

ECH 350

Social And Emotion Development in Infancy and Early Childhood


Online & Professional Studies, California Baptist University


This course introduces students to the process through which a child develops a sense of self within a socio-cultural system. Students will learn the significance of a supportive interpersonal environment for personality development. They will evaluate theories of emotional and personality development in infants and young children. They will describe the effects of social and emotional development on learning.

This course meets one of the requirements of the California Child Development Permit, Core

Area:Child Growth and Development.


CBU’s Division of Online and Professional Studies (OPS) specializes in “distance education” for working adults and others who need a flexible learning schedule. It offers university courses and degree programs both fully online and in “hybrid” format (partly online and partly on-ground).

Each “course week” begins on a Monday and ends on Sunday. Students should log in several times throughout the week to participate in online discussions and other activities.

OPS recommends that students complete the various readings and assignments in the order in which they are presented, but the format does allow some flexibility for students to modify their approach or even to work ahead.

Active participation in every assignment and every online discussion is expected. Students should be careful of any assignments that have specific “opening” or “closing” times, and they should regularly consult the Course Schedule to ensure that they complete all work in a timely manner.

Students access all course materials via the Blackboard 9 site, which includes minimum system requirements and orientation tutorials designed to equip class members for online study.

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CBU/OPS Course Syllabus 2


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Rathus, S. (2011). CDEV , (1st ed.). Florence, KY: Wadsworth/Cengage Learning.

ISBN-13: 9780495905530


Goal 1: Assist students to understand the theories and methods of child development

Objective 1.1: Students will examine one’s own personality and temperament in regards to working with young children

Objective 1.2: Students will outline and evaluate the various theories of child development

Objective 1.3: Students will discuss controversies in child development

Goal 2:

Assist students in developing a strong understanding of the social and emotional development in infancy

Objective 2.1: Students will describe the development of attachment in infancy and its role in social and emotional development

Objective 2.2: Students will compare and contrast the theories of

Ainsworth, Bowlby, Lorenz, Piaget, and Harlow

Objective 2.3: Students will consider social deprivation, neglect, autism, and other factors that influence attachment

Objective 2.4: Students will examine the emotional development of infants

Objective 2.5: Students will identify personality factors that influence the emotional development in infancy

Goal 3: Assist students in developing a strong understanding of the social and emotional development in early childhood

Objective 3.1: Students will compare, contrast, and analyze the three parenting styles outlined by Baumrind

Objective 3.2: Students will explain how siblings, peers, and other factors affect social development during early childhood

Objective 3.3: Students will identify personality factors that influence the emotional development in early childhood



1.2 2.2

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Objective 3.4: Students will identify characteristics of play and its impact on social development

Objective 3.5: Students will identify the development of gender roles and sex differences in regards to social and emotional development in early childhood

Goal 4:

Assist students in developing a strong understanding of the social and emotional development in middle childhood

Objective 4.1: Students will compare and contrast the Psychoanalytic,

1.2 2.2

1.2 2.2

1.2 2.2

Social Cognitive, and Cognitive Development theories

Objective 4.2: Students will discuss the influences of the family on the 1.2 2.2 social development in middle childhood

Objective 4.3: Students will examine the influences of peers on the social development in middle childhood

1.2 2.2

Objective 4.4: Students will evaluate the influence of school on the social development in middle childhood

1.2 2.2

Objective 4.5: Students will consider the social and emotional problems that can develop in middle childhood


1.2 2.2

Blackboard Discussion: After reading the assigned pages post an answer to the question(s) raised in Blackboard for the corresponding week/readings. You must also comment on at least two of your classmate’s postings. At the end of the 4 th week and at the end of the 8 th week of this course you will attach and submit to this assignment a Word document that has three (3) parts.

In Part I, you copy and paste two (2) discussion postings which you have made thus far in the semester, and which you feel moved the class discussion forward by contributing to understanding and are indicative of your contributions. For each pasted selection, write one paragraph explaining your choice.

In Part II, paste two (2) postings written by other people (not you or me), which you feel contributed to your own deeper understanding in this course. Again, for each, write a paragraph explaining your selection.

