select and narrow an appropriate topic within assignment guidelines. Determine the information needed to successfully complete the project. Determine how to find the needed information using library resources at JMU. Evaluate sources located for credibility, reliability, and accuracy, synthesizing relevant information into main and supporting points. Learn how to organize your ideas into a phrase outline. Become familiar with APA style through preparation of in-text citations and a list of references. Practice all aspects of speech creation in preparation for final persuasive speech. Become comfortable expressing your ideas in multiple media (i.e., written outline and faceto-face conversation). General guidelines: What is the difference between speech process and speech product? Your first two speeches in this class have focused on the product, or the actual performance you gave in class, not necessarily the steps you went through to create, practice, and refine that speech. So hold on . . . we’re going to mix things up for your third speech assignment and focus on process! Yes, I know it sounds crazy, but you are going to research and prepare speech materials for this assignment, but you will not have the added requirement of giving a speech to the class. Your peers and I will learn about your topic through various in-class and out-of-class activities (only some of which are listed here), but extemporaneous, solo performances in the front of the classroom are not required. Rather than preparing for a performance, you will select a topic, do research, prepare a phrase outline and references page, and participate in a 10-minute, individual conference in my office. We will sign up for conference appointments during class. Consider the conference a general conversation about your topic and the project. A word to the wise: just because this doesn’t involve a speech, do not assume this is an easy assignment! The topic of this project will be a nonprofit organization (NPO) of interest to you. Your goal is NOT an attempt to convince someone to join or donate money to the NPO, or even that this NPO is important. Through the speech materials you prepare, you will simply share information and facts about the NPO in an organized manner. o But wait . . . what exactly is a nonprofit organization? NPOs come in many forms and have many different missions. You may select a local, statewide, national, or even international organization. It is imperative that you select an organization that identifies itself as having nonprofit status, meaning they exist to provide programs p. 2 and/or services instead of making money. The goal of their efforts is to be of benefit to the public rather than to individuals’ pocketbooks. Your project should share new information. Be careful that you aren’t sharing information the average person already knows (e.g., the American Red Cross collects blood donations and helps people in disaster situations like hurricanes and fires). o I highly recommend asking around to gauge the average person’s level of familiarity with your organization. Ask your friends, your roommates, your classmates. An organization that is less familiar than the ASPCA or American Red Cross will make for a more interesting project! Process: This project consists of four assignments, each of which is detailed below. Each assignment builds on one another and must be followed carefully. You will be graded on each assignment using the grading form found at the end. ASSIGNMENT ONE: Topic Selection and Submission A. Using your own interests, begin by locating a NPO to use for this assignment. I promise that if you’re personally interested in the NPO, you will enjoy this project much more! Your research at this point can take many forms, but you must consult the Associations Unlimited database using the JMU Libraries website. B. At this time, complete Module 8 of Go for the Gold (G4G) and send your result to me at messeras@jmu.edu. You must receive a 90% or better to receive credit. The system allows you to preview your score, so keep taking the quiz (and submitting your score to me) until you have achieved the 90% grade. C. Once you settle on a topic, it must be approved by Dr. Messersmith. Submit your topic via email (messeras@jmu.edu) no later than _______________ at 5:00 p.m. To receive approval, email me 5 things: o (1) the name of your selected NPO and why you chose it o (2) one paragraph in which you discuss how you found your topic (include how you searched in Associations Unlimited) o (3) a brief 1-2 sentence overview of the organization, including location and general purpose/mission (in your own words—don’t copy and paste!) o (4) your three (or more) main points as they stand now o (5) the organization’s website address. I will respond to your email with either approval or recommendations for finding a new organization. ASSIGNMENT ONE RECAP: Locate NPO, complete G4G Module 8; submit topic for approval DEADLINE: _______________ p. 3 ASSIGNMENT TWO: Researching your topic A. Researching a topic can be a very daunting process if you don’t know what you’re doing! To familiarize you with research resources that can help you complete this project, complete Modules 1 and 2 of Go for the Gold prior to class on ____________. Be sure to send your scores to me at messeras@jmu.edu. You must receive a 90% or better to receive credit. B. To continue familiarizing you with the research process, we will go to the library during class on ______________. DO NOT MISS THIS CLASS! Your topic must be solidified at this point, as you will actually begin locating resources for your topic at this time. C. The purpose of research is not to just find quotes that conveniently fit what you were planning to say anyway. Instead, by synthesizing the information contained in the various resources you find, you will create the content of your phrase outline. It is your job to read various sources, evaluating them for credibility and relevance. After our library day, but BEFORE you read all of your resources, complete Go for the Gold Modules 3, 4, 5, & 6. Again, send me your scores and re-take the tests as necessary in order to get a 90% or better. D. Read through the sources you have found, taking careful notes of ideas that would be appropriate to include in your phrase outline. Keep in mind that I will look for no less than five cited sources. Of those five, four different types of resources (books, newspaper articles, websites, etc.) should be represented and all should be published in 2004 or later. Keep in mind that journal/newspaper articles that you access from an online database do not count as internet sources since they were originally published as print sources. When you complete your search, you should have at least 5 (five) sources that may include: o Book(s) from LEO o Newspaper and/or magazine articles from a General Database Resource (such as Academic Search Complete) o Journal articles from a Specific Subject Database Resources o Your organization’s website o Other credible, relevant websites E. Don’t discount the value of working with a librarian one-on-one. They are there to assist you and I guarantee they will be able to help you come up with good, credible sources on your organization. To work with a librarian, you may: o Visit Carrier Library in person o Go to the Library website and use the Ask-A-Librarian service http://www.lib.jmu.edu/help/ask.aspx Here you can chat, email, or phone a librarian, whatever you prefer! F. Not every source you find will be one you end up including in your phrase outline. Still, keep track of the sources you locate so you can include them on your References page. I will be looking for no less than 10 sources total (cited or consulted). G. For class on __________, bring the sources you plan to cite to class. This means you have to print the articles out, bring the books, etc. p. 4 ASSIGNMENT TWO RECAP: Complete G4G Modules 1 & 2; come to Library Day; complete G4G Modules 3, 4, 5, & 6; locate sources and take notes about content and bibliographic information; bring sources to class DEADLINES: _____________ (G4G 1 & 2); ________________ (Library Day); ________________ (G4G 3, 4, 5, & 6); ___________ (Bring sources to class) ASSIGNMENT THREE: Write Outline and References Page A. Outline: Now you will begin writing your phrase outline. Keep the information on your outline detailed to the point that the reader gets complete information about your main points and supporting points and can follow along easily. Still, you do not need to write in full sentences. A complete outline will be at least two pages. At the top of your outline, include your thesis, your purpose statement, and your verbatim introduction (using the five components discussed in class). At the bottom of your outline, include your verbatim conclusion (using the three components discussed in class). Within the outline itself, be sure to cite the source of your information as appropriate, again using the APA in-text citation format we discussed in class, for example: (Messersmith & Messersmith, 2009). As mentioned in Assignment Two, within the outline, I will look for at least 5 different citations. You may cite the same source multiple times, but each source only counts once. B. You’re getting close to being done with Go for the Gold! Complete (with a 90% or better) Module 7 and send the score to me. C. References Page: If you have taken good notes and kept track of your sources all along, this will be easy to complete. Using the CheckCite feature on the JMU Library website (http://www.lib.jmu.edu/help/checkcite/) or the Citation and Reference Information folder on Blackboard (see Course Documents), compile your list of references in APA style. On the references page, either put a notation (*) by the sources you have actually cited on your outline or divide the page into sources cited and sources consulted and label accordingly. I will want to see no less than 10 sources total. ASSIGNMENT THREE RECAP: Write outline including thesis, purpose statement, verbatim introduction, verbatim conclusion, and in-text citations; complete G4G Module 7; create references page (APA Style) with sources cited and sources consulted clearly marked DEADLINE: Your conference day p. 5 ASSIGNMENT FOUR: Prepare for Conference A. As with the This I Believe speech, you should bring your speech day folder to your conference. Your folder should contain: o A phrase outline o Your reference list in APA style o A photocopy of the first page of ALL sources, cited or consulted (e.g., the title page of a book, the first page of a printed article) B. Familiarize yourself with your phrase outline before your conference. I’ll have you give me a brief overview of your NPO (you can have your outline in your lap) and I’ll ask questions about the organization as well as the research process. C. Be on time to your conference! ASSIGNMENT FOUR RECAP: Prepare required materials (don’t forget to proofread carefully!) and be ready to discuss your NPO knowledgably! Don’t stress—this is a conversation! DEADLINE: Your conference day If you have any questions about this assignment along the way, please ask! p. 6 GCOM 122 – Messersmith Informative Speech Writing Project Grading Checklist ASSIGNMENT ONE: POINTS EARNED:______/15 Completion of G4G Module 8 with grade of 90% or better by _________ Topic submitted on time via email All aspects of topic submission are included o name of NPO and why chosen o one paragraph discussing how topic was found (includes Associations Unlimited search strategy) o overview of the organization, including location and general purpose/mission (in your own words) o three (or more) main points o organization’s website address ASSIGNMENT TWO: POINTS EARNED:______/75 Completion of G4G Modules 1 & 2 with grade of 90% or better by _________ Attended Library Day Completion of G4G Modules 3, 4, 5, & 6 with grade of 90% or better by ________ Located sources (10 total; 5 to cite; 4 different source types) Brought five sources to class on _________ ASSIGNMENT THREE: POINTS EARNED:______/30 Completed outline; outline contains required components: o thesis o purpose statement o verbatim introduction (five components) o verbatim conclusion (three components) o 5 in-text citations in APA style Outline is in phrase format Completion of G4G Module 7 with grade of 90% or better by _________ Completed References page; page includes required components: o 10 references o Uses APA style accurately o Sources cited/consulted are labeled appropriately ASSIGNMENT FOUR: POINTS EARNED:______/30 On time and prepared for conference Talked knowledgably about NPO; answered questions effectively Submitted speech day folder with the following contents: o Phrase outline o References page o Photocopy of first page of each source TOTAL POINTS EARNED ASSIGNMENTS 1-4: _______/150