Tuesday, May 12, 2015-met at 2:30 p.m. in Mabel Cook Conference Room Graduate Council Minutes (for distribution) In attendance, Patty Drews, Arley Larson, Nancy Foley, Greg Haddock, Sue Myllakangas Guests: Carol Spradling, Professor from Department of Computer Science, Math and Information Management; Kori Hoffman, Student Conduct and Development Coordinator; APLCS Graduate Student filing the academic integrity petition 1. Patty Drews called the meeting to order at 2:32 p.m. and introductions were made. 2. Arley Larson called a motion to approve the April 2015 minutes, Nancy Foley seconded the motion and minutes were approved with a vote of 4-yes, 0-no. 3. Academic Integrity Petition-Dr. Na Li charged APLCS Graduate Student with Academic Dishonesty on April 28, 2015. After appealing the charge within the Department, APLCS Graduate Student submitted his petition to the Graduate Council for consideration. Dr. Carol Spradling represented Dr. Li who is currently in China. She gave a hand out provided by Dr. Li in addition to the Academic Integrity in Computer Science/Information Systems Department and consent form that all students in the M.S. in Applied Computer Science program are required to sign (see attached). Dr. Spradling explained in detail the process in which the Academic Dishonesty Committee reviewed the case and upheld the charge (see attached). After some questions by the Council, APLCS Graduate Student was asked to present his side of the incident. APLCS Graduate Student provided an explanation of the activity that was described in the charge. The Council asked clarifying questions of APLCS Graduate Student. The Council had an opportunity to clarify any of the material of Dr. Spradling and APLCS Graduate Student. APLCS Graduate Student, Kori Hoffman and Carol Spradling were dismissed and the Council began their discussion. Material was reviewed and after a lengthy discussion, Arley Larson made a motion to deny the appeal and was seconded by Nancy Foley. The appeal was denied with a vote of 4-yes, 0-no. 4. Proposal #115-34-01, Dr. Kim Casey. This proposal creates the B.S. in Comprehensive Major in Criminology and Criminal Justice with emphases in the Adult System, Juvenile System, and Diversity. Of special interest is the creation of HIST 33-545, History of Terrorism. Arley Larson made a motion to approved and was seconded by Nancy Foley, motion was approved with a vote of 4yes, 0-no. New Adjunct Faculty-action needed 5. Dr. Jeremy Fox, 61-559, Summer 2015 Dr. Fox earned his Bachelor’s Degree in Music from Western Michigan University with an emphasis in music and piano. He then went on to earn his Masters in Music from the University of Miami with an emphasis in Studio Jazz Writing. Dr. Fox then earned his Doctorate of Musical Arts from the University of Miami with an emphasis in Jazz Composition. He has earned a total of 96 graduate hours. Jeremy has worked as a freelance music clinician and is a Grammy nominated composer/arranger. Dr. Fox is currently Artists-in-Residence at Southwestern Community college and Adjunct Faculty at Miami-Dade College. His resume and transcripts are on file in the Graduate Office. Nancy Foley made a motion to approve and was seconded by Dr. Arley Larson. Motion passed with a vote of 4-yes, 0-no. Returning Adjunct Faculty-action needed 6. Dr. Linda Gray-Smith, 61-721, Spring 2016. This course is being offered at the Kansas City Outreach Center. Dr. Smith is currently serving as Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources at Independence School District and has been approved to teach School Finance for Principals, 61-610 and Methods of Educational research/Research Paper. The department supports this recommendation with a vote of 17yes and 0-no out of 21. Her resume and transcripts are on file in the Graduate Office. Nancy made a motion to approve this adjunct faculty and was seconded by Sue Myllakangas. The motion passed with a vote of 4-yes, 0-no. 7. Donella Sherry-61-553, Summer 2015 Donella received her Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education/Math Education (7-9) and Master of Science in Education Instructional Technology from Northwest Missouri State University. She has completed 56 graduate credit hours. She has trainings in DESE Mathematics Professional Learning Series, Core Academic Standards for Mathematics, DESE and CTB/McGraw-Hill trainings on test item development and MAP scoring, MAP Training Materials Review Math Model Curriculum Committee, Missouri Math Academy, Regional Math Contest PRISM- Promoting Reasoning in Science and Math Program, Complexities of Measurement, Kagan Cooperative Learning Institute Leadership Academy, and Curriculum Mapping. Currently she serves as the Math and Technology Instructional Specialist with the Northwest Regional Professional Development Center. Previously, she has served as an Instructional Technology Teacher (k-7) at the Chiang Mai International School, a math and science instructor (grades5-6) at South Nodaway Elementary, and an elementary classroom teacher (grade 4) at South Nodaway Elementary. Vita and transcripts are on file in the Graduate Office. Nancy made a motion to approve this adjunct faculty and was seconded by Sue Myllakangas. The motion passed with a vote of 4-yes, 0-no. Adjunct Faculty-Information only 8. Kristy Bishop, 61-659, Summer 2015 Dr. Bishop earned her Bachelor's Degree from the University of Missouri Kansas City in psychology with a minor in sociology. She earned her Masters from Avila University in Psychology. Dr. Bishop then earned her Doctorate from the University of Kansas in Teaching and Leadership. Dr. Bishop currently works as the Director of Institutional Research and Assessment, Education Instructor, and a First Year Experience Instructor at Metropolitan Community College. Dr. Bishop has a total of 144 graduate hours. Dr. Bishops resume and transcripts are on file in the Graduate Office. 