In Part III, give yourself a letter grade (A-F) and explain why you deserve that particular grade.

Please use the Discussion Board Posts Rubric as the evidence for the claim you make regarding a particular grade.

Please note, however, that though quality is critical, there is also a minimal expectation of you as a participant in our asynchronous discussions. You should make weekly postings regarding your responses to both the readings and also your course mates.

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For further clarification regarding appropriate participation expectations, please see the

Participation Rubric and Discussions Rubric posted in Blackboard.

Graphic Organizer: Chapter one discusses seven different theories/perspectives that are the basis for child development. Within each theory lies a component that explains the social and emotional development of the child. Your text may not offer enough information so using other sources is expected. You are to create a graphic organizer with the following information.


Name of Theory or Perspective


Major theorist responsible for the theory or perspective


Short definition of the theory or perspective


Explanation of how the theory or perspective addresses social and emotional development


Your opinion of the theory or perspective

Keirsey Temperament Profile: For this assignment, click on and look for the link on the right that is marked ‘The Keirsey Temperament Shorter-II®. Do not pay for the complete assessment; just get the information describing your temperament. Then click on

‘The Four Temperaments’ and read the overview and information regarding your particular temperament. (artisan, idealist, guardian, or rationalist). Once you have an understanding of your temperament as well as the other three, write a reflective narrative to each of the questions below.


How do you believe your temperament will influence your role as an early childhood teaching professional?


How can understanding the dimensions of temperament help to create a balance of instructional strategies in the classroom?


Reflect on a time that you spent with children. Consider all the aspects of your temperament and describe how these preferences might have influenced your interactions and expectations.

Controversy Paper: Chapter one discusses three main controversies; (1) The Nature-Nurture

Controversy, (2) The Continuity-Discontinuity Controversy, and (3) The Active-Passive

Controversy. You are to choose one of these controversies and write a mini research paper. In this paper you will identify the controversy, discuss the pros and cons of the controversy, integrate faith by including God’s ideas on the controversy, and give your opinion. The paper must have at least 3 resources and follow APA guidelines. A rubric for this assignment can be found in Blackboard.

Observation Activity for Attachment: The text discusses three phases of attachment; (1) initialpre-attachment phase, (2) attachment –in-the-making phase, and (3) clear-cut-attachment phase. You are to observe each one of these phases in an infant. You can do this in any setting that is convenient for you. The objective of this assignment is to illustrate that you understand each phase and can illustrate it through the observation. You will write up your experience,

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CBU/OPS Course Syllabus 5 describing exactly what you saw and then connecting it to the text by explaining how it represents the phase.

Theory Presentation: After you have read the first half of chapter 7, you will create a power point to represent your understanding of the theorists; Ainsworth, Bowlby, Lorenz, Piaget, and

Harlow. Your presentation must include the following.

 Opening slide

Bio for each theorist

Description of each theorists beliefs regarding social and emotional development

 Closing slide(s) that compares the theorists

Attachment Interview: There are many reasons why attachment can fail. You will need to interview someone who is:

 A parent of an autistic child

 A daycare provider

A foster parent

The purpose of this interview is to get a sense of what happens when attachment fails. Ask the following questions and then write a paper that describes the interview as well as making the connection to the text.

Consider a child that has suffered from attachment issues. Please answer the following questions according to this child.


At what age did the child start suffering from the effects of failed attachment?


What were some of the effects of failed attachment?


What did you do to try and make up for the failed attachment?


Was it successful? Why or why not?

Attachment Theory Summary: To better understand the concept of attachment as it relates to children, access the following Website, which presents information on attachment theory and a model proposed by Bartholomew:

In addition, you’ll also find several links to other sites with information on attachment theory.

Explore the site and any other links (if necessary), and then write a one-page summary of what you learned.

Multicultural Issues and Attachment Article Summary: To better understand attachment theory and how multicultural issues can play a role, access the article titled, “Multicultural

Considerations for the Application of Attachment Theory,” written by Brown, Rodgers, and

Kapadia (2008). This article discusses attachment theory in the context of therapy and includes issues related to multicultural implications. Consider what you have already learned about attachment and the issues that this article raises. Write a paper that compares the basic

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CBU/OPS Course Syllabus 6 principles of attachment to those experienced by different cultures. Paper should be no more than 3 pages in length.

