1 Epidemiological modeling of invasion in heterogeneous landscapes: 2 Spread of sudden oak death in California (1990–2030) 3 4 Ross K. Meentemeyer1*, Nik J. Cunniffe2, Alex R. Cook3, Joao A. N. Filipe2, Richard 5 D. Hunter1, David M. Rizzo4, and Christopher A. Gilligan2 6 7 1 8 Charlotte, 9201 University City Blvd., Charlotte, NC 28223, U.S.A. 9 2 Department of Geography and Earth Sciences, University of North Carolina, Department of Plant Sciences, University of Cambridge, Downing Street, 10 Cambridge, CB2 3EA, U.K. 11 3 12 Singapore 117546 13 4 14 95616 U.S.A. Department of Statistics and Applied Probability, National University of Singapore, Department of Plant Pathology, University of California, Shields Avenue, Davis, CA, 15 16 *Corresponding author: rkmeente@uncc.edu 17 18 Keywords: emerging infectious disease, GIS, landscape epidemiology, Markov chain 19 Monte Carlo, Phytophthora ramorum, spatial heterogeneity 20 21 Article’s online elements 22 Appendix A. Explanation of independent model validation. 23 Appendix A1. Field data used for calibration and validation. Left panel shows 24 simulated mean infection density through year 2007 in relation to COMTF positives 25 (2001-07) used in calibration. Right panel shows simulated infection density through 26 2006 in relation to independent field data described in Meentemeyer et al. (2008a). 27 Appendix B. Animated version of figure 3 (mean infection density). 28 Appendix C1a. Animation of a single realization of the model, where long-range 29 spread establishes relatively early in the epidemic. 30 Appendix C1b. Simulation C1a focused on the southern portion of the NW ecoregion. 31 Appendix C2. Animation of a single realization of the model, where long-range spread 32 establishes relatively late in the epidemic. 33 1 34 ABSTRACT 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 The spread of emerging infectious diseases (EIDs) in natural environments poses substantial risks to biodiversity and ecosystem function. As EIDs and their impacts grow, landscape- to regional-scale models of disease dynamics are increasingly needed for quantitative prediction of epidemic outcomes and design of practicable strategies for control. Here we use spatio-temporal, stochastic epidemiological modeling in combination with finely resolved geographical modeling to predict the spread of the sudden oak death pathogen (Phytophthora ramorum) through realistic, heterogeneous host populations in wildland forests, subject to fluctuating weather conditions. The model considers three stochastic processes: 1) the production of inoculum at a given site; 2) the chance that inoculum is dispersed within and among sites; and 3) the probability of infection following transmission to susceptible host vegetation. We parameterized the model using Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) estimation from snapshots of local- and regional-scale data on disease spread, taking account of landscape heterogeneity and the principal scales of spread. Our application of the model to Californian landscapes over a 40-year period (1990-2030), since the approximate time of pathogen introduction, revealed key parameters driving the spatial spread of disease and the magnitude of stochastic variability in epidemic outcomes. Results show that most disease spread occurs via local dispersal (<250m) but infrequent long-distance dispersal events can substantially accelerate epidemic spread in regions with high host availability and suitable weather conditions. In the absence of extensive control, we predict a ten-fold increase in disease spread between 2010 and 2030 with most infection concentrated along the north coast between San Francisco and Oregon. Long-range dispersal of inoculum to susceptible host communities in the Sierra Nevada foothills and coastal southern California leads to little secondary infection due to lower host availability and less suitable weather conditions. However, a shift to wetter and milder conditions in future years would double the amount of disease spread in California through 2030. This research illustrates how stochastic epidemiological models can be applied to realistic geographies and used to increase predictive understanding of disease dynamics in large, heterogeneous regions. 66 67 68 69 70 2 71 72 INTRODUCTION Emerging infectious diseases (EIDs) continue to threaten the stability and 73 persistence of plant and animal populations in natural and managed ecosystems 74 (Anderson et al. 2004). While crop and livestock pathogens affect food security and 75 the sustainability of agricultural production (e.g. Gilligan 2008), invasive pathogens 76 in natural ecosystems pose substantial risks to biodiversity and ecosystem function 77 (Daszak et al. 2000, Dobson and Foufopoulos 2001, Harvell et al. 2002, Anderson et 78 al. 2004). As reports of EIDs and their impacts grow, we are increasingly faced with 79 the challenge of predicting the spread of disease at landscape- to regional-scales in 80 order to understand potential ecological consequences of invasion. Predictive models 81 are also required to design control strategies that are capable of having impacts at 82 appropriately large scales to manage or contain invasions (Holdenrieder et al. 2004, 83 Ostfeld et al. 2005, Gilligan et al. 2007). However, our ability to predict whether or 84 not an epidemic will arise in natural ecosystems often hinges on incomplete 85 knowledge of complex ecological factors, such as the host range of the pathogen, 86 spatio-temporal heterogeneity of host and environmental conditions, and the rates at 87 which the pathogen can disperse through and among fragmented host populations 88 (Holdenrieder et al. 2004). For example, some landscape features may function as 89 inoculum reservoirs and dispersal corridors that foster spread, while others act as 90 barriers to dispersal of infective propagules (Plantegenest et al. 2007). How landscape 91 heterogeneity of host availability and environmental conditions affects the persistence 92 and spread of disease is central to the emerging field of landscape epidemiology 93 (Collinge et al. 2005, Condeso and Meentemeyer 2007, Ellis et al. 2010), and 94 pertinent to prediction of epidemic outcomes over large heterogeneous regions. 3 95 To date, spatially-explicit models of disease spread have tended to use either a 96 biogeographical, pattern-based approach (e.g. Vaclavik and Meentemeyer 2009) or an 97 epidemiological, process-based approach (e.g. Gilligan 2008). The growing use of 98 geographic information system (GIS) technologies in biogeographical models has 99 provided insight into how real-world landscape heterogeneity affects spatial patterns 100 of disease risk, frequently leading to static maps of disease-risk geographies (Kelly et 101 al. 2007, Meentemeyer et al. 2008a). However, the pattern-based nature of 102 biogeographical models largely ignores key epidemiological processes that drive 103 dynamics of disease, limiting this approach’s ability to examine epidemic progress 104 over time and space. Epidemiological models, on the other hand, faithfully include the 105 dynamics at a range of scales that drive disease spread, but commonly model spatial 106 heterogeneity by resorting to simulated or artificial landscape data (e.g. Russell et al. 107 2005). This requires assumptions concerning the spatial scale, extent and 108 heterogeneity of the system in question, which are often not fully justified. With 109 notable exceptions largely confined to agriculture (e.g. Ferguson et al. 2001, Keeling 110 et al. 2001), dynamical models of epidemic spread rarely incorporate landscape 111 heterogeneity of host species populations. For plant pathogens, particularly in natural 112 environments, there is also a need for epidemiological models to incorporate key 113 abiotic drivers, such as the effects of weather variability (Davidson et al. 2005) or 114 hydrological flow patterns (Kauffman and Jules 2006) on the dispersal and rate of 115 infectious spread. One obvious restricting factor has been a paucity of sufficiently 116 resolved real-world landscape data. However, even when data are available or could 117 be collected, modelers face the challenge of balancing epidemiological and landscape 118 parameters to capture the dynamics of a particular host-pathogen system without (i) 4 119 exceeding acceptable computational and data collection costs or (ii) over-fitting 120 models that contain large numbers of free parameters and are difficult to interpret. 