AG Annual Review Citation Report Within the implementation of the accountable grant we have been monitoring, as an indicator of our expected outcomes, changes in political and academic discourse resulting from the evidence and knowledge generated by IIED. For the first milestone (set for the first 18 months of the implementation and set to be achieved in September 2013), we focused on media mentions, as an early indication of increased influence and attention. For the second milestone (set to be completed at the end of March 2015) we have concentrated on the impact our work has had on academic discourse. We have done an extensive citation analysis of all full and part-AG funded work, and despite it being early days to assess the academic impact of newly published work, we have identified areas where citations have been of a significant nature. From these lists of citations provided in this document we have removed all instances of IIED staff citing their own and each other’s work. We have also accompanied the citation analysis with a reflection of where we have directly contributed to academic debates through more direct engagement. While these give an indication of our influence on academic discourse and debates, our impact is often wider than demonstrated in the listed citations and evidence, with many IIED researchers regularly interacting and engaging with Universities and other research institutes. The full list of our engagement with these organisations is captured in annexe 5. This citation report needs to be looked at together with the case studies of policy and practices changes, media mentions and the total reach and dissemination, in order to obtain a fuller picture of our influence on academic discourse. In 2014/15 AG funded work was extensively downloaded and mentioned in a number of printed and online media outlets, as indicated by the figures on the following page. 1 IIED CITATION REPORT Number of media mentions (AG or part-AG) Output 1 – Climate Change 75 Output 2 – Natural Resources 189 Output 3 – Sustainable Markets 177 Output 4 – Urbanisation 145 Downloads until September 2014 (IIED overall statistics) Output 1 – Climate Change 261,759 Output 2 – Natural Resources 637,236 Output 3 – Sustainable Markets 578, 647 Output 4 – Urbanisation 202,301 Output 5 - Cross cutting 84,683 Number of citations (AG or part-AG) Adapting and responding to climate change in urban areas Accommodating urbanisation and urban growth Small and informal enterprise Biodiversity Forest Land rights and investment Political economy of climate resilient development planning 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 2 IIED CITATION REPORT Contents Output 1 – Climate Change 1. 1.1 Political economy of climate resilient development planning Output 2 – Natural Resources 2. 2.1 Land rights and investment 3. 2.2 Forest 4. 2 . 3 Biodiversity Output 3 – Sustainable Markets 5. 3.1 Small and informal enterprise Output 4 - Urbanisation 4.1 Assessing and addressing urban poverty 4.2 Accommodating urbanisation and urban growth and promoting their potential for social equity environmental sustainability 4.3 Adapting and responding to climate change in urban areas Appendices 6. .Citations 3 IIED CITATION REPORT Output 1- Climate change 1. 1 Political economy of climate resilient development planning Citations IIED Work Fisher, Susannah. "Low-carbon resilient development in Number of citations 1 the least developed countries." IIED Issue Paper. IIED, London. See http://pubs. iied. org/pdfs/10049IIED. pdf (2013). Evidence of impact on academic discourse University of Norwich: delivering finance training to academics, donors, development countries government representatives and multi-lateral agency representatives (online community of government officials and experts mostly from Latin America Countries): republishing “Will divisions in the board delay the Green Climate Fund” article. 4 IIED CITATION REPORT Output 2 – Natural Resources 1. 