Unpacked L K.5.b Standard: L K.5 With guidance and support from adults, explore word relationships and nuances in word meanings. b. Demonstrate understanding of frequently occurring verbs and adjectives by relating them to their opposites (antonyms). Unpacked Standard: The overall focus of language learning in regards to vocabulary acquisition is to guide students as they make purposeful language choices in writing and speaking. Students need to make these choices as they write and speak in different contexts and for different purposes. Level 1 Entering Discuss how frequently occurring verbs and adjectives relate to their opposites by repeating the teacher model. Level 2 Emerging Discuss how frequently occurring verbs and adjectives relate to their opposites by responding to a yes or no question asked by the teacher. What students need to do: Students must name opposites/antonyms. Students must pair verbs with their opposites. Students must pair the adjectives with their opposites. Students must describe an object using its opposite. If I am tall, you are ________. (small). Level 3 Developing Discuss how frequently occurring verbs and adjectives relate to their opposites by orally completing a teacher created sentence frame that elaborates on the students’ response. Level 4 Expanding Discuss how frequently occurring verbs and adjectives relate to their opposites by generating a simple response. Level 5 Bridging Discuss how frequently occurring verbs and adjectives relate to their opposites by generating a detailed response. ELD Standard: ELD Standard: English Language Development Standard 2 English language learners communicate information, ideas and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of Language Arts Level 6 Reaching Speaking What students need to know: Students must know opposites/antonyms. Students must know what a verb is. Students must know what an adjective is. Students must know how words relate to each other.