121 In this paper, we describe an approach to model the geographical spread of the 122 invasive pathogen Phytophthora ramorum through spatially heterogeneous host 123 populations in Californian plant communities. Since it was first observed in the mid 124 1990s, this generalist plant pathogen – the causal agent of sudden oak death – has 125 killed millions of oak (Quercus spp.) and tanoak (Notholithocarpus densiflorus) trees 126 in coastal forests of the Western U.S. (Rizzo and Garbelotto 2003, Rizzo et al. 2005; 127 Fig 1, Hansen et al. 2008). The pathogen can infect dozens of native forest species 128 across these heterogeneous coastal landscapes; individual hosts, however, may vary 129 dramatically in susceptibility and infectiousness (Rizzo et al. 2005, Cobb et al. 2010). 130 This broad host range in Californian forests (Rizzo and Garbelotto 2003) along with 131 favorable weather conditions and recent changes in host density (Meentemeyer et al. 132 2008b) are likely to have facilitated the rapid spread of this pathogen. The potential 133 for further spread of sudden oak death has generated considerable concern as 134 significant tree mortality is likely to change the structure of plant, microbial, and 135 aquatic communities, alter ecosystem function, and increase the risk of forest fire 136 hazards (Rizzo and Garbelotto 2003, Rizzo et al. 2005). Moreover, the cost of 137 regulatory monitoring, eradication, and containment is increasing each year, 138 particularly for the nursery and garden industry (Osterbauer et al. 2004). Thus, 139 knowing when and where the pathogen is likely to spread is essential for 140 understanding its invasion dynamics and applying strategies to control further spread. 141 We use a spatio-temporal, stochastic epidemiological model (Gilligan et al. 142 2007, Gilligan 2008), in combination with finely resolved geographical modeling to 143 predict the spread of the pathogen through heterogeneous host populations in wildland 5 144 forests subject to variable weather conditions. Our analysis addresses three objectives: 145 (i) development of a parsimonious, epidemiological model for predicting the spread of 146 an emerging forest disease over a large, and therefore heterogeneous geographic 147 region while allowing efficient simulation of numerous replicate epidemics and 148 analysis of model uncertainty; (ii) parameterization of a model from snapshots of 149 incomplete data on host and pathogen distribution that takes account of the principal 150 scales of spread; and (iii) spatially-explicit prediction of likely epidemic outcomes 151 through to 2030. The spatially-explicit predictions are used to identify high-risk 152 locations in the absence of extensive disease control. They are also used to assess 153 risks of invasion to critical ecoregions, such as forests of the North Coast and Sierra 154 Nevada foothills, where susceptible hosts occur but the disease has not yet been 155 recorded. 156 To model disease spread across wildlands of California, we estimate dispersal 157 kernels for P. ramorum based upon regional- and local-scale data of disease 158 distribution in forests, using Bayesian Markov chain Monte Carlo methods (Cook et 159 al. 2008), with the effects of weather conditions on transmission parameters informed 160 by published field and laboratory studies (Davidson et al. 2002, Davidson et al. 2003, 161 Rizzo and Garbelotto 2003, Davidson et al. 2005). GIS spatial models of vegetation 162 distribution and weather conditions (Meentemeyer et al. 2004) enable us to resolve 163 California’s heterogeneous landscapes into a detailed lattice of contiguous cells. 164 Within each cell, distinction is made in the model between susceptibility and 165 sporulation capacities of the location based on forest structure and variable weather 166 conditions. In this respect our approach builds upon previous ecological niche-based 167 models analyzed by Meentemeyer et al. (2004, 2008a) which we combine with 168 dynamical epidemiological processes for inoculum build-up and transmission, subject 6 169 to stochastic variation. Using this framework we model the spatial and temporal 170 dynamics of California’s sudden oak death epidemic since its likely introduction and 171 establishment in the late 1980s or early 1990s. We evaluate the accuracy of our 172 models by comparing predictions of pathogen spread with an independent dataset of 173 pathogen incidence in spatially distributed field plots in 2005-2006 (Meentemeyer et 174 al. 2008a) to determine if we can successfully predict the patterns of spread since the 175 introduction and establishment of the pathogen. We identify key parameters driving 176 disease spread and assess the magnitude of stochastic variability in the predictions. 177 Finally, we examine the degree to which local- versus non-local dispersal affects 178 patterns of spread and we analyze how scenarios of future climate change would 179 affect rates of disease spread in Californian forests. 180 METHODS 181 The model 182 We use a spatially-explicit, discrete-time, stochastic, SI model to represent the 183 population dynamics of P. ramorum in forest landscapes, partitioning California into 184 250m by 250m cells containing multiple susceptible (S) and infected (I) host units 185 (Fig 1). The model incorporates the effects of five spatially heterogeneous factors on 186 disease spread: forest community type, local weather conditions, heterogeneous host 187 density, local transmission and intensification, and long-distance transmission of the 188 pathogen. We chose the 250m cell size to balance computational efficiency and 189 spatial integrity of the vegetation data while matching the scale at which spatial 190 heterogeneity of the host distribution affects disease establishment (Condeso and 191 Meentemeyer 2007). The total number of host units in each grid cell (defined below) 192 was determined from the composite abundance of P. ramorum host species, derived 7 193 from detailed GIS maps of Californian vegetation weighted by susceptibility and 194 capacity for inoculum production (Meentemeyer et al. 2004). The population 195 dynamics of the pathogen depend upon local climatic conditions, host density and 196 time of year. Dispersal is controlled by a kernel that describes the spatial spread. 197 Stochasticity enters the model by influencing 1) production of inoculum at a given 198 site, 2) the chance that inoculum is dispersed within and between sites and 3) the 199 probability of infection following transmission to susceptible host vegetation. To 200 initiate the model, we introduced the pathogen at three susceptible forest locations in 201 central coastal California (Fig 1). We determined these introduction sites based on 202 our best knowledge of invasion history, determined from genetically-identified 203 founder populations and assessments of tree mortality (Rizzo et al. 2005, Mascheretti 204 et al. 2008, Mascheretti et al. 2009, Prospero et al. 2009). The spread of the pathogen 205 and disease is simulated over a 41 year period between 1990 and 2030. 206 We assume that infection of site j during week t arises as a Poisson process 207 with rate jt ijt , where ijt is the rate of spread from an infected site i to site j i 208 during week t. (Note that the summation runs over all infected sites including j, 209 meaning that an infected site can re-infect itself up to the limit of susceptible host 210 units available for infection at the site). The contribution to the infectious pressure 211 from site i to site j is modelled with the following form: ijt t ( fi )mit cit I it t ( f j )m jt c jt S jt / N max K dij ;1 , 2 , / dij , 212 213 214 where: 217 t ( f j ) is a seasonal indicator variable, equal to 1 if cells of type f j are able to infect and be infected at time t, and 0 otherwise; 215 216 (1) m jt and c jt are time- and space-dependent weather conditions of moisture and temperature, respectively; 8 218 I it and S jt are the numbers of infected and susceptible host units at time t in cells i and j respectively; 219 220 N max is the maximum number of host units in any site; 221 K dij ;1 , 2 , is a dispersal kernel for movement of inoculum over distance 222 d ij parameterized by scale parameters 1 , governing the scale of short- 223 distance spread; 2 , governing the long-distance scale; and , governing the 224 proportion of spore units that are locally (e.g. <1 km) dispersed per infected 225 cell; and 226 227 controls the overall amount of spores produced within a given site per unit time. 228 Each of these components is explained more fully below and the state variables and 229 parameters of the model are summarized in Table 1. Little is yet known about the 230 long-term effects of sudden oak death on forest ecosystems. Maloney et al. (2005) and 231 Cobb et al. (2010) suggest that the abundant host tree bay laurel (a highly infectious 232 host that experiences a non-lethal leaf blight) will gradually replace dead oak and 233 tanoak trees and continue producing inoculum in affected forests indefinitely. For 234 tractability, we assume constant host-composition in the landscape during the period 235 of simulations. We hypothesize that this assumption will produce slightly 236 conservative predictions for disease spread as within-cell density of bay laurel would 237 increase somewhat over time. To restrict this bias, we confine our predictions to 238 roughly 20 years out to 2030. 