1 Land rights and investment Citations IIED Work Cotula, Lorenzo. "The international political economy of the Number of citations 147 global land rush: A critical appraisal of trends, scale, geography and drivers." Journal of Peasant Studies 39.3-4 (2012): 649-680. Polack, Emily, Lorenzo Cotula, and Muriel Côte. 1 "Accountability in Africa's land rush: what role for legal empowerment." International Institute for Environment and Development, London, available on line: http://pubs. iied. org/12572IIED. html (last access: 25 April 2013) The Natural Resources Group’s work on Land rights and investment has been very influential and widely cited. The first listed article debunked some common myths about scale, trends, drivers and features of large-scale land acquisitions, e.g. highlighting the role of local nationals and of European firms. The extensive citations in numerous and very diverse academic journals highlight the widespread respect of IIED’s research in the academic community. Citations in policy oriented pieces highlight the policy relevance of this work. Evidence of impact on academic discourse REDD+ AG funded work has been instrumental in getting country partners, in particular the Sokoine University of Agriculture in Tanzania, Forest Action in Nepal, ICRAF in Vietnam and the Swedish University of Agriculture, to join together thinking out of the box in terms of methodologies for understanding gender analysis in land use and land use change. For full details of this this please refer to the IIED case studies document, annexe 1. 5 IIED CITATION REPORT 2. 2 Forest Citations IIED Work Walker, Nathalie, et al. "Demand-side interventions to Number of citations 3 reduce deforestation and forest degradation." International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), London, UK (2013). Macqueen, Duncan, et al. "Supporting small forest 4 enterprises–A facilitator’s toolkit. Pocket guidance not rocket science!." International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), Edinburgh (2012). The second listed article here is for practitioners who support locally controlled forestry enterprises – to build resilient, sustainable forest businesses that reduce poverty for local people. The citations in academic literature pertaining to the Brazilian Amazon, Central and West Africa both increase local awareness of the importance of investing in locally controlled forestry to protect the forest environment while simultaneously reducing poverty – and draw attention to the range of helpful training modules available in the toolkit. It is encouraging to see citations covering both timber and non-timber forest products – showing the range of different possibilities that exist to make commercially successful and sustainable use of forests by local people. 6 IIED CITATION REPORT 2 . 3 Biodiversity Citations IIED Work Roe, Dilys, et al., eds. Biodiversity conservation and poverty Number of citations 4 alleviation: exploring the evidence for a link. John Wiley & Sons, 2012. Roe, R., et al. "A systematic map protocol: which components 1 or attributes of biodiversity affect which dimensions of poverty." Env Evid 2.1 (2013). Munroe, Robert, et al. "Review of the evidence base for 5 ecosystem-based approaches for adaptation to climate change." Environmental Evidence 1.1 (2012): 13. Doswald, N., et al. "Effectiveness of ecosystem-based 3 approaches for adaptation: review of the evidence-base." Climate and Development 6.2 (2014): 185-201. Baker, J., et al. "Linking protected area conservation with 2 poverty alleviation in Uganda: integrated conservation and development at Bwindi Impenetrable National Park." National Parks. Nova Science Publishers, Inc (2013): 47-103. 7 IIED CITATION REPORT Roe, Dilys, et al. "Which components or attributes of biodiversity 2 influence which dimensions of poverty?." Environmental Evidence 3.1 (2014): 3. Roe, Dilys, et al., eds. Biodiversity conservation and poverty 4 alleviation: exploring the evidence for a link. John Wiley & Sons, 2012. Roe, Dilys, et al. "Linking biodiversity conservation and poverty 6 reduction: de‐polarizing the conservation‐poverty debate." Conservation Letters 6.3 (2013): 162-171. Roe, Dilys. "Has biodiversity fallen off the development 2 agenda? A case study of the UK Department for International Development." Oryx 47.01 (2013): 113-121. Sandbrook, Chris, and Dilys Roe. "Species conservation and 1 poverty alleviation–the case of great apes in Africa." Biodiversity conservation and poverty alleviation: exploring the evidence for a link (2013): 173-190. 8 IIED CITATION REPORT Output 3 – Sustainable Markets 3. 