Supply Lists for the 2014-2015 School Year All Grade Levels

You may purchase school supplies through our PTA or you have the option to purchase them at area stores.
Visit our school website for additional copies.
Kindergarten 2014-15
8 black dry erase markers
24 small glue sticks
Scissors – 5” blunt tip
2 large boxes of facial tissue
2 bottles of hand sanitizer (12 oz. or larger)
1 bottle of school glue (4 oz.)
2 spiral notebooks (70 pages wide rule, 1 green, 1 red)
2 packages 9X12 manila paper
1 package 12X18 construction paper (assorted colors)
24 # 2 Pencils
1 box washable markers (classic colors, wide tip)
6 boxes 24 count crayons
1 plastic supply box
3 plastic folders with pockets and brads
(1 Red, 1 Blue, 1 Green)
1 box gallon size zipper bags
1 box sandwich size zipper bags
1 tub of baby wipes (20 count)
Second Grade 2014-15
2 Scissors – 5” sharp point
2 plastic folders with brads and pockets
(one each of yellow and red)
48 #2 Pencils
2 boxes 24 count crayons
1 box of washable markers (8 count, wide tip)
1 box colored pencils (12 count)
2 pink erasers
12 small glue sticks (washable)
4 dry erase markers (black, low odor)
2 spiral notebooks (wide rule, 1 blue, 1 red)
1 package of 9X12 construction paper (assorted colors)
1 box gallon size zipper bags (15 count)
1 box quart size zipper freezer bags
1 bottle of hand sanitizer (12 oz. or larger)
4 boxes facial tissue
2 packages wide rule filler paper
1 package 12X18 Manila paper
First Grade 2014-15
1 nylon or fabric school supply bag
Scissors – 5” sharp point
1 bottle of school glue (4 oz.)
4 pink erasers
2 boxes of facial tissue
3 spiral notebooks – 70 page count wide rule
2 green plastic folders with pockets and brads
2 red plastic folders with pockets and brads
2 blue plastic folders with pockets and brads
3 boxes of 24 count crayons
14 small glue sticks
1 First Grade Handwriting Tablet
1 package 12X18 manila paper
1 package 12X18 construction paper (assorted colors)
1 box 8 count washable markers
1 box of quart size zipper bags
8 black dry erase markers
1 package of #2 pencils
Optional: Hand Sanitizer (12 oz. or larger)
Third Grade 2014-15
Scissors – 5” sharp point
12 glue sticks
72 #2 pencils
2 pink erasers
3 boxes of tissue
3 spiral notebooks – 70 page wide rule
(1 Blue, 1 Green, 1 Red)
4 pocket folders – (Red, Yellow, Green & Blue)
1 box crayons (24 count)
2 boxes washable markers
1 bottle of hand sanitizer (12 oz. or larger)
1 package 12X18 Construction Paper (assorted colors)
1 package 12X18 manila paper
2 boxes quart size zipper bags
2 packages 3X5 ruled index cards (100 count)
12 low odor dry erase markers
2 packages wide rule filler paper
Fourth Grade 2014-15
Fifth Grade 2014-15
Scissors – 5” sharp point
(1 blue, 1 red, 1 yellow, 1 purple, 1 green)
2 pink erasers
3 boxes of facial tissue
8 spiral notebooks – 70 Page/Wide Rule (1 blue, 1 red, 1
green, 1 yellow, 1 purple, 1 black, 1 white, 1 orange)
6 glue sticks
1 package 12X18 manila paper
1 package of 12X18 construction paper (assorted colors)
1 3-holed fabric or nylon pencil bag
Individual pencil sharpener with receptacle (cover)
48 #2 Pencils (replenish as needed)
3 packages wide rule filler paper
1 package white 3X5 ruled index cards
4 highlighters
4 dry erase markers
1 box colored pencils (12 count)
6 pocket folders with brads
(1blue,1 red,1 green,1 yellow,1 purple,1 black)
1 box 24 count crayons
1 box washable markers (8 count, wide tip)
Hand sanitizer (12 oz. or larger)
Boys – Baby Wipes Tub 80 count
Girls – 1 box gallon sized zipper bags
Sixth Grade 2014-15
Scissors – 5” sharp point
4 boxes of facial tissue
2 large glue
1 package 12X18 construction paper (assorted colors)
1 package 12X18 manila paper
24 #2 Pencils (replenish as needed)
1 large eraser
5 packages wide rule filler paper
2 highlighters
1 box colored pencils
2 black pens
1 3-ringed binder (1 inch or above)
1 fabric pencil case with 3 holes (10” X 6”)
1 package 5 tab dividers
5 Spiral Notebooks (1 subject, wide rule) (1 blue,1 red,1
green,1 yellow,1 purple)
4 black low odor dry erase markers
1 bottle hand sanitizer (12 oz. or larger)
1 box of quart (25 count) or gallon (15 count) zipper bags
1 package graph paper (sized – 5 sq/cm, 8.5X11 with
punched holes)
Optional: Pencil sharpener with receptacle (cover)
5 pocket folders w/brads
2 Bottles of Hand Sanitizer
Pencil sharpener with receptacle (cover)
1 box markers classic colors, wide-tip
2-Black Dry Erase Markers
Scissors – 5” Sharp Point
2 boxes facial tissue
2 large glue sticks
48 #2 Pencils
2 medium point blue pens
1 box colored pencils (12 count)
1 box 24 count crayons
1 package 8 count dividers (unopened)
1 fabric pencil case with 3 holes (10” X 6”)
5 pkgs. Wide rule filler paper
3-ringed binder (2 inches)
2 pocket folders with brads (blue, red)
5 Spiral Notebooks (1 subject, College Rule)
2 packages ruled 3X5 index cards (100 count)
3 Yellow Highlighters
Boys-1 box 15 count gallon sized bags
Boys-12X18 construction paper (assorted colors)
Girls-1 box 50 count sandwich bags
Girls-12X18 manilla paper
Bilingual Kindergarten 2014-2015
2- Borradores rosados
Pegamento chico en barra
1-Tijeras- 5’’ de punta redonda
3- Cajas grandes de Kleenex
4- Botellas de Germ-X (Gel Antibacterial)
1- Botella de 4 oz De Pegamento
1-Caja de toallitas de bebe
2-Paquetes de papel Manila
1-Paquete de papel de construccion 9x12 de multi colores
2-Paquetes de 12x18 de papel de construccion de multi colores
8-10 lápizes #2
1-Caja de marcadores (washable markers)
4-Cajas de 24 Crayones de colores
1-Paquete de tarjetas indices (index cards) 3x5
1-Caja plastica para lápizes y crayones
3-Folders de plastico con bolsillos y sujetadores metalicos
1-Caja de bolsitas plasticas de marca Ziploc de gallon –Niños
1-Caja de bolsitas plasticas marca Ziploc de cuarto de gallonNiñas
1-Folder de espalda dura(Binder) de 2’’
You may purchase school supplies through our PTA or you have the option to purchase them at area stores.
Visit our school website for additional copies.