239 Susceptible host vegetation 240 The spatial distribution and abundance of P. ramorum forest host species were 241 mapped as a host competency index by Meentemeyer et al. (2004) from the CALVEG 242 vegetation database (USDA Forest Service RSL 2003), supplemented by data from 243 the California GAP Analysis project (Davis et al. 1995) in a few areas where 9 244 CALVEG was incomplete. The estimated abundance (hak) and susceptibility (hsk) of 245 of the main host species (indexed by species identity k) were calculated per cell 246 (Meentemeyer et al. 2004); susceptibility combines host vulnerability to infection 247 (Davidson et al. 2002, Garbelotto et al. 2003) with the ability of the pathogen to 248 produce inoculum on susceptible hosts (Davidson et al. 2005, Davidson et al. 2008). 249 Abundance and susceptibility are aggregated for each cell (i) over all host species to 250 produce a localized host index hi hak i hsk i , which is rescaled according to the k 251 maximum value over the entire landscape and quantised to determine an integer 252 number of host units in the range 0 to 100 (= N max ). Including multiple host units per 253 cell is a proxy for local intensification of infection within a cell. The observed 254 seasonality of spore production in different vegetation types (Rizzo et al. 2005) is 255 accounted for by a binary forest-type mask for each cell (fi), which distinguishes cells 256 dominated by redwood-tanoak (denoted R) from mixed-evergreen forests dominated 257 by coast live oak and bay laurel (M). Following the start of the rainy season in 258 California’s Mediterranean climate, spore production is typically initiated and peaks 259 earlier in redwood-tanoak forests than in mixed-evergreen forests (Rizzo et al. 2005). 260 This difference is reflected in the model by restricting infection by and of forests of 261 type R to January – September, whereas the corresponding restriction in forests of 262 type M is February – September. 263 Weather conditions 264 The survival, sporulation and transmission of P. ramorum in forests are highly 265 sensitive to fluctuations in temperature and moisture (Davidson et al. 2005, Fichtner 266 et al. 2009). To account for this, we introduce a local, time-specific, moisture 267 suitability index, mit, which increases linearly for each cell between 0 and 1 according 10 268 to the number of days in week t with precipitation greater than 2.5 mm in cell i. A 269 local, time-dependent, temperature suitability index, cit, is also represented on a [0,1] 270 scale, using replicated experimental data that quantified the mean production of P. 271 ramorum zoospores under seven temperature treatments between 0 and 30°C 272 (Davidson et al. 2005). We rescaled the mean of each temperature-dependent 273 sporulation response relative to the maximal sporulation rate observed in the 274 experiment to create an index of potential pathogen sporulation according to 275 temperature. We then used linear regression to express temperature x as a suitability 276 index y by fitting a cubic polynomial (y = –0.066 +0.056x – 0.0036(x–15)2 – 277 0.0003(x–15)3) to these rescaled data (n = 14, R2 = 0.79, p = 0.001) subject to the 278 constraint that y 0, x . This function was used to map the weekly average 279 temperature in cell i during week t to the cell’s suitability index cit. 280 We mapped the weather condition indices for each week at the 250m by 250m 281 resolution, corresponding to the vegetation data, by applying the above rescalings to 282 spatially-explicit estimates of daily precipitation and mean daily temperature (Hunter 283 and Meentemeyer 2005). These mapping methods integrated daily weather data 284 recorded at base stations with long-term average climate and topographical 285 information (Daly et al. 2001) to produce daily weather estimates at the required 286 resolution between 1990 and 2008. We also used these data to forecast future disease 287 spread under different weather scenarios through to the year 2030 and to examine 288 effects of weather variability on future epidemic outcomes. Specifically, we ranked 289 each year (y) of weather conditions m c i , t y it it based on favorability for inoculum 290 production and infection (favorable = upper 50% and unfavorable = lower 50%). 291 Three weather scenarios were simulated from 2009 through to 2030: 11 292 (i) were randomly selected from the upper 50% (m c) conditions; 293 294 (ii) 297 an unfavorable scenario made up of randomly selected weather years from the lower 50%; 295 296 a favorable weather scenario where a sequence of weather years (iii) a random scenario made up of randomly selected weather years between 1990–2008. 298 Estimation of dispersal parameters 299 Estimation of scale parameters for long and short distance dispersal 300 We identified two scales for dispersal kernels: one for short distance, typified by local 301 dispersal of the pathogen in wind-driven rain and mist, the other for occasional long- 302 distance dispersal effected by a range of mechanisms associated principally with 303 anthropogenic activity such as movement of infected ornamentals and potentially by 304 transport of infected organic material by hikers, vehicles or perhaps by birds (Rizzo et 305 al. 2005, Cushman and Meentemeyer 2008). Note that we do not expect distance- 306 parametric kernels to realistically represent inoculum introductions due to movement 307 in nursery trade because of the absence of spatial scale in this process and lack of 308 conclusive data on nursery-to-wild transmission. Our subsequent estimations revealed 309 the ranges of two types of dispersal to be ~0–1 km and ~1–100 km, respectively. 310 Exploratory analysis of disease data across Californian forests revealed that both 311 scales of dispersal should be considered in order to reproduce sufficient local 312 intensification of disease and to allow for occasional long-distance spread 313 (Mascheretti et al. 2008) (Fig 1 and Appendix A1). We estimated the scale parameters 314 for both local and long-distance spread of P. ramorum in the wild using Markov chain 315 Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods (e.g. Gilks et al. 1996 and references therein). We 316 converted annual records of presence and absence of the disease in forests obtained 317 via (i) aerial surveys in Humboldt county (Fig 1; Valachovic et al. 2008) to estimate 12 318 local dispersal (2004 – 2007), and (ii) all known P. ramorum positive sites confirmed 319 by the California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) to estimate long- 320 distance dispersal (2001 – 2007), into annual sets of 250 m and 10 km square cells 321 respectively (Fig 1). The CDFA dataset documents locations of infection recorded by 322 land managers, arborists, and scientists since 2000 and are actively maintained by the 323 California Oak Mortality Task Force (COMTF) (Kelly and Tuxen 2003). At these 324 scales, we are confident that significant amounts of infection will be detected fairly 325 rapidly, and we therefore made the assumption that infection of a cell precedes 326 observation of symptoms by up to one year (Rizzo et al. 2005), noting that each cell 327 contains multiple host species, some of which have a short asymptomatic period. 328 We fitted a simplified form of the full model (Eqn 1), separately to each 329 dataset. The model accounts for infectious host abundance but not the other 330 heterogeneities (which are later re-incorporated), specifically: 331 ijtinference bk Iit (S jt / N max ) Kk dij ; k / dij , 332 where k is 1 for local and 2 for long-distance dispersal, and bk is the amount of spores 333 that are dispersed locally k 1 or globally k 2 . The Humboldt data (Fig 1) were 334 used to estimate the local scale parameter 1 under the assumption that only one long 335 distance dispersal event reached the county. We used COMTF data (Fig 1 and 336 Appendix A1) to estimate the long-distance scale parameter 2 under the assumption 337 that local dispersal does not contribute at the 10km scale; the ratio b1 / b1 b2 is 338 equated to in the full model. The restriction of the dispersal analysis to California is 339 addressed in the discussion. 