National Cheng Kung University Regulations for Operating Vehicles on Campus Approved at the 130th Administrative Meeting on August 21 st, 1996 Amended and approved at the 135th Administrative Meeting on December 17th, 1997 Amended and approved at the 141st Administrative Meeting on November 15 th, 2000 Amended and approved at the 142nd Administrative Meeting on April 25 th, 2001 Amended and approved at the 149th Administrative Meeting on April 21st, 2004 Amended and approved at the 152nd Administrative Meeting on November 16 th, 2005 Amended and approved at the 161st Administrative Meeting on May 19 th, 2010 Article 1 In order to assure the safety and tranquility of the campus, to maintain the public order of the campus, and to reinforce the control of vehicles, National Cheng Kung University hereby establishes the Regulations. Article 2 To maintain campus order and promote the campus safety , the University engages in the prerequisites of the overall traffic planning by coordinating with the campus planning and reviewing the amendments of the regulations for driving vehicles on campus and vehicle management related problems. Article 3 Cars of the faculty and administrative staff of the University and the affiliated institutions of the University may enter the campus with a Car Admission Permit. Full-time faculty of the University granted the title of Academicians of the Academia Sinica or Academicians in a foreign research institution may file an application for a private parking lot to the Office of General Affairs. Article 4 Motorcycles of the faculty, administrative staff and students of the University and the affiliated institutions of the University shall be parked at the ground and underground parking spaces with a Motorcycle Parking Permit. Article 5 Bicycles of the faculty, administrative staff and students of the University and the affiliated institutions of the University shall be parked at the designated parking areas on campus with a Bicycle Permit. Article 6 Cars of the trainees of each professional education and continuing studies program shall be parked at designated parking lot with a Temporary Car Admission Ticket. Article 7 Students who suffer from severe lower-limb disability, and were issued a certificate of physical disability from the government, may submit supporting documents to apply for a Car Admission Permit. Students who suffer from temporary injury or illness may enter the campus by car with the certificate issued by the hospital and the approval of the school guard. Article 8 Normal and special contractors of the University shall submit an affidavit to the Office of General Affairs by relevant offices of business affairs to apply for a Car Admission Permit issued by the Office. Article 9 Vehicles performing official duties, such as: fire trucks, ambulances, mail cars and armored cash trucks, may enter the campus. Article 10 Engineering trucks and delivery cars may present the repair ticket or delivery ticket to the school guard, and enter the campus with a Temporary Car Admission Ticket issued by the school guard. Students carrying their luggage during the period of school opening and at the end of the semester may register with their student ID cards, and enter the dormitory area by car with a Temporary Car Admission Ticket issued by the school guard. Article 11 Vehicles carrying public properties shall present the delivery voucher issued by relevant offices, and take the initiative to accept the inspection. The vehicle may enter the campus after registering toward the school guard. Article 12 Riding motorcycles in campus is prohibited. Notwithstanding, motorcycles for disabled persons, official purposes, newspaper delivery or other special circumstances approved by the Campus Traffic Management Committee, may enter the campus after being inspected by the school guard. Article 13 Official cars of the agencies that the University is doing business with (including newspaper offices and radio stations) may enter the campus with a VIP card. The VIP cards are issued by the Secretary Office. Article 14 Faculty or administrative staff shall bring vehicle license (owned by the staff/faculty, their spouse or relatives of lineal parental relation), driving license and employee ID card to the Life Affairs Division when applying for a Car Admission Permit or Motorcycle Parking Permit. If a staff/faculty needs to use a Bicycle Permit, he/she can claim one at the Division of Service Affairs. Article 15 Students of master's programs, doctoral programs or students in their fifth or sixth year from the medicine department shall bring their vehicle license (owned by the staff himself/herself, their spouse or relatives of lineal parental relation), driving license and student ID card to the Division of Service Affairs when applying for a Car Admission Permit. Vehicles shall be parked in the designated parking lots. The amount of permitted vehicles shall be approved by Campus Traffic Management Committee. Article 16 Students shall bring their vehicle license, driving license and student ID card to the Military Education Office when applying for a Motorcycle Parking Permit. If a student needs to use the Bicycle Permit, he/she can claim one at the Military Education Office. Article 17 Visitors attending large events or conferences held by respective units of the University shall apply for a Car Admission Permit from the school guard for the convenience of parking arrangements if they need vehicle access to the campus. Article 18 Those without an Evening Parking Permit shall not park their vehicles in the underground parking lot overnight. Those who conduct the above-mentioned due to official trips or duties shall present relevant certificates. Article 19 Vehicles shall be parked in the parking space and follow general traffic regulations. Speeding and sounding the car horn is strictly prohibited. Article 20 Car Admission Permits or Motorcycle Parking Permits shall be attached on visible part of the vehicles. Transferring, fabricating, and duplicating the parking permit is strictly prohibited. If one's parking permit is damaged or lost, or if one has changed his/her vehicle, one shall bring relevant certificate to apply for free re-issuance; if there is no relevant certificate, one shall apply for re-issuance after paying a fee. Article 21 Violations are described as follows: 1. Fabrication or duplication of parking permit. 2. Breaking-in campus. 3. Driving vehicles in the campus without admission permit. 4. Lending one’s admission permit to others or borrowing an admission permit from others. 5. Interrupting classes by sounding the car horn or other items that make noise. 6. Speeding over 25 KM/h. 7. Not parking in the parking space. 8. Parking overnight in the underground parking lot without an Evening Parking Permit. 9. Not following the driving directions. Article 22 Those who conduct the above-mentioned violations will be handled as follows: 1. The Car Admission Permit, Motorcycle Parking Permit, duplication and fabrication of those who violates Subparagraph 1 and 4 of Paragraph 1 of Article 21 shall be revoked. The right to apply for permits of the violators will be suspended for 1 year from the day of violation was found. 2. Respective units shall notify the school guard if traffic violations are detected. The school guard shall place warning notices or fine tickets. 3. The right to apply for permits of those who do not pay the fine will be suspended for 1 year. 4. Those who conduct serious violations will be handled over to and by the Traffic Management Committee. 5. The violation punishment for the faculty members and administrative staff shall be executed by the Office of General Affairs; the violation punishment for students shall be executed by the Office of Student Affairs. 6. The recognition principles of abandoned vehicles in the parking spaces of the campus and the inspection, reporting, recognition, moving, safekeeping and removing shall be executed according to the "National Cheng Kung University Principles of Handling Abandoned Vehicles in The Parking Spaces on Campus." 7. The charging of fines of vehicles conducting traffic violations in the campus shall be executed according to the "National Cheng Kung University Guidelines on Managing the Charging of Vehicles." Article 23 The penalties of bicycle violations, the fines of car and motorcycle violations and the charging standards of various Car Admission Permits and Motorcycle Parking Permits shall be decided by the Traffic Management Committee of the University, and approved by the President. Article 24 These Regulations shall be enforced upon approval of the Administrative Meeting. The same shall apply where these Regulations are amended.