February 2013 - Onteora Central School District

February Phoenicia PTA Meeting Minutes
Anna Millenson
Tony Fletcher
Marnie Andrews (Shandaken Community Garden)
Gloria Waslyn (Shandaken Community Garden)
Yuki Asada
Caro Turba
Amy Owens
Jenna Rodgers
Diane Godfrey (Art Teacher)
Ann McGillicuddy
Phyllis McGill
Michele Garner
Maxanne Resnick
Cynnie Boyer
BOE Report: (Tony Fletcher)
-The March 5th BOE meeting will be at Phoenicia School. It would be
great if the PTA was represented as it is budget time.
-We are still hoping for a pellet burning furnace and a committee has
formed to work on this
-We will see changes in the Facebook page and more news updates
-Onteora has a new updates homework policy. It will available for
viewing on the school website.
-Phyllis McGill is working on a letter campaign to elected officials to
address the financial needs of the district.
-The total decrease in state aid this year is 7% due to a faulty state
aid formula.
Superintendent Report:
-Linda Sella is on leave. Phyllis McGill will be in the building.
Shandaken Community Garden: (Marnie, Master Gardener)
-The school children will be invited to be part of the organic garden.
There will be educational plots.
Mini Grant from OTA: (Diane Godfrey, Art Teacher)
-A Trout Project will be shown at the Phoenicia Library.
-The Art Upstairs Gallery will be used to show self-portraits.
-Additional small funds may be needed to help cover the costs. The
entire school will go on a field trip to view the art. Parent volunteers
will be needed.
Treasurer’s Report:
-The PTA received $106 from Box Tops for Education and $196 from
Amazon Rewards.
-Yuki would like the event coordinators for afterschool events to
provide her with head counts for students signing up for afterschool
activities in each grade. These counts will help budget for future
planning and activities.
Kool Skool and Afterschool Activities:
-There must be at least two adults for each group or activity.
-There must be a coordinator.
-Programs must be prepared if problems arise
-Caro has volunteered to be the Kool Skool coordinator.
-Sign up lists for afterschool activities will be reviewed by the
principal or social worker to determine if any students on the list need
parent support to participate in the activity.
Meet, Greet and Eat: (Maxanne Resnick)
-This event will take place on April 29th form 5:30-7:30 at the high
-Phoenicia PTA will funnel funds for the event. We are looking for
foodie related items for the silent auction as well as $250 sponsors.
-Phoenicia PTA bank account will be used as deposit for the funds due
to our tax status.
Variety Show:
-The show will be on 3/8/13 at 6:00pm. We are looking for an MC
District Wide Family Night:
-This will be on 4/26/13. Jeff Boyer is booked for science magic.
Dance Residency with CCE:
-April is the best time for them. The cost is $1200. It will likely be a
residency for all grades.
-The Walkathon is May 4th at the Reservoir. We are discussing ways to
use the funds.
Night Western:
-This event will be on May 3rd.
School wide field trip to The Little Mermaid at the Woodstock
-Currently ironing out the funding to determine how much the school is
providing and what the PTA might need to contribute.
PTA vs. PTO:
-We will remain a PTA as the PTO insurance is expensive and the
change would require reorganization.
-Cynnie will organize an Easter fundraiser through Kraus’s Chocolates.
The next PTA meeting will be March 11th at 6:00.