340 341 (2) Conditioning on the unobserved infection times, the likelihood function can be calculated directly, exploiting standard properties of Poisson processes. We therefore 13 342 follow Gibson and Renshaw (1998) in augmenting the parameter vector to include 343 these unobserved event times and then integrating over them using MCMC. This 344 allows a posterior distribution for k and bk to be sampled, whence the posterior 345 mode can be found. We take flat, pseudo-objective prior distributions. For examples 346 of this general approach and more details on the algorithm, see e.g. Cook et al. (2008). 347 A candidate set of functional forms encompassing exponential and power-law 348 functions for both components of the dispersal kernel was considered, and the 349 deviance information criterion (Spiegelhalter et al. 2002) used to select the best-fitting 350 function; for both scales this was Cauchy with relative rate Kk d ; k 1 d / k 351 a long-tailed distribution with power-law properties. The final form of the overall 352 kernel is thus: K (d ; 1 , 2 , ) 1 (d / 1 ) 2 1 1 (d / 2 ) 2 . 1 353 2 1 1 , (3) 354 Estimation of spore production and weighting of long and short range dispersal 355 The obvious estimate ˆ b1 b2 of the spore production parameter that could be 356 obtained via the MCMC approach is biased by the absence of heterogeneities, so it 357 would be inappropriate to use it directly in the full model. We account for this 358 heterogeneity by replacing the simplistic estimate as follows. We use the estimates of 359 all other parameters to feed into a line search algorithm for the optimal value of the 360 spore production parameter . For each value of , we simulate 100 realizations of 361 the full model (Eqn 1). We define an heuristic objective function to be maximized 362 based on the absolute difference between the simulated proportion of host units 363 infected in 100 km² cells and the proportion of early detection samples with positive 364 samples of P. ramorum from Meentemeyer et al. (2008a); we limit ourselves to the 14 365 2004 sample year to select values of , retaining data from 2005 and 2006 for 366 independent model validation (see online Appendix A1). 367 Model implementation and computational efficiency 368 The model was routinely simulated ≥ 1000 times for a given scenario, such as weather 369 conditions, in order to generate probability distributions for the spatial and temporal 370 spread of infection resolved to 250m x 250m cells throughout California. To 371 overcome the computational burden in simulating large numbers of replicated 372 epidemics, we work with the discrete time approximation in the model described 373 above, with time steps of one week. Processing time is substantially increased by 374 using a particle-emission reformulation of the dispersal kernel: a Poisson number of 375 spores is assumed to be emitted from the centre of infected cells at rate B per week; 376 these are sent in a random direction on 0, 2 by a distance distributed according to 377 the dispersal kernel, and if the destination cell contains susceptible host units then 378 they are challenged by the pathogen. Taking this approach means the computational 379 burden scales with the number of infections rather than as a function of the total size 380 of the landscape (as would result from a naïve implementation). 381 We further increase computing speed by considering "spore units" instead of 382 spores themselves. A standard property of the Poisson process (Rényi 1964) is that if 383 events arise at rate B and are each retained with probability p, the stream of retained 384 events is a Poisson process with rate pB . This allows two savings: (i) we can work 385 with spore units, created as a Poisson process at rate pB , rather than individual 386 spores at rate B , where p is the probability that an individual spore infects a host 387 unit it lands upon (note neither B nor p need be specified separately); (ii) we further 388 scale the baseline spore unit production rate to the maximum expected number of 15 389 successful infections the most infective host unit could create if all spores went to the 390 most susceptible host unit; each spore unit is then retained according to the ratio of 391 actual to baseline product of infectivity and susceptibility. 392 The speed of performance to allow for large numbers of stochastic simulations 393 extending over 40 years was further optimized by careful book-keeping within the 394 simulation, in particular by keeping a ‘red-black’ tree (Guibas and Sedgewick 1978) 395 of infected cells, caching the results of long or often-repeated calculations, and by 396 reading in the weekly climatic data efficiently by carefully quantizing and 397 compressing the weather data to reduce the number of bytes of information 398 transferred from the disk. Finally the large cost of data access was amortized by 399 performing multiple simultaneous stochastic realizations of the epidemic with 400 different random numbers but the same climatic information. 401 Model validation 402 We did a qualitative test of the goodness of fit of the model to the large-scale data for 403 the year 2004 (to estimate the rate parameter β), and a qualitative validation of its 404 predictions against independent data for the years 2006 and 2006. All these data are 405 the early detection plot samples from Meentemeyer et al. (2008a). We made these 406 tests by simulating many realizations of the model, creating risk maps for the mid 407 points of the respective year and overlaying the locations of positive and negative 408 early detection samples (Appendix A1). The goodness of fit of the model was also 409 assessed quantitatively via a simplifying projection of the full prediction using the 410 following procedure. In the validation data, 77 out of 877 samples were positive for 411 occurrence of infection. We estimate the probability of a sample site having infection 412 as the average proportion of infected host units, over 1000 simulations of the model, 413 in the 10km x 10km grid square containing the site. The set of 877 such probabilities 16 414 are ranked and the 77 with highest probability are assigned to {H}, the high risk set, 415 the balance being assigned to the low risk set {L}. We then define to be the ratio of 416 the proportion of sites in {H} to the proportion of sites in {L} that were actually 417 infected in the sample. The interpretation of is that sites in the validation data set 418 are times more likely to have a positive sample if they are in our high risk set {H} 419 than in {L}. If 1 , the predictions are no better than random. A p-value for the 420 hypothesis that the high risk set {H} is no better than random can be calculated by 421 noting that the number of positives in {H} is hypergeometrically distributed. (see 422 online Appendix A for complete details). 423 Risk predictions 424 The risk of infection in any cell was quantified by taking the number of infected host 425 units in that cell over an ensemble of 1000 runs of the model from 1990–2030, and 426 averaged relative to a hypothetical maximum (I =100) corresponding to total infection 427 in a cell with the maximum host availability. This form of averaging allows host 428 availability to impact upon our measure of risk. Initial investigation revealed the level 429 of replication was sufficient to give a reasonable approximation to the full range of 430 epidemic outcomes, while adequately accounting for the dual sources of variability in 431 the model (i.e. in both the model itself and in the forward projection of climatic 432 conditions). The infected area was determined for each run by counting the number of 433 cells with I > 0, with the distribution of these over the runs of the simulations 434 examined to estimate the variability in this key indicator of spread. The infected area 435 was examined for each of the ecoregions (Fig 1) and for the different parameter and 436 weather combinations (Table 1). We note that it is likely that this figure is an over- 437 estimate of the actual area occupied by the pathogen, as a cell with only a fraction of 17 438 the hosts infected is taken to contribute 2.5 x 2.5 = 6.25 ha to the area. However, in 439 general, once a cell has become infected, saturation of that cell follows under a fast 440 timescale. 