Word of the Day - Lake County Schools

Welcome students and staff.
Today is Wednesday, April 22, 2015.
Please stand for the pledge to the flag: "I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of
America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and
justice for all." Please remain standing for a moment of silence. Thank you, please be seated.
 Prom tickets are on sale. You may purchase them in Mrs. Newman’s room, 2-105, before or
after school. They will also be sold during both lunches. Mrs. Croker will have tickets for off
campus students. Cash or money order only. No personal checks will be accepted. Please do
not interrupt Mrs. Newman’s classes to purchase prom tickets!
 Prom is right around the corner! Capture those memories with Esty Mickens Photography.
Order your prom pictures early and save money. Packages start at only $15.00. Tickets will be
on sale in the cafeteria in the morning and during lunches or in the art room after school.
 Attention AP art students: The art lab is open every day after school this week for extra help
as needed.
 There will be a HOPE Club meeting Thursday at 2:45 p.m. in Mrs. Farner’s room. We will have
a discussion on graduation cords and make plans for next school year. Snacks will be served.
 There will be a Best Buddies meeting on Monday right after school in Ms. Vineyard’s room.
 Key Club – last meeting of the year – Tuesday. Volunteer forms – to be signed, DCON
presentations and opportunities for volunteering this summer. Pizza and snacks will be
served. Please be on time.
 The deadline for completion of E2020/Florida Virtual and Lake County Virtual is May
15th. We must receive verification that the course is completed by May 15th. You will
not be able to participate in Senior week, which includes the senior Picnic, if you are not
Also, if you have received any scholarship awards from a post secondary institution and
would like to be recognized at our Senior Scholarship Award Night, please see Mrs.
Morgan in the Guidance Office with your award letter.
 Seniors, Need Help Completing the FAFSA? LSSC is sponsoring Free FAFSA Fridays at the
Leesburg Public Library the month of April. Morning and afternoon sessions are
available. For more information, check the LSSC Website or see Mrs. Croker in Guidance.
 Seniors, if you are of Italian Descent we have a $1000.00 scholarship opportunity. It is
due May 1st. See Mrs. Morgan in Guidance for more information.
Senior Scholarships
(Pick up forms on table in Guidance Office)
Academic Boosters Scholarships
Alpha Delta Kappa (for students who plan to become a teacher)
Ayo & Iken Children of Divorce Scholarship
BASE Scholarship (Engineering Scholarship for FAMU Students)
Bright House Leaders Scholarship
Coach Monty Boyd Memorial Scholarship (Must have attended TES, TMS, THS)
College Xpress www.collegeXpress.com
Criterion Civic Club
Edmond Amateis Foundation
Edwin Budge Mead Scholarship
Ellanora McGinty Scholarship
Florida A&M Alumni Association (Must attend FAMU)
Florida Engineering Foundation (http://www.fleng.org/scholarships.cfm)
Florida Credit Union
Apr 15, 2015
Apr 8, 2015
May 1, 2015
Mar 31, 2015
April 30, 2015
Mar. 31, 2015
Mar. 27, 2015
Apr 10, 2015
Apr 15, 2015
Apr 6, 2015
Apr 15, 2015
Mar 20, 2015
Florida School Counselor Association – Essay Contest
Frank Paulhamus Scholarship (agricultural field)
Historical Society of Central Florida
Italian – American Club Scholarship
James Durden Diversity Scholarship (Open to all seniors)
Johnson Foundation Scholarship (2 Scholarships)
1. For Children of UPS Employees or Retirees
2. Students with Disabilities
Lake County Education Association (LCEA members’ children & grandchildren)
Lake County Farm Bureau Livestock Exibitor Scholarship
Lake County Gator Club lakecountygatorclub@gmail.com
Lake County School Food Association
Lake Soil & Water Conservation District (major in an agricultural field)
LSSC Summer Scholarships http://lssc.scholarships.ngwebsolutions.com
Martin Charitable Trust
McKinney Charitable Trust
Mt. Dora Women’s Committee of Performing Arts
Mt. Dora Women’s Committee of Visual Arts
N K Charlie Collette Memorial Scholarship (Must attend Lake Tech)
NAEHCY Scholarship (for Homeless students)
Project Weather Scholarship (Students who excel in Science)
Scott Strong Scholarship
SECO (Students living in homes who get their electricity from SECO)
Silhouettes of Criterions Civic Club
Southern Scholarship (housing opportunities for FSU, FAMU, FGCU, TCC, Santa Fe & UF)
Student Scholarships (StudentScholarships.org )
SunTrust Sweepstakes suntrusteducation.com/scholarshipsweepstates
Tavares Elementary Scholarship (Must have attended TES)
The Kosove Society Scholarship (Must attend USF)
The Villages Opera Club (For Music Students)
Apr 3, 2015
Mar 19, 2015
Mar 13, 2015
May 1, 2015
Mar. 13, 2015
April 15, 2015
May 15, 2015
Mar 10, 2015
Apr 30, 2015
Apr 1, 2015
Apr 10, 2015
Mar. 19, 2015
Mar 31, 2015
Mar. 31, 2015
Mar. 31, 2015
Mar. 13, 2015
Mar. 13, 2015
Apr. 17, 2015
June 19, 2015
Mar. 27, 2015
Mar. 10, 2015
Apr. 3, 2015
April 24, 2015
May 15, 2015
Apr 30, 2015
Mar 14, 2015
 Groveland Elementary is having a Carnival/Field Day on May 14th and 15th and we are looking
for high school student volunteers. Please let me know if you have any groups that are
interested in participating.