1 Small and informal enterprise Citations IIED Work Vorley, Bill, Ethel del Pozo-Vergnes, and Anna Barnett. Number of citations 9 "Small producer agency in the globalised market: Making choices in a changing world." Hivos and the International Institute for Environment and Development, Netherlands & UK (2012). Vorley, Bill, Lorenzo Cotula, and Man-Kwun Chan. 6 Tipping the Balance: Policies to shape agricultural investments and markets in favour of small-scale farmers. Oxfam, 2012. Buxton, Abbi, and Bill Vorley. "The ethical agent: fresh 1 flowers in Kenya." International Institute for Environment and Development/Sustainable Food Lab. United Kingdom: London (2012). 9 IIED CITATION REPORT Output 4 – Urbanisation 4. 1 Assessing and addressing urban poverty Evidence of impact on academic discourse The British Academy London: Presentation on The Geographies of Poverty. 2nd December 2014. ESRC/AHRC/British Academy on Social Innovation and Creative Responses to Global Urban Challenges. 31st October 2014, London. Manchester University: Lecture on Poverty, inequality and health, October 2014 Environment and Urbanization journal: This journal has a long history of exploring gender issues through an urban lens, and a strong influence on academic discourse. Len Duhl, Professor of Public Health at the University of California, Berkeley, has called E&U “a magnificent, thorough and well edited journal that has no peer”. It takes some time for the impact of journal articles to be measured, as citation and access figures increase over time due to the academic publishing cycle, the period after which issues become freely available, and other factors. However, the republication of Cecilia Tacoli’s “Gender and urban change” editorial by the Women’s UN Report Network and reporting on it by Women & Africa Magazine point to its influence outside traditional academic channels. Below are the highlight figures for Environment and Urbanization 2013-14. These below download statistics are in addition to the download statistics included at the beginning of this report, as the below statistics are not from IIED’s website. Usage There were 356,751 downloads of articles in 2013, 168% over the discipline average and an increase of 5% over the previous year The most downloaded article was The environmental impact of cities by Peter Newman (2006), downloaded 6,236 times There are now 8,751 people signed up to electronic alerts for the journal 10 IIED CITATION REPORT Circulation There are a total of 160 institutional subscriptions so far in 2014 2,889 institutions have access through sales to library consortia, an increase of 6% Citations The 2013 Impact Factor was 1.614, ranking 7 out of 38 journals in the Urban Studies JCR The most-cited article contributing to the 2013 Impact Factor was Cities and greenhouse gas emissions (2011) with 30 cites in 2013 Marketing 78.25% increase in readership during SAGE global trial and a 84.19% increase during the DSA conference promotion Towards resilience & transformation for cities within a finite planet was tweeted on the @SAGEsociology and received three retweets and one favourite Production 17 articles published OnlineFirst in the last six months 3 articles published Open Access via SAGE Choice 11 IIED CITATION REPORT 4 .2 Accommodating urbanisation and urban growth and promoting their potential for social equity environmental sustainability Citations IIED Work Tacoli, Cecilia, and David Satterthwaite. "Gender and Number of citations 3 urban change." Environment and Urbanization 25.1 (2013): 3-8. Turok, Ivan, and Gordon McGranahan. "Urbanization 7 and economic growth: the arguments and evidence for Africa and Asia." Environment and Urbanization 25.2 (2013): 465-482. Martine, George, and Gordon McGranahan. "The 1 legacy of inequality and negligence in Brazil's unfinished urban transition: lessons for other developing regions." International Journal of Urban Sustainable Development 5.1 (2013): 7-24. Evidence of impact on academic discourse Duke University: U&I Visual being used in class by Charles M. Becker, Research Professor and Associate Chair of Duke University's Economics Department University of New York: U&I Visual used in Urbaniztion lecture at by Professor Deborah Balk at the School of Public Affairs. “What a great interactive graphic! I hadn’t seen it. I am guest lecturing on urbanization in our Intro Demography class in a few weeks. I think I will have the students explore this! I am starting to 12 IIED CITATION REPORT think that I should be doing more with visuals like these.” University College Berkeley: AG works forms part of a mandatory reading in Global Cities class in Department of City and Regional Planning faculty. 