441 Secondary infection risk 442 To examine and quantify the potential for local disease amplification and secondary 443 spread after a hypothetical introduction of the pathogen in a given region, we 444 artificially seeded the model with a single infected host unit in 1990 at each of 1000 445 randomly chosen host-containing cells. For each initial location we independently ran 446 the model 50 times, and averaged the number of infected cells after 5 years. This 447 measure of local outbreak potential, an operational surrogate of the basic reproductive 448 number (R0) (Smith and Wahl 2005, Heffernan and Wahl 2006), shows significant 449 variability and takes account of a number of years of real-world climatic conditions, 450 and so is a workable method to quantify the potential for spread conditioned on an 451 isolated introduction at any location. Using ordinary kriging (Cressie 1993), the 1000 452 sample locations were spatially interpolated over California to map and visualize 453 geographical variation in the risk of secondary infection. 454 RESULTS 455 The MCMC estimation of dispersal parameters (1 , 2 and ) showed that 456 over 99% of Phytophthora ramorum dispersal in forested landscapes is short range 457 (Table 1), with approximately 93% of the short-range dispersal occurring within a 458 250m grid cell and 95% of long-range dispersal occurring within 100 km of a parent 459 source of inoculum (Fig 2). Our model validation showed a highly significant 460 correspondence between model predictions through 2006 and the independent early 461 detection samples described in Meentemeyer et al. (2008a) ( 7.4, p 0.0001 ). 18 462 Appendix A1 demonstrates visually the spatial correspondence between observed and 463 simulated patterns of pathogen spread. 464 Application of the model (Eqn. 1) to spatially and temporally heterogeneous 465 host availability and weather conditions predicted the progression of epidemic spread 466 in Californian forests over the 40-year simulation period (1990–2030; Fig 3: see 467 online Appendix B for an animated version). Early stages of disease spread are 468 concentrated around the three hypothesized introductions in the San Francisco Bay 469 Area (Mascheretti et al. 2008). By 2020, the model predicts a rapid increase in the rate 470 of epidemic spread and the stochastic variability in epidemic outcomes increases 471 through time (Fig 4). Stochastic variability largely depends on the chance timing of 472 rare long-range dispersal events to the North Western (NW) ecoregion, which, once 473 infected, experiences rapid pathogen spread due to large contiguous regions of host 474 availability and suitable weather conditions (see online Appendices C1a and C2 for 475 animations of two realizations of the model, one where long-range spread establishes 476 relatively early in the epidemic and one later; online Appendix C1b shows the C1a 477 simulation for a smaller extent focused on the southern portion of the NW ecoregion). 478 As a result, the NW region is predicted to be the most impacted area in California by 479 the year 2030. 480 The potential for the pathogen to spread and establish disease in forests of the 481 Sierra Nevada (SN) and Southwest (SW) ecoregions has also generated considerable 482 concern due to the presence of host species and moderately suitable weather 483 conditions for sporulation and transmission (Meentemeyer et al. 2004, Rizzo et al. 484 2005). The probability of invasion in the SN and SW ecoregions increases from 30% 485 and 5% in 2010 to nearly 100% and 30%, respectively, by 2030 (Fig 4). However, 486 once infected very little secondary infection occurs in these two regions, especially in 19 487 the dryer, lower host density SW region. The rate of epidemic spread in the Central 488 Western (CW) ecoregion, where the pathogen was originally introduced, slows 489 between 2010 and 2030 as the supply of uninfected, susceptible forest vegetation 490 decreases. In contrast, the NW ecoregion experiences an explosive rate of spread 491 starting in 2015 through to 2030 characterized by considerable stochastic variability in 492 the timing of long-distance introductions to this region. 493 Our risk assessment of the local potential for secondary spread shows 494 considerable geographical variability throughout California in the amount of infection 495 caused by a single infectious focus (Fig 5). The highest risk of secondary cell-to-cell 496 infection occurs in the northern portion of forests in the NW ecoregion. This region of 497 Del Norte and northern Humboldt counties is currently not known to be infected by P. 498 ramorum. Were the region to become infected, the model indicates a high risk of 499 rapid disease spread due to highly suitable weather conditions mit cit and high i ,t 500 landscape connectivity and availability of non-infected hosts. Further inspection of the 501 results (insets Fig 5) shows that favorable weather or high connectivity of susceptible 502 hosts alone are insufficient to promote a high risk of secondary cell to cell spread. For 503 example, comparatively low risks occur in portions of the Sierra Nevada foothills 504 where there may be relatively high amounts of susceptible host vegetation but 505 unfavorable weather. 506 Weather conditions exert a large influence on predicted rates of epidemic 507 spread across California. A shift to more frequent, favorable weather conditions after 508 2008, characterized by a greater than average number of mild rainy days, would 509 produce roughly five-fold more epidemic spread by 2030 compared with unfavorable 510 conditions (Fig 6a). In contrast, a random distribution of weather patterns typical of 20 511 those experienced since the introduction of the pathogen (1990–2007) produces half 512 as much epidemic spread by 2030 compared with favorable conditions but exhibits 513 more stochastic variability in epidemic outcomes (Fig 6a). 514 A reduction in the proportion of long-distance dispersal (1-) via hypothetical 515 management intervention after 2008 would decrease the amount of disease spread in 516 California (Fig 6b). However, approximately 8,000 km2 of land area is predicted to be 517 infected by the year 2030 even if long-range dispersal were to be nearly eliminated, 518 presumably because the tail of the short-range kernel 2 is sufficiently long to 519 contribute to landscape-scale spread (Fig 2) and significant long-range dispersal had 520 occurred before 2008 (Fig 3 and 4). 521 DISCUSSION 522 Model predictions 523 Large-scale application of process-based epidemiological models to realistic 524 landscape conditions is difficult to implement, but is an essential tool to predict 525 disease dynamics and to improve our ability to manage invasive pathogens in 526 heterogeneous ecosystems. We have analyzed and predicted the likely spread of the 527 sudden oak death pathogen in California using a stochastic, spatio-temporal, epidemic 528 model, parameterized by Bayesian MCMC methods, and supplemented by GIS data 529 to account for the complicated effects of landscape heterogeneity on disease dynamics 530 over large areas. The model predicts that there is a very high risk of continued disease 531 spread in California during the next 20 years. Nearly all management of sudden oak 532 death in California has occurred on an ad hoc basis at very local scales and is likely to 533 have had limited impact on the overall spread of P. ramorum. In the absence of 534 extensive disease management, by 2030 the pathogen is likely to have spread far 21 535 beyond the current known extent of invasion. However, our model also predicts 536 considerable spatial and temporal variation across the Californian landscape in the 537 potential establishment and subsequent spread of the pathogen. This knowledge is 538 critical in setting disease management goals and priorities for managers and policy 539 makers in an era of limited financial resources for disease control. 540 The model predicts most spread of the pathogen to occur in coastal forests 541 from the San Francisco Bay Area northward to the Oregon border (NW ecoregion; 542 Figs 3–5). Given the predicted rate of pathogen spread to this region, substantial tree 543 mortality, particularly of tanaok, is likely to follow (Maloney et al. 2005, Cobb et al. 544 2010). While there is a high probability that sudden oak death spreads to the Sierra 545 Nevada foothill region by 2020 (SN; Fig 4), our results suggest that, in contrast to the 546 north coast only small amounts of secondary spread will occur in this region (Figs 3- 547 5). The risk of continued southward spread through the central coast region from the 548 heavily impacted Big Sur region is even smaller (Figs 3-5), most likely due to low 549 landscape connectivity of available non-infected hosts. In this area, susceptible forest 550 types are inter-mixed with a wide range of non-susceptible plant communities such as 551 chaparral and grassland. 