UC Approved: 14 January 2014 Revised: 6 February 2014


UC Approved: 14 January 2014

Revised: 6 February 2014; Approved by Provost 2 May, 2014

Selection Criteria for University College (UC) Faculty Fellows, Faculty Affiliates, and Associates

Applicants and nominees for UC Faculty Fellows, Faculty Affiliates, and Associates will be evaluated by an elected committee (Selection

Committee) of current UC Staff, UC Faculty Fellows, Faculty Affiliates and Associates using the criteria outlined below. The committee made up of UC faculty and staff will be constituted via election each year at the time a call for nominations and applications is distributed; the committee will elect a chair to facilitate the process. The committee will forward its recommendations for appointments as Fellows, Affiliates and

Associates to the University College Dean. In consultation with college deans, the Dean of the University College makes the final appointments of UC Faculty Fellows and Faculty Affiliates. In the case of UC Associates, consent of the supervisor will be secured by the Dean before an appointment is made. The applicant can group his or her materials into the following categories of Leadership: 1. Teaching and Coordinating

Courses; 2. Curriculum Design; 3. Development and Assessment; 4. Campus Collaborations; 5. Scholarship and 6. Student Success. Applicants do not have to show evidence of all 5 categories but rather can make a case for their leadership under 2 or 3 of the categories. Please provide evidence of leadership in two or more of these areas within the relevant category. Please send applications to Liane.Sims@nau.edu

Faculty Fellows Faculty Affiliates UC Associates


Eligible individuals

Selection process and level of


2 year assignment (as long as faculty fellow remains active throughout appointment period)

Tenure-track or tenured faculty, lecturers, professors of practice, or clinical professors

Recommended to UC Dean by Selection

Committee; level of appointment and compensation is based on the proportion of effort assigned to UC

2 year assignment (as long as faculty affiliate remains active throughout appointment period)

Tenure-track faculty, tenured faculty, lecturers, professors of practice, clinical professors, and instructors

Recommended to UC Dean by Selection

Committee; no additional compensation

1 year assignment (due to special assignment status)

Benefit-eligible classified staff or service professionals

Selection Criteria (Note: these criteria are guidelines. Applicants make a case for their selection, and the Selection

Committee recommends based on the weight of evidence supporting the potential for positive contributions to the

College. Criteria are suggested areas of demonstrated performance; thus, it is not necessary that applicants demonstrate every criterion.)

Leadership role in facilitating conversations across the university concerning student success and learning centered practices

(UC Faculty Meetings; Town Halls; UC

Community Conversations; UC Student events);

Demonstrated leadership in teaching

(coordinator of FYLI certified course; panel presentations on effective pedagogies and support for first year students);

Demonstrated and sustained leadership in promoting and applying best practices for student success amongst unit and other faculty;

Demonstrated leadership in developing and applying innovative classroom strategies & practices that promotes student success;

Promotion of greater understanding of the goals and mission of UC in home units as well as of the activities, requirements and successes of UC;

Application/nomination process, involving evaluation by the Selection

Committee; final approval by Dean in negotiation with supervisor; Incremental compensation during the period of special assignment is determined by the

Dean in consultation with the supervisor

Demonstrated leadership in promoting and applying best practices for student success;

Demonstrated responsibilities beyond their regular position to promote student success at the undergraduate level;

Demonstrated application of best professional practices in their designated roles, or in teaching, scholarship, and/or other projects and serve as role models for others;

Faculty Fellows

Demonstrated leadership in UC

(active leadership in UC Committees, UC

Faculty Promotion and Tenure and/or

Annual Review Committees; active leadership in policy development for UC);

Demonstrated leadership in promoting the University College mission through the work they do as teachers and experts in their fields

(participation in development of activities and presentations for UC , such as orientations, UC forums, Town Halls; leadership in promoting teaching, learning and student success within home unit)

Demonstrated leadership in increasing the effectiveness of UC based on individual expertise and interests;

Leadership role in the assessment of teaching and learning;

Leadership role in Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL);

Curricular leadership in active and engaging teaching design and practices for student success and retention, including UC course coordination;

Leadership in the mentorship of UC faculty and UC faculty affiliates in their efforts towards student success;

Demonstrated leadership and effectiveness as a UC Affiliate.

Faculty Affiliates

Demonstrated and sustained effectiveness as a teacher in UC affiliated courses;

Demonstrated contributions to the

Scholarship of Teaching and Learning


Recognitions received for teaching and innovative pedagogies, for mentoring or otherwise supporting students and/or UC faculty;

Effective collaborations across units for increasing student success;

Sustained and effective participation in the assessment of teaching and learning;

Recognitions for mentorship of UC students in helping them understand career goals and in successfully pursuing their academic and career goals.

UC Associates

Based on appointment: Demonstrated and sustained effectiveness as a teacher in UC affiliated courses;

Based on appointment: Demonstrated contributions to the Scholarship of

Teaching and Learning (SoTL) in support of University College goals;

Demonstrated collaborations with colleagues and faculty to disseminate best practices and provide leadership for the UC.