13 IIED CITATION REPORT 4.3 Adapting and responding to climate change in urban areas Citations IIED Work Dodman, David, and Diana Mitlin. "Challenges for Number of citations 34 community‐based adaptation: discovering the potential for transformation." Journal of International Development 25.5 (2013): 640-659. Smith, Barry, Donald Brown, and David Dodman. 1 "Reconfiguring urban adaptation finance." International Meeting Hosted by IIED. Vol. 13. 2013. Satterthwaite, David. "The political underpinnings of cities’ 3 accumulated resilience to climate change." Environment and Urbanization (2013): 0956247813500902. Revi, Aromar, et al. "Towards transformative adaptation 2 in cities: the IPCC’s Fifth Assessment." Environment and Urbanization 26.1 (2014): 11-28. Dodman, David, et al. "Understanding the nature and 2 scale of urban risk in low-and middle-income countries and its implications for humanitarian preparedness, planning and response." International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) (2013). 14 IIED CITATION REPORT Evidence of impact on academic discourse University of Oxford: annual involvement in teaching MSc Sustainable Urban Development course. Sustainable Cities in the Global South module. Development Planning Unit, University College London. Teaching Masters in Environment and Sustainable Development module: Adapting Cities to Climate Change in the Global South. 15 IIED CITATION REPORT Appendices 6 .Citations Output 1- Climate change 1. 1 Political economy of climate resilient development planning Fisher, Susannah. "Low-carbon resilient development in the least developed countries." IIED Issue Paper. IIED, London. See http://pubs. iied. org/pdfs/10049IIED. pdf (2013). Schmale, Julia, John van Aardenne, and Erika von Schneidemesser. "New Directions: Support for integrated decision-making in air and climate policies--Development of a metrics-based information portal." Atmospheric Environment 90 (2014): 146-148. Output 2 – Natural Resources 2.1 Land rights and investment Cotula, Lorenzo. "The international political economy of the global land rush: A critical appraisal of trends, scale, geography and drivers." Journal of Peasant Studies 39.3-4 (2012): 649-680. 147 citations. See full list here. Polack, Emily, Lorenzo Cotula, and Muriel Côte. "Accountability in Africa's land rush: what role for legal empowerment." International Institute for Environment and Development, London, available on line: http://pubs. iied. org/12572IIED. html (last access: 25 April 2013) (2013). Hönig, Patrick. "Civil Society and Land Use Policy in Uganda: The Mabira Forest Case." Africa Spectrum 49.2 (2014): 53-77. 16 IIED CITATION REPORT 2.2. Forest Walker, Nathalie, et al. "Demand-side interventions to reduce deforestation and forest degradation." International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), London, UK (2013). Nepstad, Daniel, et al. "Slowing Amazon deforestation through public policy and interventions in beef and soy supply chains." Science 344.6188 (2014): 1118-1123. Newton, Peter, Luís Fernando Guedes Pinto, and Helena Nery Alves-Pinto. "Certifying sustainability: opportunities and challenges for the cattle supply chain in Brazil." Persson, Martin, Sabine Henders, and Thomas Kastner. "Trading Forests: Quantifying the Contribution of Global Commodity Markets to Emissions from Tropical Deforestation." (2014). Macqueen, Duncan, et al. "Supporting small forest enterprises–A facilitator’s toolkit. Pocket guidance not rocket science!." International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), Edinburgh (2012). Beauchamp, Emily, and V. Ingram. "Impacts of community forests on livelihoods in Cameroon: Lessons from two case studies." International Forestry Review 13.4 (2011): 389-403. Tieguhong, Julius Chupezi, et al. "Financial status of small and medium scale enterprises based on non-wood forest products (NWFP) in Central Africa." Forest Policy and Economics 20 (2012): 112-119. Tieguhong, J. C., et al. "Rural enterprise development for poverty alleviation based on non-wood forest products in Central Africa." International Forestry Review 14.3 (2012): 363-379. Pokorny, Benno. Smallholders, Forest Management and Rural Development in the Amazon. Routledge, 2013. 