552 Although long-distance dispersal is possible, our results suggest that the 553 spread of P. ramorum is mostly local (< 1Km; Fig 2); this result is supported by both 554 ecological (Condeso and Meentemeyer 2007, Ellis et al. 2010) and genetic 555 (Mascheretti et al. 2008, Mascheretti et al. 2009) field studies. Therefore, dispersal of 556 P. ramorum is strongly dependent upon landscape connectivity of susceptible host 557 vegetation and favorable weather conditions. For example, landscapes characterized 558 by high host index and unfavorable weather conditions (e.g. Sierra Nevada foothills) 559 do not lead to a large amount of secondary infection. Likewise, the combination of 22 560 favorable weather conditions and relatively low host connectivity in the Santa Barbara 561 region in southern California also exhibits low potential for secondary infection (Fig 562 5). This result corroborates other reports that spread of invasive plant pathogens may 563 be limited both by the presence of suitable environmental conditions necessary for 564 establishment (e.g. Burdon 1993, Agrios 2005) and by long-distance dispersal (Aylor 565 2003). Finally, our results suggest that hypothetical climate variation toward more 566 favorable weather conditions over the next 20 years could lead to almost twice as 567 much disease spread by 2030 compared with a scenario of continued weather patterns 568 similar to those experienced since the introduction of the pathogen (1990-2007) (Fig 569 6a). 570 Model structure: host distribution in realistic landscapes 571 The complex epidemiology of invasive pathogens, like P. ramorum, with wide 572 host ranges and long-range dispersal capabilities poses major challenges to 573 developing a realistic model that accurately predicts future spread through a 574 heterogeneous landscape (Rizzo et al. 2005) The environmental conditions suitable 575 for inoculum production and susceptibility differ substantially across P. ramorum’s 576 diverse hosts (Meentemeyer et al. 2004, Davidson et al. 2005) and from one location 577 to another within the same host population (Anacker et al. 2008). In addition, P. 578 ramorum is thought to be dispersed by a variety of mechanisms including wind-blown 579 rain splash of infected foliage (Davidson et al. 2005, Davidson et al. 2008, Fichtner et 580 al. 2009), long-distance wind transport (Hansen et al. 2008, Mascheretti et al. 2008, 581 Mascheretti et al. 2009), transport along streams (Davidson et al. 2005), and by 582 human activity (Cushman and Meentemeyer 2008). Faced with considerable 583 complexity and imprecise knowledge of epidemiological drivers, we have emphasized 584 parsimony in our approach, seeking to construct a modeling framework that is simple 23 585 enough but has sufficient geographical realism to capture the essential processes that 586 drive and constrain spread. Our epidemiological model (Eqns 1, 3) therefore 587 incorporates only a few influences on pathogen spread, including the type of forest 588 community, weekly weather conditions, landscape structure of host density, and a 589 dual-scale dispersal. While additional variables could be envisaged, such as variations 590 in host resistance (e.g. Anacker et al. 2008), pathogen virulence and evolutionary 591 lineage (e.g. Mascheretti et al. 2008, Goss et al. 2009, Mascheretti et al. 2009), or 592 anisotropic spread via wind or streams (e.g. Kauffman and Jules 2006), this first 593 model for the spread of P. ramorum has necessarily focused on the key dynamical 594 factors that we could reliably model and map in a GIS. 595 Filipe et al. (2004) point out that the necessary landscape data are typically not 596 available for applying epidemiological models to particular geographic regions and 597 that calibrating models to such data can be technically challenging and 598 computationally intensive if applied over large heterogeneous areas. Despite the 599 relatively large cost of data collection and the use of a computationally-intensive 600 procedure for model parameterization and forward prediction, our spatially-explicit 601 mapping of host population densities and variable weather conditions allowed us to 602 predict epidemic outcomes for particular locations and regions in California. Given 603 the large amounts of abiotic and ecological heterogeneity that exist in California, 604 ignoring this complexity would be likely to lead to significant underestimation of 605 infection at locations with high host densities and overestimation at locations with low 606 density or highly fragmented host populations. However, exactly how much 607 landscape information is needed for developing regional-scale models of plant 608 epidemics in natural ecosystems deserves further attention, as the cost of acquiring 609 and processing such data can be high. 24 610 Previous models for the spread of plant pathogens have adopted simpler 611 epidemiological approaches that do not take account of the natural and often 612 heterogeneous structure of the host population. For example, Swinton and Gilligan 613 (1996) adapted a mean-field approach to predict future outbreaks of Dutch elm 614 disease in the UK over a long time scale of 50 years. Subsequent research on the 615 deployment of control strategies, using hypovirulent strains of the pathogen, adopted 616 a spatially-explicit stochastic approach involving dissection of the landscape of 617 susceptible trees in Southern England into a spatially-structured metapopulation 618 (Swinton and Gilligan 1999). The sub-populations were large with arbitrarily defined 619 mean-field dispersal within, and nearest-neighbor dispersal between sub-populations 620 arranged on a lattice. Other authors, have also used metapopulation frameworks to 621 analyze the spread of disease through natural plant populations, notably Burdon et al. 622 (1999, 2002) for the spread of the rust Melampsora lini through populations of Linum 623 marginale and Antonovics et al. (1997) on the spread of anther smut in populations of 624 Silene spp. (also see Brooks et al. 2008, Soubeyrand et al. 2009). Our approach has 625 close analogies with the so-called spatially-structured metapopulation models 626 (Ovaskainen and Hanski 2001), with our cells (250m x 250m) comprising sub- 627 populations and transmission occurring within and between cells. Our use of two 628 continuous dispersal kernels is a parsimonious formulation for capturing multi-scale 629 disease spread within a metapopulation model. More importantly, our current 630 approach combining GIS modeling with a spatially-explicit, epidemic model 631 incorporates a realistic landscape that captures the local as well as the large scale 632 heterogeneities in the distribution of the host and environmental drivers, in this case 633 variable weather conditions. 25 634 635 Model structure: incorporating weather Our predictions suggest that, along with host availability, local weather 636 conditions play a major role in the spread of P. ramorum. In our model (Eqn 1), 637 weather conditions affect two key epidemiological processes that vary in space and 638 time: the probability of inoculum production at an infected site i and infection at a 639 deposition site j. The distinction between sporulation and susceptibility in space is 640 important for regional-scale models because, as is the case in California, weather 641 conditions in one location may be very different just a few kilometers away. 642 Therefore, for any weekly time step a large amount of inoculum dispersed from a 643 favorable site could lead to little or no infection at another location and vice versa. 644 Given the amount of heterogeneity in California, many dispersal events that escape a 645 250m cell never lead to significant secondary infection. This is consistent with the 646 observational study of Condeso and Meentemeyer (2007) that landscape heterogeneity 647 plays a major role in the establishment of P. ramorum through variation in host 648 availability and microclimate conditions. Incorporation of weather conditions at high 649 temporal resolution is relatively uncommon in plant epidemic models in agriculture 650 and almost non-existent in natural ecosystems. Most modeling studies that include a 651 meteorological component focus on annual or seasonally-averaged climatic variables, 652 which may provide invaluable geographic information on climate suitability but 653 cannot be used as a dynamical driver of pathogen spread in a process-based 654 epidemiological model. We chose to implement our model on a weekly time step to 655 balance the need to model dynamical epidemiological processes for the build-up and 656 transmission of inoculum with the need for reasonable computational efficiency. 