Supplementary material Results from diversity indices are given in Table S1. The number of individuals occurring in each of the microhabitats ranges from 194 (Site RF8 [Reef Front 8 m] exposed) after 12 months to 1699 (Site LAG [Lagoon] part crypt) after 24 months. The number of species identified from the tiles was lowest at Site RF8 after 12 months. The highest number of species (45) was found from the partially cryptic habitat across all sites after 12 months, with highest diversity occurring at the LAG and BR partially cryptic microhabitats after 12 months exposure. Table S1. Number of individuals, species and Shannon (H’) diversity index for each site and microhabitat at 12 and 24 months exposure, Puerto Morelos. Exp = Exposed, PC= Partially cryptic, Crypt= Cryptic. LAG = Lagoon, BR=Back reef, RC=Reef crest, RF8=Reef front 8 m, RF5= Reef front 5 m (Please note these is no data for RF5 24 months as experiment was destroyed in hurricane) Site M/Hab No. of individuals 12 months LAG BR RC RF8 RF5 No. of Species Shannon (H`) 24 12 24 12 24 months months months months months EXP 537 1390 19 18 1.98 1.55 PC 1399 1699 45 42 3.14 2.95 CRYPT 797 897 33 34 2.85 2.69 EXP 660 747 16 9 2.10 1.66 PC 1639 1450 45 40 3.16 2.97 CRYPT 700 775 32 25 2.75 2.66 EXP 658 972 15 9 2.08 1.77 PC 1495 1559 45 37 2.91 3.07 CRYPT 655 918 32 32 2.67 2.88 EXP 194 317 8 9 0.80 1.00 PC 1415 1468 45 37 2.87 2.76 CRYPT 810 831 27 31 2.50 2.86 EXP 199 17 2.20 PC 1656 45 2.66 827 36 2.45 CRYPT Table S2. Nemenyi multiple comparison tests provided p-values to demonstrate the strength of association (species/genus~micro-habitat; Hothorn et al. 2008). Neogoniolithon M/hab Hydrolithon p M/hab PC vert PC hor 0.46 PC vert PC hor Crypt down PC vert 0.00 Crypt down PC vert Exp hor PC hor 0.45 Exp hor PC hor Exp vert PC hor 0.20 Exp vert PC hor Crypt down PC vert 0.00 Crypt down PC vert Exp hor PC vert 1.00 Exp hor PC vert Exp vert PC vert 0.00 Exp vert PC vert Crypt down Crypt up 0.99 Crypt down Crypt up Exp hor Crypt down 0.00 Exp hor Crypt down Exp vert Crypt down 0.00 Exp vert Crypt down Exp vert Exp hor 0.00 Exp vert Exp hor 0.84 0.00 0.66 0.01 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.77 0.77 1.00 PC vert PC hor Crypt up Crypt down Crypt up Crypt down PC hor PC hor PC vert PC vert Crypt down Crypt up Exp hor Exp hor Exp vert Crypt up Crypt down Crypt down Exp vert Exp hor Bivalve PC vert PC hor Crypt up Crypt down Crypt up Crypt down PC hor PC hor PC vert PC vert Crypt down Crypt up Exp hor Exp hor Exp vert Crypt up Crypt down Crypt down Exp vert Exp hor p 0.93 0.00 0.75 0.09 0.00 1.00 0.55 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.79 CCA.unks Planorbulina spp. 0.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.15 0.50 0.00 0.05 Sporolithon PC vert PC hor 0.12 PC vert PC hor 0.06 Crypt down PC vert 0.87 Crypt down PC vert 0.00 Exp hor PC hor 0.03 Exp hor PC hor 0.00 Exp vert PC hor 0.09 Exp vert PC hor 0.03 Crypt down PC vert 0.74 Crypt down PC vert 0.00 Exp hor PC vert 1.00 Exp hor PC vert 0.85 Exp vert PC vert 1.00 Exp vert PC vert 0.00 Crypt down Crypt up 0.00 Crypt down Crypt up 1.00 Exp hor Crypt down 0.39 Exp hor Crypt down 0.00 Exp vert Crypt down 0.67 Exp vert Crypt down 0.00 Exp vert Exp hor 1.00 Exp vert Exp hor 0.00 0.00 0.99 1.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 PC vert PC hor Crypt up Crypt down Crypt up Crypt down PC hor PC hor PC vert PC vert Crypt down Crypt up Exp hor Exp hor Exp vert Crypt up Crypt down Crypt down Exp vert Exp hor H.rubrumBR PC vert PC hor Crypt up Crypt down Crypt up Crypt down PC hor PC hor PC vert PC vert Crypt down Crypt up Exp hor Exp hor Exp vert Crypt up Crypt down Crypt down Exp vert Exp hor H.rubrumLR 0.77 0.19 0.00 0.92 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.28 0.28 1.00 Figure S1. Tile comparsion between sites and emersion periods. 12 months left side, 24 months right side. Tiles A-D exposed and tiles E,F partially cryptic. LAG – Lagoon, RF8 – Reef Front 8 m, RC – Reef Crest. Exposed tiles: Lagoon - grazed with little coralline algae development after 12 months. 