Monthly Bulletin - October 2013 Report Date: 25/10/2013 Prison Name Page 1 Baseline In Use CNA Operational CNA Capacity Population * % Pop to In % Accommodation Use CNA Available Altcourse 794 794 1,033 1,029 130% 100% Ashfield Askham Grange 408 150 408 126 400 128 399 102 98% 81% 100% 84% Aylesbury 411 411 444 443 108% 100% Bedford 322 322 506 499 155% 100% Belmarsh 781 781 855 805 103% 100% 1,093 122 1,093 122 1,450 122 1,427 121 131% 99% 100% 100% Blundeston 481 280 325 306 109% 58% Brinsford 545 545 577 563 103% 100% Bristol 427 407 639 633 156% 95% Brixton 530 530 798 792 149% 100% Bronzefield Buckley Hall 527 410 527 410 527 445 513 443 97% 108% 100% 100% Bullingdon 879 879 1,114 1,106 126% 100% Bure 604 604 624 540 89% 100% Cardiff 539 539 804 802 149% 100% Channings Wood 698 698 731 724 104% 100% Chelmsford Coldingley 462 493 462 493 578 513 570 508 123% 103% 100% 100% Cookham Wood 143 143 143 114 80% 100% Dartmoor 642 639 659 654 102% 100% Deerbolt 513 513 513 501 98% 100% Doncaster 738 738 1,145 1,144 155% 100% Dorchester Dovegate 152 1,064 91 1,060 122 1,060 81 1,035 89% 98% 60% 100% Downview 355 80 80 11 14% 23% Drake Hall 315 315 315 308 98% 100% Durham 592 592 990 915 155% 100% East Sutton Park Eastwood Park 98 410 98 315 100 363 95 320 97% 102% 100% 77% Elmley (Sheppey) 943 943 1,252 1,244 132% 100% Erlestoke 494 488 488 484 99% 99% Everthorpe 615 615 689 687 112% 100% Exeter 326 318 561 541 170% 98% Featherstone Feltham 671 762 671 762 687 762 678 684 101% 90% 100% 100% Birmingham Blantyre House Ford 521 521 521 511 98% 100% Forest Bank 1,064 1,064 1,364 1,357 128% 100% Foston Hall 290 290 310 297 102% 100% Frankland 859 808 808 809 100% 94% Full Sutton Garth 604 811 596 715 616 750 614 738 103% 103% 99% 88% Gartree 708 708 708 706 100% 100% Glen Parva 637 637 808 799 125% 100% Grendon / Springhill 586 543 543 539 99% 93% Guys Marsh 518 518 579 573 111% 100% 622 1,003 622 1,003 644 1,271 642 1,251 103% 125% 100% 100% Haverigg Hewell Report Date: 25/10/2013 Prison Name High Down Page 2 Baseline In Use CNA Operational CNA Capacity Population * % Pop to In % Accommodation Use CNA Available 999 999 1,103 1,106 111% 100% 1,299 582 1,299 498 1,325 438 1,315 144 101% 29% 100% 86% Hollesley Bay 421 421 421 417 99% 100% Holloway 540 533 591 540 101% 99% 1,034 1,034 1,210 1,225 118% 100% Hull 552 552 762 758 137% 100% Huntercombe Isis 370 478 370 478 430 622 426 620 115% 130% 100% 100% Isle of Wight Highpoint (North and South) Hindley Holme House 1,056 1,056 1,139 1,129 107% 100% Kennet 175 175 342 330 189% 100% Kirkham 632 632 630 629 100% 100% Kirklevington Grange 283 283 283 282 100% 100% Lancaster Farms Leeds 481 826 481 826 531 1,212 516 1,219 107% 148% 100% 100% Leicester 214 214 408 375 175% 100% Lewes 627 627 742 661 105% 100% Leyhill 527 527 527 512 97% 100% Lincoln 408 403 727 693 172% 99% Lindholme Littlehey 1,048 1,140 920 1,080 1,005 1,146 997 1,022 108% 95% 88% 95% Liverpool 1,173 1,159 1,442 1,245 107% 99% Long Lartin 629 622 622 611 98% 99% Low Newton 314 291 329 304 104% 93% Lowdham Grange Maidstone 900 565 900 565 888 600 884 602 98% 107% 100% 100% Manchester 965 965 1,286 1,171 121% 100% 1,209 1,209 1,272 1,136 94% 100% Mount 748 748 770 765 102% 100% New Hall 395 371 425 397 107% 94% North Sea Camp Northallerton 420 146 420 61 420 75 407 55 97% 90% 100% 42% Northumberland Moorland / Hatfield 1,354 1,354 1,348 1,335 99% 100% Norwich 627 627 769 759 121% 100% Nottingham 723 723 1,100 1,077 149% 100% Oakwood 1,605 1,605 1,605 1,603 100% 100% Onley Parc 742 1,170 682 1,170 682 1,336 679 1,319 100% 113% 92% 100% Pentonville 915 915 1,310 1,328 145% 100% Peterborough (Male & Female) 840 827 960 858 104% 98% Portland 464 464 620 578 125% 100% Preston 456 406 743 678 167% 89% Ranby Reading 893 190 892 135 1,098 135 1,093 75 123% 