Gender Treatment Observation and Interview: Adults interact differently with boys and girls.

You are to observe family members or friends interact with their young children (preferably infants). You will also need to ask them the following questions:


What color/décor does your child have?


What color clothing items do you tend to gravitate to when purchasing new items?


Consider the issue of sensitivity. Some people tend to be more sensitive than others.

What expectations do you have of your child in regards to his/her sensitivity level?


What types of toys do you anticipate your child to be interested in?

While Observing look for the following behaviors:


Type of play that takes place between the parent and the child.


Type of dialog that does or does not take place between the parent and the child.


The reaction of the parent to the emotion of the child.

When you have completed the observations and interview, write up your findings and relate it to the textbook and other research that you have read. Be sure to support your ideas with textual evidence.

Parenting Styles Paper: Your textbook author presents information on parenting styles and the influence they can have on child development. To further enhance your knowledge of this topic, access

This Website provides information on the parenting styles discussed in the text with references to the actual Baumrind articles. In addition, there are also links to other material, including

“anger in children,” building self-esteem,” and “positive discipline.” Explore the Website and any associated links that you find interesting, then write a paper that (1) describes all three types of parenting and (2) explains what type of parenting style you were brought up by. You will need to give examples to support your choice.

Book Report: Each student will select a children’s book that addresses social/emotional issues influenced by gender, attachment, family dynamic and/or culture to present through a power point presentation. Each ‘report’ must include the following components:


Your name

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Book title and author


Topic as it relates to the course e.g., working mother, child abuse, domestic abuse, alcoholism, special needs child, poverty, change in family dynamics, etc.


Reason for selecting the book with regard to social and emotional issues


Appropriate age of targeted children or indicate if the book is a parent resource


Faith integration verse that is applicable to your topic choice with an explanation of why you chose it

A rubric for this assignment can be found in blackboard.

Play Observation: Each student will be required to observe young children (2-6) at play. This can be done with family or friends. The purpose of this observation is to answer the following question –

While at play, children are …

Be sure to answer this question in regards to social and emotional behaviors. Support your answer with at least one source other than the textbook.

Gender Role Assignment: Each student will explore the world of children’s cartoons. Because children become increasingly traditional in their gender roles between the ages of 3 and 9, this assignment takes a look into what influences a child’s stereotypical behavior. The following steps are required:


Watch 3 hours of cartoons, being careful to observe many different types of children’s programs. (i.e. cable offerings of educational programming, “pop culture” cartoons, anime, Disney, and current cartoons).


As you are watching, be sure to consider the following questions: a.

What roles do female cartoons have? b.

What roles do male cartoons have? c.

What roles do parents have? d.

How is strength identified? e.

How is weakness identified? f.

How is color used to identify gender?


Once you have completed the above two steps, you will write a paper summarizing your findings. Explain how each type of cartoon either supports stereotypes or tries to

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CBU/OPS Course Syllabus 8 change them. Support your claims with examples from the cartoons and your textbook for a resource.

A rubric for this assignment can be found in Blackboard.

Self Esteem Paper: Too often, when children participate in organized activities outside of school, (i.e. sports or youth clubs) they experience a reward for just being in attendance.

Trophies are given to team members regardless of play time or ranking, trinkets are given for self reported deeds. Consider an experience you might have had that resembled this, or maybe one of your own children. Then, speak with a parent or grandparent about what their experience was like in the same type of situation. You might find that it was drastically different. How did your experience compare with that of your elder? What effects did each experience have on the person’s self esteem? Write a documentary of your findings, giving anecdotal evidence biblical reference to support your claims.

Alternative Families Article Review: After reading School Experiences of

the Children of Lesbian and Gay Parents (Ray & Gregory,2001), a review will be written. The following checklist details the requirements:


Title Page:

 Title

 Name and Institutional



 What are the most important conclusions of the article or the most important aspects from your perspective?