17 IIED CITATION REPORT 2.3. Biodiversity Roe, Dilys, et al., eds. Biodiversity conservation and poverty alleviation: exploring the evidence for a link. John Wiley & Sons, 2012. Adams, William M., and Chris Sandbrook. "Conservation, evidence and policy." Oryx 47.03 (2013): 329-335. Miller, Daniel C. "Explaining Global Patterns of International Aid for Linked Biodiversity Conservation and Development." World Development 59 (2014): 341-359. Thapa, Ishana, et al. "Using information on ecosystem services in Nepal to inform biodiversity conservation and local to national decision-making." Oryx (2014): 1-9. MILNER‐GULLAND, Eleanor Jane, et al. "Accounting for the Impact of Conservation on Human Well‐Being." Conservation Biology (2014). Roe, R., et al. "A systematic map protocol: which components or attributes of biodiversity affect which dimensions of poverty." Env Evid 2.1 (2013). Bottrill, Madeleine, et al. "What are the impacts of nature conservation interventions on human well-being: a systematic map protocol." Environmental Evidence 3.1 (2014): 16. Munroe, Robert, et al. "Review of the evidence base for ecosystem-based approaches for adaptation to climate change." Environmental Evidence 1.1 (2012): 13. Comte, Adrien. "Mainstreaming Ecosystem Services in National Adaptation Planning." (2014). Dicks, Lynn V., Jessica C. Walsh, and William J. Sutherland. "Organising evidence for environmental management decisions: a ‘4S’hierarchy." Trends in ecology & evolution (2014). Sutherland, William J., et al. "Solution scanning as a key policy tool: identifying management 18 IIED CITATION REPORT interventions to help maintain and enhance regulating ecosystem services." Ecology and Society 19.2 (2011): 3. Khan, Ahmed, and Vincent Amelie. "Assessing climate change readiness in Seychelles: implications for ecosystem-based adaptation mainstreaming and marine spatial planning." Regional Environmental Change (2014): 1-13. Sierra-Correa, Paula Cristina, and Jaime Ricardo Cantera Kintz. "Ecosystem-based adaptation for improving coastal planning for sea-level rise: A systematic review for mangrove coasts." Marine Policy 51 (2015): 385-393. Doswald, N., et al. "Effectiveness of ecosystem-based approaches for adaptation: review of the evidence-base." Climate and Development 6.2 (2014): 185-201. Wamsler, Christine, Christopher Luederitz, and Ebba Brink. "Local levers for change: Mainstreaming ecosystem-based adaptation into municipal planning to foster sustainability transitions." Global Environmental Change 29 (2014): 189-201. Niven, Lisa. Harnessing the green and blue: an investigation of ecosystem-based adaptation measures in four southern. Diss. Lund University, 2014. Khan, Ahmed, and Vincent Amelie. "Assessing climate change readiness in Seychelles: implications for ecosystem-based adaptation mainstreaming and marine spatial planning." Regional Environmental Change (2014): 1-13. Baker, J., et al. "Linking protected area conservation with poverty alleviation in Uganda: integrated conservation and development at Bwindi Impenetrable National Park." National Parks. Nova Science Publishers, Inc (2013): 47-103. Harrison, Mariel. Penetrating the Impenetrable: Establishing profiles and motivations of resource users at Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, Uganda. Diss. Imperial College London, 2013. Babaasa, Dennis. "Landscape predictors of current and future distribution of mountain gorillas (Gorilla beringei beringei) in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, Uganda." (2014). 19 IIED CITATION REPORT Roe, Dilys, et al. "Which components or attributes of biodiversity influence which dimensions of poverty?." Environmental Evidence 3.1 (2014): 3. Kent, Rebecca, and Andrew Dorward. "Livelihood responses to Lantana camara invasion and biodiversity change in southern India: application of an asset function framework." Regional Environmental Change: 1-12. Bottrill, Madeleine, et al. "What are the impacts of nature conservation interventions on human well-being: a systematic map protocol." Environmental Evidence 3.1 (2014): 16. Roe, Dilys, et al., eds. Biodiversity conservation and poverty alleviation: exploring the evidence for a link. John Wiley & Sons, 2012. Adams, William M., and Chris Sandbrook. "Conservation, evidence and policy." Oryx 47.03 (2013): 