Mrs. Mary Shirley
Information Literacy Specialist
National Board Certified
(352)429-2472 ext. 5674
 There is a bulletin board in the Guidance Office with current volunteer opportunities. See Mrs.
Morgan or Mrs. Hoffman.
Word of the Day
Cuz They're Cousins Word of the Day:
This adjective is handy shorthand for describing a close genetic relationship: instead of saying, e.g.,
"rodents of the same genus," you can say "congeneric rodents," thereby saving yourself one
syllable, and gaining widespread admiration for you erudition.
On This Day in History
1500 - Portuguese navigator Pedro Alvares Cabral discovered Brazil.
1509 - Henry VIII ascended to the throne of England upon the death of his father Henry VII.
1529 - Spain and Portugal divided the eastern hemisphere in the Treaty of Saragosa.
1745 - The Peace of Fussen was signed, restoring the status quo of Germany.
1792 - U.S. President George Washington proclaimed American neutrality in the war in Europe.
1861 - Robert E. Lee was named commander of Virginia forces.
1864 - The U.S. Congress passed legislation that allowed the inscription "In God We Trust" to be included on one-cent
and two-cent coins.
1876 - The first official National League (NL) baseball game took place. Boston beat Philadelphia 6-5.
1889 - At noon, the Oklahoma land rush officially started as thousands of Americans raced for new, unclaimed land.
1898 - The first shot of the Spanish-American war occurred when the USS Nashville captured a Spanish merchant ship.
1914 - Babe Ruth made his pitching debut with the Baltimore Orioles.
1915 - At the Second Battle Ypres the Germans became the first country to use poison gas.
1915 - The New York Yankees wore pinstripes and the hat-in-the-ring logo for the first time.
1918 - British naval forces attempted to sink block-ships in the German U-boat bases at the Battle of Zeeburgge.
1930 - The U.S., Britain and Japan signed the London Naval Treaty, which regulated submarine warfare and limited
1931 - Egypt signed the treaty of friendship with Iraq.
1931 - James G. Ray landed an autogyro on the lawn of the White House.
1944 - During World War II, the Allies launched a major attack against the Japanese in Hollandia, New Guinea.
1952 - An atomic test conducted in Nevada was the first nuclear explosion shown on live network television.
1954 - The U.S. Senate Army-McCarthy televised hearings began.
1967 - Randy Matson set a new world record with a shot put toss of 71 feet, and 5 1/2 inches in College Station, TX.
1970 - The first "Earth Day" was observed by millions of Americans.
1976 - Barbara Walters became first female nightly network news anchor.
1987 - The American Physical Society said that the "Star Wars" missile system was "highly questionable" and would
take ten years to research.
1993 - The U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum was dedicated in Washington, DC.
1997 - In Lima, Peru government commandos storm and capture the residence of the Japanese ambassador ending a
126-day hostage crisis. In the rescue 71 hostages were saved. Those killed: one hostage (of a heart attack), two soldiers,
and all 14 rebels.
1999 - The Watson Family received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
2000 - Elian Gonzalez was reunited with his father. He had to be taken from his Miami relatives by U.S. agents in a
predawn raid.
2000 - ABC-TV aired a small portion of the Clinton-DiCaprio interview.
2002 - Filippino President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo ordered a state of emergency in the city of General Santos in
response to a series of bombing attacks the day before. The attacks were blamed on Muslim extremists.
2010 - The Boeing X-37 began its first orbital mission. It successfully returned to Earth on December 3, 2010.