 How, specifically, does this inform your you and your topic?

 What did you learn from the article?

 Are there points in the article with which you agree or disagree? Why?

 What conclusions or implications does the author propose?

 Several well-crafted paragraphs that are succinct and directly to the point with sound arguments supporting your position are all that are needed.


 What conclusions or implications do you feel are the most important? Why?

 This may even be slightly redundant with some of your analysis and synthesis section




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 Make this a short paragraph and/or even a bulleted list.

Writing Conventions:

 Appropriate style. Nearly perfect!

 No grammatical/spelling errors

 Appropriate formality observed throughout paper

 Consistent writing style appropriate for the assignment


 Article included with review

 Excellent quality of reference

 Followed APA style manual exactly in all sections

 Attention to all details evident

Total Points Possible




Project Wings: For this project, you’ll explore a Website created by a program called “Wings.”

This Website has several links and downloadable files that can help build a child’s self-esteem:

Once you explore the site, write a one-page summary of what you learned. Include in this summary the activities that you feel would be most likely to help build a child’s self-esteem.

Super Six Project: Imagine that you are an esteemed developmental psychologist/early childhood educator. First Five has selected you to speak on parenting tips at a national convention. Besides presenting your information via an oral presentation, it is expected that you provide a product of some kind. Reflect on the assignments, readings, and course information in general to create a product explaining the six most important topics that parents need to know about children’s social and emotional development. Your six topics must be supported by foundational theories. Your project can culminate in a variety of interesting products, i.e., a brochure, pamphlet, book, I-movie, website, DVD simulation, etc. No PPT please. You will need to include a reference section written in proper APA format. The focus of this assignment is to connect the classic theories of social and personality development with applied parenting. A rubric for this assignment can be found in Blackboard.

Final: A written final will be given during the last week of the course.

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* All work submitted for this course must be your own work, must have been developed specifically for this course, and may not have been submitted for evaluation or assessment in any other course.


Course Evaluation Plan

An assessment instrument (checklist, rubric, etc.) will accompany each major graded assignment. See the course website for specific assignment criteria and the accompanying grading instruments.

Points Distribution

Graded assignments will be weighted as follows:

Graded Assignments

Blackboard Discussion Assignment (2 at 30pts each)

Points Possible


Graphic Organizer

Kiersey Temperament Profile

Controversy Paper

Observation Activity for Attachment

Theory Presentation

Attachment Interview







Attachment Theory Summary

Multicultural Issues and Attachment Article Summary

Gender Treatment Observation and Interview

Parenting Styles Paper

Book Report

Play Observation

Gender Role Assignment

Self Esteem Paper

Article Review –Alternate Families

Project Wings

Super Six Project

Total Points:

Final Grades

The following scale will be used when calculating final grades:

A 93%-100% B- 80%-82% D+ 67%-69%

A- 90%-92%

B+ 87%-89%

B 83%-86%

C+ 77%-79%

C 73%-76%

C- 70%-72%

D 63%-66%

D- 60%-62%

F <60%













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Checking Grades

Be sure to check your grades often via the Blackboard gradebook.


OPS courses begin on a Monday. Accordingly, an OPS course week extends from Monday through Sunday. Unless stated otherwise, graded assignments are due on the last day of the course week (Sunday).