329-335. Miller, Daniel C. "Explaining Global Patterns of International Aid for Linked Biodiversity Conservation and Development." World Development 59 (2014): 341-359. Thapa, Ishana, et al. "Using information on ecosystem services in Nepal to inform biodiversity conservation and local to national decision-making." Oryx (2014): 1-9. MILNER‐GULLAND, Eleanor Jane, et al. "Accounting for the Impact of Conservation on Human Well‐Being." Conservation Biology (2014). Roe, Dilys, et al. "Linking biodiversity conservation and poverty reduction: de‐polarizing the conservation‐poverty debate." Conservation Letters 6.3 (2013): 162-171. Doak, Daniel F., et al. "What is the future of conservation?." Trends in ecology & evolution 29.2 (2014): 77-81. 20 IIED CITATION REPORT Leisher, Craig, et al. "Focal areas for measuring the human well-being impacts of a conservation initiative." Sustainability 5.3 (2013): 997-1010. Davies, T. E., et al. "Missing the trees for the wood: Why we are failing to see success in pro‐ poor conservation." Animal Conservation (2013). Bremer, Leah L., et al. "Conservation and livelihood outcomes of payment for ecosystem services in the Ecuadorian Andes: What is the potential for ‘win–win’?." Ecosystem Services (2014). Miller, Daniel Charles. Conservation legacies: Governing biodiversity and livelihoods around the w national parks of benin and niger. Diss. University of Michigan, 2013. Habel, Jan Christian, et al. "Towards more equal footing in north–south biodiversity research: European and sub-Saharan viewpoints." Biodiversity and Conservation (2014): 1-6. Roe, Dilys. "Has biodiversity fallen off the development agenda? A case study of the UK Department for International Development." Oryx 47.01 (2013): 113-121. Dulvy, Nicholas K. "Super‐sized MPAs and the marginalization of species conservation." Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 23.3 (2013): 357-362. de Bremond, Ariane, and Nathan L. Engle. "Adaptation policies to increase terrestrial ecosystem resilience: potential utility of a multicriteria approach." Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change 19.3 (2014): 331-354. Sandbrook, Chris, and Dilys Roe. "Species conservation and poverty alleviation–the case of great apes in Africa." Biodiversity conservation and poverty alleviation: exploring the evidence for a link (2013): 173-190. Davies, T. E., et al. "Missing the trees for the wood: Why we are failing to see success in pro‐ poor conservation." Animal Conservation (2013). 21 IIED CITATION REPORT Output 3 – Sustainable Markets 3.1 Small and informal enterprise Vorley, Bill, Ethel del Pozo-Vergnes, and Anna Barnett. "Small producer agency in the globalised market: Making choices in a changing world." Hivos and the International Institute for Environment and Development, Netherlands & UK (2012). Burnett, Kim, and Sophia Murphy. "What place for international trade in food sovereignty?." Journal of Peasant Studies ahead-of-print (2014): 1-20. Murphy, Sophia. "Land Grabs and Fragile Food Systems." Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy (2013). Swaans, Kees, et al. "Operationalizing inclusive innovation: lessons from innovation platforms in livestock value chains in India and Mozambique." (2013). Burnett, Kim, and Sophia Murphy. "Food Sovereignty: A Critical Dialogue." (2013). del Pozo-Vergnes, Ethel. "From survival to competition." Zuberi, M. I., et al. "Species of herbal spices grown in the poor farmers’ home gardens of West Shoa, Highlands of Ethiopia: an Ethnobotanical account." Wiggins, Steve, et al. "Agricultural development policy: a contemporary agenda." (2013). Swaans, K., et al. "A monitoring and evaluation framework to assess the performance of innovation platforms in the context of livestock value chains." (2013). Cheaz, Juan, et al. "Pequeñas unidades productivas en el altiplano de Guatemala: La experiencia de articulación a cadenas globales de valor y el rol de sus entornos." (2013). 