26 657 Model structure: incorporating stochasticity 658 Stochasticity enters our model at three distinct stages: 1) production of 659 inoculum; 2) probability that inoculum is dispersed to a given location; and 3) chance 660 of infection upon reaching a susceptible host. While the spread of P. ramorum appears 661 to be predictable, our results indicate that stochastic processes play an important role 662 in epidemic outcomes. In particular, the rate of disease spread and its stochastic 663 variability increases through time, especially following the explosive growth in 664 infection and disease that is predicted to occur around 2016. By 2030 most stochastic 665 uncertainty occurs in the north coastal region, which is the most favorable habitat but 666 also far from the three initial introduction foci (Fig 1). Thus, this stochastic 667 uncertainty is a result of both the timing of long-distance dispersal to the favorable 668 habitat in the north coast and the possibility of chance occurrence of favorable 669 weather conditions over several consecutive years between 2010 and 2030. Our 670 simulations are consistent with the history of an unlikely long-range dispersal event to 671 the north coast. In 2002, the California Department of Food and Agriculture 672 confirmed a small, isolated infection in a redwood-tanoak forest near the town of 673 Redway in Humboldt County (Fig 1). Within only a few years the initial infection had 674 spread substantially (>10 km) in response to high host densities and several seasons of 675 favorable weather. Spread of the pathogen, however, slowed in 2007 and 2008 676 following three years of drought in northern California (Valachovic et al. 2008). 677 Nevertheless, our model predictions indicate that unlikely outbreaks like these, once 678 established, can rapidly accelerate the spread of sudden oak death in California (see 679 Appendix C1a, C1b and C2 for online animations of two realizations of the model). 680 The development, implementation and evaluation of disease management strategies 681 across large landscapes requires an understanding of the potential magnitude of 27 682 stochasticity in epidemic outcomes that is associated with chance long-distance 683 dispersal and year-to-year variability in weather. 684 Pathogen dispersal 685 Although a hypothetical intervention starting in 2008 reducing the proportion 686 of long-distance dispersal, 1-, slows the spread of disease (Fig 6), the model predicts 687 that almost 8,000 km2 of land area (based on 250 m grid cells) would become infected 688 by 2030 even if long-range dispersal were to be almost eliminated – presumably due 689 to the significant contribution of shorter-range dispersal mechanisms, such as wind- 690 driven rain (Davidson et al. 2005). However, we also found that variability of 691 epidemic outcomes by 2030 is generally unaffected by a reduction in long distance 692 spread after 2008. This counter-intuitive result possibly reflects a substantial number 693 of isolated daughter foci that established by long distance dispersal prior to 2008. 694 Spatio-temporal data on pathogen distribution are critical to the development 695 of epidemiological models, but are often unavailable or imperfect for infectious 696 diseases in natural ecosystems. Using successive but incomplete snapshots for 697 disease occurrence, our MCMC methods allowed us to estimate parameters for the 698 principal scales of pathogen spread, taking into account ecological heterogeneity and 699 uncertainty. We estimated three parameters of the epidemiological model (Eqn 1, 3): 700 these comprised two scale parameters ( 1 governing the scale of short-distance spread 701 and 2 governing the long-distance scale) for the movement of inoculum over 702 distance dij , and for control of the fraction of spore units that are locally dispersed 703 per infected cell. Preliminary analyses showed that a model with a single scale of 704 dispersal failed to reproduce the known characteristics of spread. For example, a 705 dispersal kernel based on the field data for disease spread at the state-wide extent 28 706 underestimated shorter-range dispersal (< 1km) whereas the kernel based on local- to 707 landscape-scale spread underestimated long-range dispersal events that may be 708 relatively uncommon but critical to epidemic outcomes (Fig 6). Where the complexity 709 of human movement is critical, such as in the UK, models may additionally need to 710 account for human activities in a trade network (e.g. Harwood et al. 2009). 711 We did not include data on the isolated forest outbreak in Curry County, 712 southwestern Oregon, reported in 2001 (Hansen et al. 2008, Vaclavik et al. in press), 713 in the estimation of the large-scale dispersal kernel principally because genetic and 714 observational data (Prospero et al. 2007, Mascheretti et al. 2009) indicate that this is a 715 unique event that does not inform our understanding of natural spread in California. 716 Genetic sequencing shows that strains in Oregon are unrelated to those in California, 717 suggesting that this introduction occurred independently from those in California 718 (Mascheretti et al. 2009). As transmission from Californian forests to Oregon did not 719 take place, the inclusion of this data point in the estimation would therefore have been 720 inappropriate. Moreover the Oregon outbreak has been kept under tight control with 721 no reports or evidence of southward transmission into California (Hansen et al. 2008, 722 Kanaskie et al. 2009, Prospero et al. 2009, Vaclavik et al. in press), and so modeling 723 ongoing dispersal from Oregon to California was not necessary. 724 Computational efficiency 725 A number of implementation improvements were introduced to speed 726 execution of our model, allowing the large-scale replication required to obtain precise 727 assessments of infection probabilities and to investigate climate variation scenarios. 728 The time taken to perform a single iteration by our final implementation of the model 729 (a couple of seconds on a modern desktop PC) required a run-time in excess of 24 730 hours in an initial naïve proof-of-concept implementation in the GIS system. After 29 731 obvious changes including using a compiled rather than an interpreted programming 732 language, caching results of often-repeated calculations wherever possible, using 733 efficient data structures such as red-black (i.e. balanced binary) trees to speed access 734 to information that could be kept sorted, and only storing information on the small 735 fraction (~10%) of 250m x 250m cells within the bounding rectangle of California 736 that contains SOD susceptible hosts, the most dramatic increase in speed was due to 737 what we have dubbed the "particle-emission" reformulation of the model. By storing 738 a list of infected cells and iterating over that list on each time step, the speed scales 739 roughly with the number of infected cells, and for an invasive epidemic this generated 740 a significant time-saving compared with any implementation which examines every 741 susceptible cell per infection even. The reformulation was possible by using the 742 standard properties of the Poisson process to generate a relatively small number of 743 challenges from each infected cell, and rescaling all infection probabilities relative to 744 the susceptibility of the most susceptible host cell over the entire landscape. Each 745 individual time step became progressively slower over the period 1990-2030 as more 746 cells became infected, therefore if we were to attempt to run simulations over a much 747 longer timescale, some refactoring of our algorithm would be required. In fact after 748 our algorithmic changes the execution speed became largely disk bound, limited 749 mainly by the time taken to read weather information for each week, and this 750 remained the case even after storing the information in native binary form on the disk. 751 We handled this by quantizing the data (storing only one character – i.e. one byte – of 752 binary information for the value of m x c for each cell in each week, rather than the 753 sixteen bytes that would have been required to store m and c as separate double 754 precision floating point numbers). This introduced some quantization error, but as the 755 values of m x c for each cell remained accurate to (at least) two significant figures, we 30 756 considered this unimportant. Our final change, to amortize the cost of reading from 757 the disk by sharing the same climate information over multiple runs of the simulation, 758 again led to a roughly constant factor speed improvement. We grouped the 759 simulations into batches of 10 runs using the same weather (but different random 760 numbers for the stochastic component of the model); we suggest that the 100 distinct 761 sets of climatic information that were required for each of the 1000 runs of the model 762 that we present combines an acceptable level of variability due to climate over the 763 entire ensemble while also promoting faster run times. 