Pricing Strategies: Answers & Problems

Chapter 11 - Pricing Strategies for Firms with Market Power
Chapter 11: Answers to Questions and Problems
a. Since E = EF = EM, = (1+𝐸) 𝑀𝐢 = (1−2) $150 = $300.
b. 𝑃 = (1+𝐸𝐹 ) 𝑀𝐢 = (1+𝑁𝐸𝑀 ) $150 = (1+2(−2)) $150 = $200.
c. 𝑃 = (1+𝐸𝐹 ) 𝑀𝐢 = (1+𝑁𝐸 ) $150 = (1+20(−2)) $150 = $153.85.
a. P = $60, Q = 4, and profits = 4($60 – $20) = $160.
b. Charge the maximum price on the demand curve starting at $100 down to $20 for
each infinitesimal unit up to Q = 8 units. Profits are 8($100 – $20)(.5) = $320.
c. Charge a fixed fee of $320 and a per-unit charge of $20 per unit to earn total
profits of $320.
d. Create a package of 8 units and sell the package for $480. Total profits are $320.
a. Second-degree price discrimination.
b. You will make three sales and earn $8 in profit on the first sale ($16 - $8) and $8
in profit on the last two sales (2($12 - $8)) for a total profit of $16.
c. Total profits under perfect price discrimination are $8 + $6 + $4 + $2 + $0 = $20,
so this strategy would lead to an extra $4. You could instead calculate the area of
the triangle under demand and above the MC/AC curve to get 5(0.5(18-8)) = $25.
This formula would be correct if you could sell fractions of a unit, and generally
will be the same as the discrete calculation for larger sales volumes.
a. 𝑃1 = (1+𝐸
) 𝑀𝐢 = (1−3) $40 = (1.5)$40 = $60.
𝑃2 = (1+𝐸 ) 𝑀𝐢 = (1−5) $40 = (1.25)$40 = $50.
b. Here, there are two different groups with different (and identifiable) elasticities of
demand. In addition, we must be able to prevent resale between the groups.
a. Charge a per-unit fee equal of $10, which equals marginal cost. At this price, you
will sell 6 units. The fixed fee then should be (250 – 10)(6)(0.5) = $720.
b. The optimal per-unit price is determined where MR = MC, or 250 - 80Q = 10.
Solving yields Q = 3 units and P = $130. The profits at this output and price are
($130 - $10)(3) = $360. Thus, you earn $360 more by two-part pricing.
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Chapter 11 - Pricing Strategies for Firms with Market Power
a. The inverse demand function is P = 160 – 2Q. Marginal cost is $100. The optimal
number of units in a package is that output where price equals marginal cost. Thus
we set 160 – 2Q = 100 and solve to get the optimal number of units in a package,
Q = 30 units.
b. The total value to a consumer of the 30 units, which is $3,900 (computed as
(.5)(30)($160 - $100) + ($100)(30) = $3,900).
a. $300,000 (since all consumers purchase each product, you earn $120,000 on sales
of good X and $180,000 on sales of good Y).
b. $250,000 (since only the highest valuation type purchases each product, you earn
$90,000 on sales of good X and $160,000 on sales of good Y).
c. Since all consumers receive at least $150 in value from the bundle, all types buy
the bundle. Profits are thus $450,000.
d. Type 2 consumers will purchase the bundle. Type 1 consumers will purchase good
X only, and type 3 consumers will purchase product Y only. Total profits are thus
$210,000 + $90,000 + $160,000 = $460,000.
No. This would provide managers an incentive to maximize divisional profits, which
would lead to double marginalization.
No. A profit-maximizing firm might use dice or a roulette wheel to engage in
randomized pricing, which may increase profits by dissuading consumers from
shopping around and/or making it more difficult for rivals to undercut.
The presence of online auction sites makes price discrimination more difficult for
traditional retailers and wholesalers. With these online auction sites, it is easier for
consumers facing lower prices to buy more than they need and then sell the extra
product to consumers facing higher prices.
Since this is a three-firm oligopoly in your market, and -1.3 is the market-level
elasticity in your market, the profit-maximizing price is as follows: 𝑃 = (1+𝐸𝐹 ) 𝑀𝐢 =
(1+𝑁𝐸 ) $12,000 = (1+3(−1.3)) $12,000 = $16,137.93.
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Chapter 11 - Pricing Strategies for Firms with Market Power
With a simple per-unit pricing strategy, the optimal per-unit price is determined by
MR = MC. Here, the inverse demand function is P = 1,500 – 5Q, so MR = 1,500 –
10Q. Also, MC = $1000 and fixed costs are $15,000. Equating MR and MC yields
1,500 – 10Q = 1,000. Solving, Q = 50 and P = 1,500 – 5(50) = $1,250. Profits at this
price are ($1,250 - $1,000)(50) – $15,000 = -$2,500. Under the second-degree price
discrimination strategy, 10 units (computed as 300 – 0.2($1,450) = 10) are purchased
at $1,450 and an additional 45 units are purchased at a price of $1,225 (total quantity
demanded at a price of $1,225 is 55 units, but 10 of these will be sold at $1,450).
Profits from the second-degree price discrimination scheme are thus ($1,450 –
$1000)(10) + ($1,225 – $1000)(45) – $15,000 = -$375. A profitable and feasible
recommendation would be two-part pricing. Under this proposal, the client would
pay a fixed “license fee” plus a per-unit fee for each unit of the software installed and
maintained. The optimal two-part price sets the per-unit fee at $1000 per unit
(marginal cost). At this price, the client will purchase 100 units of the software. The
optimal fixed fee is $25,000 (computed as (.5)($1500 - $1000)(100) = $25,000).