22 IIED CITATION REPORT Vorley, Bill, Lorenzo Cotula, and Man-Kwun Chan. Tipping the Balance: Policies to shape agricultural investments and markets in favour of small-scale farmers. Oxfam, 2012. Dobermann, Achim, and Rebecca Nelson. "Opportunities and solutions for sustainable food production." Background paper for the High-Level Panel of Eminent Persons on the Post-2015 Development Agenda. Prepared by the co-chairs of the Sustainable Development Solutions Network Thematic Group on Sustainable Agriculture and Food Production (2013). Molenaar, Jan Willem, et al. "Building a roadmap to sustainability in agro-commodity production." Aidenvironment, NewForesight, IIED (2013). Mehta, Lyla, et al. "Water and food security V0 DRAFT." Burnley, Jasmine. "A New Dawn for Equitable Growth in Myanmar? Making the private sector work for small-scale agriculture." Oxfam Policy and Practice: Private Sector 10.2 (2013): 63-80. SUMMIT, FORESTS ASIA. "Background Brief." Andriamanalina, Beby Seheno, and Perrine Burnod. "EXISTING AND POTENTIAL TOOLS TO REGULATE LAND ACCESS FOR INVESTORS IN MADAGASCAR." (2014). Buxton, Abbi, and Bill Vorley. "The ethical agent: fresh flowers in Kenya." International Institute for Environment and Development/Sustainable Food Lab. United Kingdom: London (2012). Zylberberg, Ezequiel. "Bloom or bust? A global value chain approach to smallholder flower production in Kenya." Journal of Agribusiness in Developing and Emerging Economies 3.1 (2013): 4-26. Output 4 – Urbanisation 23 IIED CITATION REPORT 4.2 Accommodating urbanisation and urban growth and promoting their potential for social equity environmental sustainability Tacoli, Cecilia, and David Satterthwaite. "Gender and urban change." Environment and Urbanization 25.1 (2013): 3-8. Manolache, Elena. "Transforming the Gendered Social Relations of Urban Space." Journal of Research in Gender Studies 1 (2013): 125-130. Zonta, María L., Evelia E. Oyhenart, and Graciela T. Navone. "Socio‐environmental variables associated with malnutrition and intestinal parasitoses in the child population of Misiones, Argentina." American Journal of Human Biology 26.5 (2014): 609-616. Hawkins, Kate, Hayley MacGregor, and Rose Oronje. "The Health of Women and Girls in Urban Areas with a Focus on Kenya and South Africa: A Review." (2013). Turok, Ivan, and Gordon McGranahan. "Urbanization and economic growth: the arguments and evidence for Africa and Asia." Environment and Urbanization 25.2 (2013): 465-482. Chen, Mingxing, et al. "The Global Pattern of Urbanization and Economic Growth: Evidence from the Last Three Decades." PloS one 9.8 (2014): e103799. Obeng-Odoom, Franklin. "Africa: On the Rise, but to Where?." Forum for Social Economics. No. ahead-of-print. Routledge, 2014. Obeng-Odoom, Franklin. "The State of African Cities 2014." Journal of Asian and African Studies (2014): 0021909614547604. Narayan, Laxmi. "Urbanization and Development." International Journal of Research 1.8 (2014): 901-908. Dungumaro, Esther W. "Consequences of female migration for families in Tanzania." African 24 IIED CITATION REPORT Review of Economics and Finance 5.1 (2013): 46-59. Turok, Ivan, and Jackie Borel-Saladin. "The Spatial Economy." Browne, Evie. Benefits of urbanisation in Asia. GSDRC Helpdesk Research Report 1082). Birmingham, 2014. Martine, George, and Gordon McGranahan. "The legacy of inequality and negligence in Brazil's unfinished urban transition: lessons for other developing regions." International Journal of Urban Sustainable Development 5.1 (2013): 7-24. Klink, Jeroen, and Ramin Keivani. "Development as we know it? Change and continuity in the production of urban and regional space in Brazil." International Journal of Urban Sustainable Development 5.1 (2013): 1-6. 25 IIED CITATION REPORT 4.3 Adapting and responding to climate change in urban areas. Dodman, David, and Diana Mitlin. "Challenges for community‐based adaptation: discovering the potential for transformation." Journal of International Development 25.5 (2013): 640-659. Robinson, Lance W., and Fikret Berkes. "Multi-level participation for building adaptive capacity: Formal agency-community interactions in northern Kenya." Global Environmental Change 21.4 (2011): 1185-1194. da Silva, Jo, Sam Kernaghan, and Andrés Luque. "A systems approach to meeting the challenges of urban climate change." International Journal of Urban Sustainable Development 4.2 (2012): 125-145. Roy, Manoj, David Hulme, and Ferdous Jahan. "Contrasting adaptation responses by squatters and low-income tenants in Khulna, Bangladesh." Environment and Urbanization 25.1 (2013): 157-176. Srinivasan, Veena, et al. "Climate vulnerability and adaptation of water provisioning in developing countries: approaches to disciplinary and research-practice integration." Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 5.3 (2013): 378-383. Wamsler, Christine, and Ebba Brink. "Moving beyond short-term coping and adaptation." Environment and Urbanization (2014): 0956247813516061. Forsyth, Tim. "Community‐based adaptation: a review of past and future challenges." Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change 4.5 (2013): 439-446. Schipper, E. Lisa F., et al., eds. Community Based Adaptation to Climate Change: Scaling it Up. Routledge, 2014. Bahadur, Aditya V., and Thomas Tanner. "Policy climates and climate policies: Analysing the politics of building urban climate change resilience." Urban Climate 7 (2014): 20-32. Wesche, Sonia D., and Derek R. Armitage. "Using qualitative scenarios to understand regional 26 IIED CITATION REPORT environmental change in the Canadian North." Regional Environmental Change 14.3 (2014): 1095-1108. Wamsler, Christine, and Ebba Brink. "Interfacing citizens’ and institutions’ practice and responsibilities for climate change adaptation." Urban Climate 7 (2014): 64-91. Regmi, Bimal Raj. "Revisiting Community-based Adaptation." (2012). Bryan, Elizabeth, et al. "Institutions for agricultural mitigation: Potential and challenges in four countries." (2012). Granderson, Ainka A. "Making sense of climate change risks and responses at the community level: a cultural-political lens." Climate Risk Management (2014). Ricci, Liana. "Vulnerability and Adaptive Capacity in Peri-urban Areas: Investigating Autonomous Adaptation in Dar es Salaam." King’ori, AGATHA NKATHA. Influence of community participation in completion of development projects: a case of Korogocho slums, Nairobi county, Kenya. Diss. 2014. Jørstad, Hanne. "Utilising local knowledge for climate change adaptation: a case study of the lake Chilwa Basin climate change adaptation programme (LCBCCAP), Malawi." (2012). Granderson, Ainka A. "Climate Risk Management." (2014). Middelbeek, Lideke, Kaarina Kolle, and Hebe Verrest. "Built to last? Local climate change adaptation and governance in the Caribbean–The case of an informal urban settlement in Trinidad and Tobago." Urban Climate (2014). Regmi, Bimal Raj, Cassandra Star, and Walter Leal Filho. "Effectiveness of the Local Adaptation Plan of Action to support climate change adaptation in Nepal." Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change (2014): 1-18. Patel, Toral. Funding for adaptation to climate change: the case of Surat. Diss. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2014. 27 IIED CITATION REPORT Ricci, Liana. "Linking Adaptive Capacity and Peri-Urban Features: The Findings of a Household Survey in Dar es Salaam." Climate Change Vulnerability in Southern African Cities. Springer International Publishing, 2014. 89-107. van Zoest, Johan, and Marian Hopman. "Urban Climate." (2014). Granderson, Ainka. "Planning community-level adaptation to climate change in rural Vanuatu." Reid, Hannah, and E. Lisa F. Schipper. "1 Upscaling community-based adaptation." Community Based Adaptation to Climate Change: Scaling it Up (2014): 1. Ludi, Eva, et al. "3 Adapting development." Community Based Adaptation to Climate Change: Scaling it Up (2014): 36. Simane, Belay, and Benjamin F. Zaitchik. "The Sustainability of Community-Based Adaptation Projects in the Blue Nile Highlands of Ethiopia." Sustainability 6.7 (2014): 4308-4325. Ayers, Jessica M., and Achala Chandani Abeysinghe. International Aid and Adaptation to Climate Change. John Wiley & Sons Ltd Perry, Jim. "Climate change adaptation in the world's best places: A wicked problem in need of immediate attention." Landscape and Urban Planning 133 (2015): 1-11. Shumake-Guillemot, Joy, et al. "10 Scaling up community-based adaptation to protect health from climate change." Community Based Adaptation to Climate Change: Scaling it Up (2014): 155. Bryan, Elizabeth, and Julia Behrman. "Menu." (2013). van Zoest, Johan, and Marian Hopman. "Taking the economic benefits of green space into account: The story of the Dutch TEEB for Cities project." Urban Climate 7 (2014): 107-114. Asuming-Brempong, Samuel, and Daniel Bruce Sarpong. "INSTITUTIONS FOR AGRICULTURAL MITIGATION." (2012). 28 IIED CITATION REPORT Wong, Sam. "Challenges to the elite exclusion–inclusion dichotomy—reconsidering elite capture in community-based natural resource management." 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