9. Lori Colvin, 61-550, Summer 2015 Lori has her M.S.Ed at Northwest Missouri State University (54 hours) in Curriculum/Instruction-Elementary and her B.S.Ed. in Elementary Education from the University of Missouri-Columbia. She has obtained 6 hours from Baker University. Lori has a total of 60 graduate credit hours. Currently she serves as Project Assistant for Professional Learning Communities with the Northwest regional Professional Development Center. Lori had served as a classroom teacher (31 1/2 years), as a Missouri Select Teachers as Regional Resources (STARR), and Professional Learning Communities Resource Specialist from UMKC. She has completed training in 6+1 Writing Trait Instructor Training, 4 Block Literacy program, Brain Research, Presentation Skills, Cooperative Learning, Professional Learning Communities, and Experiential Learning. Vita and transcripts are on file in the Graduate Office. 10. Dr. Jennee Gregory, 61-549 and 61-559, Summer 2015 Jennee earned her Bachelor’s degree from Northwest Missouri State University in Elementary Education and Middle School- Junior high School Education with a minor in Mathematics Education. She also earned her Master’s from Northwest Missouri State University in Administration and Supervision in Elementary. She has also earned her Ed. D. in State wide Cooperative in Education Leadership from the University of Missouri. Jennee has had experience working as an education consultant, elementary teacher, coordinator for Parents as Teachers, elementary school principal. She currently works with Northwest RPDC as a facilitator. Transcripts are on file in the Graduate Office. 11. Jane Jackson, 61-550 and 62-563, Summer 2015 Jane earned her M.S.Ed. In Learning Disabilities: Elementary in August 1994 from Northwest Missouri State University with 36 graduate hours. Additionally, she has completed 25 graduate hours from Northwest, 5 from Southwest Missouri State University, and 3 graduate hours from Friends University in Wichita, Kansas. She has a total of 69 graduate hours. She has successfully completed the Rural Kids Reading Program and is a trainer with that program. Additional trainings include Pathways to Reading, LETRS, How to be an Effective Literacy Coach, Differentiated Instruction, 6+ 1 Writing Trainer, and Special Education Practices. Jane is currently serving as the Project Assistant for Instruction and Special Education with the Northwest Regional. Vita and transcripts are on file in the Graduate Office. 12. Rumpf, Cindy, 61-550 and 61-556, Summer 2015 Cindy received her Bachelor of Science in Education Physical Education/Health degree from Missouri Western State College. She obtained her Master of Science in Education: Educational Leadership - Elementary and Educational Specialist in Superintendence from Northwest Missouri State University. She has a total of 82 graduate credit hours. Cindy has completed trainings in Rigorous Curriculum Design with Connie Kamm, formative and summative assessment writing with Ainsley Rose, prioritizing standards at PLC conference with Ainsworth, DuFour, and Reeves. She has also served on a panel of experts in curriculum evaluation with DES E. Currently, she works with the Northwest Regional Professional Development Center. Previously, she served as a superintendent, assistant superintendent in charge of curriculum, instruction and assessment development, chairperson of the south Central Curriculum Administrator's Association, facilitator of MoLEAD, and MAP Senor Leader. Vita and transcripts are on file in the Graduate Office. Vita and transcripts are on file in the Graduate Office. 13. Struthers, Lauren, 61-559, Summer 2015 Lauren earned her Bachelor's Degree in Special Education from the University of Missouri with an emphasis in behavior disorders and emotionally disturbed. She earned her Master's in Education from Northwest Missouri State University in Special Education with emphasis in Learning Disabilities. Lauren has 61 hours of graduate work on file at Northwest Missouri State University. Lauren also has training in standards based IEPS, transition and dropout prevention, understanding poverty, love and logic, leadership academy, curriculum development, and special education IDEA politics and procedures. Lauren worked for 17 years as a special education teacher with an emphasis in behavior disorders and learning disabilities and 16 years as a special education process consultant/ coordinator. Lauren Currently works with Northwest Regional Professional Development Center as an Improvement Project Assistant. Transcripts are on file in the Graduate Office 14. Wilmes, Patty, 62-555/61-551/61-559, Summer 2015 Patty has received two Bachelor of Science degrees and a Master of Science in Education degree from Northwest Missouri State University. Her first Bachelor degree was in Sociology with a minor in Psychology. The second degree was Bachelor of Science in Education Elementary Education. Her Master of Science in Education degree was in Reading and Language Arts. She has completed a total of 73 graduate credit hours all through Northwest Missouri State University. Patty has training in 4 Block Literacy, Assessment in Learning, Cognitive Coaching, Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading & Spelling, Cooperative Learning, Instructional Practices Inventory, Adult Learning, Successful Meetings, Love & Logic, Differentiated Strategies, Six Trait Writing, Ruby Payne Poverty, Response to Intervention, MAP Senior Leader for Communication Arts and was STARR Teacher from 1998-2000. She currently serves as Project Consultant for Curriculum & Instruction with the Northwest Regional Professional Development Center (NWRPDC). Previously, Patty has served as Reading & Writing Consultant with NWRPDC, Elementary Teacher at North Nodaway, MAP District Senior Leader, and Regional Team Leader for Item Writing for Communication Arts MAP, District Professional Development Committee Member, Adult Basic Education Instructor, and Area Vocational School Summer Tutor. Vita and transcripts are on file in the Graduate Office.