Profits under two-part pricing are $25,000 - $15,000 = $10,000.
Since you already have purchased the 60 skis and bindings at a single fixed cost, your
profit maximizing prices will be the ones that generate the most revenue (you have
zero marginal cost). You could charge a separate price for skis and bundles. By
comparing your revenues for all three price possibilities for each product (resulting in
20, 40, or 60 sales), you get the most revenue from charging $200 for skis (resulting
in $12,000 in revenues) and $275 for bindings (resulting in $16,500 in revenues).
Therefore, your maximum revenues from charging separate prices is $28,500. You
could also sell a bundle. By comparing your revenues for all three bundle price
possibilities, you get the most revenue from charging $550 for a bundle (resulting in
$33,000 in revenues). By charging a single price, you earn $3,500 ($28,500 $25,000), but by selling a bundle you earn $8,000 ($33,000 - $25,000). Therefore,
you should sell a bundle.
Yes. It is consistent with cross subsidization. Phones and services are complements in
demand. In addition, there may be cost complementarities and economies of scope
since it is cheaper for providers to train employees to activate in-house phones rather
than other brands purchased elsewhere. This strategy is also consistent with bundling.
In this case, the company may say that the phone is “free,” but in actuality it is part of
a bundle that cannot be broken apart. For the reasons identified in the text, both cross
subsidization and bundling can be used to enhance profits.
Set P = MC to obtain 8 - 1.5Q = 0.5 and solve to obtain the optimal package size, Q =
5 units. The total value to a consumer of package of 5 muffins is $21.25 (computed as
(.5)($8 – $0.50)(5) + ($0.50)(5) = $21.25).
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Chapter 11 - Pricing Strategies for Firms with Market Power
For reasons identified in the text, peak-load pricing is probably optimal in this
situation. Under this plan, a higher price should be charged during peak winter
months and a lower price charged during off-peak summer months.
If the managers were given incentives to maximize each division’s profits separately,
overall profits would be lower due to double marginalization. Since the company
manufacturers single engine planes, Qu = Qd = Q. Here, MRd = 812,000 – 6,000Q;
MCd = 12,000; and MCu = 10,000Q. Thus, NMRd = MRd - MCd = 812,000 – 6,000Q –
12,000 = 800,000 – 6,000Q. The optimal output equates NMRd and MCu: 800,000 –
6,000Q = 10,000Q. Solving yields Q = 50. The optimal transfer price is thus the
upstream marginal cost of producing this level of output: PT = MCu = 10,000(50) =
$500,000 per engine.
You should consider engaging in third degree price discrimination in this case, since
you have two identifiably different groups (weekend and weekday), and resale isn’t
possible. The optimal price on weekends is determined by 20 – 0.002Q = 2.5 (MR =
MC). Solving yields Q = 8,750. The optimal price on weekends is thus P = 20 –
.001(8750) = $11.25. The optimal decision for weekdays is determined by 15 –
0.004Q = 2.5. Solving yields Q = 3,125. The optimal weekday price is thus P = 15 –
.002(3125) = $8.75.
No, exactly the opposite. They reduce the incentive for price undercutting, thereby
permitting firms to sustain higher prices and profits.
Profits are enhanced under peak-load pricing instead of the current uniform pricing
scheme. During low-demand periods, the inverse demand is P = 2200 – 10Q2, so MR2
= 2200 – 20Q2. Setting MR2 = MC (= 1,100) gives Q2 = 55. The price during lowdemand periods then should be P = 2200 – 10(55) = £1,650. During high-demand
periods, the inverse demand is 2400 – 4Q1, so MR1 = 2400 – 8Q1. Setting MR1 = MC
gives Q1 = 162.5. However, this exceeds the cap, so you should set a high-demand
price that just meets the cap. This price should be P = 2400 – 4(80) = £2,080.
The profit-maximizing price when three firms compete is 𝑃 = 1+3(−1.3) (16.20) =
$21.79 per liter. If two of the three firms were unconditionally permitted to merge,
(16.20) = $26.33 per liter. Given
then the profit-maximizing price is 𝑃 =
the circumstances, it is not surprising that the EU raised concerns about a proposed
merger since price in the market for premium Scotch liquor would increase by about
21 percent.
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Chapter 11 - Pricing Strategies for Firms with Market Power
The only relevant costs in this problem are the costs associated with potatoes, peanut
oil and bags. All other costs are fixed costs and irrelevant for decision making
purposes. The average unit cost of these items is $0.40 per bag, which is found by
dividing the $2.8 million in relevant costs by 7 million bags of chips. This
approximates FoodMax’s relevant marginal cost. Since the own-price elasticity of
demand for FoodMax’s chips is -2.8, the profit-maximizing price for a bag of chips is
𝑃 = (1−2.8) ($0.40) = $0.6222, or about $0.62 per bag. This estimate does not
adjust the elasticity to account for the existence of rivals, since the elasticity of
demand estimate is for the firm, not of the market.
The market elasticity of demand is 𝐸𝑀 = − %Δ𝑃 = − 10 = −1.8. Since there are four
firms in the industry, the individual firm’s elasticity of demand is Ef = 4(-1.8) = -7.2.
The profit-maximizing price is, therefore, 𝑃 = (1−7.2) 𝑀𝐢 = 1.16𝑀𝐢. Thus, a 200
cent increase in marginal cost would lead to a $0.32 increase in the optimal price.
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