Geography Revision checklist THEME 1: CHALLENGES OF LIVING IN A BUILT ENVIRONMENT Variations in quality of life/access to housing What is housing tenure?/Different types of housing tenure/advantages and disadvantages What factors affect the type of house people live in? How does the Government influence access to housing? How does quality of life/standard of living vary in urban areas? What issues arise from these inequalities? CASE STUDY 1-Housing in an urban area: tenure, access, opportunities, patterns, problems) Access to services/changing services Where are services found in urban areas? What changes are taking place in the provision of services? What are these changes taking place? How might these changes benefit or disadvantage people? How does access to services vary between urban and rural areas? CASE STUDY 2-The distribution/variation of retail services in a built up area/ways this is changing) CASE STUDY 3-The distribution of another service (leisure, cultural, educational or health)/factors which affect access to that service for different groups of people Urbanisation Where are people migrating into urban areas? (urbanisation, gentrification) Why are they migrating into these urban areas?(push/pull factors of migration) What are the impacts of migration on areas of origin and destination areas? (who gains/loses?) CASE STUDY 4-Rural to urban migration-patterns, reasons and impacts Planning issues in the built environment Who is involved in planning decisions in residential areas? (greenbelt, greenfield and brownfield sites) How and why do conflicts occur? How can we plan sustainable residential areas? CASE STUDY 5-A planning issue-plans, stakeholders and reasons for conflict Rural change and planning issues How and why are residential areas changing?(counter-urbanisation) What problems occur due to counter-urbanisation? Why do people move to rural areas? /What conflicts arise? How can rural areas be managed to ensure a sustainable environmental and social future? CASE STUDY 6- Conflict at a local scale linked to people using a rural areas for leisure/ways in which area is managed to balance change and ensure sustainability THEME 2: PHYSICAL PROCESSES &RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN PEOPLE AND ENVIRONMENTS Weather and climate What is weather/climate? Factors which lead to different climates throughout the world?- (altitude, latitude, maritime, continental) The main features of a European Climate (Mediterranean-Spain) and a tropical climate (monsoon-India) Types of rain-(frontal, relief and convectional) Weather hazards associated with high/low pressure (anticyclones/typhoons). You need to know the cause, effects and how people respond to hazards. Drought-definition, cause, effects and response by people Tropical storms-definition, cause, effects and response by people CASE STUDY 7-An extreme weather event: causes, effects on different groups of people and response to the hazard Ecosystems What is an ecosystem?/types of ecosystems/location of ecosystems Processes which operate in ecosystems to link living/non- living parts. (nutrient stores, flows, energy and food webs) How do ecosystems benefit people? How do people affect the physical processes in ecosystems? How can we sustainably manage ecosystems? Focus on one European ecosystem (Mediterranean) and one tropical ecosystem (tropical rainforest) CASE STUDY 8-An ecosystem-processes, benefits for people, impact of people and management) Desertification What is desertification? What causes desertification? What are the effects of desertification? How do humans contribute to the problem of desertification? How can we manage desertification? CASE STUDY 9-An area suffering from desertification-causes, effects and management River processes and landforms What processes operate within drainage basins? What are the processes of river erosion (attrition, solution, hydraulic action, corrosion) deposition and transportation? (bed load, suspended load, solution) What river landforms are produced by erosion (meander, waterfall) and deposition? (spit) What physical/human factors cause flooding? What are the effects of flooding? How can flooding be managed? CASE STUDY 10- a river flood at a regional scale-causes and effects CASE STUDY 11-management of a river at a local level Coastal processes and coastal management How do geomorphological processes create coastal landforms? What landforms are produced? Why do coastal processes need to be managed? How are coastlines managed? Why is there conflict over coastal management? CASE STUDY 12-processes affecting a coastal environment, landforms and management THEME 3: UNEVEN DEVELOPMENT AND SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENTS Employment structures/opportunities What is work? How is this different to employment? What are the different types of work(primary/secondary/tertiary/quaternary/formal/informal/private/public) How has employment structure changed over time? What are employment structures like for different countries at different stages of development? How might technology affect employment structures/opportunities? Location of economic activities What factors influence where industry is located? (raw materials, labour, energy, transport,, markets ,government policy and globalisation). What are footloose industries? What are MNCs and how do they affect patterns of work/development? (multiplier effect) CASE STUDY 13-one industry (either secondary or tertiary)-reasons for changing location, social and economic impact of change at local/regional scale. CASE STUDY 14- one MNC-reasons for locating in countries/effects of these decisions (economically/socially) Economic activity and the environment How does economic activity affect people and the environment? (water, atmosphere, land) How can we manage environments damaged by economic activity? What are the causes of climate change? What are the social, environmental and economic effects of climate change? How can we reduce the effects of climate change to ensure a sustainable future? CASE STUDY 15-local impact of economic activity on the environment, causes, effects and management strategies CASE STUDY 16-differeing views on the management of climate change at local, national and international scale Development What is development? How can we identify countries at different stages of economic development? What is the development gap? Development issues and water What are the main sources of fresh water? How does access to fresh water vary? How might international co-operation improve future access to water? CASE STUDY 17-a trans boundary water issue Interdependence How are countries interdependent? How does international trade operate? (import, export, tariffs, EU) How might different trade systems affect quality of life for producers? (Fair Trade) How effective is international aid in narrowing the gap between countries? (aid-short term/emergency aid/long term/development aid) CASE STUDY 18-aid, need for aid, donors, receiving countries, nature of aid effectiveness of aid)