The differences of the system of school education in your country

Individual tasks for pedagogical practice for 2nd year students in master program
“Database Technologies” (2015-2016 academic year)
1. Write an essay on the topic: Modern education system in your country
2. Write an essay on the topic: The differences of the system of higher
education in your country and in the Russian Federation
3. Write an essay on the topic: The differences of the system of school
education in your country and in the Russian Federation
4. Write an essay on the topic: The differences of the system of preschool
education in your country and in the Russian Federation
5. Write an essay on the topic: Social adaptation of foreign students to study in
Russian universities on the example of the South Ural State University
6. Write an essay on the topic: Comparison of methods of teaching disciplines
of a professional cycle in the South Ural state University and in the foreign
7. Write an essay on the topic: Analysis of the implementation of the
educational program "Fundamental Informatics and Information
Technologies" in English at the Department of System Programming of
South Ural State University
8. Write an essay on the topic: Analysis of the curricula of training
bachelors/masters of Computer Science and Information Technologies in
South Ural State University and in the foreign university
9. A lecture on the subject “Object-oriented CASE-technologies” on the topic
“Abstract Factory Pattern”
10.Development of the set of knowledge assessment on the discipline "Objectoriented CASE-technologies" for conducting of current and final evaluation
of foreign students
Detailing of tasks
Variant 1. Write an essay on the topic:
Modern education system in your country
An essay must cover the following questions:
1. State policy in the field of education
2. The education authorities
3. Legislative and regulatory documents in the field of education
4. Levels of education
5. Types of educational institutions
6. Numerical characteristics of the system of education (level of education,
number of educational institutions, number of trainees, number of employees)
7. State expenditure on education
8. The main problems of the modern education system of your country
9. Prospects of development of the education system in your country
An essay must contain not less than one page for each paragraph.
Variant 2. Write an essay on the topic:
The differences of the system of higher education in your country and in the
Russian Federation
An essay must cover the following questions:
1. Types of higher education institutions in your country and the Russian
2. Types of educational programs at University in your country and the
Russian Federation
3. Normative terms of master programs in your country and the Russian
4. The conditions for university education in your country and the Russian
5. Requirements for candidates on higher education in your country and the
Russian Federation
6. Rights and responsibilities of teachers in higher education in your country
and the Russian Federation
7. Rights and responsibilities of students in higher education in your country
and the Russian Federation
8. The main problems of higher education in your country and the Russian
9. Prospects of development of higher education in your country and the
Russian Federation
An essay must contain not less than one page for each paragraph.
Variant 3. Write an essay on the topic:
The differences of the system of school education
in your country and in the Russian Federation
An essay must cover the following questions:
1. Types of school education institutions in your country and the Russian
2. Types of educational programs at school in your country and the Russian
3. Normative terms of educational programs in your country and the Russian
4. The conditions for school education in your country and the Russian
5. Requirements for candidates on school education in your country and the
Russian Federation
6. Rights and responsibilities of teachers in school education in your country
and the Russian Federation
7. Rights and responsibilities of students in school education in your country
and the Russian Federation
8. The main problems of school education in your country and the Russian
9. Prospects of development of school education in your country and the
Russian Federation
An essay must contain not less than one page for each paragraph.
Variant 4. Write an essay on the topic:
The differences of the system of preschool education
in your country and in the Russian Federation
An essay must cover the following questions:
1. Types of preschool education institutions in your country and the Russian
2. Types of educational programs at preschool institutions in your country and
the Russian Federation
3. Normative terms of educational programs at preschool institutions in your
country and the Russian Federation
4. The conditions for preschool education in your country and the Russian
5. Requirements for candidates on preschool education in your country and
the Russian Federation
6. Rights and responsibilities of teachers in preschool education in your
country and the Russian Federation
7. Rights and responsibilities of students in preschool education in your
country and the Russian Federation
8. The main problems of preschool education in your country and the Russian
9. Prospects of development of preschool education in your country and the
Russian Federation
An essay must contain not less than one page for each paragraph.
Variant 5. Write an essay on the topic:
Social adaptation of foreign students to study in Russian universities
on the example of the South Ural State University
An essay must cover the following questions:
1. The features of social adaptation of foreign students enrolled in SUSU
2. The influence of learning motivation on the level of social adaptation of
foreign students
3. Socio-demographic characteristics and professional motivation of foreign
students in SUSU
4. The everyday level of social adaptation of foreign students in SUSU
5. Development of questionnaires for identifying the level of social adaptation
to study in a Russian university
6. Analysis of the survey of SUSU international students enrolled in various
An essay must contain not less than one page for each paragraph.
Variant 6. Write an essay on the topic:
Comparison of methods of teaching disciplines of a professional cycle
in the South Ural state University and in the foreign university
An essay must cover the following questions:
1. Formal features of curriculum in Russian and foreign universities (volume
of disciplines, division into lectures and practices, division into classroom
hours and independent hours)
2. Peculiarities of forms of conducting lessons
3. Peculiarities of interaction of teacher with students
4. Peculiarities of organization of control activities
5. Peculiarities of access to learning materials
6. Features of lecture-type classes
7. Features of practical training
8. Features of the organization and control of independent work of students
9. Features of the organization of consultations with research supervisors
An essay must contain not less than one page for each paragraph.
Variant 7. Write an essay on the topic:
Analysis of the implementation of the educational program
"Fundamental Informatics and Information Technologies" in English
at the Department of System Programming of South Ural State University
An essay must cover the following questions:
1. Characteristics of the educational program "Fundamental Informatics and
Information Technologies"
2. General features of organization of educational process
3. Training schedules during the school year
4. Schedule of lessons
5. Organization of practices
6. Staff of educational program
7. Attraction of external experts
8. Applied educational technologies
9. Methodological support of the educational program
10. Information support of the educational program
11. Technical support of the educational program
12. Characteristics of the social and cultural environment of the University
13. Possibilities of academic mobility
An essay must contain not less than one page for each paragraph.
Variant 8. Write an essay on the topic:
Analysis of the curricula of training bachelors/masters
of Computer Science and Information Technologies
in South Ural State University and in the foreign university
An essay must cover the following questions:
1. Analysis of educational standards of educational programs in areas related
to information technology
2. The number and dynamics of reception in areas related to information
3. General characteristics of curricula, selected for comparison
4. A comparison of the disciplines of a general scientific cycle
5. Comparison of disciplines of a professional cycle
6. Comparison of the cycle of special disciplines
7. Comparison of practices and research
8. Comparison of final certification
An essay must contain not less than one page for each paragraph.
Variant 9. A lecture on the subject “Object-oriented CASE-technologies” on
the topic “Abstract Factory Pattern”
1. To study the theoretical material on the topic of the lecture
2. To study and modify the presentation on the lecture
3. To prepare lecture notes
4. To give a lecture to students of your group
Variant 10. Development of the set of knowledge assessment on the discipline
"Object-oriented CASE-technologies" for conducting of current and final
evaluation of foreign students
1. To study the working program on discipline "Object-oriented CASEtechnologies"
2. To study the textbooks on each theme of the working program
2. To make test items for each topic (at least 20 questions on each topic)
3. To make control tasks for each topic (at least 20 tasks for each topic)