56% 100% 71% 100% Risley 1,050 1,050 1,095 1,091 104% Rochester 802 662 662 657 99% 83% Rye Hill 600 600 625 621 104% 100% Send Stafford 282 741 281 741 281 741 278 732 99% 99% 100% 100% Standford Hill (Sheppey) 464 464 464 454 98% 100% Stocken 768 768 843 843 110% 100% Stoke Heath 650 582 642 630 108% 90% Styal 454 445 460 430 97% 98% Sudbury 581 581 581 577 99% 100% Report Date: 25/10/2013 Prison Name Swaleside (Sheppey) Page 3 Baseline In Use CNA Operational CNA Capacity Population * % Pop to In % Accommodation Use CNA Available 1,112 1,112 1,112 1,110 100% 100% Swansea Swinfen Hall 248 604 240 544 445 594 455 590 190% 108% 97% 90% Thameside 600 600 900 900 150% 100% Thorn Cross 322 322 321 305 95% 100% Usk / Prescoed 378 378 503 493 130% 100% Verne 580 0 0 Wakefield Wandsworth 751 974 749 709 749 1,284 737 1,265 98% 178% 100% 73% Warren Hill 244 192 192 81 42% 79% Wayland 958 946 1,011 1,003 106% 99% Wealstun 810 795 817 806 101% 98% Werrington 160 160 160 104 65% 100% Wetherby Whatton 396 779 276 769 276 841 240 834 87% 108% 70% 99% Whitemoor 473 458 458 453 99% 97% Winchester 499 499 685 676 135% 100% Wolds 320 304 360 357 117% 95% Woodhill 660 660 819 817 124% 100% 1,170 1,102 78,399 1,170 1,038 75,451 1,279 1,111 87,204 1,282 1,100 84,453 110% 106% 112% 100% 94% 96% Wormwood Scrubs Wymott Sub total 0% NOMS Operated Immigration Removal Centres (IRCs) Dover (IRC) Haslar (IRC) 342 170 280 170 280 170 249 162 89% 95% 82% 100% Morton Hall (IRC) Sub total 392 904 392 842 392 842 371 782 95% 93% 100% 93% 79,303 76,293 85,235 112% 96% Total 86,046 ** Report produced by Population Strategy. The CNA and Operational Capacity figures are taken from the latest signed cell certificates held by PS. *The prison unlock figure may be lower than the 'Population', as the 'Population' includes prisoners on authorised absence. ** Useable Operational Capacity of the estate is the sum of all establishments’ operational capacity less 2000 places. The report is compiled from data on the last working Friday in October 2013 . Report Date: 25/10/2013 Page 4 Definitions of Accommodation Terms Certified Normal Accommodation (CNA) Certified Normal Accommodation (CNA), or uncrowded capacity, is the Prison Service’s own measure of accommodation. CNA represents the good, decent standard of accommodation that the Service aspires to provide all prisoners. Baseline CNA Baseline CNA is the sum total of all certified accommodation in an establishment except, normally: •Cells in punishment or segregation units. •Healthcare cells or rooms in training prisons and YOIs that are not routinely used to accommodate long stay patients. In-Use CNA In-use CNA is baseline CNA less those places not available for immediate use, for example: damaged cells, cells affected by building works. Operational Capacity The operational capacity of a prison is the total number of prisoners that an establishment can hold taking into account control, security and the proper operation of the planned regime. It is determined by the Deputy Director of Custody on the basis of operational judgement and experience. Useable Operational Capacity Useable Operational Capacity of the estate is the sum of all establishments’ operational capacity less 2000 places. This is known as the operating margin and reflects the constraints imposed by the need to provide separate accommodation for different classes of prisoner i.e. by sex, age, security category, conviction status, single cell risk assessment and also due to geographical distribution. Establishments Exceeding their Operational Capacity Governing governors and Controllers and Directors of contracted out prisons must ensure that the approved operational capacity is not normally exceeded other than on an exceptional basis to accommodate pressing operational need.