Session Learning Activities Assignments Due

Week 1 History Theories and Methods of Child Development

Blackboard Post

Graphic Organizer

Keirsey Tempermant Profile

Controversy Paper

Week 1, Day 5

Week 1, Day 7

Week 1, Day 7

Week 1, Day 7

Week 2 Infancy: Social and Emotional Development

Blackboard Post

Observation Activity for Attachment

Theory Presentation

Attachment Interview

Week 3 Infancy: Social and Emotional Development

Blackboard Post

Attachment Theory Summary

Multicultural Issues and Attachment Article Summary

Gender Treatment Observation and Interview

Week 4 Early Childhood: Social and Emotional Development

Blackboard Post

Parenting Styles Assignment Paper

Week 2, Day 5

Week 2, Day 7

Week 2, Day 7

Week 2, Day 7

Week 3, Day 5

Week 3, Day 7

Week 3, Day 7

Week 3, Day 7

Week 4, Day 5

Week 4, Day 7

Week 4, Day 7

See project due date

Play Observations

Preparation for Super Six Project

Week 5 Early Childhood: Social and Emotional Development

Blackboard Post

Gender Role Assignment

Book Report

Preparation for Super Six Project

Week 6 Middle Childhood: Social and Emotional Development

Blackboard Post

Self Esteem Paper

Preparation for Super Six Project

Week 7 Middle Childhood: Social and Emotional Development

Blackboard Post

Week 5, Day 5

Week 5, Day 7

Week 5, Day 7

See project due date

Week 6, Day 5

Week 6, Day 7

See project due date

Week 7, Day 5

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Project Wings – Web Search and Paper

Preparation for Super Six Project

Week 8 Culminating Projects

Super Six Project


Week 7, Day 7

See project due date

Week 8, Day 5

Week 8, Day 5



All written work must be of professional quality. All written work must be keyed using a computer. Handwritten work will not be accepted. In addition, work that has excessive

(more than 2 per page) or distracting grammatical, mechanical, or typographical errors will be graded accordingly. All written assignments should be written using the APA style format.

As a professional, you are expected to collaborate with your colleagues during in-class activities or out-of-class group projects, and to respect one another with exemplary listening skills during all interactions, presentations, and class discussions. This also requires supporting your classmates with positive body language and appropriate verbal communication.

Late Assignments

Assignments are due on assigned dates. In the event of an emergency, the student is expected to notify the instructor by phone or e-mail. If a student has an outside obligation during the course, assignments can be completed in advance. 10% will be deducted each day an assignment is late!


“Netiquette” is network etiquette—that is, the etiquette of cyberspace. And "etiquette" means "the forms required by good breeding or prescribed by authority to be required in social or official life." In other words, netiquette is a set of rules for behaving properly online.

Virginia Shea has defined the issues, and discussed them at length, in her book Netiquette.

You may view a brief summary of her “Core Rules of Netiquette” at the following website:

. They won't answer all netiquette questions, but they will provide some basic principles to use in solving many netiquette dilemmas.

Academic Honesty

Academic dishonesty (cheating, plagiarism, copying, and other forms) will be reported to the Academic Dean. A first incident of cheating may be handled at the discretion of the instructor in consultation with the Dean. Judicial sanctions may include, but are not limited to, loss of a letter grade or failure in the course in which the offense occurred, suspension,

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CBU/OPS Course Syllabus 13 and/or dismissal from the University. A detailed discussion of academic dishonesty appears in the CBU Student Handbook.

Students with Disabilities

Students who have qualified disabilities and wish to arrange the appropriate accommodations, in addition to the general academic support services coordinated by the

Academic Resources Center, must identify themselves to the Director of Disability Services.

Disabled students who wish to arrange appropriate accommodations must complete and submit a Request for Accommodations form and provide recent (not older than 3 years) diagnostic test results.


Norman's Ourchildhood Forum :

Attachment Parenting International

Educating and supporting parents to raise loving, empathic children in order to strengthen families and prevent violence

The Natural Child Project


APA News release with information on bullying

Bullying Behavior in Children

Information on bullying behavior and prevention techniques

Child Abuse and Neglect

Very interesting essays

Essays based on the work of Alice Miller

Project No Spank -

Emotional Attachment

Information on attachment and additional links

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CBU/OPS Course Syllabus

Erikson's Eight Stages of Psychosocial Development htt://

Freud's Five Stages of Psychosexual Development

Gender Development in Children

Peer Acceptance in Children

A Web site dedicated to understanding and facilitating preschool children's peer acceptance.

Piaget's Stages of Cognitive Development

Social Psychology Network

This site includes many links related to infancy, adoption, childhood development, child protection, parenting, adolescence, and more.


Information about behavioral individuality in infants, children and adults

Theories of Prosocial Behavior

List of all major theories of prosocial behavior


A history of Lev Vygotsky and many links to other sites devoted to his sociocultural theory.

Zero to Three


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