764 Concluding remarks 765 Globalization and widespread land use changes continue to accelerate the 766 introduction of exotic pathogens to natural ecosystems, resulting in worldwide 767 declines in biodiversity and habitat quality (Vitousek et al. 1996, Foley et al. 2005). 768 Consequently, landscape- to regional-scale models of plant epidemics are increasingly 769 required to predict large-scale impacts of disease and to assess practicable options for 770 control. Our ability to predict epidemic outcomes in natural ecosystems, however, is 771 frequently impaired by incomplete knowledge of the pathogen distribution and 772 landscape heterogeneity, and in turn, the rate at which disease can spread through and 773 among fragmented host populations. Our analysis addresses two related challenges. 774 First is to develop a parsimonious, epidemiological model to predict the spread of 775 disease over a large, heterogeneous region while allowing efficient simulation of 776 numerous replicate epidemics and analysis of stochasticity. Second is to parameterize 777 a model from snapshots of incomplete data on host and pathogen distribution, taking 778 account of heterogeneity of environmental conditions and the principal scales of 779 spread. The integration of a spatially-explicit epidemic model with GIS modeling 780 allowed plausible predictions of the sudden oak death epidemic from 1990 through to 31 781 2030. The model’s generality makes it readily adaptable for parameterization in other 782 regions that have been impacted by Phytophthora ramorum, such as Oregon and the 783 United Kingdom (Rizzo et al. 2005). Future work will use our model to examine the 784 efficacy of control strategies that are being proposed and to determine economic 785 impacts of this destructive biological invasion. With increasing number of emerging 786 infectious diseases and limited resources for management, application of dynamical 787 epidemiological models to realistic landscape conditions will not only increase our 788 understanding of natural disease dynamics, but also increase our ability to devise and 789 implement effective control strategies that consider the spatial scale and cost of a 790 control strategy in the context of the scale of the epidemic. 791 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 792 The authors gratefully acknowledge financial support from the National Science 793 Foundation (EF-0622677) and the USDA Forest Service (Pacific Southwest Research 794 Station). CAG was also supported by a BBSRC Professorial Fellowship and ARC by 795 a BBSRC research grant. 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Symbol Meaning Typical value or range i Index of a particular cell - t Index of a particular week - N max Maximum number of host units in any cell 100 Ni Number of host units in cell i 0, N max fi Forest type mask in cell i (R-Redwood-tanoak) (M- R or M Mixed evergreen forest) Sit Number of susceptible host units in cell i at time t 0, N max Iit Number of infected host units in cell i at time t 0, N max mit Moisture suitability index in cell i at time t 0,1 cit Temperature suitability index in cell i at time t 0,1 Seasonality in infection due to forest type 0 or 1 Dispersal kernel between cells i and j (depends on - χt fi K(dij) distance between them, dij) 1 Scale parameter for short-range dispersal 20.57 m 2 Scale parameter for long-range dispersal 9504 m Proportion of short range dispersal events 0.9947 1/year Rate of inoculum produced (per host unit per week) 4.4 1/week β than infect a host unit elsewhere (c.f. p.12) ijt Infectious pressure on cell i from cell j at time t - jt Total infectious pressure on cell j at time t (where - jt ijt ) i 40 Figure 1. The state of California colored according to the distribution of scaled (0100) host index data, comprising joint measures of host abundance, weighted for relative susceptibility, within 250m x 250m cells derived from data described in Meentemeyer et al. (2004). The main map also shows all known P. ramorum positive sites confirmed by the California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA), which were used to estimate long-distance dispersal (2001–07). Inset A shows data on the spread of sudden oak death in the isolated outbreak in Humboldt County (Valachovic et al. 2008), which were used to estimate local-scale dispersal. Inset B illustrates a magnified view of the CDFA data in Sonoma County and southern Mendocino County in the NW ecoregion. Also illustrated are California’s ten ecoregions (Hickman, 1993; NW=Northwestern California, CW=Central Western California, GV=Great Central Valley, MP=Modoc Plateau, SW=Southwestern California, SN=Sierra Nevada, CaR=Cascade Ranges, ESN=Eastern Sierra Nevada, DMoj=Desert Mojave, DSon=Desert Sonoma). 41 Figure 2. Cumulative probability of a) short-range dispersal 1 and b) long-range dispersal 2 . The proportion of spore units that are locally dispersed equals 99.4% ( ). 42 43 Figure 3. Predicted spread of the sudden oak death epidemic through time (1990-2030) under an assumption of weather conditions like those experienced 1990-2008. The intensity of green to yellow to red shading is the mean infection density (I) of a 250m grid cell over 1000 model simulations. Independent simulations were all initiated from the three sites of introduction in 1990 based on California Department of Food and Agriculture records (Kelly and Tuxen 2003). The sites are identifiable by the red regions in year 2000. Host vegetation with no infection is denoted in dark gray. Locations where host vegetation is absent are denoted in light gray. Figure 4. Predicted progression of disease spread in California under an assumption of weather conditions for 2008-2030 typical of recent past (1990-2007) (means of 1000 independent simulations). (a) Rate of spread and stochastic variability increases through time (95% intervals are shown in a gray scale gradient). (b) Probability of invasion and (c) area affected by disease varies by ecoregion as the epidemic establishes. The inset in plot c is scaled to a small range (< 3 km2) to contrast rates of spread between ecoregions during the early phase of invasion (< 3km2). CW=Central Western California, NW=Northwestern California, SN=Sierra Nevada, SW=Southwestern California ecoregions (geographical boundaries are shown in Figure 1). Once infected the vast majority of spread occurs in the NW region. Longdistance dispersal events to the SN and SW regions occur infrequently with small amounts of secondary subsequent spread. 44 Figure 5. Geographical variability of the number of secondary infections caused by a single infectious focus randomly located in California, based on 1000 randomly located sample points. We simulated 50 iterations of the model from 1990-1995 using each of the 1000 points as a single starting point for secondary infection and spread. The number of infected cells associated with each location was calculated and spatially interpolated across the pathogen’s host range using ordinary kriging with the values here shown on a log scale. The 3x3 panel inset illustrates the range of host and weather interactions that lead to large and small amounts of secondary infection. Favorable weather or high connectivity of susceptible hosts alone is insufficient to promote a high risk of secondary cell to cell spread. For example, comparatively low risks occur in portions of the Sierra Nevada foothills where there may be relatively high amounts of susceptible host vegetation (center of inset) but unfavorable weather. 45 Figure 6. Effects of a) climate variation and b) hypothetical reductions in longdistance dispersal (1-; Table 1) on disease spread. a) Favorable weather conditions starting in 2008 lead to a five-fold increase in infected area by the year 2030 compared with unfavorable conditions. A random distribution of weather conditions based upon weather for years 1990-2007 leads to almost half as much disease spread by 2030 as would be produced by favorable conditions. The inset shows that consistently favorable weather conditions also reduce variability in epidemic outcomes. b) Reducing the proportion of long-distance dispersal after 2008 decreases disease spread. However, even if long-range dispersal were to be severely curtailed the model predicts approximately 8,000 km2 of land area would be infected by 2030 due to the significance of short-range dispersal on spread rates. Surprisingly, variability by 2030 is largely unaffected by curtailing long distance spread after 2008; this counter-intuitive result is likely due to a significant number of isolated daughter foci having already been produced by long distance dispersal prior to the intervention. 46