24 months extensive coralline algae coverage. RF8 - exposed tiles were heavily grazed after both emersion periods. RC - Partially cryptic habitats encruster development at 12 months and development of successional stages at 24 months. Species Identification Digital images were taken of each species encountered and a sample cut from the tile for analysis by Scanning Electron Microscopy (e.g., bryozoans) or thin section (e.g., coralline algae). Foraminifera were easily identifiable in comparison to other groups. All species were identified under the binocular microscope (x10) and did not require further investigation Problems with taxonomy prevented coralline algae from being identified to the species level except in one incidence, Neogoniolithon strictum, where growth form and environment were unique, which, along with taxonomic characteristics allowed for a species level identification to be attained. In all other cases, coralline algae were identified to genus level. Thin sections (25 m) of the crusts of each genus of coralline algae were prepared and used for analysis of cellular structure and reproductive characteristics. Problems with coralline algae taxonomy also emphasized the importance of consistent nomenclature throughout, and for this purpose the taxonomic revisions of Woelkerling (1988) are followed as far as possible and the names used in older literature are modified for the purposes of consistency. Specifically, the genus Porolithon is replaced by Hydrolithon (following Penrose and Woelkerling 1992). We continue to refer to Titanoderma although note that it is referred to, by some authors, as “thin Lithophyllum crusts”. Verifications were also made by Steneck (pers. comm.). Serpulid species were identified using descriptions from ten Hove (1970); Bastida-Zavala and SalazarVallejo (2000) and Bastida-Zavala and ten Hove (2002). Communications with the authors confirmed identifications. Bryozoan species were identified using descriptions from Osborne (1940) and Winston (1982, 1984, 1986) with verification of species identifications by Dr. David Hughes (Hughes and Jackson 1992). Carbonate Production Tiles were bleached overnight using 1% sodium hypochlorite to remove fleshy algae. Tile pieces were washed in deionised water and dried to constant weight at 60°C. After drying, they were batched and weighed precisely ten minutes following removal from the oven in order to reduce weight variations imparted by ambient humidity. Each tile piece was placed in a bath of 10% HCl until all the carbonate had dissolved, rinsed and soaked in deionised water, and then dried to constant weight as before. Any remaining material was either captured and placed back on the tile pieces before drying or filtered from the acid bath solution and subsequently dried and weighed. References Bastida-Zavala JR, Salazar-Vallejo SI (2000) Serpulidos (Polychaeta: Serpulidae) del Caribe noroccidental: Hydroides y Serpula. Rev Biol Trop 48:841-858 Bastida-Zavala JR, ten Hove HA (2002) Revision of Hydroides gunnerus, 1768 (Polychaeta: Serpulidae) from the western Atlantic region. Beaufortia: Bulletin of the Zoological Museum. University of Amsterdam 52:103-178 HothornT, Bretz F, Westfall P, Heiberger RM (2008) Simultaneous Inference in General Parametric Models. Hughes DJ,Jackson JBC (1992) Distribution and abundance of cheilostome bryozoans on the Caribbean reefs of Central Panama. Bull Mar Sci 51:443-465 Osborne RC (1940) Scientific survey of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. Vol. XVI(3). Bryozoa of Puerto Rico with a resume of the West Indian Bryozoan fauna. New York Academy of Sciences, pp321-486 Penrose D, Woelkerling WMJ (1992) A reappraisal of Hydrolithon and its relationship to Spongites (Corallinaceae, Rhodophyta). Phycologia 31:81-88 ten Hove HA (1970) Serpulinae (Polychaeta) from the Caribbean: I-The Genus Spirobranchus. Studies on the fauna of Curacao and other Caribbean Islands 117: 1-57 Winston JE (1982) Marine Bryozoans (Ectoprocta) of the Indian River Area (Florida). Bulletin of the Museum of Natural History 173:100-175 Winston JE (1984) Shallow-water Bryozoans of Carrie Bow Cay, Belize. Am Mus Novit 2799:1-38 Winston JE (1986) An annotated checklist of coral-associated bryozoan species. Am Mus Novit 2859:1-39. Woelkerling WJ (1988) The Coralline Red Algae: An analysis of the Genera and Subfamilies of Nongeniculate Corallinaceae. British Museum (Natural History). Oxford University Press. London & Oxford