test 11 notes

Lesson 51 Occupation therapist
I. Take roll
Nature of work
1. Occupation therapist (OT’s) help people who have physical, mental, emotional
2. Improve their ability to perform routine task at home or at work
3. Help improve basic motor functions / reasoning abilities / compensate for
permanent loss of function
4. Main goal is to help patients live independently
5. Some patients need exercise that will increase
a. Physical strength
b. Dexterity- skill in performing tasks, especially with the hands
c. Visual perception
d. Ability to distinguish patterns
6. Relearn basic daily functions:
a. Dressing / cooking / eating / using computers
7. Patients with permanent disabilities
a. Such as spinal cord injuries
1. Training for use of wheelchairs and aides for eating and dressing
8. Employment
a. Work in hospitals
b. Government and private agencies
c. Rehab centers
d. Clinics
e. Nursing homes
person who provides expert advice professionally)
g. Schools – help student participate as fully as possible
h. Mental health – cope with everyday daily life issues
Education / training
1. Bachelor degree in OT use to be the norm / standard
2. 2007 one must obtain a master degree
3. Must be license passing a certification exam
Advancement / employment outlook
1. OT’s who work in hospitals / clinics promoted senior therapist / director
2. They can work as a teacher or consultant
3. OT’s occupation is expected to grow
a. New medical technology saving more lives
b. Increase in life expectancy
c. Increase in the demand for rehabilitated care
Working conditions
1. 40 hours a week
2. Nights and weekends may be required
3. Part time jobs available
1. Average salary $54, 600
2. Depends on education and experience
Lesson 52 Occupational therapist assistant
I. Take roll
Nature of work
1. Also called occupational therapy assistant
2. Provide rehab services to people with mental, emotional, physical or
developmental impairment
3. Work under occupational therapist
4. Many work in- hospitals / homes for the aged(nursing homes) / clinics /
occupational workshops
5. Help patients work through rehab exercises- activities outlined by the OT
6. Help patients learn / relearn how to – feed / dress themselves, compensate for loss
motor movement/skills, achieve more of an independent lifestyle
7. Responsibilities
a. Ordering supplies
b. Taking care of equipment used in therapy
c. Write up observations and progress reports and other paper work
d. Some handle clerical duties
Education / training
1. HS diploma needed to enter an occupation therapist assistant program
2. HS courses- crafts, health, science, typing skills are helpful
3. Work in summer camps or hospitals is useful and great experience
4. Training- community college, vocational schools, technical schools
a. Most programs last 2 yrs. Which lead to associate degree
b. Some lead to a certificate only
c. Courses- basic medical terminology, anatomy, mental health, pediatrics
5. Certified Occupational Therapist Assistant (COTA)
a. Graduate from an accredited program by American Occupational Therapy
Advancement / job outlook
1. Can become supervisors in large hospitals
2. Further training and experience and passing an exam- can become a registered
occupational therapist
3. Employment outlook
A. High demand for rehabilitation services and long term care
a. Increase number of people with disabilities
b. Aging population
c. Children with sensory disorders
Working conditions / salary
1. OTA usually work 40hrs. a week
2. Some night and weekend work
3. Work with people who are in pain or need cheered up
4. Average salary- $38,430
Lesson 53 Physical Therapist
I. Take roll
Nature of the work
1. Physical therapist help patients suffering from injury or disease to:
a. Restore function
b. Improve mobility
c. Relieve pain
d. Prevent / limit permanent physical disabilities
e. Promote patients overall fitness and health
2. Work with teams that include
a. Physicians
b. OT’s
c. Psychologist
3. Employed bya. Hospitals
b. Nursing homes
c. Rehab centers
4. They test and design programs for each individual patient
5. Treatment
a. Massage- to increase muscle condition
b. Ice- to decrease swelling
c. Heat- to relieve pain
6. Therapeutic equipment
a. Whirlpool baths
b. Ultrasonic machines
c. Ultraviolet and infrared lamps
7. Teach patients
a. Exercise with pulleys and weights
b. Stationary bicycles
c. Parallel bars
d. Use and care for wheelchairs, braces, canes, crutches, artificial limbs
8. Administrative duties
a. Supervise and instruct aides and assistants
b. Keep records / write reports on the progress of each patient
Education / training
1. Accredited programs offer both master’s degree and doctorate degree
2. Applicants need bachelor degree that include prerequisites courses which are set
by the graduate program
3. To be licensed graduates of an accredited program must pass state exams
a. Many states require continuing education courses to remain licensed
Advancement / job outlook
1. Experienced therapist can become supervisors of hospital department
2. Employment is expected to grow due to:
a. Population growing older and need rehab
b. Long term care
c. Advances in therapeutic techniques
1. Trauma victims
2. Newborns with birth defects
Working condition / salary
1. Usually clean pleasant environment
2. Treat patients confined to hospital beds or in their homes
3. PT’s should be patient and encouraging
4. Most work 40 hrs. a week
5. Some work part time or do consulting work
6. Salary average $60,200—varies with experience and place of employment
Lesson 54 Physical Therapist Assistant
I. Take roll
Nature of work
1. Physical therapist work under a PT
2. Use physical treatment to increase mobility and relieve pain and disability caused
by disease or injury
3. Work in- hospitals, clinics, nursing homes
4. Part of a team that includes : doctors, occupational therapist, social worker
5. Work with people of all ages
a. Elderly
b. Handicapped children
c. Patients who lost a limb ( arm or leg )
d. Arthritis problems
e. Paralyzed
6. Treat patient by
a. Massage
b. Exercise
c. Heat/cold
d. Light
7. Teach patient the use and care of- wheelchairs, braces, artificial limbs
8. Duties- some office work, equipment ready for PT, patient ready for PT
Education training
1. Need a HS diploma
2. Future PTA’s get experience by volunteering in hospitals / clinics / summer camp
for handicapped children
3. Most PTA’s have associate degree from an accredited program
4. Some states require a license or registration to practice
Advancement / job outlook
1. Increased experience equals more responsibility and salary increases
2. Advancement in rehab medicine and therapeutic techniques create more jobs
Working conditions
1. Clean pleasant environment
2. Be cheerful / encouraging- patient depressed by their disability
3. Most work 40 hrs. a week
4. Some work part time
1. Average median salary- $37,900
2. Varies with experience and place of employment